
Marcelo Garcia – Complete North South Choke

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Lock on the north south choke and squeeze the fight out of your opponent, with one of the greatest of all-time Marcelo Garcia teaching his trademark submission hold.

Marcelo Garcia – Complete North South Choke

Marcelo Garcia - Complete North South Choke

Lock On The North South Choke And Finish The Fight With These Submission Secrets From Marcelo Garcia
Learn How The 9-Time World Champion Took This Forgotten Choke And Made It One Of His Signature Submissions – Even Against Much Bigger Opponents

What Will You Learn?

Lock on the north south choke and squeeze the fight out of your opponent, with one of the greatest of all-time Marcelo Garcia teaching his trademark submission hold. The north south choke is one of the most effective chokes in all of grappling, and Marcelo used these secret details to use this choke at the highest levels of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (even against opponents much bigger!). Now you can learn all the hidden keys to finishing fights with this powerful submission.

The north south choke is all about your body positioning, shutting off the arteries and getting the submission, and for a long time people thought this was a move for big strong fighters. Marcelo came along and changed all of that, using this choke when he was the much smaller fighter and still putting people to sleep. That’s because he has flawless technique with his body positioning and adjustments, and now you can learn his style of north south choke that anyone can use.

Marcelo is one of the best fighters and best coaches in all of grappling, and his students like Matheus Diniz, Bernardo Faria, and Matheus Luna all have incredible north south chokes too. Now you can get the same instruction they got on this 4-volume series. Learn all of Marcelo’s finishing secrets, favorite entries, and his entire system around the north south choke.

Break down the Marcelo Garcia-style north south choke with the man himself, as Marcelo explains how each part of his body is helping create leverage for his choke to get the most power. Once you have studied his finishing mechanics, learn all of the best positions and moments in the fight to attack with this dynamic lock. Once you know the trick to getting the tap, you’ll start finding this submission all over!

Don’t miss your chance to learn from a legend in the game, Marcelo Garcia! The 9-time world champion finished world class black belts with these same techniques, and now you can see Marcelo’s entire north south choke system on these 4-volumes.
So, What Exactly Do You Get?

Part 1:

Intro to North south choke
North South Choke – Blocking Opponents Arms with Your Own Chest
North South Choke – Alignment and Positioning
North South Choke : Critical Grip Concepts
Elbow Positioning
Using your toes for base
Hiding Your Own Head/ Avoiding Opponents Frame
Driving Opponents Arms Away

Part 2:

From Top Half Guard
Back Step From Top Half Guard
From Mount Position
Counter Inside Head Turn
Full Tilt Setup
Getting Your Arm Underneath Opponents Head
Angle of Attack – Finishing Details
Ratcheting in The Choke
Release and Re-Grip Finish

Part 3:

North South Arm In
Using Your Knee to Clear Blocking Arm
Clearing The Arms With the Knee
Using the Elbow Tap to Clear the Frame
Using the Elbow Tap to Clear the Frame
North South Choke From Kimura Attack
Opening the Closed Guard Transition to North South Choke

Part 4:

North South Against Knee on Belly Escape
North South From Knee on Belly
North South Choke Transition From Far Side Armbar
Arm Trap to North South
North South From Arm block with Knee
Double Arm Wrap
North South From Side Headlock
Practicing the Finish with One Arm Finish in Training
Maintaining The Choke When The Opponent Utilizes Momentum Escapes

So, What Does It All Cost?

Here’s What You’ll Get in Marcelo Garcia – Complete North South Choke

Marcelo Garcia Complete North South Choke

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Real Value: $42

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Get Marcelo Garcia - Complete North South Choke,  Now you can get the same instruction they got on this 4-volume series. Learn all of Marcelo’s finishing secrets, favorite entries, and his entire system around the north south choke.

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