Listen To The Introduction & Try Energy Dancing Now: FREE!
Trance Dance: Energy Dancing with Dr Silvia Hartmann
Energy Dancing
Created by Dr Silvia Hartmann
Bring Energy Work ALIVE:
FEEL The Difference IN YOUR BODY.
Unlock frozen systems;
Release old burdens;
Feel truly energized;
Totally de-stress and revitalise in under 5 minutes;
Bring back life and love of life;
Dissolve blocks and shields to success;
Bring healing to where it is needed most;
Deeply re-energize ALL parts of your self;
Engage with YOUR OWN energy system
In a whole new and totally delightful way.
This is Energy Work like you have never experienced before:
This is Energy Dancing!
Developed and Created by Dr Silvia Hartmann, Energy Dancing is a truly delightful process that is DESIGNED for people who want to be really alive – and enjoying this incarnation!
Amazing: SO Easy & DELIGHTFULLY Simple:
You won’t believe how much EASIER it is to work with energy whilst you are moving your body and engaging with YOUR OWN energy system directly!
YOU are working with your energy system in REAL TIME, on YOUR OWN issues and existing problems, directly and absolutely.
Astonishing: The Revelation Of The Body Mind In Action:
In Energy Dancing, our OWN BODY mind kicks into action and you can FEEL the support YOUR OWN MOVEMENTS will bring to YOUR HEALING PROCESSES – it is truly astonishing and so delightful to find out that your own body KNOWS how to help you heal!
Delightful REAL Self Help: You’ll want to do this again, and again!
Even if you have struggled with energy work and hypnosis in the past, this is SO EASY and SO INSTANTLY EFFECTIVE, you’ll just love the feelings and you’ll want to do it again, and again!
Brilliant Results: Feel Better, Think More Clearly – Put A Smile On your Face!
Energy Dancing is the most powerful way to INSTANTLY re-energize, change state, start feeling more alive and it is just extraordinary how changes in your energy system lead straight to better thinking, better decisions – a better life!
Unlike standard meditations or energy “drills” (ugh!)
Energy Dancing is FUN*
And It Makes YOU Feel GOOD!
* No need to jump around like a lunatic …
Energy Dancing can be just as subtle or as energetic as YOU want it to be!
Energy Dancing makes you tingle, makes you smile, makes you breathe freely and it makes you FEEL GOOD!
A Super Program – Super Value! Click To Order Now!
There are SO MANY BENEFITS to Energy Dancing, we really haven’t got room to list them all. Here are just some highlights:
Gain MUCH better awareness of how your own energy system works – easily.
You don’t have to be fit, young or even healthy to take part in Energy Dancing – it is quick and easy, and EVERYONE can benefit.
FEEL you own body’s support and love HELP YOU in restoring flow in your energy system.
Experience a HUGE variety of states, emotions, sensations in rapid succession – and this helps you learn how to state shift at will.
Give your body a workout like it has NEVER experienced – beneficial, feels GREAT, doesn’t exhaust you but instead, makes you want to flow and move and dance.
Give your energy system a HUGE boost as you pay attention, learn to heal and flow away blockages, CREATE POSITIVE CHANGES all the while.
Get ALL OF YOU – your mind, your unconscious mind, your body mind and even your higher aspects into the same place, doing the same thing at the same time – and it’s YOUR well being, YOUR healing, YOUR SUCCESS you are ALL working together to achieve. This is absolutely fabulous for your self esteem, your self confidence and in and of itself, a total revelation and joy to experience!
Most of all, learn a HUGELY valuable LIFE SKILL
as you learn the principles of energy and movement.
This is something that once you know it,
no-one can take from you,
and you will ALWAYS be able to treat yourself,
drawing on the wisdom of your own body and your own mind.
Energy Dancing
Created by Dr Silvia Hartmann
Trance Dance: Energy Dancing with Dr Silvia Hartmann
This truly exciting programme contains:
A very concise and straightforward introduction to explain the relationship between energy flow, emotional experiences and physical movement;
A first example Energy Dancing session with full instructions so you learn the basic techniques of Energy Dancing right there and then;
A further SEVEN different Energy Dancing sessions follow, each one with instructions and guidance, each one calling on very different parts of the energy system to give you a wide variety of experiences as practice and as examples for you, so that you can learn how to use Energy Dancing freely and easily once you have completed the program.
Seven Extraordinary Sessions, All Unique, All Containing MANY DIFFERENT ENERGIES:
Session 1:
Deep Trauma Healing
Forget about the pictures, the words and all the meanings and focus on the FEELINGS – old feelings that are the indicator just where your trauma injuries are located in your energy system. Learn to find, reach, touch and heal these old injuries with the Deep Trauma Healing session – and you can use this as often as you want, and on any problem you want to use it on, it is entirely content free and allows you to work absolutely on YOUR OWN personal healing.
Session 2:
Inner Child Healing
When we work with feelings and not with words, we get to reach the oldest and youngest parts of ourselves. This profound and wonderful healing session helps us discover injuries that occurred before we might have gained conscious awareness, helps bring them to the surface, and shows us how we can put to rights what once went wrong. Outstanding deep energy movements, profoundly healing.
Session 3:
The Beach Party
Energy flowing freely leads to joy, and celebration! Use this session to remove blocks to romance, joy and happiness in life, find aspects that need to be healed by that very joy itself, and dance to brightness, rushing energies and high delight in this festival Energy Dancing session. Enjoyable and enlivening!
Session 4:
Snake Dance
There might be aspects to each of us that may be termed “exotic” – aspects of ourselves that lie outside what we think of our self concepts which are a limited construct from the conscious mind. This extra special Energy Dancing session asks for a global awakening of the energy system, and helps us discover new and exotic energy forms, pathways and feelings we might never have experienced before … Very intriguing!
Session 5:
Deep Soul Meditation
Dr Hartmann says: “It is my assertion that we do indeed have an immortal soul …”
The Deep Soul Meditation, featuring the magical sounds of an authentic antique Tibetan Singing bowl, is designed to help us improve communication and energy flow from and to our soul, release shields, reversals so that we might receive messages from our own soul more clearly and more profoundly. A magical, powerfully peaceful and deeply enlightening experience indeed.
Session 6:
Success is good, but beyond success, there is … Triumph! This extra-special, full blast, full power Energy Dancing session will put a spring in your step and a smile on your face! Plus it is designed to help you experience “the energized end state” of fast free-flow in the energy system – a totally enlivening and brilliantly inspiring state of being of pure joy of life!
Session 7:
Experience the blessing of Innocent Energy and work on restoring the outer layers of our energy system during this incredibly relaxing and powerfully focusing Energy Dancing session, leaving you light, bright, powerfully aware, but most of all, safe within your own sphere, your own space of self. Beautiful.
Energy Dancing
Created by Dr Silvia Hartmann
Fabulous Experiences, FANTASTIC Value For Money.
EXTREMELY Beneficial For Mind, Body and Spirit.
De-Stressing, Revitalising, Clearing and HEALTHY.
Energy Dancing 2CD Training Program – Just £24.95
Save £5.00 – Download The Full 16 Track MP3 Library For Just £19.95 Today!
Click HERE To Order Now!
And there is more …
Once you have learned how to do Energy Dancing, you can use this extraordinary process as your own, any time, any where and on ANY topic or challenge you are facing.
Have you ever wondered why you are drawn strongly to certain pieces of music?
It is possible that YOUR favourite music holds the KEY for YOUR healing and personal development – that it was holding the key all along, but you just didn’t realise how to unlock the door.
The Energy Dancing program will give you the skills and knowledge you need so you can use ANY music at ANY time for your own personal healing and progress on your path – and that is absolutely PRICELESS and INVALUABLE.
Energy Dancing 2CD Training Program – Just £24.95
Save £5.00 – Download The Full 16 Track MP3 Library For Just £19.95 Today!
Click HERE To Order NOW!
Ten (MORE!) Good Reasons To Buy It, Take It, Make It Your Own …
Talking About “Energy Dancing”:
From Members Of The EmoTrance2 News Group
I got waves of feelings, waves and waves of feelings. So many different feelings! Wow!
I’ve heard from so many people that they thought they already knew all there was to know about energy work until they started Energy Dancing which just raised it to an altogether other incredible level!
Beach Party just really got me going this morning, shook off a whole load of stale stuff and really made me sparkle. I love it! ETing all that applause at the end of Triumph is fantastic and what has given me that confidence.
Beach party was fab, Snake dance… so exotic, you just slither and slide to it…wonderful …and…. Triumph…. well…. completely energising…. and Emotrancing all that applause at the end was amazing !!!!!
I really loved it!
Well, I finally got round to trying the new Energy Dancing CD. I confess my energy was flat and I was most definitely NOT in a dancing mood, but how wonderful to have all that transformed into flowing energised state, in such a fun way…
I really felt my arms where shining …
Now I know what the energized end state feels like, it’s just fantastic, my whole body is still singing today.
From flat to really great … energizing and such fun!
Once again Silvia Hartmann has hit upon something that is so obvious yet so simple in its application – and so powerful!
On Inner Child healing the heavy feeling in my chest just flashed down my arms and went away and I felt completely calm again.
My daughter was so amazed, she said I glowed and she had never seen me look so happy and young!!!!!
I think I’ve never moved like this before. Beach Party and Triumph were a real good advice from your side. Both made me feel energized, loved and alive.
I felt real pleasure and joy. I know this is going to raise my energy game to the next level! Exactly what I’ve been waiting for. Congratulations!
I’m very excited about sharing Energy Dancing in a Weight Balance workshop I’m doing in the near future! It’s so wonderful! And easy!!
Riversmooth felt just so extremely soothing. I could really feel my aura ripple with joy. I don’t know if auras do that, but mine did.
All of the dances are great, but I really felt “powered up” with Triumph! It was so awesome!
Snakedance did make me do exotic movements with my hands, kind of the way those Indonesian women dance with there hands. I did it on both sides of my body, but also in front of me and behind me. It really helped me to soften and flow.
This is brilliant, I want to go dancing in the streets!
I think Energy Dancing is about to be the replacement for my morning gymnastics. It’s much more fun and energizing!
The first few beats of Beach Party are enough to really get my blood flowing and shake myself up a bit and get going.
Riversmooth is my favourite!!!!! I see that others on this list say the same thing – I feel like I am liquid sometimes, I love that feeling sooo much!!!!
I can see this as a new beginning and a new direction in working with energy and the body. How exciting!
Today I went through the whole thing without interruption….. and …… WOW!!!
Already my wrists are much more stronger and flexible.
The first time I did this outside on our patio and WOW, was I moving! Lots came up and out…
Thank you for pointing me to this wonderful program.
I haven’t felt so alive in years.
This has brought back all the joy and the wonder I first felt when I tried EFT all these years ago.
Not being sexist but I thought all this talk about dancing was a bit ‘girlie’ until I read Detlev’s message and his experience with Deep Soul then I knew I had to try it.
I can think of two of my clients right away who will find this so useful to help improve their energy flow.
What a great way to lift your state!
How fab it will be to open and close EmoTrance trainings with this CD !! What a lift it will bring to live events.
What a bouquet of emotions – some sadness, some fear, joy, yes – triumph, and a lot I cannot remember or name… What a plethora of bodily sensations….
This is a brilliant innovation and contribution to the field of energy – and such a joyous one! THANK YOU!!!
* From The EmoTrance 2 Newsgroup –
Energy Dancing 2CD Training Program – Just £24.95 For The Complete Program
Save £5.00 – Download The Full 16 Track MP3 Library For Just £19.95 Today!
Click HERE
Energy Dancing
Created by Dr Silvia Hartmann
A BRAND NEW, COMPLETE Program : … For self help energy healing, emotional healing, mind change, belief change, state control and stress release
… Utilizing The Latest EmoTrance & Energy Hypnosis Techniques
… Featuring SEVEN Unique Energy Healing & Re-Charging Sessions
…. on One Full Length Energy Dancing Instruction CD
… Plus One Special Energy Dancing Music CD featuring all the music used in the program
… or choose the full 16 Track Quality MP3 Library alternative for instant download:
– Download Sample files “Dr.Silvia Hartmann – Energy Dancing”
Course Requirement: Dr.Silvia Hartmann – Energy Dancing
Real Value: $10
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