Take maximum advantage of the unique features of Weekly Options in a smart way…
Hari Swaminathan – Get the most out of Weekly Options with WeeklyMAX

Take maximum advantage of the unique features of Weekly Options in a smart way to create a consistent weekly income from Options
Master Weekly Options for income
Understand all the risks and rewards
Weekly Options have exploded in the last couple of years.
For very good reasons..They can be very powerful..
But you must apply them smartly as they have risks..
Learn to pick the right kind of approach to every strategy..
Understand the Greeks behavior as they go into overdrive..
Pick the exact option and strike price for your trades..
Maximize the opportunities from both debit and credit trades..
Give yourself an “edge” on every weekly options trade..
Presenting the WeeklyMAX System
- Using Weekly Options for most Options strategies
- Maximize the rewards from Long options and Debit spreads
- Manage trades using sophisticated techniques
- Reap benefits from time decay the “smart” way
- Structure and manage credit spreads and Iron condors
- Maximize the opportunities from Time spreads
- Master the use of Calendars and Double Calendars
- Learn to trade Diagonals and Doubles using Weeklies
- Create a consistent 3 to 4% consistent weekly income plan
- Clearly understand the risk points and learn how to avoid them
- Learn the adjustment techniques when trades go against you
- Much much more..This is your last stop for Weekly Options
- Watch the on-demand webinar here..It’s FREE..(coming soon)
Your Instructor

Hari Swaminathan
Hari Swaminathan is the founder ofΒ www.OptionTiger.comΒ , a cutting-edge Options education and trading company based in Washington D.C. Hari is an entrepreneur, everyday person and a self-taught Options expert for over 12 years. Hari has a Bachelors degree in Engineering from India, and MBA degrees from Columbia University in NYC and London Business School in the U.K. You can read more about HariΒ on his Linkedin profile.
Options are powerful, but they have a learning curve. Every course on OptionTiger breaks down all the complexities of Options in simple language that anyone can understand. Options are a mathematical and strategic skill much like Chess, and no amount of technological advances can make this skill obsolete, because the fundamentals of Options are never going to change. Welcome to the world of Options, THE most fascinating instrument in the financial markets.
Course Curriculum
First Section
01-Intro (8:05)
02-WeeklyMAX-Overview (10:43)
03-Delta-Gamma (12:06)
04-Theta-decay (14:05)
05-Vega (6:30)
06-Tech-indicators (11:08)
07-TradeType1-Directional-Trades (15:47)
08-Time-decay-considerations (16:46)
09-Conditional-Orders (5:13)
10-Iron-Condor-considerations (9:43)
11-1-Calendars-Diagonals (15:01)
11-2-Double-Diagonal (9:15)
12-Butterflies (9:01)
13-NFLX-Iron-Condor (7:27)
14-CMG-LongCall (5:15)
15-Adjustments-IronC-CreditSp (20:21)
16-Adjustments-TimeSpreads (8:14)
18-Straddles-Strangles (Speculative – Intraday only) (16:24)
17-Weeklies-Comprehensive-Recap (21:11)
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