
Caroline Casey – Trickster Training Mystery School

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In this module, Skookum becomes our motto, which means “connected to the spirits and completely competent for the task at hand.”

Caroline Casey – Trickster Training Mystery School

Caroline Casey - Trickster Training Mystery School

Free yourself from outdated stories and become a more joyful agent of change by opening to mythological magic, unpredictable wisdom and your trustworthy intuition.

Calling all pragmatic mystics and public dreamers!

It is time for an evolution of our culture and our consciousness; the old stories are leading us into a death spiral. How do we reverse course and co-create a life spiral that is positive, uplifting, and even fun?

Trickster Magic is the antidote we need to the heaviness all around us.

Trickster is that which arrives in dangerous times as an enlightening agent, brightening our spirits, liberating our communities, and dazzling the darkness.

Trickster is a keeper-protector of democracy, the part of us and Nature, stirring without and within, that loves “against all odds.”

We witness it in the adaptable ingenuity of seeds that sprout after cataclysm, and rivers that metabolize poison.

The energy of Trickster aligns with the forces of nature to create change in nature’s way, first by authentically embodying our truth, then calling it forth playfully in those around us.

Trickster can also help us shape-shift reality by cultivating linguistic, metaphoric and storytelling agility.

As we do, we learn to shift our metaphors, which changes our story… and literally changes our world.

Rewrite the Source Code for Your Life and
Our World

That’s why the only news that Trickster trusts is Mythic News, which overcomes the “distraction media” to rewrite our cultural source codes.

To be an agent of such news, we need to restore our mythological literacy, which allows us to see the mythic themes operating in the news and discover the deeper forces at work.

The path of personal transformation requires that you clear away the cobwebbed beliefs and assumptions that fill your brain and open to something more magical: thoughts that generate spontaneity, play and delight.

This not only lifts your spirits, it lifts our culture… and makes for more meaningful relationships.

You become more magnetic to allies and more catalytic for your community.

Your creative joie de vivre makes you a better speaker and a more compelling leader.

When you let go of your “harumphitude,” you emerge as a more delightful human that others want to play with.

Your degree of inner freedom is thus essential for giving your greatest gifts to the world and expressing your authentic Self.

That’s where the medicine of the Trickster comes in handy.

Activating the Trickster in your life is all about freedom from the Reality Police and the rut of old certainties.

Trickster blesses you with a new capacity to create word magic and new storylines, and use playful unpredictability to bridge divides.

Magic is simply a willingness to collaborate with everything; so you move your emotional default-setting of “status quo” to “Woof-Woof-Wanna-Play?!”

Cultivating Your New Superpower

As you cultivate the Trickster energy in you with ever-more-gusto, you cultivate a new superpower, which infuses your life with meaning and dazzle.

Trickster is one of the greatest teachers of the spiritual path AND the path of social influence. With Trickster backing you up, you can defuse conflicts, levitate into laughter and transform situations with verbal aikido.

So in the name of your freedom and our world’s, we invite you to a truly unique online mystery school with Caroline Casey that will deepen your spiritual journey and transform you into a wildly unpredictable (and more effective) agent of evolution, one filled with more joy.

As you’re liberated, you help liberate others. There is no prison for the unexpected!

Since you undoubtedly yearn for a saner society, cultivating your Trickster powers will help turn you into the cultural change agent you were meant to be. It’s enchanting AND practical to lead the way forward with unexpected surprises; they dissolve defenses and polarities and allow us to meet in the heart.

Each session in the Mystery School will delineate the Mythic themes operating in the news so that you can become a more effective player on the team of creation.

2016 is proving to be a particularly tempestuous and important year politically and socially. You’ll have the opportunity to navigate this tricky year in a Renaissance Council of fellow pragmatic mystics, dedicated to becoming agents of the Trickster Redeemer.

Together, we’ll dedicate ourselves to liberating democracy and dreaming the desirable world into being.

This is a time to journey with a community of allies, each magnetizing, cultivating, animating and contributing their considerable gifts in a way that replenishes us all.

In our journey, we shall distill from all Mystery Schools, Myths, Fairy Tales, detective novels, poetry, bio-mimicry that which is most beautiful and practical for us now. We will be teasing all esoterica into pragmatic application.

We invite all who wish to cultivate their unique gifts and be influential at this time of dire beauty to join us.

The Blessing of a Fool-y Liberated Teacher

Whether you’re a seeker on the spiritual path, a veteran activist or a curious evolutionary, you’ll delight in the ways that Caroline Casey will illuminate the path to your true Self and a more liberated world.

She’s been at the forefront of new-paradigm spirituality and in the trenches of Washington, DC politics since she was a wee little girl. She’s deeply informed by astrological wizardry and social-change-savvy.

Her mind weaves a remarkable number of threads per minute into a new tapestry of possibility, all helping you to create a more beautiful life.

Over the course of your eight months in the cauldron of trickster magic and astrological influence with her, Caroline will show you how you can animate your Trickster skill set and fill your magic backpack with “reverent unpredictability,” which in language, metaphor and action liberates everyone.

When you ally with Trickster, you free up the evolutionary life force within you.

Each month we will conduct an experiment (without hubris) to influence a desirable outcome in the world. And each week we will convene to delineate the guiding patterns and to honor and animate our personal navigational guidance, teased into intimate pertinence…

Participants will be invited each week to bring before the Council a personal or collective conundrum for imaginative Trickster ingenious resolution. In this way, the personal and political will unite.

As we journey through our eight months, we will pass from Aries to Sagittarius astrologically. We will use this greater archetypal pattern to inform our curriculum as we cultivate the living intelligence, both within and without, that each planet represents.

During the Trickster Training Mystery School, you will:

  • Cultivate the qualities of heroism to birth the Trickster Redeemer in your heart.
  • Discover your animal allies through shamanic techniques whereby to broker desirable inter-species collaborative cahooting.
  • Conjure your Money Animal so that you can have sufficient funding to play your role in destiny.
  • Dedicate yourself to acts of beauty to invite power into the world.
  • Receive practices to expand the playfulness of your mind so your words dance off your tongue.
  • Find language that liberates your soul from old habits and opens you to a zestier experience of life.
  • See how to become a more effective changemaker in our world by metabolizing the poisons of life and the world with a light heart.
  • Cultivate irresistible eloquence
  • Notice the mythic forces in play, making you a more savvy agent of influence.
  • Journey through the underworld with jaunty aplomb to restore human affairs in accord with the Harmony of Nature.
  • Understand myths as Big Forces with which you can co-operate.
  • Discover the liberating power of words.
  • Become a more effective and delightful storyteller.

Module 1: Mars (Sun in Aries) Council
(Begins April 13)

We begin our adventure as Mars is stationing in eclectic Sagittarius. You are invited into the realm of animating, surprising, positive, political intrigue of Democratic Animism — the Path of Liberating Desire and Fierce Compassion.

Mars represents our relationship to animals and we will begin to assemble our inspiring team of wise allies — animals, humans, ancestors and plants. Caroline will share the Jataka Mala Tales of the Buddha’s past lives as animals and the Pancha Tantra, the oldest frame story in the world of guidance from animals.

We will adjust the energetic fuel on which we each run individually so we may transform societal fuel into that which is good for all life. Each of us will inaugurate this journey by answering the query, “What do I desire?” (An answer kept private until realized.)

In this first Council, we’ll:

  • Cultivate the qualities of heroism to birth the Trickster Redeemer in our hearts.
  • Tend to desire, eros, feistiness, heat, courage, dynamism, passion and kinship with life.
  • Discover our animal allies through shamanic techniques whereby to broker desirable inter-species collaborative cahooting.
  • Define leadership through exploring leadership models derived from nature and syncretizing our own unique form of leadership, allied with powers greater than our own.
  • Honor the Trickster dynamic in Animism and Buddhism.
  • Conjure our Money Animal so that we all can have sufficient funding to play our role in destiny.
  • Mend our broken treaties.

Module 2: Venus (Sun in Taurus) Council
(Begins April 20)

The Sun is now in Taurus — the incarnational realm of Venus. This time is dedicate ourselves to acts of Beauty to invite power into the world. We join together to partner with Nature to make the world more beautiful. When the worst aspects of our species are being dredged to the surface of the body politic — like hives — ‘tis our task to invite the best. We’ll reawaken our eroticism and magnetize lovers (new or old).

Scheherazade said, “The world is run by those who do not know how to make love — and that’s why we’re screwed.”

In this Council, we’ll:

  • Restore the art of courtship through studying nature.
  • Explore Pragmatic Mysticism.
  • Honor the Buddha’s Full Moon-Earth Day.
  • Develop the art of magnetizing.
  • Delight in the art of altars.
  • Restore sacredness to money.

Module 3: Mercury (Sun in Gemini) Council
(Begins May 25)

The incarnation ofercury in Gemini invokes that our words be in accord with our dedicated desire. Language grants us access to the realm it describes. If you can speak of it, you can journey there! Astrology is one of the great guiding languages of antiquity and is now being called to its highest purpose. It is a language that describes our interior psyche and its connection to the collective. We live in a conversational creation — everything speaks to us by its song, its color, its rhythm.

In this module, Skookum becomes our motto, which means “connected to the spirits and completely competent for the task at hand.” By approaching the world with informed reverent curiosity, we rejoin the choreography of creation.

In this Council, we’ll:

  • Consult with the Delphic Oracle: “Are my plans in accord with the divine? And if not, how shall I bring them into accord?”
  • Explore the communicative arts of Call and Response and Chorusing.
  • Cultivate irresistible eloquence.
  • Become Skookum.

Module 4: Moon (Sun in Cancer) Council
(Begins June 22)

The incarnation of the Moon in Cancer is the return of Big Momma, in her Trickster garb as fierce protector of life and the Keeper/Protector of Democracy. Caroline will invite Permaculture guest experts to share the art of cultivating our literal and metaphoric gardens, as living metaphor. We’ll explore our plant allies, adaptogens, entheogens and the history of human-plant collaboration.

In this Council, we’ll:

  • Journey backwards in time to heal the ancestors and thus the present.
  • Recognize the power of memory to create the future.
  • Explore our family, ancestors and history for clues as to our contribution.
  • Break family spells and take new vows.
  • Join with Big Momma to metabolize grief into beauty.

Module 5: Sun in Leo Council
(Begins July 27)

Every tree, plant and flower grows and flourishes by the grace and bounty of the sun .
– John Tyndall, 19th Century Scientist

Ally with the energetic, animating life force of all life — the sun. Hail to the Sun God! He is a Fun God! Ra! Ra! Ra!

When the sun is in Leo it is the confluence of all allies. In this module, we’ll study the solar myths and art, pyramids, altars on mountains, fertility symbols and the myriad depictions of the sun associated with snakes, lions, reindeer, goats, etc. We’ll also learn to cultivate solar power within and without and receive wisdom from Caroline’s guests from the solar power realm.

In this Council, we’ll:

  • Participate in midwifing the emerging mythos of conscious kinship.
  • Turn our clenched fists into the Buddhist mudra of reassurance — the outstretched open hand found on statues of the Buddha.
  • Explore Joseph Campbell’s inquiry: “What is the new mythology to be, the mythology of this earth as of one harmonious being?”
  • Collage our own solar mandala, as a source of strength.

Module 6: Mercury (Sun in Virgo) Council
(Begins August 24)

The incarnation of Mercury in Virgo exposes the Magician Hermes/Hermia. In Hermetic Alchemy, alchemists were interested in coagulating or fixing the elusive Mercury spirit. ”Fixation of the volatile” is the alchemical term for the focusing of attention which would grant us the capacity to understand the language of birds and other creatures. Among other things, in this module we’ll explore P.L. Travers’ Mary Poppins books as realms where liberating esoterica has been smuggled back into culture through children’s literature.

In this Council, we’ll:

  • Realize the universe as telepathic.
  • Engage in exercises whereby to increase telepathy.
  • Cultivate the augury arts of Applied Divination.

Module 7: Venus (Sun in Libra) Council
(Begins September 28)

To love disharmony back into harmony creates a greater harmony than existed before.
– Michael Gruber, Author

Magic is simply a willingness to cooperate with everything! The artist is the keeper of collective soul. Venus in Libra reveals the art of balance, how to let the pain flow through you — not into you. We welcome the disruption that liberates old circuits into larger vastness. One definition of our assignment is to discern the pattern of evolutionary intelligence that proffers the liveliest possibilities available at any moment and partner with them.

In this Council, we’ll:

  • Discover what works now in the realm of personal relationships.
  • Study manners in Nature.
  • Ally with etiquette.
  • Liberate Democracy.

Module 8: Mars with Pluto as Tour Guide Council (Sun in Scorpio)
(Begins October 26)

In our finale, the time for sane reverence to assume a new cultural narrative is here. We’ll metabolize our adversaries into allies by inviting in the Unifying Story. We are electing Flora Fauna into office! We’ll lead the charge in resolving universal conflict. In this module, we’ll mobilize our relations with our dangerous allies! We’ll discover how to transform detective stories into strategic guides. Sex magic dedicated to spiraling positive energetics into group human mind will be our guide. Let’s make sure we have much for which to be grateful. Our intention is to leave you feeling “ready for action (ready for danger) — with glee!

In this concluding Council, we’ll:

  • Journey through the underworld with jaunty aplomb.
  • Turn adversaries into allies.
  • Metabolize poison.
  • Polish our storytelling skills to be effective voices for what we love.
  • Actualize the art of directing cultural attention through the ancient craft of public speaking.
  • Complete by magnetizing, cultivating, animating and spiraling forth into the memosphere the most irresistible, all inclusive guiding meta-narrative.

We are all augurs inaugurating Earth’s Dream!

The Trickster Training Mystery School
Bonus Collection

In addition to Caroline’s transformative 7-month virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions complement what you’ll learn in the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

During the course, Caroline will add more pertinent shows from her radio show archives, and host some of her favorite guests on our calls, who have a crucial piece of the puzzle to contribute to reverent renaissance.

Here’s What You’ll Get in Caroline Casey – Trickster Training Mystery School

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Course Requirement: Caroline Casey – Trickster Training Mystery School
Real Value: $1197
One time cost: USD142

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Get Caroline Casey - Trickster Training Mystery School immediately when you secure your purchase by clicking on the order button on this page In this module, Skookum becomes our motto, which means “connected to the spirits and completely competent for the task at hand.”

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