
Jeremy Burns – Source Code Goldmine Version 6

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(Download available within 1-2 hours)If all of the awesome products along with the 1st two fast action bonuses, including the Physical Product weren’t already enough, we’re going to make this deal even sweeter!

Jeremy Burns – Source Code Goldmine Version 6

Jeremy Burns - Source Code Goldmine Version 6

10 Products In Less Than One Minute.
It’s Your Choice & The Clock Is Ticking… SCGoldMine v6 Is Now Live!

Grab $70,000 Worth Of
Source Code And Master Rights To 10 HOT Software, eBooks & Multi-Media Products For Mere Pennies On The Dollar

FAST ACTION BONUS, Rights To My New Un-Released SEO Guides!

Jeremy Says “Only For The First Fast Movers”

Yours FREE! – Monstrous Double Binder SEO
Home Immersion Course WITH Rights!

You read right…

The first select few people that take action and grab SourceCodeGoldMine Version 6 are going to get a full blown 2 binder… 489 Page… 106,174 Word “Physical” Course Not With Just With Rights, But TOTALLY RE-BRANDABLE PLR Rights!

This course is over 100,000 words and is hundreds upon hundreds of pages deep and it includes extremely high resolution PSD’s of the front and back cover graphics that are over 100mb in size!

We’re not talking an eBook or even one binder.  This is an all out high ticket course you can charge an extreme premium for!

How much do you think you could sell this beast of a course for?

This is actually a course that I’ve been working feverously on for the last year to release as a physical course without rights.  I was planning to do a big launch and get JV partners on board for a bunch of big promotions.

It’s one of the absolute most comprehensive courses on search engine optimization ever created and has all of the latest and most effective Web 2.0 strategies covered as well.  It really is a pearl!

Although the products in Version 6 are better than ANY of the previous Source Code Gold Mine sales, I wanted to do something extra special for my loyal customers so I asked myself the following question…

“What can I do that would that would absolutely shock my customers and REALLY give back to them as supporters of my sales for the last few years?”

I was at a stand still until a friend of mine jokingly said “Give them rights to that physical course that you’ve been working so hard on” and then chuckled.

I immediately said “no way!, I’m into that course financially for well over $10,000 in development, testing, tweaking and production costs alone” Not to mention more of my personal time than I care to think about.

But after thinking about it over night and talking about it with my wife, she loves to give me her view on things before a big launch, I decided that was the craziest, most valuable thing that I could possibly do for my customers.

This is actually better than me handing you a check for $10,000 because you have a big, fat physical course you can sell as a $1,000-$3,000 high ticket item!

Since I am giving you PLR rights you could easily turn this into a high end seminar or video series, the possibilities are limited only by your imagination and desire to succeed.

Imagine the extra profits that you could pocket by back-end selling, cross-selling, up-selling and following up with existing customers.

Do you think you could increase your profits from all those people buying $20 eBooks from you, if you up-sold just a few of these?  Sure you could!

Let’s do a quick breakdown so you can see how much money you’re going to make from this one course alone (not including the 10 awesome V6 Products)…

Let’s say that you sell a $19 eBook and you sell 100 copies a month.  That’s $1,900 gross profit before subtracting any affiliate commissions, advertising costs or credit card processing fees.

Now, let’s be extremely conservative and say that all you do is convert a measly 1% of your customers each month to purchase “your version” this course.  That’s ONE sale of this course a month at the medium price of $1,997!

You instantly MORE than double your profits with a horrible 1% response rate!

In my experience, I convert a minimum of 7%-13% of my existing customers to purchase the additional products and services I offer them on the back-end.

Can you see the extreme profit potential here?

You get the complete course including both fat binders totaling over 106,000 words of SEO Mastery content with physical PLR rights for absolutely nothing… ONLY if you are one of the first fast movers to take action.

Remember, I’m not making an exceptions on this.  Once they’re gone, they’re gone for good and you will never see PLR rights offered for this product again.

If that wasn’t enough to wet your appetite, wait until you see the products in Version 6 which I’m extremely proud of and that I just know you’re going to be thrilled with.

This is by far your best SourceCodeGoldMine ever!

If You Still See This Fast Action Bonus Box On This Page Then YOU DO QUALIFY For This Fast Action Bonus!

Fast Action Coaching Bonus
(This Is A Big One!)

If this box is still showing up on this page, you’re a very lucky person.  Let me explain…
There’s no doubt that the quality and easy profitability of these products speaks for themselves.  This package is one that you just won’t find anywhere else.
But as I mentioned earlier, I don’t just want to give you the package and wave goodbye to you.  I truly want you to succeed in your own online business in a personal way.
I wish you could share the feeling that I get every time that I get a success story from one of my package owners.  It’s the best feeling in the world and I know that you can experience that success too.
But to make things easier and completely error free, I’m going to include our coveted “Get Going Fast” coaching program in the form of our newly created SourceCodeGoldMine “Coach Me To Success” Manual.
This is a huge manual that is loaded with over 100 pages of highly detailed training and secret resources along with tons of “how to get it done fast” screenshots.
This is the content contained in our high priced coaching program that we’ve only accepted a very few students into at an extremely high price but you get it completely free.
You’ll learn where to find all of the software you need to get your websites up and running for absolutely no cost!  We show you where to get it and even how to download and install it!
We also show you how to use it to customize your website so that you can get started making money fast!
On top of that you will also learn where to get a free merchant account so that you can start accepting credit card payments immediately!  We’ll even show you how to make your own order button!
Please realize that this is a limited, fast action ONLY bonus thats available to only the first “smart marketers” who take action.  If you purchase after this bonus box has been removed, you’re going to be out of luck.
To top off that limitation, please remember, we are only offering 500 of the SCGM v6 packages all together!  That means that once 500 are sold, you will be locked out forever!
We’ve been doing this for years so you probably know that the price will go up, the package will sell out just as it has every time in the past, and this fast action bonus is going to be gone at record speed.
Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to get the “hand holding” manual that will guide you through every step of your site setup.


If all of the awesome products along with the 1st two fast action bonuses, including the Physical Product weren’t already enough, we’re going to make this deal even sweeter!
You’re going to get 5 MORE Private Label Rights products on top of your SCGM v6 package, absolutely free!
These are brand new, fresh off the press eBooks ready for you to customize and start selling.
What’s More, you are ALSO going to get personal training and tools for making more money from your PLR products starting right now!
I am a few weeks away from Launching my brand new
This bonus gets you your 1st month’s (5 Brand New PLR Products) FREE!
After your 1st months 5 NakedPLR products, should you choose to stay a member you will be billed just $19.97 per month, not the $47 per month that regular Naked PLR members will pay.
You’re also going to be getting 4-5 NEW Private Label Products EVERY month for as long as you decide to stay a member.
You may cancel any time and we will notify you before we ever bill you for your 1st month giving you plenty of time to cancel should you decide “Getting Naked” with is not for you.
This includes 4 to 5 NEW PLR products every month along with training, site building tools, bonus PLR products every month and much, much more as long as you decide to stay a member.  The Normal $147 enrollment fee has also be waived!

5 Additional PLR Products!
If You Still See This Fast Action Bonus Box On This Page Then YOU DO QUALIFY For This Fast Action Bonus!

Here’s What You’ll Get in Jeremy Burns – Source Code Goldmine Version 6

– Download Sample files “Jeremy Burns – Source Code Goldmine Version 6”

Course Requirement: Jeremy Burns – Source Code Goldmine Version 6
Real Value: $197
One time cost: USD42

Frequently Asked Questions For “Jeremy Burns – Source Code Goldmine Version 6

How to make payment for “Jeremy Burns – Source Code Goldmine Version 6” ?

  • Please add to cart on this page and go to checkout page. You can also add as many other products as you like and make a one-time payment.
  • We accept several type of Stripe payments such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, Google Pay, Apple Pay and JCB, payments from customers worldwide. Paypal & Bitcoin please contact us.
  • We strongly recommend our customers to make a payment through Stripe & Paypal . Because it is a safest and super security for you as well as for us.

Is it safe?

  • 100% Secure Checkout Privacy Policy
  • Encryption of sensitive data and communication.
  • All card numbers are encrypted at rest with AES-256 and transmitting card numbers runs in a separate hosting environment, and doesn’t share or save any info.

How can we deliver you the course?

How long do I have access to the course?

How to download “Jeremy Burns – Source Code Goldmine Version 6?

  • Enjoy “Jeremy Burns – Source Code Goldmine Version 6” in your account page.
  • Download only one file at a time. Sometimes doing all of the files at once will lead to them all freezing.
  • Also, please do not attempt to download to a mobile device. These should be saved to a computer and then synced to devices such as phones and tablets.
  • You can also learn online instead of downloading, but we encourage you to download for better results and viewing quality during your learn. Lastly, download times are much quicker in the mornings, before noon, Pacific time. during download make sure your device is not sleeping off screen.

What is the refund policy “Jeremy Burns – Source Code Goldmine Version 6”?

  • We’ll Bear The Risk, You’ll Take The Results…
  • Within 30 days of purchased |Jeremy Burns – Source Code Goldmine Version 6 |, if you don’t get anything out of the program, or if your order has any problem, or maybe for some reason, you just don’t like the way it is. Please contact us and we will do our best to assist. Thank you for your understanding.

Have More Questions?

Our support staff is the best by far! please do not hesitate to contact us at email: and we’ll be happy to help!

You want to get “Jeremy Burns – Source Code Goldmine Version 6” now right?!!!


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Original price was: $197.00.Current price is: $42.00.

Get Jeremy Burns - Source Code Goldmine Version 6 immediately when you secure your purchase by clicking on the order button on this page If all of the awesome products along with the 1st two fast action bonuses, including the Physical Product weren't already enough, we're going to make this deal even sweeter!

Purchase this product now and earn 42 Points!
10 Points = $1