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Bob Bly – Selling Yourself as a Copywriter

Bob Bly - Selling Yourself as a Copywriter

Hello. My name is Bob Bly. I’m a full-time freelance copywriter and a member of American Writers & Artists Inc.’s Board of Advisors.

For years now, AWAI members have been asking me – at Bootcamps, over the phone, and via email – questions about how (and whether) they can make a good living, a six-figure income, or even a million dollars (!) as a full-time freelance copywriter.

Questions like these:

“Is it possible to make $100,000 or more as a freelance copywriter in today’s economy?”
“Are companies still hiring freelance writers? Or do they do everything through their agencies or in house now?”
“Has the internet destroyed the market for freelance copywriting services – or expanded it?”“I know how to write, but I have no idea how to get people to hire me. Where do I find my first clients?”
“I have no experience and only the writing samples I did for my AWAI exercises. What do I do when a potential client asks to see my portfolio?”
“How much should I charge? What if I ask for that amount, and the client says it’s too high?”
“Can I become a self-made millionaire strictly through freelance writing? Or do I have to create and market my own mail-order products?”

The good news is: Now, as an AWAI member, you can get all the answers to these questions and any others you might have directly from me.

I’ll share with you everything I’ve learned in my 25+ years of copywriting. You can sign up for this direct pipeline to all my experience by calling Barb or Scott at 1-866-879-2924 now, or by clicking below.

Our Selling Yourself As a Copywriter: How to Earn $100,000 a Year program tells you everything you need to do, in the order you need to do it, to start (or jump-start) your freelance copywriting business.

With this program, you can quickly get on track to earn $100,000…$200,000…even $300,000 a year or more…enough to make you a self-made millionaire within the next few years!
Turn your writing talents into
a multi-million-dollar fortune
About Bob Bly…

AWAI Board Member Bob Bly has been a writer since 1979 and a full-time freelance writer since 1982. He earns more than $600,000 a year from his freelance writing, and became a self-made multi-millionaire while still in his 30s.

Bob has written copy for more than 100 clients including Phillips, Agora, KCI, 21st Century, Weiss Research, EBI Medical Systems, Sony, IBM, AT&T, Grumman, Crain Communications, McGraw-Hill, IBM, Intuit, Nortel, and AlliedSignal.

Bob is the author of more than 60 books including The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Direct Marketing (Alpha), The Ultimate Unauthorized Star Trek Quiz Book (HarperCollins), The “I Hate Kathie Lee Gifford” Book (Kensington), The Science in Science Fiction (BenBella), and, with Bo Dietl, Business Lunchatations (Penguin).

He has published more than 100 articles in such publications as Cosmopolitan, Writer’s Digest, City Paper, and Amtrak Express.

Bob’s writing awards include a Gold Echo from the Direct Marketing Association, an IMMY from the Information Industry Association, two Southstar Awards, an American Corporate Identity Award of Excellence, and the Standard of Excellence award from the Web Marketing Association. He also taught writing at New York University.

Bob has appeared as a guest on dozens of TV and radio shows including The Advertising Show, Bernard Meltzer, CNBC, and CBS Hard Copy. He has been featured in major media ranging from the LA Times and Nation’s Business to the New York Post and the National Enquirer.

Selling Yourself As a Copywriter: How to Earn $100,000 a Year is the most complete, powerful, and comprehensive program for becoming financially independent as a freelance copywriter that has ever been offered.

Everything in Selling Yourself is based on experience – by people who’ve already achieved what you want to achieve.

All the marketing methods I tell you about – from having your own website, to taking on spec assignments – I’ve done personally. There’s no theory in Selling Yourself…just proven, real-world results.

Over the past two decades, I have invested literally thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours in testing to discover the methods that really work in getting clients.

By joining the Selling Yourself program, you can learn from my “expensive experience”…avoid wasting a small fortune on stuff that doesn’t work (like I did)…

…and spend your time only on those promotions and activities that can quickly generate lucrative copywriting assignments – even if you’re a total novice.

Here’s just a sampling of what I will share with you:

3 ways you can immediately land a client – even if you are a beginner with zero experience. Using one of these techniques, I had 35 companies inquiring about my copywriting services within 4 weeks after I quit my job to go freelance.
The client already uses other freelance copywriters, and an ad agency, and he has writers on staff. But he still needs you and wants to hire you! I’ll tell you why – and how to use this knowledge in your favor.
Can cold-calling work? Yes, but not the way most freelance copywriters do it. I’ll show you the right way to uncover new prospects by telephone.
New freelance copywriters always ask me, “Where can I get mailing lists of potential clients?” Most list brokers, unfortunately, have minimum rentals of 5,000 names. My alternative gets you around this and allows you to mail to 500, 100, even 10 names at a time – at far less than it would cost to rent a commercially available list.
I’ll also tell you who to call to get conventional mailing lists. There’s only one list broker in the United States that specializes in renting lists of potential marketing clients to freelancers. I’ll give you this broker’s name and phone number.
The easiest (and least expensive) self-promotion method on the planet: writing articles for trade journals. I’ll explain how this works, what publications to contact, how to get them to agree to publish your articles, and how to generate actual sales leads from every article you write. As a bonus, I will also give you a list of titles and subjects for the articles you need to write. In the early 1980s, I went from unknown novice to a well-respected copywriter primarily on the strength of this method.
The quickest way to meet lots of potential clients and build your credibility as a direct-mail copywriting expert. You won’t have much competition, because most freelancers are afraid to do this (and for no good reason; it’s really fun and easy).
The absolutely most-effective direct-mail format for generating sales leads for your freelance copywriting services. The package needs only 3 elements, but you must follow this format precisely – or else it won’t work. The letter I wrote following this formula generated a 7% response the first time I mailed it…a 10% response after I tweaked it a little. To get 10 leads for my copywriting services, I only had to mail 100 of these simple letters!
Should you have a website promoting your freelance copywriting services? Must you? What should be on it? How should it look? What domain name is best? My website brings me at least 3 genuine inquiries a week…and thousands of hits.
How to follow up leads until they give you a job, but without pestering them. Prospects have profusely thanked me for using this follow-up method – and many have hired me because of it. (I just got a $6,000 project from an old client, for example, and Michael Masterson has said he “loves” hearing from me in this way.)
The internet is exploding with “e-zines” – self-published promotional online newsletters. Are there too many of them for e-zines to work any more? Or should you rush right out and create one? Mine goes to 30,000+ subscribers monthly and works like a charm. I’ll reveal the easy formula responsible for its success …and how to use it to generate dozens of leads any time you need them…at virtually zero cost.
How to write classified ads that get business, and where to place them. I’ll also give you the inside story on my full-page ad in DM News and whether the 71 leads it produced paid off. (The ad costs $8,000, but I’ll show you how I got it for FREE!)

All of what I’ve just told you about involves marketing and self-promotion – finding potential clients, generating leads, and letting direct marketers know you are out there and available.

And you can get these insider marketing secrets now! Just call Barb or Scott at 1-866-879-2924, or click below now:
Order Today!
Who wants to be a multi-millionaire?
What they say about Bob Bly

“I started down this road of copywriting for direct marketers by purchasing your book. Since then, I have made about $50,000 in copywriting fees. I feel a debt of gratitude toward you!”— Ray E.

“I went to and got a copy of Secrets of a Freelance Writer. Wow! … I loved it! Packed with info. The book had a ‘readability’ about it that took away all my fears, put me at ease, and made me feel that I wasn’t treading on foreign soil. I kept saying to myself, ‘I can do that, I can do that!’”— Ronald J. R.

“Your books served as a complete reference when I started my own freelance writing business a year and a half ago. By following the advice you laid out, I quickly reached goals that I had set for year three of my business within the first year. My philosophy is, if you’ve written it or recommended it, I want to read it.”— Carla J.

“I own a copy of The Copywriter’s Handbook, which is priceless. Thank you for making this information available to those of us on a shoestring.”
— Mary K., Memphis, TN

“I own Secrets of a Freelance Writer: How to Make $85,000 a Year and The Copywriter’s Handbook. Both are great. You did a great job of getting to the nitty gritty. I admire and respect what you have done.”— Derek A. C.

“FYI, you started me off with your tape series on freelance copywriting, and I’m an avid reader of yours.”
— Scott T. S., Bozeman, MT

“Having read two of your books, Secrets of a Freelance Writer and The Copywriter’s Handbook, I am now taking the leap. If not for the strong encouragement of your books, I might not have jumped. Thanks again for the road map that your books offered.”
— Eddie A.

“I am a great fan and avid reader of your books. When I first started out in this copywriting business nearly ten years ago, your Secrets of a Freelance Writer was my bible (it’s so dog-eared, some of the pages are coming apart). You continue to be a great source of inspiration and education.”
— John M. M., Plainfield, IL

“Thank you for all the books you’ve written over the years – I have enjoyed many of them, and profited from what I’ve learned. I’ve been reading Become a Recognized Authority in Your Field this past month – it’s helping me really do the things I’ve always wanted to do.”
— Michael K.

“The first time I read your book Secrets of a Freelance Writer I laughed at the idea of picturing myself as a business writer. The second time I read it, I made over $1,000 in a week. I’m laughing for a much better reason now.”
— Grady S.

“I loved your book The Copywriter’s Handbook. It has sincerely helped me in my business and is worth every penny I spent on it!”
— Brian M., Portland, OR

“Had I not discovered your Secrets of a Freelance Writer and The Copywriter’s Handbook, I would still be a frustrated, unfulfilled hack. Thank you for saving me from that! I appreciate you sharing your knowledge with the rest of us and allowing us to take a piece of the pie. I already love this new career that I never would have discovered without your guidance. Thanks.”
— Elizabeth H.

“I wanted to thank you for The Copywriter’s Handbook and Secrets of a Freelance Writer. Both books are informative and inspirational.”
— Ken H.

“I have read your books Selling Your Services and The Six-Figure Consultant, and I really appreciate the wealth of knowledge you have shared in both of these publications.”
— Leah Beth M., Farmingville, NY

“Thanks a million for my life!”
— Alan Z.

“Your books The Copywriter’s Handbook and Secrets of a Freelance Writer helped me start work as a freelancer. I can’t tell you how many times those books saved my skin and got me confidently through unfamiliar materials. I am very grateful for your expertise and generosity.”
— Lorraine T.

“One of the best copywriters in the business.”
— Michael Meanwell, Author,
The Wealthy Writer

“Bob Bly is one of the most successful copywriters in the world. I’ve used his services and purchased a lot of his materials – and always profited from both.”
— Bob Serling, President, Idea Quotient

“Considered one of the best copywriters in the country.”
— David E. Wright, President, International Speakers Network

“There’s no better copywriter than Robert W. Bly, the man I call the ‘King of Copy.’ He can teach you more about the art and science of marketing than anyone I know.”
— Richard Dean Starr

“20 years ago, when Bob Bly starting teaching copywriting, the field was deeply shrouded in mystery. Now, thanks to Bob, learning copywriting, though still a tricky proposition, is much easier.”
— Ken McCarthy

“For over 25 years, Bob Bly has set the gold standard in results-oriented business-to-business writing.”
— Roger C. Parker, Author,
Looking Good in Print

“When it comes to educating his fellow copywriters and marketers, Bob Bly is the master.”
— Dianna Huff

“Bly Rules!”
— Murray Raphel, Raphel Marketing

“Mr. Copy.”
— Markus Allen, Publisher

“There is no greater authority on business-to-business direct-response copywriting then Bob Bly. What impresses me most about Bob Bly is his knack for making things clear and simple.”
— Scott Miller

“Bob Bly is among the most accomplished self-employed copywriters in recent years.”
— Steve Slaunwhite

“Bob Bly is probably the best business-to-business, high-tech, industrial, direct-marketing copywriter in the country.”
— John Clausen

“Perhaps the most famous copywriter of them all.”
— The Writer

“[A] freelance writing dynamo….”
— Writer’s Digest

“One of the great copywriters in the direct marketing industry….”
— Ruth Stevens, Author,
The DMA Lead Generation Handbook

“…[a] copywriting giant…”
— Freelance Writer’s Report

“Bob Bly is a human machine who has been outputting high-grade direct-marketing copy for decades. I’ve read a few of his numerous books and have learned much from this pro.”
— Larry Chase,
Web Digest for Marketers

“Renowned direct-marketing practitioner and prolific author Bob Bly [is] nationally recognized for his control-beating copy. [He] knows how to write for results.”
— Kansas City Direct Marketing Association

“Bob Bly is in the upper echelon of direct-mail and email copywriters, and he’s an all-around direct-marketing guru. In addition to hundreds of successful campaigns for technology clients, Bly has authored or co-authored more then 50 books.”
— Bruce Hadley,

“Bly is probably one of the world’s most famous and experienced copywriters. He is also a noted authority on the creation of online copy and online trends.”
— The Compulsive Reader

“Bob Bly is a world-class copywriter.”
— Paul Hartunian

“I’ve known Bob for a long time. His stuff is terrific.”
— John Forde,
Copywriter’s Roundtable

“Bob Bly [is] a prolific advertising genius.”
— Joe Vitale, “Mr. Fire”

But in addition to the all-important marketing, we’ll cover every other key aspect of starting and running a successful, six-figure, freelance copywriting business.


How to know when a client has a project on his desk that he needs a writer for – so you can call him that day. Clients only hire you when they have a project. They don’t create projects just to give you work. Here’s the easy way to make sure you call when they have a job.
Building a “stable” of highly lucrative, ongoing clients who give you a steady stream of high-paying assignments. I got Rodale, Boardroom, Agora, Phillips, and Nightingale-Conant as clients just by following these simple guidelines.
How you can be incredibly prolific and super-productive – and get twice as much work done as other freelance copywriters in half the time. Bottom line: You’ll be up to 4 times more profitable than the average freelance copywriter. (Your program materials include a 234-page hardcover book that I’ve written on this topic!)
The reason clients may be passing you by in favor of other copywriters. Surprisingly, it has absolutely nothing to do with how good your copy is or how well it pulls.
Setting and getting your fees: What to charge for typical assignments…how to present your fee to the client…what to do if the client says “Your price is too high”…how to get and negotiate royalties…when NOT to ask for royalties …and more.
You hand in what you think is your best piece of copy ever. The client says, “I hate it.” You are shocked – and you think he is totally wrong in his unfavorable assessment of your copy. He thinks he’s right. Here’s what to do to save the relationship and the project.
Which computer should you use? Which internet connection? Which word-processing software? Which security system and firewall? What other software do you need? How much will all this cost? Where should you buy it?
Closing the sale: contracts…letters of agreement…retainers…advance payments…methods of payment. (I take credit cards – and I’ll show you how you can, too!)
The client comes to you with a single assignment. Here’s how to turn it into 2 assignments…or maybe even 3 or 4. So instead of getting a $1,000 or $2,000 fee, you get a $5,000 to $10,000 fee. And, the additional assignments take only a fraction of the time it takes to do the first one (if you follow this secret)…so they’re even more profitable.
How to handle the client who says, “I also need layout and design. Do you do the whole thing, or just the copy?” You can win the job even if you’ve never done a page layout in your life – and don’t want to.
Don Mahoney’s secret for earning $250,000 a year (or more) from one single client. (This is just about the only thing in the program I haven’t done. But Don has, and he’ll tell you how.)
Hate proofreading your own stuff? (Actually, I don’t know any copywriter who can effectively proof his or her own work.) With this little secret, you can deliver clean, flawless copy to the client every time.

In Selling Yourself As a Copywriter: How to Earn $100,000 a Year, I’ll deliver all this knowledge to you personally. It may sound immodest for me to say this, but not many people in the country know more than I do about freelance copywriting.

And you won’t be learning only from me. Selling Yourself will give you some of the best freelancing advice from some of the world’s most successful novice and experienced freelance copywriters including Beth Erickson, Krista Jones, Paul Hollingshead, Don Mahoney, Peter Beteul, Cathy Cairns, and Will Newman.

Recognize some of these names? You should: Some are your fellow AWAI members. They started as beginners – just like you. They had no clients or portfolios – just like you.

But by following the simple methods we’ll share with you in Selling Yourself, you’ll quickly be getting clients and assignments and receiving big fat payment and royalty checks – just like us!

We’ll also have people from the client side. Katie Yeakle from AWAI, Jenny Thompson from Agora Health and other industry insiders give you their views on what freelancers who want their business have to do to get it. And the mistakes freelancers make that you will want to avoid.
Write, stay home, and make
$100,000 a year or more

As an AWAI member, you already know the many advantages – money, self-employment, working from home, no commuting, flexible hours – that the freelance copywriting life can give you.

So I won’t waste your time talking about them again here.

But what I do want to tell you is that this is a career with “legs.”

After 25 years as a copywriter, I still love what I’m doing. I literally jump out of bed each day, because I can’t wait to get to my office, turn on my PC, and start writing my various direct-mail projects.

And there are a lot of extra “perks” I’ve enjoyed – and you may too – that AWAI doesn’t talk about when you join:

You can rub shoulders with celebrities. One of my clients is Sy Sperling, founder of The Hair Club for Men. Yesterday, I was on the phone discussing a copywriting project with psychic Uri Geller, the only man on Earth who can bend spoons with his mind. And I just coauthored a book with Bo Dietl, subject of the motion picture One Tough Cop starring Stephen Baldwin.
I’ve had fun appearing on dozens of radio and TV shows, talking mainly about marketing but also about other things. I was a guest on CNBC and CBS Hard Copy. And both Nation’s Business and the National Enquirer have run full-page articles about me.
I’ve given speeches and lectures on direct mail to executives at Fortune 500 corporations, and have taught marketing at a major university.
You get to work with and learn from some of the smartest marketers in the country. I’ve learned a lot writing copy for folks like Bill Bonner and Michael Masterson. Other AWAI members have, too.
You can branch out into other types of writing. One AWAIer writes screenplays and has actually starred in a feature-length film. Another owns and runs a successful small publishing company. Another is a well-known romance book writer. And, the list goes on…I like to write nonfiction books, and have written dozens of books on topics ranging from Star Trek to Stephen King. AWAI member and copywriter Kieran Doherty is a successful children’s book author.
You can get tens of thousands of dollars in repeat business from steady clients. Some of mine have been with me for over 20 years. Do good work, and they will stay with you.
You have total “job security.” Since you’re your own boss, you can never be fired.
You can make enough money to retire early…in your 60s, 50s, or even your 40s…if you decide you want to lie on the beach and take life easy.
Or, you can work for as many years as you like, because the work is not physically taxing. My neighbor had to quit his freelance carpentry business because of a bad back. But you can sit at a computer and get paid to write direct-mail copy well into your 70s and 80s. I know several writers who have done just that!

Listen: I’m not a best-selling author or the world’s top copywriter. But despite that, I earn more than $600,000 a year from my freelance writing.

Several freelance copywriters I know have hit the $1-million-a-year mark. But that’s rare. I wouldn’t count on it (though I wouldn’t rule out the possibility, either).

One copywriter I trained, living in an airy log cabin in the bucolic New Hampshire woods, earns over $300,000 helping construction companies market their services.

More freelance writers than I can count have hit and exceeded the $100,000-a-year mark using the methods I shared with them. In a recent survey of 108 freelance copywriters, 22% reported income of $100,000 a year or more.

You may make more. You may make less.

But I can virtually assure you of earning a great living as a freelance copywriter when you follow the advice I give you in Selling Yourself As a Copywriter: How to Earn $100,000 a Year.
It took me 25 years of expensive
experience to learn all this.
Now it’s yours for less than what
I charge for just ONE HOUR of my time!

Now, as to how we’ll deliver this information to you. When you join Selling Yourself As a Copywriter: How to Earn $100,000 a Year you will get:

A comprehensive 6-CD collection that includes a recording of my sold-out New York workshop, “Secrets of a Freelance Writer: How to Make $100,000 a Year,” and “personal” conversations with industry pros who share with you exactly how they find clients, how they keep them happy, and how they make $100,000 a year. VALUE: $499.
A series of 12 one-hour teleconferences in which I discuss, in great detail, the key issues of starting and running a successful freelance copywriting business with working copywriters and marketers such as Joe Vitale, Nick Usborne, Paul Hollingshead, Sandy Franks, Steve Wexler and Chris Marlow. Listen to them in your car and drill into your brain what you must do to succeed. VALUE: $749.
Lots of extra goodies – articles, samples, model contracts, letters of agreement, model promotions – some in print, others online. VALUE: $399.
Password-protected access to our members-only Selling Yourself website for one full year. This exclusive site is loaded with resources, information, FAQs, model sales letters, ads, and how-to articles for SY members only. We constantly add new content, including “Success Stories” profiling how your fellow AWAI members used “Selling Yourself” to land lucrative assignments from great clients…tips and strategies…member’s forum…and more. VALUE: $399.
Three of my books, including: the revised 1997 second edition of my classic Secrets of a Freelance Writer…my time-management and personal-productivity book for writers, Write More, Sell More…… and a collection of my articles for writers, Bob Bly’s Guide to Freelance Writing Success. VALUE: $44
Our exclusive special report, “The 62 Most Common Questions Beginning Copywriters Ask About Getting Clients – With Answers From the Pros and Your Fellow Working Students.” A compilation of the questions I get asked most often by our members, along with my responses. VALUE: $49.
Members-only discounts to select AWAI mini (regional) “Selling Yourself” Bootcamps. VALUE: At least $400.
A monthly e-newsletter, “Getting Clients: Thousand Dollar Ideas” packed with tips on how to market and promote your freelance copywriting services and more. VALUE: $49

Order now and save $1,500!

Dozens of AWAI members have already joined the “Selling Yourself” program – many paying as much as $2,000 for membership.

Has it paid off for them? Listen to what Malcolm S. of Lake Worth, FL, says:

“Using the three ‘magic’ questions that Bob Bly reveals in his ‘Selling Yourself’ CDs, I started cold calling ad agencies in my area. Not only are the calls easy to make, but they take only about 5 minutes each.

Nearly a third of the agencies have requested writing samples. One gave me an assignment within 5 days of my first call. In fact, that same agency contacted me again this morning with more work. I can’t thank AWAI enough for helping me launch my copywriting career. ‘Work’ has never been so much fun!”

Carole D. of Bowie, MD, writes, “The client hired me today for $750 per sheet. It is my first copywriting job and I got it because my sales letter impressed them so much that they never asked for any samples. Thanks to Bob and all that I’ve learned from AWAI, I’m off and running. This was a very practical, focused program and I believe it was worth every penny!”

Mark K. of Chicago, IL, says, “Following your advice, Bob, I sent out 50 DM packets for my copywriting services to Chamber of Commerce members last week. I have already received 2 replies, one for an immediate job and one for more information.”

But now, you can get the same complete “Selling Yourself” program other AWAI members have shelled out two grand for…for only $497…a discount of 75% off the list price.

How come AWAI is slashing the price by $1,500?

It’s simple….

The main cost component of the $2,000 Deluxe version of “Selling Yourself” included personal coaching from me via email.

But guess what?

After more than a year of running the program, we found that virtually all participants asked me the same few dozen questions…over and over again.

Rather than waste my time cutting and pasting the answers into individual emails every week, we compiled all the questions and my answers into the special report I mentioned earlier:

“The 62 Most Common Questions Beginning Copywriters Ask About Getting Clients – With Answers from the Pros and Your Fellow Working Students.”

This report answers your most pressing questions about what you need to do to be a successful six-figure copywriter. And, don’t worry…if any “new” questions come in…the panel and I will answer them in a special section of the Selling Yourself website.

By including this report and the website updates free of charge with your program materials, AWAI eliminates the need for me to be “on call” answering questions via email.

And without that labor-intensive coaching component, we were able to bring the cost of the “Selling Yourself” program way, way down…from a couple of thousand to a few hundred dollars – within virtually everyone’s reach.
What AWAI members are saying about
Selling Yourself As a Copywriter
“Of the ad agencies I called using the three questions Bob reveals in his ‘Selling Yourself’ CDs, nearly a third have requested writing samples. One gave me an assignment within 5 days of my first call.”

— M.G. Smith, Lake Worth, FL
“I began marketing my copywriting services in early July. I decided that I would go after Christian associations and non-profit organizations, since I have a couple years of experience writing articles and books for the Christian market. Plus, I have a passion to see these kinds of organizations succeed.

So far, I’ve gotten work from several organizations – a year-end appeal letter, a press release, a grant application, and some curriculum editing work, to name a few projects.

AWAI gave me the foundation that I needed to move into copywriting from the article-writing field. I’ve got to especially credit Bob Bly and his Selling Yourself program for showing me proven ways to market my skills. Thanks so much to AWAI for your terrific resources.”

— Kathy W., Lake Wylie, SC
“I was initially skeptical that your Selling Yourself As a Copywriter program would benefit me. After all, I’ve been a full-time copywriter for years. And I already earn well over $100K annually. But Bob Bly guaranteed that I would pick up several nuggets of information from the program that would help me attract more and better clients – and higher fees. He was right. This program is terrific. Thank you.”

— Steve S., Professional Copywriter
“I took a look at the Selling Yourself site and came away very impressed. If you’re a ‘newbie’ struggling to market yourself, or if you’re thinking about making the jump and want to know if you’ll have a viable business, Bob Bly and AWAI’s Selling Yourself program will teach you everything you need to know about becoming a successful writer. In other words, you don’t have to do it the way I did – the hard way.”

— Dianna H.
“After going through AWAI’s Selling Yourself program, I sent letters advertising my services as a freelance copywriter to 16 companies on my ‘dream clients’ list. That was two weeks ago. Today, I have three new clients! After getting a call this morning from a publisher, I was so happy, I jumped up and down.

You have to understand, this is a huge company that just doesn’t deal with small fries like me. I couldn’t even call the marketing department; they don’t take cold calls. Period. And here I was getting a call – not from the marketing manager’s assistant, or even the manager … but the publisher himself – asking me if I’d be interested in writing for him!

I decided I better wait before promoting myself any more. At this rate, I won’t be able to keep up with all the work I’m getting.”

— Vic E., Winfield, BC
“I made my first $500 writing an exhibitor prospectus for an association last month. It more than paid for the Selling Yourself program I purchased. Thanks!”

— Katerine L., Nevada City, CA
“I just met with the CEO of our local hospital and pitched some ideas. He called the president of the ad agency and told them he wanted us to work together (me as the local copywriter). Specifically, he liked my headlines and tag lines better than the campaign the agency was working on.

I walked into the meeting after reading the Selling Yourself paragraph in the parking lot and went from there. An hour later, I was leaving his office almost giddy from his response to me. The president of the ad agency had called my house and left a message for me to call him ASAP before I even got home. More than fun, huh? What will happen AFTER I’ve finished the whole program? Watch out, world!”

— Steve A., Wilmington, DE
“The information in the Selling Yourself As a Copywriter program has been invaluable to me. By following the methods outlined in the workshop and teleconferences, I’ve been able to get my own business up and running. This alone has been well worth the price of the program. Thank you, Bob Bly and AWAI.”

— Gary C., Ft. Collins, CO
“Thanks for your efforts on the Selling Yourself website – the information is organized perfectly, and everything works the way it should. This website alone is worth the price of the program!”

— Valerie M., West Haven, CT
“I just logged onto the Selling Yourself site and within 2 minutes I’ve been saying nothing but ‘Wow! …Wow! … This is unbelievable!’ I’ve been in a rut now for over two months. Just 2 minutes at your site has slapped my face and put me in gear. I’m out of the rut. Thank you! Thank you so much for the invaluable service that is also an inspiration. Maybe you never thought ‘Selling Yourself’ could be an inspiration as well. Well it is. Very much so.”

— Ken T., Nagoya, Japan
“Your program on Selling Yourself is excellent … I just recommended it on a writers discussion board.”

— Alan A.

Here’s What You’ll Get in Bob Bly – Selling Yourself as a Copywriter

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Course Requirement: Bob Bly – Selling Yourself as a Copywriter
Real Value: $497.0000
One time cost: USD62.0000

Frequently Asked Questions For “Bob Bly – Selling Yourself as a Copywriter”

How to make payment for “Bob Bly – Selling Yourself as a Copywriter” ?

  • Please add to cart on this page and go to checkout page. You can also add as many other products as you like and make a one-time payment.
  • We accept several type of Stripe payments such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, Google Pay, Apple Pay and JCB, payments from customers worldwide. Paypal & Bitcoin please contact us.
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  • All card numbers are encrypted at rest with AES-256 and transmitting card numbers runs in a separate hosting environment, and doesn’t share or save any info.

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How long do I have access to the course?

How to download “Bob Bly – Selling Yourself as a Copywriter”?

  • Enjoy “Bob Bly – Selling Yourself as a Copywriter” in your account page.
  • Download only one file at a time. Sometimes doing all of the files at once will lead to them all freezing.
  • Also, please do not attempt to download to a mobile device. These should be saved to a computer and then synced to devices such as phones and tablets.
  • You can also learn online instead of downloading, but we encourage you to download for better results and viewing quality during your learn. Lastly, download times are much quicker in the mornings, before noon, Pacific time. during download make sure your device is not sleeping off screen.

What is the refund policy “Bob Bly – Selling Yourself as a Copywriter”?

  • We’ll Bear The Risk, You’ll Take The Results…
  • Within 30 days of purchased |Bob Bly – Selling Yourself as a Copywriter |, if you don’t get anything out of the program, or if your order has any problem, or maybe for some reason, you just don’t like the way it is. Please contact us and we will do our best to assist. Thank you for your understanding.

Have More Questions?

Our support staff is the best by far! please do not hesitate to contact us at email: [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help!

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Original price was: $497.00.Current price is: $62.00.

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