How to build simple, one-person newsletter businesses that make pay-all-your-bills money, and that assume you’re comfortable…
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I’ve been building online businesses for over a decade βΒ both for myself and as a “hired gun” for others.And after all this time (and being in the trenches of countless businesses), I’ve realized that for my lifestyle goals there’s one business model that is nearly perfect:Newsletters.Why? Here are just a handful of reasons:
Listen, I could keep going here.The point is: I’ve been building newsletters for years and they’ve changed my life. Nearly all my income now comes from newsletters I’ve built. And if you’re like me and value lifestyle, there is literally no better business model.
Generally what I see is guidance that is either way too technical or way too basic. It’s either for people trying to build massive newsletter empires with dozens of writers, or people who want to build a “hobby” project.There’s very little covering the middle ground β how to build simple, one-person newsletter businesses that make pay-all-your-bills money, and that assume you’re comfortable with marketing and copywriting.That’s what I’ve been doing for years βΒ and it’s given me a lifestyle that I absolutely love.
Everything from setup to systems for writing content, driving traffic, and monetizing. The complete blueprint.The idea is simple: by following my system, you’ll have a newsletter live in a weekend βΒ and systems for building it into a real business over time.Launch fast, grow slowly.You can use my system to build one newsletter.Or you could use it to build multiple newsletters.How many times you repeat the process is up to you.
The Weekend Launch Party process assumes you’re starting from scratch.As in, you have no idea what to write about β and maybe even have worried in the past that you can’t start a newsletter because there’s no topic you know enough about.Not a problem. My most successful newsletter was on a topic I literally knew nothing about when I started β and my subscribers knew and didn’t care at all. You’ll learn how to leverage this for your newsletters too in Weekend Launch Party.
This is an extremely focused and specific step-by-step process β one that I’ve used several times in industries like fan fiction, body language, foreign careers, acting career advice, and copywriting.What this means is I’ll ask you to follow along with the exact process using the exact tools and frameworks I’ll be using.If you do, you’ll have a newsletter started in less than 48 hours with real people already subscribed β and systems for growing it over time into a real business that pays all your bills and is a ton of fun to operate.There are a million different ways to start and grow a newsletter. This is just one way… my way… the Weekend Launch Party way.I want very little guess work on your end.
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