
Mark Matousek – Writing To Heal

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It’s a pathway that leads into deeper and more trusting intimacy, enhanced creativity, and more powerful manifestation in the world.

Mark Matousek – Writing To Heal

Mark Matousek - Writing To Heal

Have you struggled to release or heal some of your darkest corners of shame, pain or grief? Have you felt these areas are holding you back from living life to its fullest?

The good news is that your wounds can become the source of your greatest gifts. Places where you have been broken, faced trauma or loss can become wellsprings of strength, resilience and wisdom – after you have fully integrated them.

With enough awareness, courage, and love, you can find the blessings in your pain and access the power trapped inside your most defended parts. This writing process becomes a curriculum in self-realization. Your wounds can provide the doorway to spiritual awakening, making you a conduit for grace, healing and transformation to enter the world.

In the immortal lyrics of Leonard Cohen, “Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. It’s where the light gets in.”

Most of us have areas of unresolved wounding or closely guarded secrets, partially because it can feel unsafe to air the full messiness of our emotions. This is a prerequisite, though, to awakening and to discovering the blessings within our wounds.

When we choose to stuff our feelings and truths down deep, we can poison the rest of our lives, and act out in unconscious, addictive or sabotaging ways. In the recovery community, there is a saying that “you are only as sick as your secrets.” Bringing your secrets and authentic truths to the surface is a key to well-being and reaching our full potential.

If you haven’t experienced wounding in dramatic ways from devastating loss or pain, you may think that there are those who are wounded, and then there is you. But the truth is we all have wounds. They are part of the the human condition. And they can manifest in many ways – your insecurities, your limiting beliefs, your challenged relationships, or issues with anxiety and depression.

Not only do we all have wounds, but we also have aspects to our identities that are lived out in shadow. And yet, these forbidden parts contain essential elements of our true nature. They hold wisdom, energy, creativity and power – and need to be brought into the light so we can be free and whole. Actors often prefer to play dark, complex or tortured characters because there is more juice, aliveness, and liberation that comes when they give these shadow parts a voice.

But how do you make this journey into your personal wounds, secrets and shadows safe? And how do you not get stuck in old stories or loops but genuinely free yourself?

A practice of deep, transformative writing is one of THE most powerful ways to release and transform your past and find the blessings in what you once saw as burdens.

There is powerful science demonstrating that, for instance, when people write about the loss of a job, they get rehired FAR faster. The same is true of divorces, deaths and many other areas of wounding.

The practice of writing is also very safe. Even safer than sharing with a trusted friend or therapist. It allows you to express in voices that might otherwise be taboo. You can vent. You can rage. You can feel self-pity. You can allow yourself the full spectrum in a space of total confidentiality.

And then, after the raw, naked truth is on the page or screen, you will start to feel freer. Lighter. More whole. More capable of seeing the treasure that was held in the tragedies. More aware of your deeper insights and a higher vantage point on your life.

However, this journey is not simple or easy to take. Defenses and fears come up. Resistance. Distractions. Much of your conscious identity has been created to protect yourself from the broken and hurt places. Thus, it is important to enter into a transformational practice of writing that is guided and supported by a teacher and a community of fellow explorers who can – in their own vulnerability and compassion – give permission for you to do the same.

In Writing to Heal, you have an unprecedented opportunity to enter into a powerful, 9-month journey to birth a more healed and whole version of yourself, one in which you have alchemically transformed your darker places into gold.

It takes 9 months to gestate a baby, so why not give yourself the time, space and community of support to help you with deep healing and self-inquiry? You’ll discover a new and freer you – one who has learned the deepest lessons from challenges and turned your tragedies into triumphs?

During Writing to Heal, you will have the time and space to fully open to your sacred depths and develop a powerful, transformative writing practice that expands your mind, heals your heart, deepens your relationships – and frees your soul.

Writing for Liberation

Exploring your unsanitized emotions, uncensored thoughts and most challenging life experiences in a safe way will be a profoundly liberating experience. You will learn to open to more of yourself, love parts you once found unlovable, heal past hurts – and even access the highest states of consciousness connected to spiritual awakening.

It’s a pathway that leads into deeper and more trusting intimacy, enhanced creativity, and more powerful manifestation in the world.

On the other hand, if you don’t know how to foster a truly transformative approach to writing, you can dredge up your history in a way that leads you to get stuck in emotional ruts, feed negative thinking and cycle through old stories in ways that leave you frustrated.

The difference between that and writing as a path of healing and liberation, lies in treating it as an actual transformational practice – one that is every bit as potent as meditation, prayer or yoga. In fact, writing can help free areas of yourself that most conventional spiritual practices never touch.

When you start to see your writing as a sacred tool for enlightenment, and understand why and how you have held yourself back, that’s when true power is realized.

You can use the Writing to Heal program to embrace your shadows and mine them for their blessings – while expanding the depths of love and compassion.

By the end of the journey, you will be able to access more and more of your unique gifts. This can have profound affects on your public identity and career because people respond more powerfully to someone who is clear, integrated and whole.

When you know yourself fully, you become more heartfelt, insightful, truthful, funny and creative. You’re not imprisoned by the past, but are able to relate from your depths. And others find that truly compelling.

Writing to Heal will take you into the deepest, darkest, and brightest parts of yourself – to experience a kind of liberated wholeness, which is the ultimate goal of a transformational practice.

The Importance of a Master Guide

As with any genuine spiritual inquiry, it is vital to have a master guide – one who knows the territory and the actual sequence of practice – far better than you do. A master guide can keep you on track, and help you avoid the many pitfalls that emerge when healing through writing.

Fortunately, you have such a guide available to you for the 9-month Writing to Heal program. Over the last three decades, Mark Matousek has become one of the world’s foremost chroniclers of the spiritual path – as an author (of the bestselling Sex Death Enlightenment), journalist (for publications, such as The New Yorker and O), collaborator (on seminal books like the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying) and editor.

Mark began his practice of writing to metabolize some early losses and traumas in his own life. While it started as his personal survival mechanism, it eventually became clear he could turn it into a gift for others.

He now has a lifetime of experience going into dark places with people, holding their hand, showing them that they will find creative, spiritual dividends from the exploration. You will not find a wiser and more compassionate guide to take you through the painful spots you thought you could never face.

Mark is also a master of language and, more importantly, a genius at marrying the depth of spiritual practice with the practice of writing. He is a dynamic, funny, self-revealing and profound teacher, who will be sharing the practices and disciplines that make for a liberating, life-long practice of writing.

In Writing to Heal, he will take you on a carefully designed journey through nine month-long modules that allow you to explore the unknown depths within you in order to help free you from old limitations, stories, traumas and fears. And not only will you get Mark’s teachings, practices and group guidance, EVERY participant will get his direct, personal input and feedback on something that you write during the process. This level of personalized attention is invaluable.

In addition, Mark has invited nine fellow travelers of this path, who have transformed tragedies of the past through writing – and turned them into real gifts for the world. Each monthly module will include time with one of these inspiring pioneers, learning from their example and insights as well.

We can assure you that you will be in exceptionally compassionate and skillful hands for your path of healing through writing.

How You Will Benefit from Writing to Heal

Throughout the 9-months, you will learn how to use writing to safely unearth and work through the parts of your history (and the present moments) that bring you the most pain – freeing yourself from these inner wounds and allowing yourself to embrace life with greater joy and gratitude.

Each LIVE training session will build harmoniously upon the next, so that you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices and principles you’ll need to use writing as a path to healing.

One of Mark’s gifts is his ability to help others use writing to discover the gems within the very part of themselves that have been most shielded by pain or shame. Mark is a brilliant writer, profound teacher and humble heart-friend who delights in sharing this approach to profound healing – and who has practiced it himself successfully for decades.

If you are truly ready to dive into transforming the pain of your inner wounds into blessings that can fill your life with a richness you have until now only imagined, this 9-month odyssey with Mark Matousek is the perfect experiential program for you.

Each of the 9 modules will last 1-month, with 2 teaching classes per month and one “Real Life Inspiration” session – where Mark will have dialogue with a guest on aspects of the healing process through writing.

The main teaching sessions will air live from 5-6:30 PM US Pacific time / 8-9:30 pm Eastern time on Tuesdays. Even if you cannot make the live calls, you can still access the recordings and get the full benefit of this intensive.

You’ll emerge with:

  • Healing from some of your most challenging past circumstances and wounds
  • A connection to the deeper gifts your pain has brought you – and insights on how to use them for transformation
  • Increased resiliency to deal with challenge and struggle
  • More powerful daily connection to your truth and power
  • Enhanced joy and freedom through the deepening of emotional expression
  • A wider angle lens on your “life myth” and a clearer understanding of who you are beyond “story” and limiting beliefs
  • An inner refuge that you can turn to for clarity, wisdom and council
  • Release from shame about your shadow (and understanding of its purpose)
  • Acceptance of your secret passions and fears
  • Increased understanding of your authentic desires – and discernment about where fear is blocking them.
  • A more profound understanding of your personal source of meaning and purpose
  • Greater capacity to access your soul’s power to love
  • Expanded access to your personal and creative genius
  • Enhanced ability to discern the ego’s voice from your soul voice
  • Deepened ability to express your innate gifts in the world

Module One: Touching the Wound (Begins April 8)

In this month, you’ll look at the questions: Where do feel the most pain in your life? What is the center of your wound? We’ll begin by creating a safe container, and you’ll learn to locate your most vulnerable parts – becoming acquainted with the landscape of your losses, fears, and limitations. You will learn how to:

  • Tell the truth about your pain
  • Isolate the source of suffering and its effects on your life
  • Free the voice of emotion
  • Tend to your particular pain
  • Understand the value of limitations

Module Two: Exposing the Shadow (May)

The wounds are nestled in shadow. Hiding the truth under cover of darkness, the wound wants exposure to the light. This month, you will illuminate your vulnerable parts, bringing more awareness, understanding and acceptance to them. In turn, this releases fresh energy throughout your life. You will learn to:

  • Overcome shame towards your shadow
  • Reflect on parts of yourself you deny
  • Stop hiding behind your pain
  • Become intimate with your own damage
  • Cull the shadow’s hidden treasures

Module Three: Realizing the Gift (June)

Your wounds are not burdens, but actual engines of awakening. You may not yet see it, but often, your gifts hide in plain sight. This month, you will be guided to explore and connect with the hidden power latent in your “broken parts,” and emerge with the gift that is yours.

You will learn to:

  • Use the gift as a tool for self-healing
  • Enter the “fruitful darkness”
  • Turn the gift toward self-realization
  • Grasp the power of paradox
  • Change your wounding story

Module Four: Facing Resistance (July)

As you’ll discover, your greatest gift is guarded by adversaries. As you move forward on your path – fear, anger and doubt rise up alongside awakening. This is the paradoxical truth that this month will help you hold. Knowing it is the source of healing. In this module, you will learn to:

  • Confront your adversaries as difficult friends, not strangers
  • Tap the inverted power of anger
  • Weaken fear through open awareness
  • Stop resisting adversity
  • Practice comfort in moments of discomfort

Module Five: Piercing the Myth (August)

Moving out of the last module, your internal (and external) adversaries force you to face your story. In this month we look at: What is the nature of your life myth? Your memory is unreliable; as research shows, we “remember” things that never happened. And those that did happen are clothed in fiction. This month, you will learn to:

  • See where your story diverges from reality
  • Discern in what ways you are blind to yourself
  • Step outside of the fiction you’re telling
  • Reinvent this fiction over time
  • Gain authenticity and well-being

Module Six: Transforming Pain (September)

When you tell the truth, your story changes. As your story changes, pain is transformed – and your life is transformed. This month, we look at the metamorphic, protean nature of personal reality. You will learn to:

  • Become comfortable with life’s messes
  • Connect vulnerability with strength
  • Transform pain from suffering to wisdom
  • Be tender with your wounded parts
  • Accept the trauma of everyday life

Module Seven: Seeing With New Eyes (October)

As survivors, we see with new eyes. Having passed through darkness, we’re wide awake. We realize that our lives are always beginning; that untended wounds freeze us in place; awakened wounds enlighten us. That will be our focus this month. You will learn to:

  • Harvest the gifts of survivorship
  • Use limitation as a strength
  • Establish a beginner’s mind practice
  • Savor the ever expanding view
  • Dwell in gratitude each day

Module Eight: Stabilizing the View (November)

The powers of habit are deeply conditioned. In order to balance this new way of seeing, mindfulness is necessary. This month, we investigate mindfulness as a tuning fork that harmonizes with the awakened self. You will learn to:

  • Stabilize emotion using mindfulness
  • Practice mindfulness off the meditation cushion
  • Catch ourselves short when old patterns appear
  • Use the body as a self-tuning instrument
  • Practice openness to the view

Module Nine: Expanding the Circle (December)

The awakened self wants to pay its gifts forward. The wounded healer wants to share. Every wound yields its own medicine, its own particular kickback of power. This month, we look at the ways that you can use this power to improve your life and the welfare of others. You will learn to:

  • Use the wound as medicine
  • Put that medicine to the service of love
  • Bless the gift of the wound
  • Use pain as a bridge for connecting to others
  • Know yourself, finally, as unharmed

The Writing to Heal Bonus Collection

In addition to Mark Matousek’s transformative 9-month program, you’ll also receive these powerful bonus trainings with some of the world’s leading teachers and authors – to complement your journey and deepen your understanding and transformation.


Here’s What You’ll Get in Mark Matousek – Writing To Heal

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