
Menekse stewar – The SEO Bundle


Now, imagine that you’ve got a big box of books to donate to your local library. But plot twist: all the covers are brown paper.

Menekse stewar – The SEO Bundle

Menekse stewar - The SEO Bundle

Search engines run the internet.
Without them, we would have no way of finding any of the things we want or need online.
And if you have a website or online business, you are using and relying on them every single day – whether consciously or not.
Whether it’s Google (and other search engines), Pinterest, YouTube, marketplaces, or your website’s own search function, search is at the heart of helping potential customers find your products and services.
You can either do search badly, or you can do it well. Either way, search marketing is part of your business – it’s just part of how the internet works.
Intrigued? Read on, my friend!
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What is SEO and why should you care?
I love an analogy, and there are two favourites that typically help people get really excited about the why of SEO – because when you know the why, consistent action becomes a whole lot easier! I hinted at these earlier, but here’s a more detailed explanation…
SEO is housekeeping for the digital high street
A.k.a. vital chores for your online store
Imagine having a physical shop or office space where you welcomed customers and clients.
You’d have to think about rental contracts, utilities and tax, as well as interior design and visual merchandising, not forgetting window cleaning, vacuuming, emptying bins, and changing lightbulbs.
SEO is the digital equivalent of these things: Making sure your online presence is clean and tidy, and welcoming to visitors.
SEO is like putting your books in a virtual library
And if they’re not clearly labelled, the librarian’s gonna ignore them
Now, imagine that you’ve got a big box of books to donate to your local library. But plot twist: all the covers are brown paper.
The librarian has no idea what they are or where to put them, so she puts the box in a back room for when she has time to come back and look properly.
If we ignore SEO, it’s like giving Google a box of brown paper books.
How long has your to-do list looked like this?
? Look into SEO
? Research keywords
? Write a blog post
? Improve my website traffic
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If you’re like the majority of small business owners, you’ve heard terms like “SEO” and “keyword research” and made a note to get them sorted.
But then you Google the term “SEO checklist” and get 15,500,000 results.
You click on the first one, and it’s full of jargon.
You click on the second one, and it leaves you with more questions than you started with.
You click on the third one, and make a start, but then you end up in a YouTube rabbit hole trying to figure out what a meta description is when your Shopify or Squarespace website only gives you an SEO description.
Ready to throw your laptop out of the window, you bookmark the tab and promise yourself you’ll go back to it another day.
Sound familiar? That’s the experience of so many others like you.
YouTube University and Googling SEO will quickly leave you in a state of content overwhelm and jargon-induced anxiety.
The story is that Search Engine Optimisation is highly technical, overwhelming, and full of jargon that means you can’t possibly do it yourself.
But I’m here to tell you – with my 15+ years’ experience in SEO, and teaching hundreds of business owners how to optimise their websites – that it simply isn’t the case.
The reputation SEO has means that agencies and freelancers are charging thousands of pounds because business owners are scared of SEO. The reputation of SEO makes people money, so it means that very few people are motivated to make it accessible and straightforward.
But SEO is a vital skill for online business owners that goes WAY beyond search bots on your website, and learning it can be straightforward and hugely impactful for your business.
SEO underpins every decision you make about your website and brand online: What language you use to describe what you do, what pages you include on your website and where, what kind of content you create on a regular basis, and what kind of customers you attract to your business.
I can help you turn this…
? Look into SEO
? Research keywords
? Write a blog post
? Improve my website traffic
Into this…
✅ Look into SEO
✅ Research keywords
✅ Write a blog post
✅ Improve my website traffic
Tell me more!
You can make your website search engine friendly.
You just might need a helping hand.
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Growing your visibility via Google doesn’t need to feel scary or overwhelming.
SEO isn’t about understanding the imperceptible will of an invisible robot in the sky.
Google isn’t sending you messages in complex code, and punishing you if you can’t understand them. (I know it feels that way, but I promise, it’s really not!)
SEO is virtual hospitality. It’s cleaning out your digital dust bunnies.
It’s creating a space online where your brand stands out so that people who want or need what you have can find you.
SEO is about creating a positive website experience for your ideal customers.
It’s about building your brand online using the language your ideal customers are using, and making tweaks and updates to your website to make sure it’s a great place to hang out.
SEO with Menekse
A 12-week live programme to help you make Google go googly-eyed for your website.
Easy-to-Understand Tutorials
For 12 weeks, you’ll get new tutorials that are broken down into actionable steps. You can listen to them via video or on the go via audio with the SEO with Menekse programme podcast. There’s a little break in the middle to give you space to catch up!
Live Coaching and Support
Each week for 14 weeks (12 weeks of tutorials + 2 weeks of break) you can join me on Zoom and Voxer for live Q&A, feedback, and support. Plus, you have access to the SEO with Menekse Slack channel for 12+ months so you can pop your questions in there whenever you need!
Actionable Resources
For every tutorial, there are checklists and templates that will help you take action without feeling overwhelmed. And because you have access to these forever, you can refer back to them any time you need them!
The SEO with Menekse programme leads you through a 3-part approach to optimising your website…
Part 1: Your Customer
In order to build a website that Google loves, we need to make sure we understand exactly who our customers are and how what we have to offer relates to them and what they’re looking for.
Understanding their needs, how they’re searching for those needs, and what their experience looks like as they engage with your website and the wider web helps us to build a high quality, engaging website.
The plus side to this foundational work? It makes all your other marketing way easier, too!
Part 2: Your Brand & Website
Now that we know who our customers are and what they’re searching for, it’s time to review how your brand and website are communicating that.
What do you do? How do you talk about it? What actions do you want people to take?
What’s working on your website? What needs to be fixed or improved?
How is your website structured? How does it need to be structured? What content have you got? What content do you need?
Part 3: Search Engine Optimisation
Now we’ve got information about our customers and our brand, and we understand where we are right now and where we need to be, it’s time to tackle improving our websites!
In SEO, this is broken down into three parts:

1. Technical Optimisation: Making sure your website performs well on things like speed, security, and URLs working properly.
2. On Page Optimisation: Making sure your website content and structure reflect your expertise using keywords and internal links.
3. Off Page Optimisation: Making sure your brand appears on the wider web as a trusted source of value and expertise.

This is a programme with one mission, and one mission only:
To help you confidently grow your business online using SEO.
I want to join!
By the end of our programme, you’ll walk away with…
A personalised strategy to get more traffic to your website
A customer journey map you can use across your marketing channels
A website that clearly communicates what you do to customers and search engines
Confidence in building your digital platform efficiently and effectively
A keyword-driven content plan that will help you grow for months to come
A folder of marketing assets and materials to help you grow online
Plus, lifetime access to all the course tutorials and materials so you can watch and rewatch any time your website needs a spring-clean.
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What’s included in SEO with Menekse?
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Our live SEO programme begins on Monday 17 January, and includes…

•A personalised SEO folder prepared for you containing everything you need to get stuck into the programme with confidence.
•12 weeks of tutorials: Actionable tutorials for each week will be released on a Monday at 9am UK / 4am ET in both video and audio formats, so you can watch or listen to them at your convenience throughout the week.
•Weekly feedback sessions for real-time support & troubleshooting: Got a question or something you’d like feedback on? These live sessions each Tuesday at 7pm UK / 2pm ET are interactive and provide you with plenty of time to ask questions and get support.
•Weekly office hour sessions where you can drop in for 1-1 support: Drop in and ask me questions on Voxer each Thursday from 12pm UK / 7am ET through to 9pm UK / 4pm ET.
•Access to private members’ area on Slack for a minimum of 12 months: Got questions in between feedback sessions and office hours? Put them in Slack at any time, and I can reply to you there!
•Detailed strategy maps, templates, and checklists for your website, SEO, and content marketing so you’re clear on exactly what you need to do at every stage.
•Lifetime access to the course material, so you can go watch and rewatch any time!

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Plus, once we’ve finished the live programme, you’ll get access to…

•12 months of SEO to do lists to help you maintain momentum when we’ve finished.
•Blogging for SEO, giving you a strategic breakdown of what blogging is, how it grows your business, how to decide on content & make a search-friendly plan, and templates and checklists for your blogging workflow and content distribution.
•SEO for Pinterest, showing you how to generate traffic from Pinterest – which is an image-based search engine driven by keywords, so you can get the most out of your keyword research and pin your newly optimised web pages to get visitors clicking through to your website from Pinterest.
•Product Descriptions 101, showing you how to write search-friendly product descriptions with confidence.

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Get SEO off your to do list once and for all, and start growing your brand on Google and beyond.
Hear what some of my students have to say…
“This program has been the best investment I have done for my creative business. It has been a game changer for me.”
Sara Kabariti | Artist & Educator |
“It’s given me so much more time to focus on the creative side of my business, which is really what it’s all about. The marketing I know is being done for me in the background and I can focus on what I really love to do.
I started the program in November 2020 and already I can see that the traffic to my website is snowballing. It has resulted in sales, which has been really, really helpful because I’m a very new business owner and I can see now that it will continue to rise and now that I know how to optimise for keywords, how to write blog posts that actually attract customers into my funnel. There’s so much that you learn through this course that has been very, very helpful for me. I can’t stress that enough.
If you’re thinking of working with Menekse, I’d say just go for it. Don’t hesitate. She’s the right person. She knows her subject really well. More importantly, she’s super supportive, she’s really there for you and she really wants you to succeed. And that’s what I found and that’s what I love about her. She has such great integrity. For me, it’s so important to work with people who I can trust, and Menekse is that person.”
“Since sorting out my SEO, I was able to quit my nanny job and just become a full time illustrator… I’ve worked for Facebook, Google, Instagram, the United Nations… and honestly it blows my mind like the people that find me from Google.”
“Now I feel about SEO like it’s just part of what I do and I love that when I write a blog post I feel like I know what I’m doing. I know when I’m updating my website all the tiny little tweaks I can make.
Before I did this course I was getting a little bit of work but I still had to have a part time job to support this part of my business. Since sorting out my SEO, I was able to quit my nanny job and just become a full time illustrator.
I get inquiries every single day pretty much Monday to Friday – usually more than one inquiry a day from people who really want to hire me.
I’ve worked for Facebook, Google, Instagram the United Nations and honestly it blows my mind like the people that find me from Google.
Since doing my SEO and having my business take off in that way, I’ve co-founded another business helping illustrators. SEO is such a game changer for getting regular clients and having that consistency that means that you can quit your part time job or go all in and just know that you’re going to get inquiries, even if you don’t show up on social media.”
Katie Chappell | Live Illustrator |
“Menekse is the only person I ever recommend [for SEO]… She has a passion about SEO you can hear as soon as she speaks, and she doesn’t mind the same question being asked 1000 times.”
Stephanie | Founder & Creator of Loubiblu |
“Before I did any course with Menekse, I didn’t really know anything about SEO. I literally had no idea and it was extremely overwhelming. What I really thoroughly enjoyed was the level of dedication Menekse gave to the lives that we were allowed to join and answering the questions really well.
The fact that I can dip in and out of the support… It was quite helpful that I could do what I could do that week and hop on a call and ask a question about what the problem was that week.
Menekse is the only person I ever recommend because of who she is. There’s plenty of people doing SEO, but I think the way she has a passion about it that you can just hear it as soon as she speaks, and she doesn’t mind the same question being asked 1000 times. And from a creative perspective, who has a different brain that just doesn’t work in that way, being able to ask the same question a million times and not have an eye roll at me is brilliant.
Menekse has broken it down very well and it’s understandable and she’s personable.”
And here are some more results from students…
“After taking Menekse’s SEO course, in the space of a year, my impressions went from 8.25k to 57.9k, and clicks have jumped from 131 to 591 clicks a month. I’m also on the first page of Google for my main keyword!”
“Before working together, my website was up and running but had very little traction. A lot of the traffic was self-directed from Instagram which meant that I felt like I had to be ‘on’ Insta 24/7 to be getting results. My email marketing consisted of monthly newsletters, which were fine, but not really converting into sales! And my SEO was pretty non-existent! Always something on the to-do list.
I really wanted to see some traction with SEO generating traffic to my website so that there was something in place for the long-term marketing strategies.
I’ve been working through the SEO course, and have had a 1-to-1 day of Voxer with Menekse. I’ve gone from knowing very little about SEO at all to feeling much more confident and knowledgeable about best practice for my website.
Menekse is a great teacher and works really hard to provide tailored help and support. Her advice for getting my website ship-shape and approaching my marketing strategy has been invaluable!
The biggest change is seeing my own website take off! It now massively out-performs my other sales channels on marketplaces every month and has regular sales – yay!
I’ve been tracking my stats for SEO – in the space of a year, my impressions went from 8.25k to 57.9k, and clicks have jumped from 131 to 591 clicks a month! It’s so encouraging to see these!!
I’ve also seen my ‘focus keywords’ Christian Jewellery position jump from 39.2 to 9.3 – first page of Google baby! And my email marketing is sitting at 25-35% of my monthly income on my website.
The Voxer days, both for the SEO course and the 1-to-1 day I did are so great!! It’s so helpful to get quick and specific advice and help, and I think the walkie talkie format works really well. I’d literally pay for a slot every week, Menekse is so supportive!
I also really enjoy how you keep the course content up to date, and the bonuses for current students like Pinterest and Blogging etc. are super helpful.”
Jordan Irwin | Jewellery Designer |
“Menekse is everything you always wanted from an SEO expert, but never got until now!
Her positive, engaging, no-filler sessions are just what I need as a small business owner who’s always short on time, thanks so much!”
Claire | The Curious Pancake
“Menekse’s SEO programme is absolutely packed with incredible content, Menekse is so generous with her support and time. Easily the best thing I’ve ever invested in in terms of my business. I feel so much more in control of my business and marketing, not overwhelmed any more!”
“The detailed content and context are really helpful, explained in terms that can be understood by those not in these fields. Bite sized chunks are also great, much easier to work through when a topic is complex. I love the analogies/examples she uses as they help my understanding.”
“I doubled my income, launched an online course, started growing my email list and started a podcast. All thanks to encouragement and advice from Menekse.”
Liz Mosley | Graphic Designer |
“Menekse is so knowledgeable and always full of some many ideas. I always really appreciate her insight and feedback, and it has helped me grow my business so much over the last year!
Before working with Menekse, I just had no idea what I was doing when it came to marketing. I knew bits and pieces, but had no strategy and was not intentional with it all.
My goal was to grow my business and streamline it and that has definitely happened. I am marketing myself more effectively than ever before, and my business has grown more in the last year than ever before.
I doubled my income, launched an online course, started growing my email list and started a podcast. All thanks to encouragement and advice from Menekse.
She is straight talking and gives really down to earth advice, as well as pushing me (in a good way) to do things that I had never really thought I could do before.”
For transparency, please note that since Liz started working with me for marketing education & support in early 2020, I have hired her for a variety of branding projects including rebranding Marketing with Menekse.
“I joined The SEO Bundle to learn SEO for my new business. I specifically joined because it was geared towards small creative businesses, which was exactly what I needed.
Since joining, I’ve gone from not being able to find any of my pages on google to ranking on the first page for one of my main keywords! I love the layout of all the course material, it’s really accessible and easy to navigate, and the live Q&As have been hugely beneficial.”
Natalia Charalambous | Treasure the Truth
Hey, I’m Menekse!
I’m a SEO specialist and marketing strategist with over 15 years’ experience working in Search Engine Optimisation and organic traffic.
Based in London, I’ve worked with clients all over Europe and North America in a variety of industries. I’ve also been the Senior SEO Lead for a number of marketing agencies, consulting on projects for businesses large and small, as well as designing marketing development programmes and training.
In the past six years, I’ve set up a marketplace that serves over 200 artists and designers around the UK, and thousands of its monthly revenue from organic traffic, and have acted as freelance Chief Marketing Officer for a handful of 7- and 8-figure North American entrepreneurs.
Over the last 18 months, I’ve taught SEO for businesses and organisations including The Design Trust, Amanda Perry’s E-Com Growth Hub, Connected Artists’ Club by Alice Sheridan, and the Resilient Retail Summit. I’m a regular lecturer in SEO, marketing strategy, and email marketing for University of the Arts London and ELLE Education.

Here’s What You’ll Get in Menekse stewar – The SEO Bundle

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Course Requirement: Menekse stewar – The SEO Bundle
Real Value: $997
One time cost: USD 92

Frequently Asked Questions For “Menekse stewar – The SEO Bundle”

How to make payment for “Menekse stewar – The SEO Bundle” ?

  • Please add to cart on this page and go to checkout page. You can also add as many other products as you like and make a one-time payment.
  • We accept several type of Stripe payments such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, Google Pay, Apple Pay and JCB, payments from customers worldwide. Paypal & Bitcoin please contact us.
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How can we deliver you the course?

  • After you pay for “Menekse stewar – The SEO Bundle” on our library, please follow the download links in your account page here: |Menekse stewar – The SEO Bundle|
  • In some case, the link is broken for any reason, our supporter will renew the download links and notify to your email within a few hours business day. Your patience is appreciated.

How long do I have access to the course?

  •  How does lifetime access download?
  • After enrolling, you have unlimited download to this |Menekse stewar – The SEO Bundle|  for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own.

How to download “Menekse stewar – The SEO Bundle”?

  • Enjoy “Menekse stewar – The SEO Bundle” in your account page.
  • Download only one file at a time. Sometimes doing all of the files at once will lead to them all freezing.
  • Also, please do not attempt to download to a mobile device. These should be saved to a computer and then synced to devices such as phones and tablets.
  • You can also learn online instead of downloading, but we encourage you to download for better results and viewing quality during your learn. Lastly, download times are much quicker in the mornings, before noon, Pacific time. during download make sure your device is not sleeping off screen.

What is the refund policy “Menekse stewar – The SEO Bundle”?

  • We’ll Bear The Risk, You’ll Take The Results…
  • Within 30 days of purchased |Menekse stewar – The SEO Bundle|, if you don’t get anything out of the program, or if your order has any problem, or maybe for some reason, you just don’t like the way it is. Please contact us and we will do our best to assist. Thank you for your understanding.

Have More Questions?

Our support staff is the best by far! please do not hesitate to contact us at email: [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help!

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Get Menekse stewar - The SEO Bundle, The librarian has no idea what they are or where to put them, so she puts the box in a back room for when she has time to come back and look properly.

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