Are You Tired of Hearing About “The Power of Facebook Ads, Funnels, WordPress, SEO, etc.” but You Have No Idea Where To Start?
End Your Frustration with a “Behind the Curtain” In-Person Training Showcasing Proven Step-by-Step Solutions on How to Build Your OWN Dominant Site Literally from the Ground Up from SEM Expert Jerry West
Q. How do I build my sites so I can get a killer boost my rankings while keeping my processes hidden from my competitors, while staying fully compliant with Google’s Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird algorithm changes?
This is Information I Have Never Shared Publicly Before. Take Your Business to the Next Level Faster. I’ll Show You How I Dominate Markets. No Fluff. No Hype. No BS.
Dear Confused/Frustrated Internet Marketer (that’s you right? And why you’re hereâŚ),
Hi. Jerry West here. Chances are you’ve been following me for many years. And for good reason. Unlike the other “gurus” I detest hype, fluff, and things that just waste your time. I come from the school of if it’s something that I hate, I’m not going to put you through it. I’ve been doing SEO since 1996 and affiliate marketing since 2000. I didn’t start teaching SEO until 2004, after almost 8 SOLID YEARS of real-world practice.
Unlike most of the SEOs out there, I actually know what works and what doesn’t online. I don’t guess and I don’t just follow what anyone else says. How do I know?
Testing. I have over 800 domains JUST FOR TESTING. The fact is, when it comes to REAL marketing methods that work online, you just don’t “know” anything unless you test it for real. Everything else is just theory. So, it goes without saying that this has been my full-time gig since 1999 and I have a kick ass staff. My company. My rules. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Simply put, you are in good hands with my knowledge, as it isn’t theory, I prove it every day with my campaigns.
Now, what I am most known for is compressing an hour of killer content into 5 minutes of usful, actionable information. You’re probably a lot like me, you hate spending an hour of your time for just five minutes worth of good content with other gurus. I always over deliver. I believe in that.
People ask me all the time how I make my money online. Is it from selling information? I can understand the skepticism. Over 90% of my income comes from affiliate marketing and I use the same exact methods that I teach my students inside the SEO Revolution. Many have become millionaires. The bottom line is, my shit works. More truth: I don’t keep secrets well, I like to help people. Years ago some top affiliates helped me and I believe in giving back. Karma isn’t a bitch when you help others. True.
I Used To Be Like You
So if you read between the lines above, there was a time when I was struggling. Just like you. Yes, I used to be like you. That’s not bullshit. I remember well working my ass off and getting nowhere. It was frustrating as hell. There were times I would stay up all night working and I would see absolutely nothing from my efforts. My former homes are littered with patches from holes in the wall courtsey of my fist. I am sure your home has the same scars.
My current students had the same frustrations before they came to me, so I could relate. I knew the struggle in their head. “How is THAT person successful? I’m 10x smarter than they are⌔. Here is a hint: It doesn’t matter how smart you are in this business. I remember well one of my students who was making $5k a month. He was brilliant. I told him, during a personal consulting call, he should be making $10k a month easily. “I would kill for that,” was his response. So we laid out a plan for him. Three months later his wife called to personally thank me. The month prior he did $18k and was on pace that month to do $24k. “You have brought the level of stress in our home to near zero. I don’t know what else to say but ‘thank you.'”
That just kicks ass. And that can be you. Making the kind of money you know you can. You just need the right direction and the right mentor.
You’ve probably been going in the wrong direction and listening to the wrong mentors for far too long. I was at PubCon in Las Vegas last fall where I was a speaker and was talking to one of the attendees there. It pissed me off. She said:
“I’ve spent thousands of dollars with all the top courses and my sites have all been negatively hit. No matter what I do, I can’t get them back. I have done everything and nothing works. My business is literally dying.”
Does this sound familiar? She was extremely frustrated. I would be too if I was her. She put her trust in some self-annointed guru with a system that was built like a house of cards. It was just a matter of when, not if, it was going to fall. And it did. They all did. During our conversation, it was clear that she was:
Stagnant – Working hard but getting nowhere
Uncertain – Didn’t know how to proceed from where she was
Frustrated – Doesn’t know who to trust as all of her previous investments in traffic building failed
Chances are good you have felt one or all three of the above at one point or another. It sucks, I know. So why did she fail if she hired “experts”? I occasionally check out the courses that are out there and frankly, I’m disgusted that some scam artists can get away with charging so much money for what amounts to a Jr. High School Book Report on SEO and marketing that leaves a massive footprint that your mom could find.
Real World Tip: Unless you are harnessing the power of Facebook Advertising, along with Retargeting, and a tested Sales Funnel, you are leaving more cash on the table than you are taking in, by a wide margin. This isn’t 2009 any longer, you just can’t throw up a site, buy links and rank in Google. In fact, Google is one of the worst conversion platforms on the web today. Yeah, I said Google and I didn’t stutter. The new game is Facebook and the ad platform is hands down the greatest platform ever invented, and I will show you how to make it sing for your business. Truth: All that matters in any business is how often the cash register rings. For some reason, marketing experts think that all traffic is equal. Traffic is not created equal. That is fact. All links are not equal. That’s MORE fact.
The real robbery is that there are opportunities going on right now and it kills me that good folks are getting out of the market and believing the hype that “SEO is Dead.” SEO isn’t dead, it has just evolved as it has for the last 20 years. Another group of people will tell you that “Email Marketing is Dead” … not even close. Again, it just evolved.
But the fear is spreading like wild fire. Even business owners who are search-savvy are slashing their marketing budgets. Hundreds of professional SEOs are giving up and getting “real” jobs. Why? Because Google’s Panda and Penguin updates are just too much for them to handle and their frustration has gotten so big that they would rather throw in the towel. Quitters. Suckers. Losers. They have practically GIVEN AWAY insanely valuable positions that YOU could be taking over right now.
BUT there is no shortage of scumbags out there who will happily sell you second-hand information or a “private invitation” to their secret link network that is utter garbage. I even spoke to a guru at a conference who admitted to me their private network was completely hit by Google, but they were still charging their customers full price. This is why you need your own. You need to be in control. That way you can’t be lied to anymore. You own it. Have you ever wondered why you can’t even get answers to your specific questions from your “hired guru”? It’s because they just flat out don’t know.
Are times tough? Sure they are. But you can either bitch and moan about it, or roll up your sleeves and get to work. Consumers ARE STILL spending money, and the fact is, they’re turning to the internet more and more.
I believe in the American Dream: that people who are willing to work hard deserve the chance to get paid well from those efforts…
And the fact is YOU CAN! You just don’t know where to start… Yet! My students didn’t know either, but now they do and their businesses are thriving even with Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird. Nothing can stop them. It is all because they own their own network, they are tapping into the right ad networks, and have the right technology. They have control.
Even in this economy, the businesses who follow my lead are thriving and flourishing. That isn’t BS and it isn’t hype. That is reality. Think about it, I’m not selling you an opportunity to use my link network or my software and I never will. It’s mine and it works because I keep it just for me. On the flip side, why would someone allow you to use their link network, or their proprietary software? If it is truly as great as they claim, they would only use it for themselves. Same with SEO and SEM. The great SEOs/SEMs never take clients, the poor ones do.
My Revelation
Every successful person has a “breakthrough” where the flood gates open up and what seemed to be so hard is suddenly easy. This happened to me and it had nothing to do with a marketing method or some “tip” I learned in a course. It instead was completely all about me and my head. How I was approaching things. You see, most people want that “perfect campaign” where money just flows and life is perfect. I had one of those campaigns and over night, it was taken away. Why? Because I didn’t own the network, someone else did. It was then I realized that in order for me to keep my successful campaigns, I had to own what was powering them.
Sounds simple enough but so many people aren’t doing this. They continue to rely on others and sign up for every “back room” link network and software solution there is hoping that this one will actually have value and work. Yet they are just diappointed once again when it doesn’t. They are poised to fail. Every. Single. Time.
My “Luck In A System”
Building the system took time, but not as long as I thought. Sure there were mistakes made…actualy a ton of them, but that is all part of the process. This is why our stuff words becuase we test it. Others don’t. They just spew their theories.
I have never looked back since. And when you start to kill it online a funny thing happens, you can’t remember how you sucked so bad before, as the process is far easier than you remember. And if a campaign dies? There is never any stress, you just reload and continue as you have four others carrying the weight until you get the other one back on track.
Why Does This Work So Much Better?
This is easyâŚ
This system has consistently improved rankings for every campaign we have launched.
When changes occur in the market, we come up with solutions quickly and effeciently.
Use of automation to make hours of work on your part done in the click of a button.
Using the right ad networks and milking them for the best leads.
And it gets betterâŚ
Moving Onward & Upward – You will have the confidence to overcome any obstacle that comes your way. Just like in the movie “Moneyball” your dick will be in the room two minutes before the rest of you does. Okay, maybe that’s a little over the top, but that is key. Confidence is probably a big piece of what you are missing.
Determined – No more will a lack of focus or blaming “ADD” be an issue. Excuses are excuses. You don’t need them. Well, at least not anymore.
Ass Kicking – Plain and simple. You have the skills, knowlege, tools and confidence to do anything you want, whenever you want. Just like you’ve always wanted.
Here’s proof:
“Jerry has been a key component in my business getting top rankings and conversion. I have been able to take on huge clients that I wouldn’t have been able to get because of what I learned from Jerry. He kicks ass.” – Alex Miller
“Jerry’s advice has increased my business substantially and I recommend him highly. Unlike other gurus, you can just tell he genuinly cares about his students.” – Don Schnure
Imagine your business running with the power and passion of one of the web’s top marketers. You will be able to finally taste the success that has eleuded you for years. Good, solid advice is needed now more than ever.
And that’s why I’m excited to share some of my best stuff with you.
I only know what I test and I only teach what I know. Period.
It’s really as simple as that.
Do you want targeted website traffic?
Do you want to get the benefits of expert SEM without needing a PhD (or hiring one)?
Do you want to position yourself ahead of your competition?
Do you want your business to make MORE money?
Do YOU want to make more money?
Of course you want all those things, it’s a no-brainer. So what’s been stopping you so far?!?!
Is the problem that you feel too overwhelmed to take action? You aren’t alone. A lot of people feel that way. I used to. It sucks. You feel you should be doing more. You can’t understand why it is taking so long to meet your goals and the frustration becomes magnified because of your lack of focus.
Notice I didn’t say you would learn any SEO “Secrets” or uncover any kind of “Conspiracy” or any of those other nonsense buzzwords.
“SEM Mastery: Dominate Your Market” Live Training
When: TBA
This is a live in-person training at my office in North Carolina. So you can ask questions and leave with a real solution, one that you have been searching for…
Basic & Advanced Facebook Techniques
The Business of SEM Consulting
Funnel Creation & Domination
Testing & Conversion
Basic/Advanced Facebook Techniques – Learn the ins and outs of Facebook advertising and marketing
How to Create Effective Ads
Real Techniques that Lower Your Cost Per Click
The Myths and Truths of Market Segmentation
The Inside Track on Facebook Insights – The Greatest Competitve Analysis Tool on the Planet
Retargeting – How it will Revolutionize Your Business
If your target market is a single mom living in the mid-west who loves listening to Poison and Bon Jovi and watching the Bachelor, guess what, you can’t segment them in Google, but you can target every single person that fits that criteria in Facebook. As I said, it is the greatest ad platform EVER.
The Business of SEM Consulting – Even if you don’t plan to be a consultant, this information is vital as it will teach you solid selling techniques, including how to be more effective.
The Golden Rules of Business
Consulting Must Haves
How to Market Your Services Online
Even though businesses are cutting back, if you are dynamic and can achieve real results, companies will hire you again and again. This is a great way to keep cash flow consistent if you are in between projects. And learning how to sell. There is no better business skill in my opinion.
Sales Funnel Creation & Domination – Learn how to effectively and properly use sales funnels to target cold, warm, and hot traffic.
The Blueprint That Works
Best Technology to Use
Psychology Behind the Paths
Simple Is Always Better
Gone are the days when you just drove all your traffic to one landing page. Now it is a process, lead magnets, trip wires, teaser offers, core offer, follow-up. The key is to get a funnel built quickly and tested. Don’t wait until it is perfect. Get it in front of eyeballs. You never know if that “unpolished” funnel is actually your best converting funnel. Get it in front of people and see their reaction.
Testing & Conversion – It doesn’t matter how much traffic you get if the cash register never rings. Conversion is the key issue every single time.
The Three Things I Test For – Always
How Effective is Your Web Design?
Are Your Headlines Compelling?
How to Use Google Analytics/Hot Jar in Less Than 15 Minutes a Day
Improving Bounce Rates in Your Funnel
I can’t stress this enough: TESTING is the most important factor in ANYTHING you ever learn. Even if you SUCK at this when you start out, testing small changes over time can turn ANYONE into a conversion powerhouse. Because just a simple increase from 2% to 3% conversion means at least a 50% increase in revenues. Small shifts can do wonders to your bottom line.
Technology – Learn how technology will play a critical role in raising your conversion ratio so you earn more per visit.
Leveraging Technology
Spying on Your Competitors
The Right WordPress Themes & Plugins for Dominance
All of what we call “SEM” is tied to technology. Understanding the right technology to use is key to any business being successful.
Notice that I didn’t assign some crazy dollar figure to each section to total up some sky-high dollar figure so you feel better about this purchase. Either you trust me or you don’t. That’s it. This is going to be a complete training, one that can reshape your business and your mindset – and there won’t be any fluff.
You might be asking yourself at this point, why would I offer to teach people what I know. I’d like to tell you a story. Stick with me, it’s a good one.
It was 2005 and my career was stuck. I decided to attend PubCon (a conference for SEM junkies like me) in New Orleans. There was a forum called WebmasterWorld and everyone had a “handle”. One of the smartest people in the forum, and one of the most giving with advice was Tedster. Our first face-to-face meeting would take place at that PubCon.
It was during one of the lunch breaks. I was sitting alone going over the schedule to see which sessions I wanted to hit next. Tedster sat down right next to me, âYou look like a first-timer.â I nodded. âWe love first timers. Tell me about yourself.â We chatted one-on-one for the next 15-20 minutes. I shared my struggles, he shared his that he had in the past and he âshowed me the ropesâ on how I could get the most from not just PubCon, but from Webmaster World.
âYou see Jerry, this is not about who can get rich, this is about how you can enrich your life and those around youâŚand make a little money too.â He said with a big smile at the end and elbowing me. He then got serious and told me that when I made it big (he emphasized âwhenâ), it is important to give back. To help those who are just starting out, or those who just need a little help getting over a hump.
Most people who have enjoyed the success I have been fortunate to have would have kept quiet, but not me. I knew my roots. I knew that I was able to attain the level of success because of people like Tedster who took time out of their life to help me. So Iâve done the same. Paying it forward.
He stood up to leave, put his hand on my shoulder. âKeep coming back to PubCon Jerry. Youâre going to be one of the good ones.â
There was no one better than Tedster. He past away in 2013 and PubCon has never been the same since.
Included in this special “SEM Mastery: Dominate Your Market” Training:
A one month membership to the SEO Revolution (currently closed to new members) – $100.00 value
I’m giving you access to tested SEO/SEM results and expert traffic and conversion advice gathered from over 20 years experience on the web.
I have over 800 test domains. My analysts track SEM methodologies better than any other web marketing firm. Period. Nothing is more frustrating than realizing you just wasted the last three weeks implementing an unsuccessful strategy.
With this insider access, you get the same flow of information that some people base their entire SEM consulting business on.
TRUST: Is there anything MORE IMPORTANT when it comes to getting advice that you’re going to bet your business on?
What Sets Me Apart
My ability to boost your business with real test data from “the field”.
I make the bulk of our money “in the field” as an affiliate and doing traffic arbitrage and not from selling information. I’m right there in the trenches working the same as you are.
I don’t depend on teaching this stuff for money. I teach people because I love helping people and it is my way to give back to the business community.
My techniques actually work when applied to your business and your web sites. And I back this with a full 90-day guarantee.
Get Access…
Why Wait?!?!
If youâre an entrepreneur, independent professional, affiliate or small business owner, find out what you have been missingâŚ
Create content-rich info products quickly and effectively
Automatically build highly-responsive online lists, even from scratch
Motivate and persuade prospects to become customers
Increase your rankings to bring in more qualified traffic to your sites
Improve your offers
Create better headlines and write copy more easily
How to use social media and blogs to their fullest potential
How to effectively outsource without losing your mind or wallet
The only REAL thing left to ask is:
How Effective Are the Methods?
How do they work in the “Real World”?
Simply Put: They just Kick Ass.
Get it All … The Training, the Membership and possible surprises. You never know with me.
The Full “Dominate Your Market” Training for $2,500.00.
My information WORKS and it’s GUARANTEED.
The Full Dominate Your Market Training, including access to the SEO Revolution – $2,500.00
But you don’t have to take mine or ANYONE’S word about ANY of this stuff. Let me PROVE it to you for 90 WHOLE DAYS. Try it ALL out for 90 Days. TEST THIS STUFF OUT and you’ll prove it to yourself that it works.
But if during the first 90 Days you are somehow unsatisfied, all you have to do is let us know and you’ll get a full refund. BUT I WILL NOT say “No Questions Asked.”
I really mean it when I say this training is designed to make you an SEM MASTER. Anything less that that, and I’ve messed up.
So I reserve the right to ask you how I can do better if you’re unhappy with any piece of “Dominate Your Market”. No answers required. đ Fair enough?
See you soon,
– Jerry West
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Real Value:Â $2,500.0000
One time cost: USD142.0000
Our support staff is the best by far! please do not hesitate to contact us at email:Â [email protected]Â and weâll be happy to help!
You want to get âJerry West – SEM Masteryâ now right?!!!
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