
Dennis Moons – Google Shopping Success Course


Dennis Moons – Google Shopping Success Course

Dennis Moons – Google Shopping Success Course

The #1 Google Shopping Training Course

Advertise your products on Google Shopping, get high-quality visitors to your site and make profitable sales
Your Google Shopping Traffic Isn’t Converting? Here Is Why…

Shopping Ads seem like a match made in heaven for online stores. These ads show exactly what a potential customer is looking for: a product
google shopping ads search results

Potential customers can just click one of the Shopping Ads and whip out their credit cards!

That’s, of course, assuming that the people that click on these ads are ready to buy.

And here is where things take a different turn.

Out of the box, traffic that comes from Google Shopping campaigns does a lot worse than traffic coming from Google Search Ads campaigns:

Comparison of an “out of the box” Google Shopping and a Search campaign

As you can see in the screenshot above, the overall return is a lot lower (even negative) for the Shopping campaign.

You can try to fix this with negative keywords or changing your bids (= cost per click) but these tweaks won’t fix the deeper issues that campaigns like these are suffering from.

If your results are similar, don’t count on Google to help you out. When things don’t work, their default suggestion is to spend more money.

But if your campaigns weren’t profitable before, adding more money will just make the problem worse.

So what you need is a smarter way to optimize your campaigns.
How To Crack The Google Shopping Black Box

To get better results you need to make sure that:

the right products (the ones with the best margin) appear for
the right search queries (that bring buyers to your site)
at the right price (the lowest that you can get away with).

That process starts with getting the basics of your campaigns right, your account structure.

Account structure, the ground level of our Optimization Pyramid

Once you get this right (by working on your product feed and campaign settings), all of the next levels and time you put into optimization will only increase the return you’ll get from your ad spend.

But get this wong and you will have no option but to take Google’s advice and overspend on traffic that doesn’t convert.

Or, you can always pull the plug and not advertise with Google Shopping.

But I know you’re here to learn how to get Google Shopping working for your business. You know these campaigns have potential, but you don’t know how to get it done.

And to get your campaigns to the point where you’re bringing in profitable sales often requires a lot of investment, testing, and patience.

You can do it al on your own, but you’ll probably make a lot of the same mistakes that I have made over the last 8 years.

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These mistakes are expensive (think $1,000 and up), slow you down and prevent you from focusing on the other parts of your business.

But the good thing is that you can easily avoid the biggest mistakes if you know what to pay attention to.

That’s why I created the Google Shopping Success course.
Introducing Google Shopping Success

Google Shopping Success is a self-paced online video course to learn how to use Google Shopping to generate profitable sales.

To do that I’ve created 41 in-depth video lessons in which I’ll guide you through every step of the Google Shopping process.

Every lesson covers a single topic and teaches you how to go from nothing to running campaigns that attract buyers to your store.

Meet your instructor

I’m Dennis Moons and I’m the founder of Store Growers.

That’s me teaching an eager crowd what marketing lessons they can learn from an anime site

I’m an ecommerce PPC expert and have been running Google Ads campaigns for over 8 years.

During this time I’ve managed more than $3.5 million in ad spend for my own businesses and those of clients.

I’ve worked with +60 clients ranging from small ecommerce businesses ran by solo entrepreneurs, all the way to global brands with huge marketing budgets.

And today, I’m teaching all of my strategies, tactics, mistakes, and hacks through articles, courses, speaking and coaching.
This course is ideal for


Freelancers and

marketing team
Here is what our students are saying..

Don’t take my word for it, here are four people that recently used our course to improve their Shopping Ads.

In the 8 months since taking the course and applying the new knowledge to my client’s account, I was able to steadily increase revenue while keeping the budget slightly lower.

The ROAS has doubled from 1.6 to 3.2 (some months it hit 3.6!).

Andrey Kisselev – Consultant at

I purchased this course to improve my knowledge of Google Ads for ecommerce businesses and I was not disapointed.

Dennis shows you the step by step process, from setting up your product feed to running profitable shopping ads for your store.

Quinton Marks – PPC Freelancer

It is evident that Dennis is an expert in his field, and he does a wonderful job of breaking down all of the complex lessons. I already had some shopping Ads running for my eCommerce business when I found this course, but was looking to learn and implement a ‘real’ strategy instead of just guessing.

Kevin – CEO at

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Dennis’s course on shopping made me restructure my entire shopping campaign immediately. Before the course, we were relying on an ad agency to handle our Google marketing and now we’ve taken it completely in-house.

In 4 months, we have been able to increase our budget by 400% and have seen a 40% increase in ROAS. I am still very much a beginner and I am sure that the performance will only improve with time. He takes an entrepreneurial approach to marketing and focuses as much on minimising wasteful spend as he does on optimising.

The Google Shopping Success course

Module 1 – Setting Up For Success

With Google Shopping, getting the technical parts right is often a huge obstacle.

That’s why I broke down every step of the setup process: how to create a product feed, how to send it to Google and how to make sure you can track the results of your campaigns.

In this module, I dive deep into every single step and cover everything that can go wrong and explain exactly how to solve it.

It doesn’t matter which ecommerce cart platform you’re on. There are specific video tutorials for Shopify and Woocommerce, but I’ve included a wide selection of tools and work methods you can use if you’re on a different ecommerce platform.

If you’re worried that this will get too technical, don’t worry. I share my screen and you’re able to follow and replicate the exact things that I’m doing.

Lessons in this module:

From Product to Product Ad
Product Feeds 101
Setting Up Google Merchant Center
Product Feeds on Shopify
Product Feeds on Woocommerce
Product Feeds on other platforms
Fixing Problems in Google Merchant Center
Setting Up Google Ads
Setting Up Google Analytics

Module 2 – From Launch To Sales

Once you’re done with the setup, you’re ready to dive into Google Ads and launch your first campaign.

After launch, I’ll show you the Optimization Pyramid, a framework that I use to optimize the different parts of my own Google Shopping campaigns.

This ensures that your campaigns improve over time and generate the results you need.

You’ll see me work on actual campaigns while I talk through why I’m making certain changes and how they tie into the bigger picture.

Lessons in this module:

Under The Hood
Launching Your First Google Shopping Campaign
The Optimization Pyramid
Account Structure
Bid Adjustments
Your Optimization Routine
Tracking sales with Google Analytics

Module 3 – Save And Scale

With your campaigns launched and the basic optimization is taken care of, it’s time to take them to the next level.

In this module, I’ll share advanced optimization tactics that will help you to save on ad spend, while at the same time scale the best performing parts of your campaigns.

If you thought Google Shopping was a black box, these lessons will shed a lot more light on the inner workings of the system, essential to get ahead!

Lessons in this module:

Custom labels
Search query level bidding
Product Feed Optimization
Competitive research
Star Ratings
Merchant promotions
Google Merchant Center Feed Rules
Working with Supplemental Feeds
Data Feed Tools
Target ROAS Bidding
Product level ad groups
Showcase Shopping Ad Type
Advanced Google Analytics
Pulling The Plug

Module 4 – Beyond Google Shopping

If you have well-optimized and profitable Google Shopping campaigns running, it’s time to look beyond.

In this module, I show you how to leverage other parts of the Google Ads like Remarketing and Search Ads based on the performance of your Shopping campaigns.

Lessons in this module:

Dynamic Remarketing
Static Remarketing
From Shopping To Search

Course bonuses

As part of this course, you’ll get access to the following bonuses.
Bonus #1: The Google Shopping Success Community
google shopping community overview

The course is great (trust me ) but there will always be questions or doubts that pop up while you’re learning how to do Google Shopping well.

The Google Shopping Success Community aims to answer these and more.

It’s an exclusive Facebook group for customers of this course that allows  you to:

Get answers to your questions
Learn new things
Connect with fellow students

Access to this community is included in the price of the course.
Bonus #2: Checklists

We’ve got two checklists in the course to make you more effective. If you need to set up or manage a lot of campaigns, these are huge time-savers.

1 – Campaign Setup checklist will make implementing the course even easier. You’ll have a good overview of every part, making sure you don’t skip any important parts.

2 – Campaign Optimization checklist is a great tool to make sure you’re not forgetting to improve your campaigns in the days, weeks and months after launch!
Bonus #3: ROAS calculator

This spreadsheet will help you crunch the numbers to translate your profit margins into the ROAS targets.

These calculation aren’t rocket science, but having them in a spreadsheet makes it easy to run different scenarios.
Bonus #4: Campaign tracker worksheet

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The campaign tracker is the cornerstone of my optimization efforts.

It keeps track of changes I’ve made to my campaigns, shows me where I’m at in the optimization process and what tactics are appropriate at that exact moment.
Lifetime Access (Updates)

Google is constantly making changes to its ad platform

That often means that tactics or tutotrials get outdated.

As a customer of Google Shopping Success, you’ll have lifetime access to the course and receive free updates as we roll them out.

As of March 2020, this course is 100% up to date with the current Google Ads interface and strategies.

Join The No. 1 Google Shopping Course On The Market

When you join, you’ll get instant access to our course area with:

41 up-to-date video lessons
5+ hours of HD video content
High-quality English subtitles for each lesson
Notes & links to expand on topics discussed in each lesson
Access to the Google Shopping Success Community
Bonus checklists for Setup & Optimization
ROAS calculator
Campaign tracker worksheet
Lifetime access and updates

Price: $299
Payment plan available in checkout

Learn The $10,000 Skill

My goal with this course is not to stuff your brain with every little detail about Google Shopping.

It’s a lot more practical: help you run profitable Google Shopping campaigns.

To do that, you need to understand how Google Shopping really works.

Because while Google provides a lot of information about the what and the how: find this metric here, change your CPC there, add a custom label like this, etc.

The most valuable questions remain unanswered:

Why is that metric important?
Why should you increase your CPC?
Why should you add custom labels?

That’s because the answers are a lot less straightforward, and most of them start with “it depends”.

But I believe this is the most valuable skill I can teach you.

Because once you know the why behind what you’re doing, you’ll be able to handle situations that go beyond the examples I ake you through in this course.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this course right for me?

Google Shopping is a great way to bring interested buyers to your site. But it doesn’t work for every store.

Google Shopping and this course aren’t for you if:

People aren’t actively searching for your products in Google
Your products aren’t easy to explain with a couple of keywords
You sell products where we’ve seen mixed results: one of a kind products like art, custom jewellery or vintage products

How is this course different from other programs out there?

It’s one of the only courses out there exclusively focused on Google Shopping. You’ll find plenty of information on Google Ads in general.

But I believe that if an online store starts with advertising today, Google Shopping is the way to go.

How much does the course cost?

Google Shopping Success costs $299 for lifetime access. Sales tax might be added if it is applicable to you.

What is the refund policy?

We offer a full 30-day money back guarantee if you’re not satisfied with the course.

How up to date is this course?

This course is 100% up to date with the current Google Ads interface and strategies (March 2020). My goal is to make this the best course on Google Shopping on the market. For that I provide constant updates and new materials. You can find a changelog here.

Here’s What You’ll Get in Google Shopping Success Course

Dennis Moons – Google Shopping Success Course proof

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Course Requirement: Dennis Moons – Google Shopping Success Course
Real Value: $299.0000
One time cost: USD52.0000

Frequently Asked Questions For “Dennis Moons – Google Shopping Success Course”

How to make payment for “Dennis Moons – Google Shopping Success Course” ?

  • Please add to cart on this page and go to checkout page. You can also add as many other products as you like and make a one-time payment.
  • We accept several type of Stripe payments such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, Google Pay, Apple Pay and JCB, payments from customers worldwide. Paypal & Bitcoin please contact us.
  • We strongly recommend our customers to make a payment through StripePaypal . Because it is a safest and super security for you as well as for us.

Is it safe?

  • 100% Secure Checkout Privacy Policy
  • Encryption of sensitive data and communication.
  • All card numbers are encrypted at rest with AES-256 and transmitting card numbers runs in a separate hosting environment, and doesn’t share or save any info.

How can we deliver you the course?

How long do I have access to the course?

How to download “Dennis Moons – Google Shopping Success Course” ?

  • Enjoy “Dennis Moons – Google Shopping Success Course” in your account page.
  • Download only one file at a time. Sometimes doing all of the files at once will lead to them all freezing.
  • Also, please do not attempt to download to a mobile device. These should be saved to a computer and then synced to devices such as phones and tablets.
  • You can also learn online instead of downloading, but we encourage you to download for better results and viewing quality during your learn. Lastly, download times are much quicker in the mornings, before noon, Pacific time. during download make sure your device is not sleeping off screen.

What is the refund policy “Dennis Moons – Google Shopping Success Course”?

  • We’ll Bear The Risk, You’ll Take The Results…
  • Within 30 days of purchased |Dennis Moons – Google Shopping Success Course  |, if you don’t get anything out of the program, or if your order has any problem, or maybe for some reason, you just don’t like the way it is. Please contact us and we will do our best to assist. Thank you for your understanding.

Have More Questions?

Our support staff is the best by far! please do not hesitate to contact us at email: [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help!

You want to get “Dennis Moons – Google Shopping Success Course” now right?!!!


Original price was: $299.00.Current price is: $52.00.

Get Dennis Moons – Google Shopping Success Course immediately when you secure your purchase by clicking on the order button on this page In the 8 months since taking the course and applying the new knowledge to my client's account, I was able to steadily increase revenue File Size: 1.1 GB...

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