
Alex Harris – Aerial Video A to Z

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Your Complete Guide to Shooting, Editing, and Profiting from Epic Aerial.

Alex Harris – Aerial Video A to Z

Alex Harris - Aerial Video A to Z

What Is Aerial Video A to Z?

AVAZ is an online course that’s designed to be your final source to learn Drone Videography – filming, flying, and editing.

Why Should I Sign Up?

Courses are dynamic. When new drones, software, techniques, and equipment come out, AVAZ is updated with tried and true methods to save you time and to show you how to unlock your drone’s real potential.

There is also a community of like-minded drone pilots waiting for you in our Facebook Group where you can discuss drones, share your work, post questions, find out how other people make money and handle job types, or just talk about anything related to aerial video.

WEBINAR PROMO 2019.00_00_44_20.Still003 v2 | Drone Launch Academy | Lakeland, FL | Get Licensed To Fly Drones Commercially | Launch Your Drone Business!
6 Tiers you must correct | Drone Launch Academy | Lakeland, FL | Get Licensed To Fly Drones Commercially | Launch Your Drone Business!

Have you ever wondered how some drone pilots are able to work with top-tier clients and brands?

They just seem to be able to create stunning aerial video that looks and feels so professional, stunning, and cinematic (like this…)

You might be tempted to think…

“I could NEVER make something that looks that great.”

I know it can seem overwhelming.

Maybe you’ve thought…

If you’ve ever had thoughts like these, keep reading…

Over the last few years of running Drone Launch Academy, I’ve discovered the key ingredients behind how some drone pilots are able to work only with high-end clients and charge thousands, while others struggle to get by.

aerial photographer alex harris mid flight mavic 2 pro. Learn to fly and shoot aerial photography | Drone Launch Academy | Lakeland, FL | Get Licensed To Fly Drones Commercially | Launch Your Drone Business!

Below, I’m going to show you…

How do you make a drone business like that a reality?

I mentioned before that I’ve had the opportunity to talk with tons of drone pilots over the years, and I’ve seen TWO key ingredients that separates the uber-successful from the ones that struggle.

Ingredient #1

| Drone Launch Academy | Lakeland, FL | Get Licensed To Fly Drones Commercially | Launch Your Drone Business!
Uber-successful drone pilots know that owning a drone and being able to fly it doesn’t make them special.
They know that it’s WHAT THEY CAN CREATE from what the drone captures that makes them special.
Just like cooking… anyone can go out and buy the raw ingredients (maybe some beef short-ribs and asparagus?), but not everyone can run a high-end restaurant that charges $300 per person for that dish.
If you or I tried to cook up some beef short-ribs and asparagus and sell it to a hungry crowd, we could maybe get $20 for it.
What’s the difference between us and the world-class chef that charges $300 for something made from the same raw ingredients? That chef has dedicated his time and energy into INTENTIONALLY honing his craft, where he can create something that people love. Something that no one else can create.
The same is true with drones. With the proper training and effort, you can learn to create something beautiful, something that wows people, something that the “14-year-old” nephew isn’t able to create, even though you both have the same “raw materials.”
You INTENTIONALLY honed your craft. You are a true professional.
You’ll be able to create things like this…

Ingredient #2

| Drone Launch Academy | Lakeland, FL | Get Licensed To Fly Drones Commercially | Launch Your Drone Business!
Uber-successful drone pilots are able to effectively get the word out about their work and win business. They make beautiful, eye-catching demo reels, tailored specifically for their ideal client, and they are able to build genuine relationships that are founded on trust.
But before you can tackle ingredient #2, you have to master ingredient #1.
We know there are plenty of people out there that WANT a successful drone business and are WILLING to put in the work. They want to master the skills necessary to have an uber-successful drone business.
They just want some guidance. They just need to know how to get started.

That’s why we created Aerial Video A to Z.

Your complete guide to shooting, editing, and profiting from epic aerial video (even if you’re just a beginner).

| Drone Launch Academy | Lakeland, FL | Get Licensed To Fly Drones Commercially | Launch Your Drone Business!

Here are a few screenshots from the course…

| Drone Launch Academy | Lakeland, FL | Get Licensed To Fly Drones Commercially | Launch Your Drone Business!

In Aerial Video A to Z you’ll learn…

  • What type of equipment (computers, software, drones) you do AND don’t need;
  • How to tweak the settings on your drone to capture the best looking picture (we cover all of the most popular DJI models and give you applicable advice, even if you have a different drone);
  • The basics of video: resolution, frame rate, the difference between .mp4 and .mov file formats and when is best to use each;
  • Pre-flight planning and how to avoid amateur mistakes;
  • Flying, filming, and cinematography – teaching you what to aim for and how to capture those super smooth drone shots;
  • How to CORRECTLY film slow motion footage;
  • Step-by-step walkthroughs of the editing software, so you know EXACTLY what to do and where to go (so it’s not overwhelming);
  • Pro tricks for speeding up the editing process and workarounds for dealing with 4k footage (note: 4k footage traditionally takes a LONG time to work with since its so big…but we have a shortcut);
  • Advanced editing techniques like…
  • How to arrange your footage to be the most visually appealing and keep viewers engaged;
  • How to fix shots when something ugly is in the corner of your frame;
  • How to fix shaky footage so it’s still usable;
  • The right way to put in titles, logos, and other graphic items;
  • How to go from flat and bland footage to video that pops with the perfect color balance;
  • Salvaging footage that is too bright (overexposed) or too dark (underexposed);
  • Adding music – where to find it, how to line it up with your video for maximum impact; and
  • How to export your work so that it’s shareable but still maintains great quality.

What’s it all worth?

| Drone Launch Academy | Lakeland, FL | Get Licensed To Fly Drones Commercially | Launch Your Drone Business!
Our goal with this course is to go overboard with value.
We know that in the online world today, people are being sold to all of the time.
We don’t want to be just another noisy promotion that makes a ton of outrageous claims. But we do want to show you the value of what you’ll get when you sign up for Aerial Video A to Z.
We’ve done our best to base the numbers below on REAL data and not just some arbitrary numbers that we made up to make it look more valuable than it really is.

Your Instructor

| Drone Launch Academy | Lakeland, FL | Get Licensed To Fly Drones Commercially | Launch Your Drone Business!
Alex Harris | Drone Launch Academy | Lakeland, FL | Get Licensed To Fly Drones Commercially | Launch Your Drone Business!

Alex Harris

Alex Harris is an award-winning drone pilot, videographer, photographer, and film editor.

He has worked on projects for large networks and corporations such as HGTV, Nike, Intel, ESPN, and Discovery Health.

As a former Hollywood editor for network TV and film, Alex has edited everything from animated features to broadcast television to commercials.
His work has carried him all over the world, working on projects from LA to Europe.

Alex is excited to partner with Drone Launch Academy in order to make professional aerial photography, cinematography, and video editing skills accessible to everyone, even those who don’t have any experience working with drones or professional editing software.

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Your Complete Guide to Shooting, Editing, and Profiting from Epic Aerial.

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