
Lori Kennedy RHN – Holistic Weight Management System


Lori Kennedy RHN – Holistic Weight Management System

Lori Kennedy RHN – Holistic Weight Management System

Discover How To Quickly Automate Your Business Online With My Done-For-You 14-Day, 28-Day OR 6-Week Holistic Weight Loss Jump Start Program That Is Fully Customizable, Branded As Your Own & Implemented In As Little As 72 Hours Without Any Tech Expertise Required.

A Career Saving Message by Lori Kennedy RHN
Founder of The Wellness Business Academy

The way we’ve been taught to create coaching and nutrition programs is setting you up to FAIL and GO BROKE. I believe you already know this.

Think back to when you were in school, all passionate about helping people and running your own business. Is THIS what you had dreamed of or thought it would be like when you graduated?

And while you loved every minute of school, in the real world – and with the addition of social media, competition, marketing, online programs and technology -you now find yourself second-guessing your ambition to pursue coaching, nutrition, personal training and don’t know where to start building your business online.

You scroll through the newsfeed on Facebook watching as your peers and colleagues achieve success with getting their programs online and posting client testimonials. Then you stop scrolling.

A colleague, let’s call her Amanda, just announced that her 6-week online transformation program is full at 20 people. You quickly do that math and realize she just made $7980.

Your stomach tightens and you think to yourself “What secrets to success does SHE have that I don’t?”

Fast forward to lunch with an old school friend and she is complaining about the very same financial and client getting problems you are having.

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Your phone pings and Amanda just sent out another Facebook post. She’s promoting the opening of 10 new spaces in her 6-week online transformation program at $100 more because the early bird deadline is over… adding another $3990 in revenue.

Amanda just made $11970 in revenue online.

What Secrets To Online Success Does
Amanda Have That You Don’t?
You run through a quick comparison:

Same or similar education
Have been in business around the same time
Offer the same type of program except yours in only offered at your wellness clinic
Yet YOU are sitting at lunch with no clients and no clue how to get them while Amanda is all over social media talking about how her program is full and the demand for extra seats was so overwhelming that she just had to open up 10 more spots.

Unfortunately, YOU don’t stand a chance achieving that type of success.

What’s worse is that you will always be chasing client after client if you continue down the path that you are now on.

The One Fatal Mistake That’s Keeping You From
Growing Your Business Online
I don’t have to tell you that the fitness and wellness industry is not the same as it was 5 years ago. It’s not even the same as it was 2 or 3 years ago!

Technology has advanced faster then our profession could keep up with.

It’s like us fitness and wellness professionals have been left behind and left out of the game – the game of online programs, direct response marketing, automation and social media sales funnels.


Achieving professional success, financial stability and the freedom to work where and when you want isn’t all about the letters after your name or how many courses we’ve taken.

It’s more about KNOWING simple proven online business
strategies and learning HOW TO put them into action.
I’m talking about the basics that the “INSIDERS” use as their own personal online sales formula:

Creating a quickly consumable, high-value lead magnet that provides RIA (results in advance) so that the prospect values you as the expert
Crafting storybook like emails sent out in a specific order that engage new subscribers, create instant rapport and overcome common objections before they even happen
Understand how to position the sale and the precise words to use to motivate prospects to take action
How to be a go-giver, over deliver and inject the WOW! factor into everything you create giving your prospects and clients a reason to talk about you (ahem, can you say referral based business)
Create high motivation, short-term, low priced offers that build upon each other leading to a high-priced signature program
Do you have this type of formula build into your current business and in your roster of service offerings?

Can you step away from your business for a sick day or holiday and still serve your clients and generate profit?

Do you know how to create AND implement online programs?

Are you attracting qualified prospects and selling your offerings for a higher price point then ever you thought possible via email?

No… Don’t fret. I didn’t at first either.

Hello, my name is Lori Kennedy RHN.
I am board certified in practical holistic nutrition and am a Registered Holistic Nutritionist.

As the founder and CEO of WOW! Nutrition Systems and The Wellness Business Academy, I’ve had the opportunity to personally work with thousands of overweight, unhealthy and unhappy clients.

Since founding WOW! Nutrition Systems in 2007, the Professional License Opportunity

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in 2011 and The Wellness Business Academy in 2014, I’ve invested over $60,000 of my own personal money to learn from the industry leaders and business coaches who specialize in information marketing online.

My company’s mission is to: Improve the lives both physically and emotionally for 1 million people by 2022.

This means that I need to teach and mentor 1,000 alternative health professionals, coaches and fitness professionals the INSIDER secrets so you can each work with 1,000 clients in order to achieve my mission

I’ve learned the hard way that having a quality program is useless without the marketing knowledge and sales formula to implement and sell it.
I’ve been a Nutritionist since 2006 (and before that a personal trainer) but I only gained the INSIDER secrets a little over 3 years ago.

I know what it feels like NOT to live up to your own expectations of what you thought business would be like.

I don’t want that for you… the problem is that (some) of the successful people like Amanda and others on social media are in the know.

We are “Insiders”.

We have figured out the secret tactics, strategies and systems that generate repeat leads and convert them into PAYING clients again and again and again usually on autopilot.

We have successfully navigated our way through creating landing pages, opt ins and autoresponders that do the ‘busy’ work for us while we do the meaningful work we love… coach clients.

That’s the difference between YOU and us.

Just take a look at all of the online information programs I’ve launched, been a part of and helped my private clients launch all 100% online.

nd Not Having Key ‘INSIDER’ Strategies And Implementation Tactics Will Keep You From Having The Purpose-Driven, Financially Thriving Business You Desire And Deserve.
I know you are passionate, have an excellent education and are fully qualified and capable of being as successful as you desire, BUT you lack the tools and technical know-how to create and implement profitable programs and services.

Take a moment and indulge me.

This word picture of what I am describing is real and 100% attainable… do your best to FEEL the reality of what I am describing to you. FEEL how you would feel if your life was actually like this.

What would your life be like if…

You had a 14-day, 28-day and/or 6-week automated program available 24/7 online without having to re-create the wheel wasting valuable time and financial resources
You could send out an email promoting your holistic weight loss program and make sales instantly
You run a teleclass, webinar or cross promote with a complimentary business and quickly get new clients
You planned your quarterly launch with excitement knowing that your program is done, implement and automated alleviating you from spending any extra time and energy on it
You press send, sit back and watch as your program launch campaign goes live, all the pieces of the puzzle fall in line and you get an overwhelming number of responses and new client registrations

Guess what?

Having a life like the one I just described isn’t that difficult. There is no reason why you should be struggling day in and day out to get clients and make money.

The good news is that everything I just described can be easily learned – from someone who has already done it multiple times.

The bad news is that you were never given an opportunity to learn the ‘INSIDER’ basics so you keep falling into the trap of doing the same old things that just DO NOT work.

I’ve made all of the mistakes for you, paid a high price for them and have created the done-for-you Holistic Weight Management System for you to immediately inject into your business so you can free yourself from trading dollars for hours and working day and night to serve your clients.

The Customizable Holistic Weight Management System Is Laid Out For You, Step-By-Step With Easy To Follow Instructions And Audio Trainings Guiding You Through The Entire Implementation Process Using Our ‘INSIDER’ Secrets.
Here’s Everything You Get When You Order Today…

HWMS Quick Start & Implementation Guide
The guide includes step-by-step program set-up instructions and audio trainings. I’ve broken down each step for you so that you will quickly and easily implement your self-branded whole foods weight loss program online within 72 hours.

Quick Start & Implementation Guide Table of Contents:
Getting Started Questions
Program Length & Pricing Suggestions
Program Outline
Technology Implementation Checklist
Program Launch Calendar

Female & Male, Gluten Free Meal Plans
You get three 7-day meal plans you can fully customize by adding your own branding, logo and contact info on. This means that you can offer a 7-day, 14-day, 21-day, 28-day or 6-week gluten-free weight loss program using the plans included.

All of the meal plans are given to you in MS Word docs so that you can brand them as your own or use them 100% as is… no need to change any of the content provided.

Here’s a sample of a 7-day meal plan

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Beautiful Recipe eBook
The recipe eBook includes all of the meals in the done-for-you meal plans PLUS additional recipes. Each recipe includes whole foods easily found at any grocery store.

All of the recipes are quick and easy to make. Your clients will LOVE the stress-free component of being told what to eat, when to eat and how much to eat.

Depending on the season, choose which beautifully and professionally designed cover pages you want to use with your name prominently displayed on the front

8 Nutrition Focused Client Handouts
Each week your clients will receive an email with their weekly meal plan, food swap list, grocery shopping list AND their weekly nutrition education handout… all with your brand prominently displayed.

Education is your # 1 priority. You can now scale and leverage your ability to share your expertise through this automated program online.

Handout Topics Include:
Getting Started With Real Foods
Eating On The Go
Grocery Shopping Made Easy
BONUS HANDOUT: The Big 3 Macro’s
Kitchen Clean Out Checklist
How To Determine Proper Portions
How to Curb Carb Cravings
BONUS HANDOUT: How to Choose Carbs Wisely

8 Written-For-You Client Emails
The “Insider Secrets” are built into these written for you weekly emails. No need to feel overwhelmed with: What do you email each week? How do you upsell your higher priced program? How do you explain how to follow the program?

You have 8 written-for-you emails that you can load into your autoresponders and send to your clients. All you need to do is attach the meal plan, grocery list and nutrition education handout and schedule it to go out. Better yet load of the content ahead of time… set it and forget it.

If upselling your higher priced signature programs via email isn’t your strong suit don’t worry I’ve got you covered!

Each of the written-for-you emails builds on the previous one to promote your higher-priced signature offering. There are yellow highlighter marks in each email indicating where you add in your personal contact information telling the client how they can contact you to schedule a complimentary consult.

If you don’t want to offer an upsell, no problem, just delete those couple of sentences and use the email as is.

*There is NO NEED to change any of the content included in the HWMS. Use it 100% as is.

Food Swap List
“I don’t like fish… what else can I have?” Done-for-the-client meal plans are great except when the client doesn’t like what’s listed on them. I’ve included a food swap list that gives your clients a detailed list with portion sizes of recommended food swaps.

The food swap list removes the excuse of “I didn’t know what to have…” All your clients need to do is look on the list, choose which food they want to swap in and enjoy their meal without any interruption to their weight loss.

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Weekly Grocery Shopping Lists
The grocery store should be a fun place to visit! Your clients will feel relieved when they go grocery shopping with your self-branded weekly grocery shopping list that matches their weekly meal plan.

You will look like the HERO because you’ve done all of the work for them, freeing up their time to do the things they love to do.

Bonus #1: Written For You Sales Page Content
Having an automated online program is wonderful ONLY when you have clients buying from you! Writing high-converting sales copy is an art form…

You have the option to use the written-for-you sales copy 100% as is and only add in your program name, program details and price OR you can modify the copy however you see fit.

Either way… the sales copy that will turn online prospects into online paying clients is written for you.

BONUS #2: Six Stunning Program Graphics
No more wasting time on Picmonkey or Canva trying to create beautiful looking promo graphics for your program. The HWMS includes 6 professional designed jpeg images that you use as is.

If you’d like to further customize the graphics to add your own branding go right ahead. All of the images are website ready and are also high res in case you want to created printed marketing materials.

The Holistic Weight Management System Is Fully Customizable & Done-For-You

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Sale Page:

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Course Requirement: Lori Kennedy RHN – Holistic Weight Management System
Real Value: $197.0000
One time cost: USD37.0000

Frequently Asked Questions For “Lori Kennedy RHN – Holistic Weight Management System”

How to make payment for “Lori Kennedy RHN – Holistic Weight Management System” ?

  • Please add to cart on this page and go to checkout page. You can also add as many other products as you like and make a one-time payment.
  • We accept several type of Stripe payments such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, Google Pay, Apple Pay and JCB, payments from customers worldwide. Paypal & Bitcoin please contact us.
  • We strongly recommend our customers to make a payment through StripePaypal . Because it is a safest and super security for you as well as for us.

Is it safe?

  • 100% Secure Checkout Privacy Policy
  • Encryption of sensitive data and communication.
  • All card numbers are encrypted at rest with AES-256 and transmitting card numbers runs in a separate hosting environment, and doesn’t share or save any info.

How can we deliver you the course?

How long do I have access to the course?

How to download “Lori Kennedy RHN – Holistic Weight Management System” ?

  • Enjoy “Lori Kennedy RHN – Holistic Weight Management System” in your account page.
  • Download only one file at a time. Sometimes doing all of the files at once will lead to them all freezing.
  • Also, please do not attempt to download to a mobile device. These should be saved to a computer and then synced to devices such as phones and tablets.
  • You can also learn online instead of downloading, but we encourage you to download for better results and viewing quality during your learn. Lastly, download times are much quicker in the mornings, before noon, Pacific time. during download make sure your device is not sleeping off screen.

What is the refund policy “Lori Kennedy RHN – Holistic Weight Management System”?

  • We’ll Bear The Risk, You’ll Take The Results…
  • Within 30 days of purchased |Lori Kennedy RHN – Holistic Weight Management System  |, if you don’t get anything out of the program, or if your order has any problem, or maybe for some reason, you just don’t like the way it is. Please contact us and we will do our best to assist. Thank you for your understanding.

Have More Questions?

Our support staff is the best by far! please do not hesitate to contact us at email: [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help!

You want to get “Lori Kennedy RHN – Holistic Weight Management System” now right?!!!


Original price was: $197.00.Current price is: $37.00.

Get Lori Kennedy RHN – Holistic Weight Management System immediately when you secure your purchase by clicking on the order button on this page Discover How To Quickly Automate Your Business Online With My Done-For-You 14-Day, 28-Day OR 6-Week Holistic Weight Loss Jump Start Program That Is Fully Customizable, Branded As Your Own & Implemented In As Little As 72 Hours Without Any Tech Expertise Required....

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