André Chaperon & Michael Hauge – Storytelling for Marketers
Storyfluence Workshop with Michael Hauge

Story-Powered Marketing: Learn How To Tell a Powerful Story that Connects with Prospects & Wins Customers
WHEN I RETURNED TO Southern Spain my priority was to reach out to Michael, this superstar Hollywood story consultant.
Introducing the Storyfluence Workshop
You’ll learn how to tell your marketing story in the most IMPACTFUL way that elicits the most EMOTION.
This is not just for “email writing” (although it can certainly be applied to that, too)…
… but for any story you want to tell within your marketing funnel.
Doesn’t matter if it’s an:
- origin story,
- backstory,
- someone else’s story (one of my favorites),
- presell story,
- email lead-in story (another favorite),
- case study and instructional story,
- … or even a story within a sales message:
- sales letter,
- VSL,
- or stage presentation.
We originally limited this workshop to 200 people (although by the time it took me to close the cart, we had 247 paid and registered).
Our alumni loved this training (see some of the unsolicited testimonials scattered around this page).
… and we know you will, too. No question about that. Or you get every cent of your investment in this training back.
Click the button below to invest in our storytelling for marketers Storyfluence Workshop.
* BONUS #1: Michael Hauge’s Create a Blockbuster Story Outline “fill-in-the-blanks” Worksheet.
* BONUS #2: 43 minute recording of a private Skype recording between myself (Andre), Michael Hauge and Jack Born (see yellow area above for details).
* BONUS: #3: PDF copy of Micheal’s latest book, STORYTELLING MADE EASY: Persuade and Transform Your Audiences, Clients and Customers—Simply, Quickly and Profitably.
What’s In This For You?
- You’ll learn how to take your story (or the story of someone else), and communicate it in a way that elicits the most emotional impact in your reader (or viewer).
- These are “stories” that you can use anywhere within your marketing funnel: like origin story; about page story; presell story; sales letter; VSL; stage presentation; and of course, emails.
- We also give you before and after stories from clients of ours. And two stories of own.
- 3 hours of core training, with alumni Q&A to help give real life context to what you’ve just learned.
- BONUS #1: We also be giving you Michael’s Creating The Blockbuster Story Outline “fill-in-the-blanks” worksheet…
You don’t need to be a master storyteller to produce a story that will blow your on socks off — I’d honestly be surprised if you’re not left scratching your head wondering how the hell you managed to write something so freakin’ awesome
This worksheet alone is worth the price of admission.
- BONUS #2: A 43 minute private Skype recording between myself (Andre), Michael Hauge and Jack Born.
Sale Page:
– Download Sample files “André Chaperon & Michael Hauge – Storytelling for Marketers Storyfluence Workshop with Michael Hauge”
Course Requirement: André Chaperon & Michael Hauge – Storytelling for Marketers Storyfluence Workshop with Michael Hauge
Real Value: $197.0000
One time cost: USD42.0000
Frequently Asked Questions For “André Chaperon & Michael Hauge – Storytelling for Marketers Storyfluence Workshop with Michael Hauge”
How to make payment for “André Chaperon & Michael Hauge – Storytelling for Marketers Storyfluence Workshop with Michael Hauge” ?
- Please add to cart on this page and go to checkout page. You can also add as many other products as you like and make a one-time payment.
- We accept several type of Stripe payments such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, Google Pay, Apple Pay and JCB, payments from customers worldwide. Paypal & Bitcoin please contact us.
- We strongly recommend our customers to make a payment through Stripe & Paypal . Because it is a safest and super security for you as well as for us.
Is it safe?
- 100% Secure Checkout Privacy Policy
- Encryption of sensitive data and communication.
- All card numbers are encrypted at rest with AES-256 and transmitting card numbers runs in a separate hosting environment, and doesn’t share or save any info.
How can we deliver you the course?
How long do I have access to the course?
How to download “André Chaperon & Michael Hauge – Storytelling for Marketers Storyfluence Workshop with Michael Hauge” ?
- Enjoy “André Chaperon & Michael Hauge – Storytelling for Marketers Storyfluence Workshop with Michael Hauge” in your account page.
- Download only one file at a time. Sometimes doing all of the files at once will lead to them all freezing.
- Also, please do not attempt to download to a mobile device. These should be saved to a computer and then synced to devices such as phones and tablets.
- You can also learn online instead of downloading, but we encourage you to download for better results and viewing quality during your learn. Lastly, download times are much quicker in the mornings, before noon, Pacific time. during download make sure your device is not sleeping off screen.
What is the refund policy “André Chaperon & Michael Hauge – Storytelling for Marketers Storyfluence Workshop with Michael Hauge”?
- We’ll Bear The Risk, You’ll Take The Results…
- Within 30 days of purchased |André Chaperon & Michael Hauge – Storytelling for Marketers Storyfluence Workshop with Michael Hauge |, if you don’t get anything out of the program, or if your order has any problem, or maybe for some reason, you just don’t like the way it is. Please contact us and we will do our best to assist. Thank you for your understanding.
Have More Questions?
Our support staff is the best by far! please do not hesitate to contact us at email: [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help!
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