
AffLabs All Access – TikTok Ads 30 Day Live Program

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AffLabs All Access TikTok Ads 30 Day Live Program

AffLabs All Access TikTok Ads 30 Day Live Program, TikTok Ads are in whats known as ‘the Goldrush’ stage of a traffic platform.

AffLabs All Access – TikTok Ads 30 Day Live Program

AffLabs All Access - TikTok Ads 30 Day Live Program

Early Christmas Discount Special Offer-Time Offer for Jani’s Youtube Friends Only:

Yes Jani! Yes Jani! In between $0 and $10k 30 Days With TikTok Ads And ‘Paid On Action’ Participating in The NEW ‘Rapid Profit TikTok Ads’ LIVE 30 Day You can challenge and do case study as a beta tester for free by activating my Afflabs All Access Membership…

Scroll down to view some amazing student results.

New Student Hits $20k Weeks In his first 2 weeks, he used 2 Clickbank accounts. TikTok Method of Ad Affiliate

Below is the Message that he sent me via Facebook Messenger

I’ve Been Able To Make As Much as $329,825 Per Month With TikTok Ads And Affiliate Offers …

As Much As $41,531 Per Day! (Scroll Down)

And Another $373,191 Month…

Important: If you’re reading this, you have requested information about the Rapid Profit. TikTok Ads $0-Aff Labs 10k Challenge Please read the following page to accept the challenge. Before you start, please make sure to review the terms.

Did You Know…?

 TikTok Ads Is It Blowing Up and Right Now is The Absolute Best Time To Start Milking it For Easy Cash, Just like I’ve been doing along with a handful of students i’ve already taught this system to

I’ve literally dropped everything else to focus on this…

I stopped using FB AdsSnapchat Ads Youtube Ads which I was making good income with

TikTok Ads Are in what is known as ‘the Goldrush’ Stage of a traffic platform.

And i’ve been using TikTok Ads Combining the Sequence with 2 types of Affiliate offers, you can get it done.

1 – Paid on action Offers

2 – Clickbank Affiliate Deals 

Both work amazing together TikTok If you know how to do this correctly.

Paid for Action This is an affiliate model that most people don’t know much about. It allows us partner with big companies to get paid $10 to $45 each time someone fills in a form. And no one has ever to buy anything to get paid.

Clickbank is another option., which i’m sure you’ve heard of before where we can promote a mass market type of offer and get a commision

I’ve been seeing amazing results with 2 Clickbank offers in 2 totally weird Niches that have made more than $400k since April, check this out:

Maximum of $41,531 Per Day! Clickbank Commissions TikTok Ads

Clickbank Commissions up to $28,079 per Day TikTok Ads

As Much As $144 824 per Week TikTok Ads

And this here shows the total I’ve made so far at the time of writing this which is 402,710 since April 2022

I even recorded a video of me logging into Clickbank to prove that these commissions are real.

You can watch the video below by clicking on the image or visiting the Youtube link attached

You can watch the video Live login video here >>

Update: We’re At Over $725k In Commissions 

Here’s The Latest Live Login Video Showing this past month’s results of $329 825 This Month

Watch NEW Current Live login video here For This Months Results >>

After I silently raked in the close to, you can see. $100k in the first 2 months This is what you should test TikTok Ads Affiliate method ‘On the Side’ Then, we increased it to over $550k currently promoting the 2 types of Affiliate offers I mentioned above…

… I thought it was just plain old ‘beginner’s luck’.

Then, I began sharing this repeatable Rapid Profit Tiktok Ads After I shared my initial results with one of my Facebook Groups, an Affiliate Method was offered to a few individuals.

I then helped a couple people one-on one and held an In Person event here, London to share my exact system with 5 people who were willingly to pay me more that $5k each to learn from me.

(The last time I taught Rapid Profit. TikTok Ads Method in a closed workshop in London

To cut a long story short…

Beginners Who Learned This From Me, started REAPING profits that they’ve never seen before, helping some quit their day jobs and do this full time…

It’s worth a look:

Dam sent me this message saying that he had resigned from Monday’s job to make more money with this system.

Pudas From India Spent $60 to Make Back $340 In his second Day…

Pranav, an Indian entrepreneur, has made over $56k with TikTok Ads Get Paid for Your Action

>> You can watch the video Live Login video here Click Here To View <<

Brett just Hit His First $1,000 Day Use TikTok Ads As you can see, this WhatsApp Message He Sent Me Below is:

Ash from Malaysia got her first $1,000 

Day In 5 Days

And It Wasn’t Until My Small Group Of Beginner Students Showed Me These Results Recently , That i Realized…

This Could Work For Just About Anyone As Long As They Follow The System And Process…

…Right Now TikTok Ads Facebook is Where It’s At Ads Were Back in the 2011 FB Goldrush…And The Affiliates Who Jumped On Board Facebook Ads Back in 2011, Made Millions, including Me.

Why is that important?

Because I’ve been there with Facebook Ads Back in 2011, me and a group other Affiliates were literally Turn PENNIES Into THOUSANDS Of Dollars Every Day Over And Over…

This is why I am so confident in my abilities.

And Now…History Is Repeating Itself, With A New Traffic Platform, TikTok Ads…

This Time, Its Bigger…

It’s faster

There’s Even More Traffic

Its Even Cheaper…

Advertisers are few and far between

What does this all mean?

You have a HUGE opportunity to get targeted traffic and cheap traffic.

If you know how to run TikTok Ads The right way.

TikTok Ads are a totally different Traffic and Ad platform than any other and you can’t run ads the way you’d run ads on FB or any other traffic platform.

Well, I’ve figured out how to Use Tik Tok with Low Risk and Low Cost AdsTo be sure, you do it the right way. Make a fortune with penny clickss Daily, Using A Unique Method I’ve Not Seen Anyone Else doing…

And With that said, i’d like to invite you to join me so we can make money together from Tiktok Ads Take it to the bank for what it’s worth

Here’s A Quick Recap of What We’re Doing

Beginning Monday, August 5th  We are starting something new 30 Day Live Daily Case Study and Challenge

The Goal 30 Days is to Go From Zero To 10,000 Using Tiktok Ads Combine with Clickbank and Paid On Action 

You can choose the type of promotion you wish to promote

This is something I and a small group from my former coaching group have been doing for a while now to make ridiculous amounts of affiliate commissions.

Paid On Action doesn’t require you to do regular affiliate marketing, or sell anything, to make money.

In fact, even some of the well known gurus don’t even know that this way of making money even exists.

Here’s How How This Method And System For Making Serious Cash With TikTok Works

This system is very profitable because of two parts

First – We’ll begin making money by doing something called Paid On Action: This is the easiest way make money, as no one needs to buy anything

You can promote clickbank deals if you want, but I recommend starting with Paid On Action since you don’t need a large amount of money to start seeing good results.

What is the Payout for Action?

It is basically where we promote mass market offers that most people around the world already need.

We get paid every time someone takes a picture. ‘action’

This would be the simple act of filling out a form.

Once the person completes the form and clicks on the submit button you get paid

You Get Paid Between $10 – $35 Each Time Someone Fills Out A Form, And They Don’t Need To Buy Anything!

You see, large companies are willing and able to pay people like You and Me to send them targeted leads. There are no limits on how much they can pay.

And We’re going to Be Getting 10’s, 100’s, even Thousands of these $10 – $35 commissions all day long by combining This with one of the most profitable, and newest traffic sources

I’ve partnered with the companies I’ve been working with to offer my students exclusive access to these Paid On Action offers, which usually you’d not get approved for if you went and applied on your own

We’ll Be Using TikTok Ads To get low risk, low cost, targeted traffic and turn penny clicks into thousands of dollars, over and over

Tiktok Ads It’s still a new goldmine traffic source but it is already making regular people extremely wealth in a short period of time.

And I’ve figured out the formula for making Tiktok Ads Extremely profitable, which i’m going to be showing you how to do yourself, Live , Over The Next 30 Days Together

And The Reason Behind Why This system Works So Well, Is Because Of A Specific Sequence I’ve Been Testing And Perfecting Which I Call,

The MBRPA Sequence

It stands for

Ad, Micro Budget, Rapid Profit Sequence

This is the driving force behind Why This Method and System Work So Well

It also allows us to use Tiktok Ads To get low-risk, low-cost traffic and make thousands of dollars in a very short time.

So with that said, With Your Permission, i’d like To Invite You To Join Our First Beta Test Group starting Monday, August 8th  Which i Call.

Rapid Profit TikTok Ads


The $0 – 10k in 30 Days with Tiktok Ads Challenge And Case Study

Isn’t that a cool looking eCover? My designer did a great work haha

He made me graphics that cost more than $400.

And I’d Like To Offer You Access Get it for free Simply by becoming a Founding member of a brand-new exclusive Insider Membership called

Click Play to view an Overview Video of How The Rapid Profit Works TikTok Ads System Works

>> Or Go to this link here to open the video <<

This will be the first 30 Day challenge as we launch our Beta tester program within Afflabs

And then every month after that, we’ll be doing a new Case study and challenge to make sure you are always on top of whats working now, to give you the best chance of success with paid ads as an Affiliate

There are currently 2 ways to access the website. $0 – $10k TikTok Ads 30 Day Case Study and Challenge

Option 1 Join The $0-10k Club TikTok Ads 30 Day Challenge on Its Own $497

Get 100% FREE Access Take the Challenge and activate your 12 month access. AffLabs ALL ACCESS to all trainings and support offered by Afflabs

Option 2 Become a founding member at Afflabs for ALL ACCESS Access the $0 – $10,000k Bonus Program for Free TikTok Ads 30 Day Challenge PLUS Every Other 30 Day Challenge and Case Study after the 30 days!

Afflabs ALL Access will cost $97 per Month when we launch. Currently, you can only subscribe for a 12 month plan that costs $997 per annum.

However today i’d like to offer you not only free access to the first ever Withdrawn from $0 to $10k TikTok Ads 30 Day Not only are you able to challenge the status quo, but also be a part of the solution. Afflabs – All Access for a Huge Discount of 80%

Here’s Everything I Am Get By Acting Today and Claiming My Huge 70% Discount to AffLabs All Access:

  • $0 – $10k TikTok Ads 30 Day Challenge – Together we’ll launch a profitable TikTok ‘paid on action campaign’ Using Jani’s Tiktok ‘MBRPA’ Sequence – $497 Usually , Your’s FREE!
  • Live Daily Case Study $0 $10k – As we make money, look over the shoulder of a 7 figure Power Affiliate Live With TikTok Ads Get Paid for Your Action Afflabs Free All Access
  • Ready-made Plug n Play Campaigns Starting from The Live case study – You’ll Get The Rights To Use The Exact Same Campaigns Which You Watch Us Make Money With Live Afflabs Free All Access
  • Daily Action Plan & Resources Get the summary of the day action plan as a PDF. This includes specific action steps as well as all resources that we use daily. Afflabs Free All Access
  • Live Daily Q&A Ask Jani anything, and she will answer. Live Get help with your Tiktok Ads Affiliate campaign, on our Live Daily Q&A Afflabs Free All Access
  • One year All Access Pass to AffLabs! – Our premium members only platform, where we share the cutting-edge, insider 7 figure Affiliate secrets, tips, tricks and monthly trainings. These are brought to your attention by real 7 figure Affiliates who live the real life and work in the trenches. You will receive one year of access as part this special offer. Regular price $997/year 70% Discount Today

Here’s what you have full access to when you sign up for an 

AffLabs All Access Join us

  • For a full year, every month a new profitable case study and challenge is presented! – Each month, we launch a new case study or challenge. We use our own money for testing, profiting, scaling and scaling a paid ad-affiliate campaign on a particular traffic source. You can copy what we do to make your life easier and increase your profits by only using the best!
  • Monthly Ready Made Plug & Play Profitable Campaigns  Plug in, play, and profit from our already profitable campaigns. We do all of the work and only give you the information / campaigns that make money. These are the campaigns we make money with in our monthly live case study. Contrary to fake gurus that claim they can provide you with done-for-you campaigns, we let you watch us first make money with them, then give exclusive access only to what makes money.
  • Live ‘Closed Door’ Workshops Every Month – Every month we hold a closed door secret workshop for our members only where we expose exactly what we’re doing to make huge amounts of money as an affiliate, and share the exact strategies with you. You’ll get to watch our monthly workshop LIVE plus keep the recordings AND access our library of all previous Workshops! 
  • 2x Weekly Live Q&A – Every week, we have 2 Live Q&A calls with you to answer any question you have and give you help LIVE.
  • Get daily and weekly guidance to help you succeed quickly! Personal coaching available every day 30 Days to get results, and then 2x per Week for a year.
  • Fly On The Wall Interviews Every month, we interview current affiliates who are making serious cash online. You get to be a fly on the wall as we grill a different affiliate every month to share what they’re currently doing to kill it online. Every month, you’ll hear straight from the source about the latest news in the food chain world.
  • Your REAL Inside Advantage – All you need to have access to the internet AffLabs ALL ACCESS, you’ll have a true Insider’s Advantage so you can finally achieve the success you’ve dreamed of as an affiliate.

And here’s a sneak peak at what Aff Labs All Access What it looks like when you get inside:

We’re a real company here at Afflabs and we created Afflabs with one goal in mind, to make you a success affiliate by showing you what is working nowYou can make a monthly profit by sharing what we do, which will be taught to you by real 6/7-figure affiliates.

Warn!: As we’re only accepting a limited number of founding students into AffLabs This is how it works huge 70% discount Limited availability Access to the website is free 30 day challenge– The 70% discount will increase by $100 each day for 4 days when we start the Black Friday Sale on FridayWhere the price will increase to the regular $997 per 12 months of full access to Afflabs All Access.

The $0 – $10k In 30 Days with Tiktok Ads Challenge Begins On Monday Sept 5th. Once you claim your discount below, you will be provided with access instructions

Warn!: Every $100, the price will go up Day Until The Start Of The Challenge, So If I were you, i’d get in now at the lowest discounted price

Get Your Spot On The $0-10k In 30 Days With Tiktok Ads Simply activate your activation to take on the challenge now Afflabs ALL Access Membership For A Huge 70% Discount Click the link below to get $997Only $297 Today For 12 months full Access

>> Yes, Claim My Special Offer For a One Time Investment Of Only $297 <<

(If link is not clickable, it means spots may be full, however please send me a message and i’ll send you the Discount Access Link if we still have spots

PRE Black Friday Discounted Price – Today Only$297

Join Here

Midnight December 9th $397
December 10th, Price: $497
December 11th, 2009 Price $997
Pre-Black Friday Enrollment Closes At Midnight Dec 15th

Thank you for reading. TikTok Ads, and maybe even meeting you in person one day so we can celebrate together…

Seriously though, Don’t Miss The Boat On TikTok Ads and This Rare Time in History…

I missed the boat with Youtube ads a few years ago. TikTok IS where the money’s at, and a lot of it.

And I hope you don’t look back at this moment in a couple of months from now and wish you jumped on board while Tiktok Ads You were still hot. There is still time.

Jani G, Jani, your friend, founder of AffLabs SmartAdvertiser Creative Agency

P.S – here’s a funny pic of me in the AffLabs HQ where we’ll be filming all our content from , I wore a smart shirt because I thought I looked cool, but I clearly didnt! Lol

>> Simply Click this amazing link here to Claim Your Early Christmas 70% Off Discount <<

Or If you have any questions, Send me a message on Facebook and lets get this money together >

Send me an email

[email protected]

Talk soon

Right here’s What You’ll Get in AffLabs All Access – TikTok Ads 30 Day Live Program

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Course Requirement AffLabs All Access – TikTok Ads 30 Day Live Program
Actual Value $ 297
One-Time value USD 89

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  • Add the merchandise to your order. Click on “Checkout” to confirm. You can also buy additional merchandise. You might then make a one-Time cost.
  • We settle for many things Stripe Apple Pay and Visa Mastercard are accepted. Paypal & Bitcoin please contact us.
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  • 100% Secure Checkout Privateness Insurance
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  • All Card numbers are encrypted when you relax using AES-256 and transmitting card numbers runs in a separate internet hosting atmosphere, and doesn’t share or save any data.

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  • Enjoy your time with “AffLabs All Access – TikTok Ads 30 Day Live Program” On your account pages.
  • One file may be all you have at any one time. You may get all the information at once.
  • You can save the information. Save the information to your smartphone. These data must be saved to A PC and then synced with Different units such as tablets and telephones.
  • On-Line studying is possible. You can download the information to get better results. You can also track how your studies are progressing. Obtain times are shorter before midday Pacific and in the mornings. Guarantee your system isn’t asleep throughout obtain.

What’s the coverage on refunds?

  • We’ll Bear The Danger, You’ll Take The Outcomes…
  • Inside 30 days of buying “AffLabs All Access – TikTok Ads 30 Day Live Program“, in the event you don’t get something out of this system, or in case your order has any downside, or possibly for some purpose, you simply don’t like the best way it’s. We’re right here to assist. We appreciate your understanding.

Have extra questions?

Our assist staff is unsurpassed Please don’t hesitate to Ship us an e-Mail [email protected] and we’ll be glad to assist!

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Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $89.00.

This course is available and delivery within one day! TikTok Ads Is Blowing Up And Right Now is The Absolute Best Time To Start Milking it For Easy Cash, Just like I’ve been doing along with a handful of students i’ve already taught this system to

Purchase this product now and earn 89 Points!
10 Points = $1