(Download available within 12-24 hours)Every podcaster that has already attracted their first 50 podcast subscribers should get this training series if they have any interest at all in monetizing their podcast!
I am very excited to offer the Passive Income Strategies For Podcasters Training Series. In this video series, I teamed up with Internet Marketing Strategist, Pat Flynn. Pat is a 27 year old guy from Southern California who makes a living on the internet. Best of all, the income that Pat generates online is all passive income.
Check out his blog and podcast at SmartPassiveIncome.com.
My favorite thing about Pat is that he does not consider himself to be an online marketing guru. He will openly tell you that his techniques are not secrets and what he teaches is not a “get rich quick” scheme. If you’re looking to get rich quick – then Pat’s message and this training series is not for you! Earning a passive income online takes hard work, some patience and a little bit of luck too – but if you’re determined to change your life and you work hard at what you want to accomplish, you WILL get paid for it. The cool thing is that the average podcaster has already done a great deal of this hard work.
Pat and I actually performed this video presentation live in fron of an online class in October of 2010. Since then, most everyone that attended this session has reported that they are already starting to see an income coming in after implementing the steps that we laid out in the series.
While I have been running my own online business for several years now, the material that Pat shared inspired me to implement a few things differently and my income just half way through the month of November 2010 was already DOUBLE the income that I had earned from the entire month of October 2010.
Every podcaster that has already attracted their first 50 podcast subscribers should get this training series if they have any interest at all in monetizing their podcast!
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Course Requirement: Cliff J. Ravenscraft – Passive Income Strategies For Podcasters Tutorial
Real Value: $75
One time cost: USD27
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