I’m so certain my Beyond Exponential profit multiplying methods will produce audacious profit increases in your business (AT LEAST 3X your investment) — within the next 12 months — that I will return your entire participation fee if it fails to perform as promised.Are there any catches to my offer? No not at all — but there is one simple stipulation. I’m sure you’ll agree that it’s quite reasonable.
You see, I know without a shadow of a doubt, the enormous performance capabilities my methods produce (and profitably overdeliver) for ANY size, type, or scope business you meaningfully apply them to.
What I don’t know is whether you’ll apply, execute, and implement these methods for all they’re worth. So, I ask only that you agree to follow-through on the methods that are appropriate and document you did so.
Then, if they fail to achieve explosive growth (by at least 3X your investment) to your bottom line and bank account by month 12, just show me the simple proof that you did your part and that profits failed to multiply — and your participation fee is on its way back.
And it doesn’t stop there…
Imagine experiencing rapid, remarkable, and heretofore unachievable results start happening, continuing, and compounding — For The Rest Of Your Business Life!
You’re enjoying the most joyous, fulfilling, exceptional growth experiences and business outcomes and quality / satisfying interactions and stunning marketing / sales impact and more importantly — bottom-line results imaginable — and then multiplying that vision again and again!
Rapid Results Realistically Yours For The Asking
NOTE: It won’t take a lifetime to accomplish these more outrageous — business goals • financial goals • profit generating goals • strategic partnering goals • competitive superiority goals • business building goals • perpetual prosperity goals — as well as an utterly unimaginable and unexpected spectrum of outcome areas of your personal life you never even focused on before.
Now I know that all sounds great, and you might be asking yourself right now, how is this possible?!
Easy. And TOTALLY probable.
After engineering geometric breakthroughs and exponential gains for businesses worldwide, in over 1000 separate industries –– I made a staggeringly positive realization…
Just Do The Math
It is mathematically proven that you CAN take your business profit performance well beyond exponential.
Seriously and sincerely…
Beyond exponential profit performance is not only possible –– it is PROBABLE IF you implemented all 30+ categories of geometric bottom-line profit growth methodology I have pioneered over my career — and evolved and enhanced even more in the last two years.
BUT — once you look at the power of geometry applied to business performance strategies like:
The Three Ways To Grow A Business
The Three Advanced Ways To Grow A Business
The Power Parthenon Of Geometric Growth
The Nine Drivers Of Exponential Profit Performance
The 12 Strategic Pillars
The Nine Sticking Point Solutions
The 21 Power Principles
The 20 Marketing Multipliers
150 Referral Generating Strategies
Leverage Marketing
The Rules For Relevancy
Command And Control Of Absolute Business Advantage
Sunk Cost Marketing
The Human Hedge Fund
Or how about power pivoting?
And right now, in the midst of this downturn –– a 100% to 500% or higher rapid-results profit BOOST seems more desirable than ever before! It’s how your business will actually grow monumentally when all the competition around you are struggling to merely stay even.
Whatever achievement / business dreams you want to fulfill, financial goals you want to accomplish, and business life experiences you wish to encounter –– whatever you want to be, do, have and pursue — can all become probable — not just possible!
Let’s be honest.
Almost everyone has their version of their OWN business bucket list; meaningful achievable goals, increased income, lifestyle, impact, wealth creation the business is supposed to deliver… — YET most entrepreneurs don’t even have it written down or believe it to be achievable someday.
But I have helped so many to do just that… achieve their bucket list accomplishments, then blow FAR PAST those limiting “glass ceilings”.
I have provided my expertise and advisory services, worldwide, and have been acknowledged as one of the few living “Ultimate Grandmasters” of the discipline of geometric business growth!
I have guided over 100,000 other business men and women, from virtually every industry, from virtually every age and criteria imaginable to overachieve well beyond any expressed, written or envisioned business goal that entrepreneurs possibly held for themselves.
A wild sound statement? Perhaps.
But one that’s absolutely true. (and readily verifiable with a mere search on Google.)
Let me ask you a question…
Are you willing to make YOUR business bucket list a reality? And EVEN replace your current one with a list more significant, expansive, and audacious?
If so, how quickly are you willing to make it all happen?
And how READY are you to be stunned, amazed and humbled as you tear through, then surpass, every business goal you set — as you keep catapulting higher, faster, towards more seemingly outrageous results?
The Gauntlet Is Thrown Down To You Here…
I believe that business bucket lists are no longer ONLY for dreamers.
They’re for entrepreneurs of ALL ages, circumstances, who — no matter the obstacles that have stopped them before… want to become unstoppable NOW!
I have rock-solid, undeniable proof-positive ways you can absolutely achieve your best business life — ever from today forward — and realistically have it all! — IN SPITE OF THIS CRISIS TURNDOWN.
“Jay can pick up what you’re working on and give you ACTIONABLE advice in seconds. For anyone considering joining the program, I highly recommend it. It is completely worth whatever investment you’re going to put into it and get back 10x more! Jay is arguably one of the best marketing geniuses and business strategy minds out there. See you inside!”
— TK Kader
No more excuses.
Set the bar as high and wide as you can imagine or want — and I’ll say—that’s still not high or wide enough in any area of your business bucket list.
IF you’re game, you’re about to embark on the most thrilling business life adventure imaginable…
I’ve created a three stage process you’re going to love. Here’s why:
I’m conducting three separate BETA-versions of the initial Beyond Exponential Experimental 13-Week Training. Each one is designed to keep evolving, refining, and iterating the training process until it’s perfect and epic. At that point a LIVE $15,000 per participant version will start being offered.
You get to participate in as many of the BETA programs as you wish for ONE modest experimental fee which is 2/3rds LESS than the ultimate price I’ll be charging.
Once the process is fully refined and ready for PRIME TIME offering at the full $15,000 per participant price — you’re invited to participate in the first FULL in person version — in appreciation for your help refining the BETA version you engaged in. What that means is you get the right to participate in UP TO 3 BETA Versions of the program for a ONE-TIME fee of just 1/3rd the price of the ultimate program! Then you get to attend the ultimate program I’ll be conducting in person, GRATIS. And if you can’t attend in person it too will be available virtually.
That lets your overall business performance expand geometrically — AND the scope of your decision-making capability soars.
SECOND, odds are high you’ve never properly understood (let alone activated) any of the 30+ geometric business growth categories (some of which I mentioned above). If you don’t use them, your business loses them — and all the exponential profit performance they can or could be delivering for you.
THIRD, you’ve probably never thought about it before but almost everything that has happened to you and your business — good or bad, results from decision-making.
The bigger, the better, the faster, the more accurate and astute the quality (and consistency) of decision-making — the bigger, the better the outcome — And the more income you create.
Since your decisions impact every aspect of your business life, your decision-making capability becomes ever increasingly more fundamental to the overachievement you’re after… and, it’s the fuel that I call “hyper-operational, super achievement.”
Conversely, your bad or sub-optimal decisions rapidly diminish your achievements. But most people don’t recognize this.
Think about this.
From yesterday backwards, and today forward, EVERYTHING you accomplish in your business will be determined be it financial, competitive, marketing, wealth-building, fulfillment, security.
They’re all going to be predicated and tracked back to the strategic, critical-thinking, and consequential thinking-based decisions you’ll continuously make or don’t make.
It doesn’t really get any simpler than that.
When You Turn On And TURN UP Your Strategic Brainpower — Your Business Grows, Your Managerial Capability Grows, Your Marketing Power Grows! You’ll love your business either again — or for the first-time ever.
You’ll start making not just a lot more money BUT quantum times more money!
You probably never thought about decision making at this foundational level but when you do, you’ll see these truths to be – – as they say in our Constitution, self-evident!
As An Entrepreneur You Are Literally Programmed To Either Expand OR Contract.
Status quo is an illusion. It does not exist. So if you don’t expand your intellect, if you don’t learn how to make master-level continuous decisions –– you are, sadly but truly doomed and sentenced to constant setbacks.
Hopefully this helps explain what’s happening in various aspects of your life to date…
I’ve made it a life obsession of mine to uncover every lever that is available to impact the upside of performance and profitability while minimizing the downside or eliminating it altogether.
That’s the BIG IDEA of taking your business profits Beyond Exponential.
You Really CAN Win at Anything and Everything In Business
If I have my way with the rest of your business life I’m going to help you achieve your business bucket list, and then I’m going to explode your accomplishments in 30+ areas of unimaginable performance enhancement.
It may seem hard to fathom until you go through the training, but AGAIN — the truth is you really CAN win at anything and everything in business — even in a crisis.
But you can’t and you won’t do it following the same mindset, the same strategies, or even using the same level of business intellect you’ve applied in the past.
Some of the more interesting success stories my past trainings has produced include:
Click the video player above to hear these amazing stories.
Disclaimer: Jay never wants to sound arrogant or egotistical. Some of these promises may seem hyperbolic or overstating. But his training (he guarantees) can give you everything in the world you want for / from your business and more than you even think you deserve or could acquire — IF you’re willing to put the effort in.
If you want to learn to change your mindset and improve your critical and strategic thinking… simply do this program.
NOTE: Far too many info marketers out there claim they have the “secret sauce”. But next time you see their advertisements call their office and ask them if you can see their 100,000 estimated world-wide, 30+ category success stories.
Meet just a few of these transformed lives on this 47-minute theatrical-worthy documentary…(thejayabrahamstory.com)
When you take my new training, you’ll see — and when you use my exponential performance approaches — You’ll start playing the game of competition masterfully and winning bigger than ever imaginable! You’ll keep winning —- day in, and day out, week in, week out in 30+ areas of your business life.
When you DON’T use the power of business geometry to — Out-THINK • Out-PERFORM • Out-MARKET • Out-STRATEGIZE • Out-COMPETE and Out-EARN the competition — things can compound (to the negative) and you can frequently either get financially punished or lose out on opportunity / advantages.
You can get hit by reversals, disappointments and at best you only reach underachievement.
If you want your business to be on a perpetual roll that cannot be stopped — have your business intellect expanded so you’re always in that decision-making master level zone… if you want to learn exactly how to apply EACH category in whatever different unique business situations you face… this is how you do it.
If you’re accepted here is what I expect:
You must be appropriate enough in type and collaborative enough to provide the level of feedback, implementation and shared collaboration needed to be part of this beta test group, in order to make your participation worth me slashing the fee so dramatically.
I ask and expect participants to attend every session –– unless a true business or personal crisis occurs.
I do expect weekly feedback and meaningful discussion with other focus group members in a private Facebook group — this includes feedback and case studies on how and where you applied the various methodologies we cover.
Oh, — and in reward for you honoring your commitments I’ll allow you to attend a future ready-for-prime-time version GRATIS!
So you actually receive $30,000 total training for $5000. That is IF you qualify for participation NOW.
That holds even more value for you when you realize that people only retain 9% of what they typically learn at any life training. Take the training twice — and especially taking the inaugural version combined with the final refined program and you probably just DOUBLE, maybe REDOUBLE, maybe even REDOUBLED AGAIN the results you achieve!
My invitation is to create the ultimate downturn turnaround profit explosion improvement detonator.
“It’s such a no brainer. Some of the ideas have just been unbelievable. I 100% recommend Jay Abraham’s program to grow exponentially because it’s not talking points. It’s not what I’ll quote “Jay Abraham Intellectual Entertainment”. It’s REAL stuff that when Jay says he’s put out billions of dollars from this type of work, now I get it. I’ve been doing business myself as an entrepreneur for just under 14 years, and this is blowing my mind.”
— Garret Purrington
I fully expect hundreds of entrepreneurs to start taking these trainings at their full price of $15,000 once word of the enormous profit boosting results gets out.
But TODAY, I only want a few dozen of you — those most suitable and motivated — to test out the bottom-line explosion capabilities this training can truly create for your business.If this opportunity resonates, Book a Call with our Consulting Department to see if you qualify in order to join me for my upcoming adventure into mining and maximizing all the unlimited business growth and wealth-building resources that are at your fingertips.
BUT PLEASE REMEMBER — Only apply if you are serious about mining more profits from more ways than you ever thought possible.
— Jay Abraham
P.S. In case you’re one of those people who just skip to the end of the letter, here’s the deal:
I am offering you a powerhouse one-of-its-kind integration of the 30+ categories of separate geometric profit growth methodologies I have personally developed for private clients worldwide.
If you want in on the $5000 — two thirds OFF price reduction, updated training and you think Business Bucket List Bonanza is right for you — book a call with our Consulting Department to see if you qualify.
– Download Sample files “Jay Abraham – Beyond Exponential: Business Bucket List Bonanza”
Course Requirement: Jay Abraham – Beyond Exponential: Business Bucket List Bonanza
Real Value: $5,000.0000
One time cost: USD192.0000
Our support staff is the best by far! please do not hesitate to contact us at email: [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help!
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