
Leonie Dawson – Work Less & Earn More 2022


This workshop is my answer. In it, I’m going to take you through everything I know about creating a high income, low work business and how you can do the same.

Leonie Dawson – Work Less & Earn More 2022

Leonie Dawson - Work Less & Earn More 2022


Whenever I tell people I’ve created over $12 million in revenue, while only ever working 10 hours a week, the response is always the same:

“HOW??????? HOW DO YOU DO THAT??????”

This workshop is my answer. In it, I’m going to take you through everything I know about creating a high income, low work business and how you can do the same.

There’s a lot of reasons you may want to work less & earn more. Like me, you might want to spend more time with your family. Like me, you might have health conditions which mean you can’t work full time. Like me, you might need to set up your family for long-term financial security. Like me, you might want to create amazing things without sacrificing your life, health, family or sanity.

I want you to know: I don’t have a large team either. I have two part time assistants currently who work less than 25 hours a week in total.

Work Less, Earn More will give you all the tools, insights & strategy you need to start taking back your life, health & sanity while creating even more abundance & profit in your business.

I can’t wait to share it with you.

Need a payment plan? Pay US$39 a month over 3 months!
Need a payment plan? Pay US$39 a month over 3 months!
Need a payment plan? Pay US$39 a month over 3 months!
Need a payment plan? Pay US$39 a month over 3 months!
“From lockdown to £50,000 in sales!”

“When COVID-19 wiped out my income as a live illustrator for conferences, I was SO GLAD to have Leonie’s course.

We launched Good Ship Illustration which earned £50,000.

It was a game changer!”

– Katie Chappell, co-founder of Good Ship Illustration
“I made over $8,000 (8x more than I’ve ever made launching a course before!)”

“My course has now launched and is in progress (with wonderful feedback so far) and I made over $8,000 from the launch (8 x more than I’d ever made launching a course before).

Yay! I’m genuinely blown away by this result and so incredibly grateful.”

– Sarah Jensen, Rock Your Goals
“Leonie gets results FAST.”

“Everything Leonie has told me to do has gotten me results FAST. Leonie has given me concrete steps and tips which have pumped up my business growth. She knows what she is talking about. She has taught me another way to do business. I can honestly say the reason I was able to leave my teaching job and build my business is because of Leonie.”

– Hibiscus Moon, founder of Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy
“Leonie has razor-sharp strategies…”

“Leonie’s razor-sharp insights and business strategies leave no stone unturned when it comes to creating a business and life you love.

If you get the chance to learn from her, go for it!”

– Victoria Gibson, Facebook ads expert
Need a payment plan? Pay US$39 a month over 3 months!
This is FOR you if:

you can afford this course without putting yourself in financial harm
you honour and respect boundaries
you commit to doing the work and taking full responsibility for your own success

This is NOT for you if:

you find it hard to even navigate a computer or the internet.
you need 1:1 handholding and guidance
you aren’t able to respect boundaries

Need a payment plan? Pay US$39 a month over 3 months!
Why learn from me?


I’ve sold over $12m in revenue while only working 10 hours a week.
I’m a multi award winner entrepreneur – I’ve won Ausmumpreneur’s People’s Choice Business Coach, Global Brand & Businesses Making A Difference Awards.
I’m an internationally best-selling author with my books used by over 450,000 people worldwide.
I can break stuff down to be easy to understand, simple (and even enjoyable!)
I’m not going to upsell you into some massively priced mastermind to give you the REAL information… I’ll just give you everything I know in this course.
Proudly neurodivergent with ASD. Pronouns: she/they

Need a payment plan? Pay US$39 a month over 3 months!
Q: Will this work for non-online businesses or service based businesses?

Absolutely – the principles of earning more & working less are universal! I’ve successfully led local bricks and mortar boutiques and service based businesses through this program with HUGE results!
Q: What will I do with all my spare time if I’m not working? I’m afraid of not being busy!

There’s a shit tonne of things you can do instead of working. You can enjoy your sweet life, spend more time with family, take care of your health more, foster your friendships, volunteer at charities, take up eccentric and creative hobbies… the world is full of possibilities!
Q: Will everything be recorded? If I fall behind, can I catch up later?

Everything will be recorded. You will have access to the course for AT LEAST 12 months.
Q: Is this REALLY possible? Like… it seems to be too good to be true!

Of course it does! We are surrounded in 24/7 hustle culture where we are told our income is dependent ONLY on the hours we put in. And that’s just bullshit. There are PLENTY of business owners who have worked out how to have high profit low energy businesses. I’m just one of legions, and I’m happy to teach you everything I know to help you create the same!
Q: Is earning more money evil though?

Nope! It’s only evil when you spend it in ways that don’t align with your values and ethics. You can take that money and invest in you, your health, your family, your community and the charities that resonate with your highest calling. We need more heart-centred humans redirecting funds to the areas that need it!

Need a payment plan? Pay US$39 a month over 3 months!
Get Results Or Your Money Back Guarantee!

I’ve worked with tens of thousands of clients now and seen them get HUGE results.

And I know if you do the homework, you will get results too.

So I’ll offer you this guarantee… if you do all the homework & don’t see any results… I’ll give you your money back.

So you can make this purchase with peace-of-mind knowing that you’ll get a great return on your investment!

I know things will be growing from here.

I’m not great with structure, so I LOVE how this has shown me how I can have plenty of freedom to focus on what I want/need to within a simple but efficient structure that doesn’t make me want to stab myself in the head!

I’m at the very beginning of my current business so this has given me a great framework for how I want to set things up in a way that suits me and my personal needs.

Now I know what to focus on & how to keep myself doing the thing/s that ACTUALLY need to get done, I know things will be growing from here.
Jo Macdonald
In 3 days I gained 90 students and $1000!

I built a waiting list of approximately 50 people for the course and when it went live I had 18 sign ups on day one.

I got my course recorded in one week and my sales page done in a day (like Leonie does).

This was an AHA moment for me because my indecisiveness up to this point has prevented me from launching a course in the past.

Leonie gave me the confidence to move forward with my Ecourse and not sweat the small stuff.
Jo Cauldrick

“Leonie is an absolutely sensational guide who explains things so well and makes it real.”
Kari Sutton
“Leonie is straightforward, fearless and a breath of fresh air.”

I love how direct she is when it comes to answering tough questions. Her course is organized, easy to access and beautiful. She’s been a breath of fresh air.
Tanya Smith
“More aha! moments than I can wrap my head around!”

The course HAS paid for itself already! My husband is on board because you make perfect sense to him as well.
Melody Kientopp
“I’m loving your energy and honesty!”

I love that you’re SO generous with your experience and wisdom and are encouraging us to benefit from it.
Robyn Webb
“I love your no BS – just do it attitude.”

I love Leonie’s course!
Becky Lundin
Leonie has a way of making people feel like they are capable of anything (plus she’s flippin’ hilarious!)

I absolutely love Leonie’s course.

Every time I learn something from her and implement it, I get results!!

This clarity has even helped me grow my membership practically overnight!
Billie Gardner
“An unbelievable, inspiring journey…”

“The journey of Leonie’s course is unbelievable and goes on and on.

It was inspiring, challenging, lovingly, doubting, exhausting, heart melting, wondering, energetic, out of this world, encouraging and soooo fun to work with you this way.

And I always come back to get a nugget of wisdom and a sweet energy kick.

So all in all, I’m so in LOVE with your courses and down to earth honesty! I’m a total LEONIE – FREAK and well I have to confess: I’m a “Leonie-Addict”!
Ellen Holzschuster
“Best investment of my time and money ever!”
Sophie Le Brozec

Leonie Dawson is a Superb Creative!

She knows when to stand strong and when to go gentle in her guidance of Creatives.

Her enormous humor and light-hearted laughter is Goddess-Sent. She is a rare combination of the Divine Feminine and the Purely Practical!
She’s got and gives The Big Gifts —the ones that keep on Giving!

Thank you Leonie from the bottom of my heart!
Lynda Beth Unkeless

Author, Meet One New Person Every Day: The Magic of Conversation
“There’s nothing like an Aussie chick giving you a kick up the bum to get things done!“

I love love loved this course!

The webinars had laugh out loud moments and the Facebook group is a brilliant way to stay motivated.
I didn’t expect it to be so much fun. If only Leonie was there telling me to just fucking do it for all my creative pursuits. At the price it’s a no brainer!!
Catherine Hay
“Works like magic to keep my focus straight!“

It motivates the shit out of me. Makes me love and accept myself. Very inspirational and magical in bringing creativity fron imagination into realization. Thank you!
Elena Popova
“Leonie’s the tough love you need to stop making excuses and make your dreams happen.“

Leonie’s course helped me finally break through so many internal blocks, low self-esteem and resistance to finish two books that have been sitting in my heart and mind for over 10 years.

Leonie has a genuine level of warmth, generosity and ‘get er’ done’ attitude.

Sitting in stagnation and procrastination when it comes to your dreams is a form of self-annihilation. It’s soul crushing. Leonie is such a beautiful guide that got me through.

I’m excited to do the course again (and again and again).

Doing the course along with her biz and life workbooks has created the foundation, guidance and map I need to stay on track.
Holly Elissa


“Above and Beyond!”
I have watched Leonie not only get her creative projects done herself, but she has masterfully increased her life and business over the last decade.

Something else I have come to know about Leonie is that she over-delivers. There is always something extra, something more!
Thank you sweet, precious Leonie for your life-changing magic!
Rosa Maria Szynski

Author and MAGICAL Living Mentor,
“I’ve learned that I really do know a lot more than I thought I did…”

This course is very fun and is keeping me going!
Jen Jones
I am writing up my sales page this weekend & will be ready to launch!

You have given so many different resources to look into, however I love that you really encourage us to not get stuck on all that shit.

That really helps to take the pressure of “perfection” off the shoulders.

I have been trying to complete this course for over a year. I had it written up, I just kept procrastinating on setting up slides & recordings.

I now have the slides completed & half the recordings done. I am writing up my sales page this weekend & will be ready to launch!
Victoria Roybal
I put my first ever online course on sale six months ago and last week I just hit the $20,000 mark.
Your courses are easy to follow, well thought out, beautiful and original.
The thing I want to compliment you most on though is the over delivering.


Your spirit is generous and I see that and appreciate it deeply.
Katie Rose
Leonie is a true Mumpreneur…

Leonie is really good at helping you get from I have no idea/who am I to be doing this to I can do this/why not me….
The course taught me how to work out what the course should be about, through the outline and actually creating and selling.
I learnt more tech in that 40 days than in the previous decade! I use those skills in my business every day now and am so, so grateful to Leonie for indomitable passion.
Not for you if you don’t like swearing and a much-needed kick up the ass! Definitely for you if you want to get that course written and out into the world to help the people who need to hear it from you.
Heidi Marke
This was the kick in the ass I needed to finally get my work out into the world.

My husband and I have a daily ritual we do that brings us so much love and intimacy and we wanted to share it.

We call it Creating Our Day. With your course you taught us how to break it down into chunks people could digest and make it into an ecourse.

So far we’ve made over $1000US and we keep going! We are learning so much and having so much fun on the journey.

I think the biggest piece for me was getting over all of the fears and what if’s I had in my brain.

Your no nonsense approach helped me to get over myself.
April Terreau
Whatever I didn’t listen to I regret! You make things so simple and easy!

I made my course and had 200 attendees!!

I made a beautiful sales page and my e mail list is looking bigger every day thanks to your example and teachings.

More and more learning from you how to just be me; no shame, no perfectionism.
Alejandra Bennett
I’m building a course with content I’m really passionate about and that I’ve built a solid reputation on as an “expert.”

I am a Black anti-diet, anti-racism coach running my business virtually from San Diego, California.

My niche is consulting with white-centric nutritionists, registered dietitians and eating disorder treatment providers regarding the nuances of providing care for people of color. This is a SUPER white set of professions. The number of Black clients and the number of Black practitioners are both exceptionally low. So, I’m SOLID on my target audience.

With the pandemic and the killing of George Floyd, the awareness of the instability of the US health care system and the 400+ year scourge of anti-Black racism in the US made my work very timely. Through a set of really odd circumstances my Instagram following grew by 4k in one month. Seeing the dramatic rise, I started pumping out content. The feedback was enthusiastic, and I started getting requests for podcast appearances and media interviews. The media exposure generated an additional set of requests for me to consult with organizations and do workshops.

I decided to do a test course and I’m leading a discussion on a very popular book (on the racist history of fatphobia) starting August 6: 6-weeks with a private online discussion space and a 1-hour weekly live session.

Working with my business coach, we decided on a $499 price point. I had a website built for the course. I launched it at 9a last Friday and had two sales within an hour.

A week later I have 5 total sales and my followers are promoting it like crazy. I have almost three weeks before the online discussion starts, and I expect to sell a few more. I’m not getting stuck in the weeds about perfection and using “placeholders” where I would otherwise go down a rabbit hole.

The timing has been right. The audience is well defined, and they are coming to me requesting (and willing to pay for) a product I can easily deliver.

It’s been a perfect storm.
Shelby Gordon
I’ve gotten more accomplished in 2 weeks than I have in 2 months!

I’m loving the course and Leonie’s no-nonsense advice!

I’m learning to just go with it, enjoy the process, not overthink things.

Just get stuff done! That’s what I’ve really needed and this course is helping me do that.
Cassandra Key
I am absolutely loving the course!

Before starting the course, I was really stressing about how to market, not having an audience, blah, blah and now I realise that there’s no point in worrying about all of that until I have actually created a course to sell!

I’ve stopped procrastinating and I’ve already started creating my course, planning it, writing notes, creating slides etc.

I’ve also found that I’ve stopped worrying about making it “perfect” and that I can create my course with the equipment and software I already have and I don’t need to worry about making it look super slick and professional.

Leonie is amazing and makes everything simple, easy to understand and most importantly… FUN! ?
Nina Lamy
I am really enjoying the course!

I have found it so practical and you can get started right away.

You and the group have mentioned so many viable options for varying degrees of cost and skill ability, so this has made it easier for me at (74) an old hippie to more or less keep up!
Deryn Van Der Tang
It’s given me the confidence to just do it.


It made me realised I know more than I thought about all the elements of creating the materials but sometimes you just need someone to tell you how to do it. And then to do it.

7 people signed up for my first workshop, I’ll take that!!
Katie Farrell

Here’s What You’ll Get in Leonie Dawson – Work Less & Earn More 2022

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Course Requirement: Leonie Dawson – Work Less & Earn More 2022
Real Value: $99
One time cost: USD 35

Frequently Asked Questions For “Leonie Dawson – Work Less & Earn More 2022”

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How to download “Leonie Dawson – Work Less & Earn More 2022”?

  • Enjoy “Leonie Dawson – Work Less & Earn More 2022” in your account page.
  • Download only one file at a time. Sometimes doing all of the files at once will lead to them all freezing.
  • Also, please do not attempt to download to a mobile device. These should be saved to a computer and then synced to devices such as phones and tablets.
  • You can also learn online instead of downloading, but we encourage you to download for better results and viewing quality during your learn. Lastly, download times are much quicker in the mornings, before noon, Pacific time. during download make sure your device is not sleeping off screen.

What is the refund policy “Leonie Dawson – Work Less & Earn More 2022”?

  • We’ll Bear The Risk, You’ll Take The Results…
  • Within 30 days of purchased |Leonie Dawson – Work Less & Earn More 2022|, if you don’t get anything out of the program, or if your order has any problem, or maybe for some reason, you just don’t like the way it is. Please contact us and we will do our best to assist. Thank you for your understanding.

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Original price was: $99.00.Current price is: $35.00.

Get Leonie Dawson - Work Less & Earn More 2022, My niche is consulting with white-centric nutritionists, registered dietitians and eating disorder treatment providers regarding the nuances of providing care for people of color.

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