
José Stevens & Lena Stevens – The Wisdom of the Medicine Wheel


José Stevens & Lena Stevens – The Wisdom of the Medicine Wheel

José Stevens & Lena Stevens - The Wisdom of the Medicine Wheel

With Teacher, Shamanic Practitioner & Writer of the Power Path Monthly Forecast
Lena Stevens
& Author, Teacher, & Shamanic Practitioner
Jose Luis Stevens, PhD
A 7-module On-demand Video Training

Use the Medicine Wheel to better understand how you’ve created your reality and what you can do to transform or “re-dream” it to manifest the life you desire.

Experience how to work with the beneficial flow of cosmic energies around you to remove blocks and awaken through the discovery and transformation of your own many energetic layers.

What does it mean to be “shamanically awake”?

Perhaps you know, or think you know…

Or, you’re on a shamanic path and committed to practices and an approach to life that helps you cultivate this awakeness.

Shamanism is the oldest spiritual path. It’s self-empowering, opens the heart, keeps us in integrity, and intimately connects us with all living things and the energetic fields all around us.

It also helps us to better understand the energies we hold within ourselves, including what keeps us stuck or unable to thrive, as well as how to work with and transform these energies and, thus, our lives.

And it can help us discover and greatly expand our manifestation capabilities — our ability to “re-dream” our lives (shaman’s believe we are always dreaming, even while awake).

At its core, the shamanic path puts our responsibility for our life — and how we’re living it — in our own hands, as we discover the immense power of our will, our intentions, and our word.

There are many approaches to shamanism, and in Wisdom of the Medicine Wheel you’ll discover a practical approach that weaves Indigenous wisdom with psychological insights and scientific principles…

… to help you better understand how you’ve created the reality you’re in and what you can do to transform or “re-dream” it — to evolve and manifest the life you want to be living.

The Medicine Wheel, a cross-cultural map of consciousness, can help us with this. It shows us the flow of life and the different stages of our progress through our many life projects and initiations.

This “flow of life” comprises the energetic forces all around us — in each direction, North, South, East, and West, as well as Above (the Heavens) and Below (the Earth).

You’ll find yourself in different places in the Medicine Wheel depending on what you’re currently experiencing. For example, you may be in the West regarding your life purpose. West on the Medicine Wheel teaches us about intention and how releasing your attachments is necessary for the freedom to go for something new.

Each direction has its positive and negative pole, representing choices about how you can use the theme of that direction.

If you get stuck somewhere in your process or thrown off track, you can use the Medicine Wheel to diagnose your error and find your way. It’s a map that can show you the best path and where you went astray — without judgment.

It also maps the balance of the masculine and feminine polarities in life and shows you how one flows naturally into the other.

In this 7-module online training, internationally-renowned teachers and shamanic practitioners Jose and Lena Stevens will guide you on a life-transformative exploration of the shamanic perspective with the help of the Medicine Wheel and their decades of experience walking and teaching the shamanic path…

Jose is a psychologist, licensed clinical social worker, and author of more than 21 books on personal evolution and shamanism as well as co-founder of the Power Path School of Shamanism.

Lena is an author, co-founder of and coach with the Power Path School of Shamanism, and writes the popular, internationally-read Power Path Monthly Forecast.

They’ve both completed a 10-year apprenticeship in the Huichol tradition and spent many years studying with other Indigenous shamanic elders including the Shipibo in Peru and the Q’ero in the Andes.

With deep respect for Indigenous wisdom, they offer practical approaches to shamanism that can be used in the modern world to make it a better place.

In Wisdom of the Medicine Wheel, you’ll:

  • Better understand how and why you cling to fixed perceptions and the fear behind these thoughts
  • Learn how to let go and relax the need for control over your life
  • Identify how we entrap our energy and learn ways to move it to a healthy flow
  • Discover how to put spirit in charge of your life via the power of the shamanic path
  • Experience and understand how to activate the vibrational fields you want (like the fields of fun) and deactivate the ones that affect you negatively (like the fields of worry or anxiety)
  • Refine your curiosity to ask the right questions: “What am I doing right?” instead of “What am I doing wrong?”
  • Enter the natural flow of life using the wisdom of the Medicine Wheel
  • Learn how information is stored in the body and anchors in your instinctive core and how to bring it to the surface for release
  • What relationship you have with time, the 3 demons that run “time,” and how you can develop a shamanic relationship with time that will support you
  • Understand the energy of transition and how it relates to completion and release of the old dream
  • Establish a deep and permanent connection to the shamanic experience of using the wisdom of the Medicine Wheel, your allies and all the shamanic tools you have to live the life you want
  • And much more…

In this brand new Shift Network program, you’ll discover age-old shamanic wisdom and learn experiential exercises that can help you dismantle the outdated “dream” for your life and create a new one.

These are practices you’ll value and want to use throughout your lifetime — approaches to life that allow you to open to the flow of the beneficial energies around you and to connect with and best use the helping allies in other realms.

It is also the opportunity to — perhaps, finally — discover how to break through your stuck patterns, including karmic residue from trauma, giving you the freedom to manifest the life you desire.

We all need support in our spiritual journeys, and when you choose a shamanic path, you choose to awaken through the discovery and transformation of your many energetic layers, your use of conscious intention, your development of an ever-growing heart, and your deepening connection to all living things…

It’s a path that empowers you to let go the old and “re-dream” the new.

And whether this new program offers you your first steps on this ancient and sacred path or you’re looking to deepen your shamanic practice, Jose and Lena offer us a practical and heartfelt approach to living our lives — one that can help us break past our limitations and expand the scope of what we’ve ever thought possible.

This is what it means to awaken shamanically…

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-module transformational intensive, Jose and Lena will guide you through the fundamental spiritual skills and competencies you’ll need to transform and re-dream our reality to better support our evolution.

This course will feature teachings, training sessions, and experiential practices with Jose and Lena. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to work with age-old wisdom to dismantle the old paradigm and create a new one from a shamanic perspective.

Module 1: Challenging Your Most Cherished Beliefs

Be prepared to question the way you see the world as we shake things up using a shamanic perspective and introduce you to the powerful principles of this ancient wisdom.

From ordinary reality into non-ordinary reality, you’ll experience the spirit world as it relates to time, presence, and the awareness of how you dream up your own reality.

In this class, you’ll:

  • Better understand how and why you cling to fixed perceptions and the fear behind these thoughts
  • Learn how to let go and relax the need for control over your life
  • Be inspired by the 7 paths of the shaman and their role in our world today
  • Discover what it means to be shamanically awake
  • Identify how we entrap our energy and learn ways to move it to a healthy flow
  • Discover how to put spirit in charge of your life via the power of the shamanic path

Module 2: Use the Medicine Wheel as a Powerful Shamanic Map

How can you begin everything in the most effective way? When do you know when something is complete? How does your curiosity liberate the information to manifest what you want in your life?

We begin our shamanic journey through the Medicine Wheel in the East, exploring the magic and mystery of the void, so we can understand where everything begins and how the quantum field interacts with our intentions.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Experience and understand how to activate the vibrational fields you want (like the fields of fun) and deactivate the ones that affect you negatively (like the fields of worry or anxiety)
  • Refine your curiosity to ask the right questions: “What am I doing right?” instead of “What am I doing wrong?”
  • Learn to experience the 3 magical fields that permanently wake us up shamanically
  • Understand how the fields relate to your personal “medicine,” your unique gift in this life
  • Enter the natural flow of life using the wisdom of the Medicine Wheel

Module 3: Releasing Your Deepest Patterns

We store trauma, intense experiences, and karmic events as patterns that settle in our bones and in our instinctive core. These traumas are linked chains of reinforcing memories that condition us to feel victimized and helpless.

They imprint and condition us to create our reality from a place of fear. They limit our freedom and block us from creating what we want.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Learn how information is stored in the body and anchors in your instinctive core and how to bring it to the surface for release
  • Shake up the conditioning that controls you
  • Discover how to release old patterns of fear and limitation
  • Bring in new frequencies of potential and restored energy

Module 4: Enlisting Your Allies to Reshape Your Dreams of the Future

We have much more support than we’re conscious of from our allies and spirit helpers in non-ordinary reality. The direction of the South in the Medicine Wheel provides us with the container through which we explore our relationship with support.

To receive support requires an open heart, which is central to the Shamanic path. How much support do you have? Where does it come from? We’ll journey to connect with an ally for support.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discover how the South helps you with the support you need
  • Learn how containers work in our lives and how they can support or entrap us
  • Learn your sources of support and how to cultivate them
  • Discover how your allies show up
  • Understand how to get the most from your allies and how to instruct them most effectively

Module 5: The Nature of Your Obstacles
What Keeps the Old Paradigm Going

Life is like a game with specific rules of play that determine winning and losing. When we discover why we’re playing this game, what the rules are, as well as the nature of our obstacles, we can play with much more skill and power. We learn who and what our opponent really is and uncover how to defeat it.

What if you could recognize your opponents as fears and learn to eliminate them?

In this class, you’ll delve into the specific primary fears that contribute to losing the game over and over, and how the parasite personality uses these fears against us. You’ll discover that there are ways to erase each fear and eliminate your opponent absolutely.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The specific rules of the game of life
  • The 7 fear patterns whose mission is to defeat us in this game
  • How to identify who your unique specific opponent is and how it got there
  • How to identify the way it operates by setting up patterns of expectations
  • The nature of these sets of expectations that entrap and defeat you
  • How to face your opponent to defeat it utterly and completely

Module 6: Clarity, Focus, Transition & Time

What’s your relationship with time and how does your belief system around time influence how you experience your physical reality? The shamanic view on time and how to work with it opens a freedom of possibilities for dealing with past, present, and future.

Are you really clear on what you want? Do you know how to prepare an intention with focus and clarity?

The West direction of the Medicine Wheel teaches us about intention and how releasing your attachments is necessary for the freedom to go for something new. If you have navigated the East and the South successfully, the West will hand you the clarity of what you want with ease and grace.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • What relationship you have with time, the 3 demons that run “time,” and how you can develop a shamanic relationship with time that will support you
  • Understand the energy of transition and how it relates to completion and release of the old dream
  • Become proficient at setting intentions for a new dream
  • Learn about the importance of being present through shamanic experience
  • Establish an intimate relationship with the spirit of the West and learn to use it as a powerful ally

Module 7: Taking Action, Putting It All Together
Dreaming the New Dream

What if you could transform your world and how you envision your dreams of what could be? What if action came easily and effortlessly?

We move to the North in the Medicine Wheel and use its wisdom to integrate, assimilate, and infuse our new visions with power and magic. This is where we put it all together and discover what it feels like to experience a new reality in a world we wish to see.

In this final module, you’ll experience:

  • A collective vision of the future we wish to create
  • Explore your relationship with struggle vs ease
  • Work with the future probability you wish to see
  • Establish a deep and permanent connection to the shamanic experience of using the wisdom of the Medicine Wheel, your allies and all the shamanic tools you have to live the life you want

The Wisdom of the Medicine Wheel Bonus Collection

In addition to Jose and Lena’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll also receive these powerful bonus materials. These bonus selections complement the course — and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Creating the Future From “the Now Place”
Audio Teaching From Jose Stevens

In this 90-minute recording of a live lecture, Jose speaks on practical ways you can be prepared for what’s to come. This talk will introduce some concepts on preparing for the future, both our personal desired future and our desires for the future of the world. There are always new scientific discoveries about what’s to come, but the big problem is that the world of science is very disparate and their findings are out of the mainstream and often unknown. Jose touches upon a few experiments that may raise your eyebrows and open your mind to what’s possible.

The Meditation for the Future
Audio Recording From the Power Path Meditation Series

In this bonus audio, you’ll receive a guided visualization using the future self as a guide to help manifest the best possible future which includes yourself as well as guidance for planetary healing purposes. This meditation is based on the principle that the future is flexible and not set in stone. There is much room for choice and intention to change your probable future and to create a probable future for yourself which is more aligned with Spirit.

Effective Intentions, Goals & Resolutions
Audio Recording From the Power Path

In this audio teaching, you’ll receive practical “how to” for setting good intentions. The teaching covers the difference between intentions, goals, and resolutions, as well as work with the different fields of prosperity and how to get clarity about what you want.

What People Have Said About Jose and Lena…

“Accomplished writer and storyteller…”

Jose Luis Stevens is an accomplished writer and storyteller who shares his own tales of power.
— Michael Harner, Author of Cave and Cosmos and The Way of the Shaman

“We learn how to stand in our power”

Jose Luis Stevens uses the shamanic art of teaching through storytelling to share his depth of wisdom and knowledge with us. I was deeply touched by his remarkable stories and how the lessons he learned apply to all of us as we learn how to stand in our power.
— Sandra Ingerman, MA, Author of Walking in Light

“Bring us into connection with our inner chief…”

Jose Stevens’ engaging accounts of his spiritual unfolding reveal the excitement of the travels as well as the travails that may transpire when we walk the spiritual path in search of encounters with power. There is much teaching and knowledge in his stories that may bring us into connection with our inner chief, the leader within each of us who takes responsibility for doing what needs to be done, as well as for creating abundance through our relationship with nature.
— Hank Wesselman, PhD, Anthropologist and author of the Spiritwalkertrilogy

“Brings us jewels of wisdom from the world’s most ancient spiritual path”

Jose Luis Stevens brings us jewels of wisdom from the world’s most ancient spiritual path. A brilliant and heart-warming book of personal tales of power and the journey beyond life and death. Exquisite!
— Alberto Villoldo, PhD, bestselling author of Shaman, Healer, Sage and One Spirit Medicine

“Potent, transformative wisdom stories”

For thousands of years, our ancestors shared teachings through an oral tradition of storytelling… We have the honor of sitting around a timeless fire with an elder and ingesting the experiences of a lifetime of potent, transformative wisdom stories. Drink deep of this much needed draught of medicine words.
— HeatherAsh Amara

“Shall serve to further catalyze the cross-cultural democratization of shamanism…”

A seasoned shamanic teacher and consummate ceremonialist, Jose Luis Stevens’s gift of storytelling is on a par with the soul-illuminating tales spoken by tribal wisdom keepers of time immemorial… On a more global scale, I’m convinced the wonderfully articulated perennial wisdom within his beautifully written book shall serve to further catalyze the cross-cultural democratization of shamanism as a collective path of earth-centered spiritual living.
— don Oscar Miro-Quesada, Author of Lessons in Courage; founder of The Heart of the Healer (THOTH) and originator of Pachakuti Mesa Tradition of cross-cultural shamanism

“Savor it”
[Jose] shows us how to become the Artist, the Healer, the Warrior, and the Teacher. For the devotees of African diaspora traditions, this work can be understood as a shamanic interpretation of the powers of Eshu Yangi, the deity who guides us on the many paths between heaven and earth. Savor it.
— Luisah Teish, Author of Jambalaya: The Natural Woman’s Book of Personal Charms and Practical Rituals

“Deep teachings about how to find spiritual power and use it ethically”

Jose Stevens has laid out some of the signature events of his own life in wonderful stories that are sometimes humorous, sometimes painful, but always with deep teachings about how to find spiritual power and use it ethically. As he points out, becoming powerful means leaving your comfort zone and being open to the times when things go wrong as well as right. It’s through personal stories that we receive from spirit the gifts of insight and wisdom, and through Jose’s stories, you’ll receive those gifts.
— Tom Cowan, Author of Fire in the Headand Yearning for the Wind

“Jose Luis Stevens’ riveting personal stories are profound teachings”

True to ancient shamanic traditions, Jose Luis Stevens’ riveting personal stories are profound teachings. There’s no other way to teach the mystery unless you experience it through gratitude, love, and awe.
— Itzhak Beery, Author of The Gift of Shamanism: Visionary Power, Ayahuasca Dreams, and Journeys to the Other Realms

“Jose displays much humility and authenticity…”

In telling his personal adventures, Jose displays much humility and authenticity, which is personal power. Good stories, even personal ones, are collective. The stories teach us in a way that is whole… The teachings you receive almost effortlessly seem meant for you.
— Claude Poncelet, PhD, Author of The Shaman Within

“Changing how the energy of my life is flowing…”

As a participant [in the program with Lena], I was offered dozens of practices and a potent vocabulary for identifying and changing how the energy of my life is flowing, patterning, leaking, binding, and manifesting at any particular moment. Thank you for this valuable program and the community of women it supports!
— Ann Pirruccello, PhD

“I am more available to act for the highest good”

[My experience with Lena] was truly transformative and moved me to a whole new level and perspective on power and spirituality. How I view my daily life and my life’s purpose has made a major shift, and I know I am more available to act for the highest good. In addition, this course has had a positive ripple effect on my experience of those that I come into contact with at home, work, and in the world. Highly recommend this series to women ready for “next” in their lives.
— Austin, JD

“This program gave me everything I was looking for and more”

This was the best thing I could have done for myself. I was in a career transition and looking to break away from past patterns once and for all and this program gave me everything I was looking for and more.
— D. Worthington

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven Recorded 90-minute Class Sessions with Jose and Lena Stevens

Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored and learn with shamanic teachers Jose and Lena Stevens — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a video teaching and guides you to learn the specific skills and abilities to awaken your spiritual potential.

Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

After each lesson, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Wisdom of the Medicine Wheel Bonus Collection

  • Creating the Future From “the Now Place”
    Audio Teaching From Jose Stevens
  • The Meditation for the Future
    Audio Recording From the Power Path Meditation Series
  • Effective Intentions, Goals & Resolutions
    Audio Recording From the Power Path

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Wisdom of the Medicine Wheel Virtual Training

We feel honored Jose and Lena Stevens have chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn from two renowned shamanic teachers whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations, and meals — which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from Jose and Lena’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home — and at your own pace!

If you’re serious about transforming our collective reality to better support our evolution, then you owe it to yourself and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself,

About Jose Luis Stevens and Lena Stevens

Jose Luis Stevens, PhD, is an international lecturer, teacher, consultant, and trainer. A psychologist, licensed clinical social worker, and author of more than 21 books and ebooks, as well as numerous articles, he’s also on the board of the Society of Shamanic Practitioners. He’s the cofounder of the Power Path School of Shamanism and the Center for Shamanic Education and Exchange. He completed a 10-year apprenticeship with a Huichol marakame and has studied extensively with the Shipibos of the Amazon and the Q’ero of the Andes. His recent book, Encounters With Power: Adventures and Misadventures on the Path to Healing, presents true teaching stories from his life on the shamanic path.

Lena Stevens is an internationally recognized shamanic practitioner, teacher, author, and coach with the Power Path School of Shamanism. She’s been writing the widely and internationally read Power Path Monthly Forecast for many years and has helped individuals, groups, and businesses change their fortune and their lives through her writings and shamanic coaching. With her husband and business partner Jose, she completed a 10-year apprenticeship in the Huichol tradition and has spent many years studying with other Indigenous shamanic elders including the Shipibo in Peru and the Q’ero in the Andes. Believing that the Shamanic path is an important one for our times, Lena has dedicated her life to finding practical ways to teach important shamanic Indigenous wisdom to those in the modern world so we can make it a better place.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there is something we can assist you with, please email us at and we’ll be happy to help!

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to a problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

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Course Requirement: José Stevens & Lena Stevens – The Wisdom of the Medicine Wheel
Real Value: $297.0000
One time cost: USD52.0000

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