
Margaret Paul – The Power to Heal Yourself Mentorship Program


In this first month, you’ll understand what it really means to be present in your body with your feelings. You’ll also discover how the power of your intent — to learn or to control — governs much of what happens for you in life.

Margaret Paul – The Power to Heal Yourself Mentorship Program

Margaret Paul - The Power to Heal Yourself Mentorship Program

Are you looking for that “missing piece” that has eluded you during years of meditation, healing and transformational work?
Do you long to tap into a deep, sustaining, unconditional self-love that frees you from cycles of negativity, fear and shame — so you can move through the world with joy and confidence, and experience deeper intimacy in your relationships?
Would it excite you to have access to your higher guidance at all times so you could uplevel your state of consciousness and create a life of authentic purpose and ongoing manifestation?
Module 1: Deeper Into Steps One & Two of Inner Bonding
(10/20, 10/27, 11/3, 11/17)

In this first month, you’ll understand what it really means to be present in your body with your feelings. You’ll also discover how the power of your intent — to learn or to control — governs much of what happens for you in life.

Along with Margaret’s group coaching, you’ll:

Understand what willingness really means, and how this understanding can catalyze your deeper transformation
Explore how to become authentically present
Discover how to stay present with your feelings in a way that’s deeply healing
Uncover and work with the resistance you have to taking responsibility for your feelings
Explore the fear of feeling, and move beyond stuck places you may not even be aware of
Illuminate the underlying reasons you may feel anxiety and depression
Discover the underlying reasons you may also be feeling guilt, shame and anger
Explore emptiness and aloneness, and how they impact your life
Discover the power of your intent — and what may be getting in the way of your intent to learn
Find out how to connect more deeply with your spiritual guidance
Understand how to stay focused in your heart
Experience the joy of living as a compassionate and curious loving adult

Module 2: Deeper Into Steps Three & Four of Inner Bonding
(12/1, 12/8, 12/15, 12/29)

In this month, you’ll receive in-depth help with the powerful Inner Bonding dialogue process that enables you to discover what your feelings are telling you and identify the false beliefs that cause much of your pain. You’ll also develop your ability to instantly access your spiritual guidance to identify your highest good in every situation.

Along with Margaret’s group coaching, you’ll:

Deepen your dialogue with your core painful and wounded feelings
Discover the lies you may be telling yourself
Uncover and begin to heal the ways you abandon and reject yourself
Understand the purpose of shame and how to work with it
Find out to discern between healthy and unhealthy guilt
Begin to become adept at managing your core pain
Know the difference between hurt feelings and a hurt heart
Engage in illuminating dialogues with your inner child about what brings you joy
Explore how to raise your frequency and keep it high
Know how your higher guidance communicates with you
Access your personal guidance more fully
Understand the most powerful questions to ask your guidance
Know how to tell if it is your guidance answering
Experience how to test — and grow to trust — your guidance

Module 3: Deeper Into Steps Five & Six of Inner Bonding
(1/5, 1/12, 1/19, 1/26)

In this month, you’ll develop the strength to take loving action on your own behalf for your highest good. You’ll learn how to define your own self-worth, and come to understand how to tell the difference between what’s true and loving to you — and what’s not.

Along with Margaret’s group coaching, you’ll:

Establish how to take loving action for your highest good
Understand what stops your loving action
Explore what’s in charge of the actions you take, and how to be more in charge
Recognize what self-care really means for you — physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially, organizationally and relationally
Discover and feel your intrinsic worth
Get unstuck from procrastination if it’s present
Begin to take loving action in your relationships
Master the art of lovingly disengaging
Understand the power of relaxing into process rather than fixating on a goal
Be given the keys to staying present throughout the day
Integrate Inner Bonding into your daily life

PHASE TWO – Connecting With Your Personal Spiritual Guidance & the Art of Manifestation

This next phase of the journey helps you develop your spiritual connection much more deeply so that it can support you in everyday life. You’ll also learn how to begin to manifest the life of your dreams in new and powerful ways.
Module 4: Frequency (2/2, 2/9, 2/16, 2/23)

This month, you’ll develop your ability to maintain a high enough frequency to stay in constant contact with your spiritual guidance. You’ll also discover the subconscious blocks to connection that may be keeping you stuck in key areas of your life.

Along with Margaret’s group coaching, you’ll:

Explore the ideas of God, Spirit and guidance
Understand what frequency is and how it impacts your life
Begin to understand the blocks to raising your frequency, and how to move beyond them
Understand the connection between your mind and your frequency
Explore your attachment to outcomes, and how to live from a more empowered place
Illuminate the connection between food, drugs and frequency
Know what creates a high or low frequency
Develop a deeper trust of your imagination
Know how to raise your frequency and keep it high

Module 5: Connection (3/2, 3/16, 3/23, 3/30)

In this month, you’ll deepen your ability to connect with your guidance and understand how your guidance is communicating with you moment by moment — always letting you know that you are never alone. Discover how to use this guidance to make decisions that serve your highest good.

Along with Margaret’s group coaching, you’ll:

Connect with your guidance
Understand the relationship between your intent and your spiritual connection
Establish how to trust your guidance (but not blindly)
Practice the power of mindfulness
Practice connecting more deeply with the presence of love
Explore the connections between your mind and soul, and your mind and intuition
More deeply understand what your guidance is telling you
Recognize how your guidance guides you
Come to greater trust in yourself and in God/Spirit/Life
Know how to utilize guidance to make decisions
Explore the experience of “the dark night of the soul,” and how to work with it
See your essence more clearly than ever before
Open to moving beyond the fear of death

Module 6: Manifestation (4/6, 4/13, 4/20, 5/4)

This month, you’ll learn the profound secrets of the art of manifestation, and how to create the life of your dreams. You’ll also discover how to maintain inner peace and joy, and experience a profound state of grace.

Along with Margaret’s group coaching, you’ll:

Connect the dots between what you want and what you’re manifesting
Appreciate the powerful art of manifestation
Explore the real “Law of Attraction”
Find out key secrets of manifestation related to surrender and joy
Discover the role that affirmations play in manifestation
Give your wounded self a new job
Experience the foundation of abundance
Learn the connection between trust, safety and manifestation
Understand how to tap into causeless joy
Know how to connect with the state of grace

PHASE THREE – Connecting With Others

Now that you’ve taken a deep dive into self-love through the Inner Bonding process and tapped into your spiritual guidance for ongoing support, it’s time to move into your life and see how this work impacts your relationships — with partner, parents, children and everyone. This is where the next level of the work begins to take shape, allowing you to go even further into healing and love, and work with whatever arises.
Module 7: Fears, Controls & Relationship Systems
(5/11, 5/18, 5/25, 6/1)

This month, you’ll discover what you might be doing that’s keeping you from attracting or creating the relationship of your dreams. Gain a deep understanding of relationship systems and the kind of relationship system you have now or have had in the past.

Along with Margaret’s group coaching, you’ll:

Explore “what is the point of a relationship?”
Recognize the difference between need and being needy
Explore your relationship to love, and what it will give you
Understand how to move from getting love to sharing love
Illuminate your patterns of attraction, and how they relate to your woundedness
Learn how self-abandonment affects your relationships
Work with your fear of intimacy, rejection and engulfment
Know how to recognize anxious and avoidant relationship styles
Understand why you try to control — and what you can do instead
Explore the relationship between control and resistance
Deepen your understanding of relationship systems to create more love and healthier connections

Module 8: Responsibility for Feelings & Conflict Resolution
(6/8, 6/22, 6/29, 7/6)

This month, you’ll discover how to share your feelings in a way that leads to intimacy rather than to conflict. You’ll also learn how to move beyond fighting and power struggles and into true conflict resolution.

Along with Margaret’s group coaching, you’ll:

Understand how emotional dependency is impacting your life
Overcome fears of rejection and engulfment
Be able to take full responsibility for feelings
Know if you are conflict avoidant, and what to do about it
Explore how to navigate power struggles
Discover the problem with expectations
Understand the keys to conflict resolution
Know how you are diffusing anger versus feeding the flames
Recognize when to resolve conflict
Investigate conflict resolution without words
Know when apologies are helpful (and when they are not)
Understand when to end a relationship

Module 9: Communication, Sharing Love & Intimacy
(7/13, 7/20, 7/27, 8/3)

In this final month, you’ll deepen your understanding of how your intent to learn or control affects your communication and your emotional intimacy. You’ll also discover how to keep love and passion alive in a relationship.

Along with Margaret’s group coaching, you’ll:

Experience how to speak your truth more powerfully
Know when to listen and when to walk away
Explore the keys to making requests versus demands
Be aware of how to perform self-care in the moment
Explore “what is a loving boundary?”
Understand how to mend broken trust after betrayal
Develop the courage to be vulnerable and authentic
Enhance your mastery of the art of listening
Know how best to reconnect after a fight
Understand what sex means to you — really
Explore the complexities of men, women and sex
Understand the link between self-judgment and sexual addiction
Find out how to heal abandonment and engulfment wounds within relationships
Know how to heal rather than leave
Understand how to keep love alive
Fully appreciate that what is loving to you is loving to others

Here’s What You’ll Get in Margaret Paul – The Power to Heal Yourself Mentorship Program

Margaret Paul - The Power to Heal Yourself Mentorship Program

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Real Value: $2497
One time cost: USD 142

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Get Margaret Paul - The Power to Heal Yourself Mentorship Program, Now that you’ve taken a deep dive into self-love through the Inner Bonding process and tapped into your spiritual guidance for ongoing support,

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