This is an introduction course to marketing after which you should be able to begin intelligently promoting your business or the company you work for. After taking this course, you will be far more likely to promote your business effectively, and avoid many potentially costly pitfalls that new marketers or business owners typically make.
The lectures cover a wide array of issues and concepts that you will face when you dive into marketing. The course explains what marketing really is, how marketing is different than advertising, how to plan marketing campaigns, and gives overviews of many sub-fields in marketing.
Marketing is quite complex these days. So the course goes over the many sub-fields in marketing to simplify things and help you understand the lay of the land when it comes to the bigger picture of things.
What kinds of businesses can be promoted using this introduction to marketing course?
With the marketing strategies in this course, you can promote any business type. Whether you’re ing your own business or are getting into marketing as a career, this course is perfect for you.
Let’s get ed
I want you to succeed in promoting your business. So sign up for the course, and begin learning how to promote your business, and grow it.
What Will I Learn?
Understand the basics of marketing
Plan marketing campaigns with more structure
Sell more products and make more money via your marketing efforts
Create a marketing plan
Create basics of a solid marketing strategy
Better predict whether a marketing strategy will work or not
Avoid pitfalls and common errors
Get a solid marketing foundation on which you can build, and eventually grow your business
Course Curriculum
Course Introduction
Course Introduction (0:58)
Exercise and Checklist (4:24)
Introduction to Marketing
Economic Roots of Marketing (3:10)
Marketing from a Business Owner’s Perspective (2:58)
Difference Between Marketing and Advertising (2:29)
Unique Value Propositions (5:00)
UVP Examples (4:27)
Identifying Your Customers
Introduction (1:08)
Identifying Your Target Market (4:37)
Exercise – Find and Talk to Your Customers (3:10)
Creating an Ideal Customer Avatar (2:49)
Calculating Your Target Market Size (11:09)
Basic Marketing Principles
Social Media Marketing (3:08)
Content Marketing (7:37)
Content Marketing Examples (4:49)
Affiliate Marketing (4:51)
Sales Funnels (5:30)
Paid Marketing (6:21)
The Net Promoter Score (2:38)
The Biggest Secret of Marketing Success (6:15)
Marketing Plans
Creating a Marketing Strategy (7:56)
Two Ways to Create a Marketing Plan (8:26)
Your Online Presence
Leveraging Large Platforms (2:38)
Creating Your Own Online Presence (3:53)
Online Presence Examples (3:15)
Additional Strategies
Product Quality is a Great Selling Tool (3:49)
Driving Traffic from Your Email Signature (2:12)
Building a Team
Building a Sales Team (5:59)
Pitfalls of Outsourcing Your Marketing (3:11)
Basic Search Engine Optimization
Introduction to SEO (11:13)
History of SEO (8:50)
SEO for New Websites (1:58)
Meta Title and Meta Keyword (2:31)
Intro to Keyword Research (5:10)
Common SEO Mistakes (4:39)
Top SEO Ranking Factors (10:59)
Finding Good Links for SEO (6:41)
Using Google Analytics
Intro to Google Analytics (3:11)
Setting Up Google Analytics (2:30)
Real Life Example (3:44)
A/B Testing Explained (4:50)
A/B Testing Example (5:37)
Offline Marketing
Offline Marketing (4:53)
Business Networking (6:43)
Brick and Mortar Stores (3:14)
Lessons from the Masters
Steve Blank and the Customer Development Methodology (4:49)
Get immediately download Introduction to Marketing
Eric Ries – 3 Engines of Growth (10:28)
Seth Godin and the Purple Cow (4:57)
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the course and finish?
The course s now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course – you decide when you and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.
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Course Requirement: Introduction to Marketing
Real Value: $47
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