Fusiform Cortex (recognizes faces) 7) Thalamus 8) the Vagus and 9) Neurotransmitter Systems Involved with Attention (Norepinephrine, Serotonin, and Dopamine). We also clear away any energetic congestion and debris in the etheric body of the brain and nervous system and other related systems involved in attention and thinking.
2) Focus on Emotional/Mental Subtle Bodies- This session focuses on the emotional and mental aspects of thinking and attention. We clear out any patterns causing fogginess in thinking or lack of memory. In particular, we clear any trauma patterns related with thinking or intelligence. We then use a wide array of frequencies to work on the emotional and mental patterns for sharpness and precision.
3) Focus on the Causal, Spiritual, and Divine Subtle Bodies– In this session we go deeper into clearing and energizing the basic patterns involved in intelligence from a karmic, soul, and divine level. We systematically work with each level in this session.
You can use the mp3 recordings on a repeated basis to continue to work on clarity of thinking, attention, and focus.
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