
Jessi Cabutts – Roadmap to Your Front Seat Life

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Jessi Cabutts – Roadmap to Your Front Seat Life

 Jessi Cabutts - Roadmap to Your Front Seat Life

“This is the Truth… And You Need to Hear it!”
Whether you’ve heard me speak, watched one of my videos or have read one of my books: Live Your Life from the Front Seat or Don’t Do Stuff You Suck At — you know that I am a sassy, “truth telling” speaker, author, and coach. Even though I don’t know your exact story and I’m sure there are unique details that are very personal to you, please rest assured that I have probably heard something very similar before and even likely experienced something similar myself.

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I’m also willing to bet that your story has led you to a place of discontent… wondering if this is all there is for your life, sitting in a place of questioning everything from your career to who you really are as a person and if you are even capable of being anything more than you are now.

How do I know this? Two reasons:
First, I’ve been there. In my mid-30s, I found myself completely lost. My job in corporate Human Resources was nothing more than blah and my marriage was falling apart due to addiction, affairs, and co-dependency. To cope, I shut down. I spent many nights crying on my kitchen floor feeling hopeless, lost, and scared for my future. I became a victim in my own life, and I no longer recognized who I was.

I didn’t mean to get to this place. I didn’t just wake up one day and decide to be a victim. Though it feels like it all snuck up on me, I know it happened slowly over time, and I just adapted and learned to (minimally) cope along the way. I had to make some changes, and when I did, I learned the absolute truth about myself. It wasn’t easy, and it also meant I couldn’t hide anymore.

Second, as a retired therapist, I can’t tell you how many people came to me with the same story. Yes, their details were different, but the end result was the same. Lost. Confused. Scattered. Barely coping. Unhappy. Simply surviving. Hopeless.

So what happened? When did life get so hard? Where did we lose sight of our dreams in exchange for jobs, relationships, caring for other people, and making sure everything looks good from the outside… even though we’re dying on the inside?

Brace yourself because here comes the sassy, truth-telling Jessica… life got hard when you started going against who you really are. When you started to comply with the expectations of others, you said goodbye to the real you. Unless you know who you are, decide where you’re going, and map out how you’re going to get there, you’ll NEVER be who you want to be… who you were designed to be.

That’s the truth. And no matter how many programs you’ve been through or how much money you’ve spent on self-discovery missions, it boils down to these three basic elements:

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“Everything that you’re feeling right now — the loneliness, isolation, anxiety, depression and anger — is just going to get worse.”
Maybe it is worse. Maybe you’re already medicating with booze, pills, shopping, food, and, in this day and age, social media.

It’s true… we spend an average of 2 hours each and every day peering into other people’s lives but complain we don’t have enough time to anything we want to do. It’s not that we’re addicted to social media… it’s our desire to escape from our own lives and stare into other people’s seemingly perfect worlds. Trust me, most of these “friends” have the same struggles you do and are out there pretending it’s all good.

“Nothing I Do Works!”
Nearly everyone I talk to has read books, been to counseling, taken courses, bought programs, and spent thousands of dollars on the hope and promise that things will get better. But things didn’t get better.

And now you’re here with me. But you’re still reading this, so I know that you have a glimmer of hope and I’m about to give you even more reason to decide that now is the time and the place for you to take action and begin to live your life in the front seat. Your very own life… lived in a way that ONLY you can live it. The way you design it. Your own thoughts. Your own ideas and opinions.

Be forewarned though, because what you’re about to hear is Bold and Different…
“You now have the chance to move forward once and for all.”
No more timid, tentative, tippy-toe steps.

These are tangible and actionable moves that will fuel your growth.

This is everything you need to finally get unstuck:

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“Roadmap to YOUR Front Seat Life™includes the System, Structure, and Single Focus techniques that I use with corporations and private coaching clients that have brought about more positive change and success than anything they’ve ever done.

It’s very simple — everything is beautifully organized right in front of you. There is a video with a printable PDF right next to it so that you know exactly what you’re working on.

No searching, no trying to figure out what goes with what — you already have enough of that in your life.
“Roadmap to YOUR Front Seat Life gets right to the most important stuff about You.”
You’re one-of-a-kind and you have your own “self” to consider and take care of in a way that fits you.

You NEED to understand who you are and how to design the right career for YOU!.

You can’t look to others to define that for you. We are all designed differently. One size does not fit all!

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Who Are You?
You MUST discover who you are at the core. Not who you think you should be. Not who you have become at the hands of others. Who you REALLY are. You have innate gifts and talents that you’re not using and THIS is where the real you is… let’s get you there.

I’m going to help you do that by taking a look at how you’re built from the inside — your own personality. You may already know your personality type based on the Myers Briggs Type Indicator, but have you ever had an MBTI expert tell you what it all means and how you can use it for your own benefit? You will now. And if you haven’t taken the Myers Briggs assessment, you can do so for FREE right here.

Where Are You Going?
Even if you back out of your driveway in the dream car that you had custom built and paid cash for… you will not feel that sense of adventure and excitement you hoped for if you don’t have any idea where you want to go. Maps won’t help at this point. They’ll just look like a bunch of tangled lines and curves and symbols… they have no meaning when you have no sense of direction.

I have asked rooms full of thousands of people to raise their hands if they are rock-solid on where their life is headed and only very few hands will go up. Why? How can you know where you’re going if you don’t know who you are? If you’re only living for the next five minutes of your life, you can’t get very far.

Hear me… this isn’t even living.

It’s not even surviving… at most, it’s barely breathing.

How Are You Going to Get There?
Tough love here (they don’t call me Jessica “Kick” Butts for nothing!) — you’re going to have to make some changes.

And if you’ve only made soft, easy, half-assed attempts at change, you’re NEVER going to get beyond where you are today.

That’s truth.

Today can be different for you.

I have designed this program specifically for you… ready to make serious upgrades in your life and business but not wanting a group program or personal coaching.

Your timeline. Your pace.

Here you’ll find the tools, hope, and inspiration to make the genuine changes you need to make to define “you”, to thoroughly understand where you want to go, and then map out your own road trip.

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Course Requirement: Jessi Cabutts – Roadmap to Your Front Seat Life
Real Value: $297.0000
One time cost: USD47.0000

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Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $47.00.

Get Jessi Cabutts - Roadmap to Your Front Seat Life immediately when you secure your purchase by clicking on the order button on this page Roadmap to YOUR Front Seat Life™includes the System, Structure, and Single Focus techniques that I use with corporations and private coaching clients that have brought about more positive change and success than anything they’ve ever done....

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