
Burt Goldman – The New Supermind

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Burt Goldman – The New Supermind

Burt Goldman – The New Supermind

It’s Been Said That Albert Einstein Used Just 10% of His Mind & That the Average Person Uses Only 2%. Where Would You Be if You Used More of Your Mind?

“What Would You Change About Your Life If You Could Use More of Your Mind?”

Here’s What’s Possible when You Learn How to Tap the Brilliance
That Already Lives Within Them

  • Business owners find more customers.
  • Couples heal their relationships.
  • Victims of abuse feel more empowered.
  • Employees move up the ranks faster.
  • The chronically ill feel less pain.

Dear Friend,

My name is Burt Goldman and I have been teaching people how to heal their lives and discover new heights of professional success for 35 years. It took me almost a year to hone and refine the most life-altering lessons I know of to promote healing and growth to anyone’s life. The New Supermind is the culmination of my knowledge in 40, easy to understand, elegantly narrated audio CDs.

Don’t let the Internet or modern media fool you. You do NOT need “more information.” ALL you need is the ability to tap into what’s already inside your own head. It has always been and still remains today my mission to help “regular people” like you realize their own ability to unlock health and happiness in their lives.

Remember, a genius is simply a person using more of their mind then those around them.

Former Provider of Training Programs to White House Staff Explains How Burt Goldman Teaches You to “Release Your Hardwired Gifts & Talent.”

An Ancient Philosopher Understood How These 7 Principles Are the “Keys” to Unlocking Human Potential, Including the Technological Revolution We Experience Today.

My New Supermind is based in part on the 7 mighty principles of Hermes, the ancient sage whose philosophy our entire modern technological world is based on. These 7 principles literally hold the answer to every human ailment.
Those principles are:

  • Mentalism
  • Vibrations
  • Polarity
  • Correspondence
  • Rhythm
  • Cause and effect
  • Gender

While CD 3 actually explains these principles in detail, ALL 10 CDs help you to APPLY them using proven, easy-to-remember methods, helping you use much more of your mind.

Finally you will understand the root cause of pain in your life, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

  • If you’re struggling to get ahead in your career,
  • If your relationships are suffering,
  • If you’re enduring physical pain and hardship,
  • If you are overwhelmed by sadness, anger or stress in general,

The Supermind teaches you how to quickly and easily unravel these negative patterns and begin immediately recreating the reality you’re experiencing right now, frustrating or painful as it might feel.

Far Beyond Positive Thinking Techniques

If you have time to listen, I promise you’ll begin to experience more love, meaning, spirituality and prosperity.

The New Supermind is your doorway to creating different results in your life. Step through that door and Hermes’ 7 principles are unlocked. A new world of possibility will open up to you: a world where you can access the health, success, wealth, stability, and all the joy and happiness you deserve.

Positive Changes You’ll Learn to Create Include:

  • Stop letting “life live you” and take charge of the here and now.
  • Get off the emotional roller coaster and simply feel better more often.
  • Replace stress with feelings of control and purpose.
  • Create more harmonious relationships in your life.
  • Manage unexpected or “nerve-wracking” situations calmly and confidently.
  • Spend more time achieving and less time procrastinating.
  • Tap the power of imagination (even if you think you’re not creative!)
  • Find inner peace even when life around you is chaotic.
  • Overcome self-doubt and attract opportunities you desire most.

Get immediately download Burt Goldman – The New Supermind

40 Modules. 10 CDs. Timeless lessons you’ll use over and over again.

After listening to just the first Supermind disk, you will be able to start using more of your mind, unlocking your ability to create more joy and success in your life immediately.

My Supermind audios are easy to understand and even easier to apply in your day-to-day life. In a gentle, plainspoken manner, I will guide you through each and every process and principle.

All you have to do is listen with the desire to experience something better than what you’re living now.

But in Case You’re Still Feeling Unsure, Why Not
“Test Drive” the New Supermind Right Here While You’re Reading This?

But in Case You’re Still Feeling Unsure, Why Not “Test Drive” the New Supermind Right Here While You’re Reading This?

In case you’re unsure that the New Supermind will change your life by helping you use much more of your mind, I’m going to share a powerful Supermind lesson with you right now!

It’s a 4-Word Secret That Could Save You $1,000 and More Every Year.

The name of this 4-word Supermind technique is the Magic Question (MQ), and you can easily make yourself 3 times the price of the New Supermind in one month to one year’s time by using this technique.

You might even make yourself the price of the program before it arrives at your door!

Here it is, the “MQ…”

The next time you purchase anything of consequence, such as a car, or appliance or anything major, say to the clerk after you get the price:

Recently, in Paris, Michael Dodson, and Lee Pascoe, instructors of the Silva Method in France and graduates of Burt Goldman’s seminar, tells us he purchased a car. When the salesperson told him the price Michael asked, “Can you do better?”

The salesman looked around for a moment and took 500 Euros off the price. That’s about $750 USD. Michael saves about two thousand a year and has for the past seven years using the MQ. And so can you.

Simple and even kind of fun, isn’t it? Give it a try and let me know what results you experience! I’m willing to bet you’ll add $1,000 to your bank account that you didn’t have before … before you even receive this program in the mail!

What’s Included in The New Supermind Self Help CD Audio Package

You’ll start at a fresh awareness of how your mind works and finish a new person, in control of every aspect of your life, in just 10 days. All I ask is that you follow the instructions and listen to one CD every day for 10 days. The material is uncomplicated, easy to understand, and simple to use.

At this point I’m going to assume that you have already taken my advice and asked me the Magic Question, “Burt, can you do better?” Well, on thinking about it, I believe I can.

Order Today and I’ll cut $100 from the price of my New Supermind program that retails for $397 (plus S/H).

Experience The New SuperMind Now

But the MQ is not just to save you money. It also is a great motivator. If you know of a youngster going to school, ask them, when they do something you believe could be done better, “Can you do better?” Note the result.

When you do a thing, ask yourself, “Can I do better?” and you will do better. Everyone does. It’s impossible not to! Competition with yourself is the best kind of competition and the only competition that really makes sense.
The Magic Question literally supports you in reaching your potential!

But back to the New Supermind!

The New Supermind

Full Program Breakdown

CD 1 – Tap Into the Power of Your Supermind

  • How to overcome the real cause of stress? The medical community knows; so will you.
  • Using more of your mind is easier than you think. Here’s the answer.
  • Michelangelo shows us the way. A fascinating explanation of mind power.
  • A 4,000 year old technique to get the things you want. You’ll be using this one a dozen times a day.
  • Great golfers, tennis pros, football heroes, business people, and all those who have ‘made it’ in life have a certain rhythm. You’ll discover how to embody that same rhythm for yourself when you listen to this disk.

You’ll also learn that daydreaming, when controlled, can stimulate your creativity. From here you can adjust to a new creative way of being in the world. Discover how a simple tap on your arm or leg, combined with concentrative thought, can actually change your rhythm.

CD 2 – Master Your 9 Emotions

  • A detailed process to control, stimulate or dissipate any emotion instantly. Control your emotions and you find yourself in charge of your life.
  • Fear removal. You want to keep the fear that helps and do away with fears that hurt. Illusory fears live in the imagination. Learn how to control your image making faculty and do things that rocket you to the top of your game.
  • Developing and keeping a relationship is easy when you know the simple rules of filling needs.
  • The ordeal of change can be controlled when you develop your Supermind.

What a joy when you begin to use your mind to control your emotions. Use my easy polarizing technique to adjust your attitude so that suddenly you are walking through a pleasant, comfortable reality.

CD 3 – 7 Keys to Developing a Super Mind

  • 1. Mentalism to unlock your spiritual nature,
  • 2. Polarity to change from one emotion to another,
  • 3. Vibrations to control your energy,
  • 4. Correspondence for better communication skills,
  • 5. Rhythm to excel in physical activities,
  • 6. Cause and effect to solve problems,
  • 7. Gender to develop ESP.

I’ve been teaching people how to unlock the power of Hermes’ 7 principles for 35 years. Now it’s your turn to unravel life’s mysteries. Virtually everything you know and will know can be enhanced by the use of any of these 7 principles

CD 4- Imagination: The Bridge to a Supermind

  • There are much better ways to use your great imagination.
  • Visualization can be the key to your motivation and energy.
  • Learn to create a Golden Image and the world becomes a brighter, happier place.
  • Unleash the true power of love and control your relationships.
  • Motivation is really just strong desire. Learn to enhance desire and instill a strong need to take action.
  • What is the real cause of procrastination? It’s not what you think.

The Golden Image technique will bring you a brighter, more colorful world where you will find that love, the most elusive of all the emotions, can be controlled. You’ll also learn a technique to attract that which you most desire.

CD 5 – A Super Mind is a Happy Mind

  • 5 rules that guarantee happiness. Learn them and be in charge.
  • You can heal yourself and others with Qi Gong using the vibrations of health and healing.
  • The ultimate Physical, Mental, and Spiritual healing techniques. You can be a great healer.

In disk 5 you will not only learn the secrets of the great healers, and how to use the Qi Gong and manipulate your own energy field, but you will learn how to use the principle of vibrations to control your attitude, also making you a better healer.

Learning the simplest truths can make happiness much easier to attain.

CD 6 – All the World’s a Stage, So Be an Actor

  • Controlling the insignificant causes that have major effects on your life.
  • Detailed instruction on using the greatest goal setting device ever devised, Center Stage, the key to getting your wants and desires.
  • Act “as if” could be among the most powerful tools for sustaining your new life.

Goal setting is simply setting up a cause for a desired effect. I’ve been training people in the most popular goal setting device of them all, Center Stage, for decades. You will learn to use your alter ego to get the things you want.

CD 7 – Distant Viewing & the Law of Receiving

  • Open the right mental channel and information flows in to you. The secret of ESP and psychics in general.
  • Distant viewing to heal. You can do it. Just follow along with the instructions.
  • Strengthening the Law of Attraction with the power of Gender. Programming the two forces, the outgo and the inflow.

The Law of Attraction is simply an application of the principle of gender. Learn the process and the world opens to you.

CD 8 – Become a Money Magnet Using Your New Supermind

  • Getting rid of limitations and self-sabotage.
  • Automatic problem solving with subconscious solutions.
  • Controlling past programs that cause problems today.

Limitations are what hold you back in life, and they are always set in the past. In this disk you will learn a technique for reviewing and correcting past programs that are causing problems in this life.

CD 9 – Model the Rhythm of Success

  • What is the cause of self-sabotage and limitations? The surprising answer.
  • Find your rhythm of success and reverse any lingering poverty consciousness aspects.
  • Meditation to access the universal bank.

Limitations in the form of money are second only to health for most people. Metaphors and techniques in this CD will show you why you have a problem if you do indeed have one. The Universal Bank is our meditation to stimulate activity on your part and move you to an action that produces more income for you now.

CD 10 – Smash Problems With Your New Supermind

Here is the technique to build a positive energy field with the power of Lancelot’s Armor.

  • Overcome bothersome thoughts with a simple trick of the mind.
  • The Daisy Pond, the greatest meditation of them all. In use by Supermind students for more than 30 years, this is the ultimate meditation exercise to overcome depression, stimulate sleep, bring about relief from stress and stimulate creative thinking.

The world is filled with all kinds of energies, some positive, some negative. Program yourself with a shield that blocks negative energies, and you can develop a magnetic attraction for the positive energies.

The Daisy Pond concludes the New Supermind CD series. It is the final note of the symphony of energies that guarantees you the ability to use more of your mind and become truly better and better at all the things that you do.

A Quick Recap Of What You’re Getting for $297:

  • I will receive 10 New Supermind CDs in total!
  • I will receive a $100 discount off the retail price of $397!
  • I will receive a 90-day money back guarantee!


Burt Goldman

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Here’s What You’ll Get in Burt Goldman – The New Supermind

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Course Requirement: Burt Goldman – The New Supermind
Real Value: $297.0000
One time cost: USD52.0000

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Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $52.00.

Get Burt Goldman – The New Supermind immediately when you secure your purchase by clicking on the order button on this page It’s Been Said That Albert Einstein Used Just 10% of His Mind & That the Average Person Uses Only 2%. Where Would You Be if You Used More of Your Mind? “What Would You Change About Your Life If You Could Use More of Your Mind?”...

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