
Michad J. Lavery – Whole Brain Power Coaching


Michad J. Lavery – Whole Brain Power Coaching

Michad J. Lavery – Whole Brain Power Coaching

Whole Brain Power Coaching System

Reboot Your Mental Circuits to Reset Your Working Memory, Tame Your Anxiety, Sharpen Your Thinking, Lift Your Mood & Enhanced Your Sleep Like You Did as A Child

Play >>>>short 6 minute recording below if you don’t have time to read the stories below. This will give you an idea of what you get for your $67

Your one-time $67 payment gets you the PDF of Whole Brain Power book, The 30-day activity progress journal and over 33 individual downloadable mp3 audio interviews and PDF transcripts with Whole Brain Power Coaching students and Brain Training Experts to prove Michael’s system works

download 6 minute preview audio mp3

If you or someone you know wants to enjoy a Marvelous Memory * Higher Mood Elevation * A Deeper Night Sleep * Bolder Confidence In Social Situations * Super-Powered Attention * Razor Sharp Focus * Greater Functional Strength * Better Language & Verbal Communication * Less Stress * Faster Reaction Time In Athletics and a Greater Control and Steadiness In Your Hands, you need to consider this groundbreaking information below.

This is a special offer for my Whole Brain Power II Coaching System.

Over 8 new interviews added.

You simply cannot get this package anywhere else for a one low $67.

You’re going to love what this information can do for you.

I’ve never been as excited about a product more than Michael J. Lavery’s Whole Brain Power II Coaching System.

Michael J. Lavery is a pioneer in the field of applied neuroscience and brain function.

He is an internationally renowned brain coach and trainer to athletes from all walks of life.

He has over 29 years experience in research in the plasticity of the human brain and how overall whole brain power potential can be harnessed.

Coach Lavery has been featured on the front cover of the Orange County Register and has been twice interviewed by The BBC radio program.

Michael has appeared on the David Letterman Show, and made ESPN Sport’s Center Top Ten Plays of the Day. He also has been featured in prominent newspaper and magazine articles about his pioneering ambidexterity skills in the sports of tennis and golf.

Coach Lavery also holds eight hand to eye coordination world records from Universal Records Data Base.

Michael J. Lavery was one of the first men to describe direct relationships to brain growth in the central nervous system and how it relates to across the board ambidexterity training, memory enhancement and dual handed fine motor controls of penmanship skills.

This breakthrough is now being connected to the theory that the hands actually grow the brain and that this growth is due in major part to the myelination process.

This in turn now changes the brain and body chemistry resulting in increased muscle mass and muscle density.

Coach Michael Lavery’s clients report major strides and improvements in endeavors such as improved academic performance, golf, tennis, baseball, playing musical instruments, communications skills and enhanced short term memory processing,

Other benefits include mood elevation, greater capacity to focus, enhanced sleep, less stress, faster reaction time in sports and greater control and steadiness in the hands, Michael is a proud father of four boys and currently practices in Laguna Beach California.

Let’s make today your best day ever! Click here to order


1. Whole Brain Power Book:

The Fountain of Youth for the Mind and Body

Michael J. Lavery’s theories about how large and small motor-skill development of both right and left hands are directly linked to development in the left and right hemispheres of the brain is revolutionizing our understanding of how best to train the brain.

The application of his theories and training methodologies are universal, including benefits for athletes seeking to supercharge their performance, for Baby Boomers wanting to reverse the aging process, and for retirees looking to rejuvenate their memory powers and regain an active lifestyle.

Learn how a dozen Whole Brain Power All-Star practitioners from the ages of fifteen to ninety-one have transformed their brains and bodies through Michael’s simple ambidextrous skill training, penmanship drills, and memory drills.

Get ready to become part of a new revolution in whole brain development in the 21st century.

– 304 page Book in PDF format

For the full description of this book click here

2. Whole Brain Power: Workbook & Progress Journal

The Whole Brain Power Workbook & Progress Journal is the companion to the book Whole Brain Power: The Fountain of Youth for the Mind and Body. This Workbook is the ideal training guide for practicing Whole Brain Power over the first 90-days of training.

It provides the critical information from the book in the three main training regimens, penmanship, memory and ambidexterity, but equally important, it provides daily training assignments, practice routines and skill tests.

This daily approach to guiding the Whole Brain Power practitioner to higher and higher levels of skill development and brain power is an essential tool to successfully master Whole Brain Power.

– 252 page Book in PDF format

For the full description of this book click here

Whole Brain Power Practitioner Interview Collection

3. “The Best 100 Days Of My Life”

– 31 minute audio in play and mp3 download plus word for word PDF transcripts.

For the full description of each interview click here

4) Interview With Dean Brittenham World’s Foremost Ambidexterity Trainer

– 48 minute audio in play and mp3 download plus word for word PDF transcripts

For the full description of each interview click here

5) Did Whole Brain Power Really Help This Guy Win A $20,000 Chess Tournament?

– 51 minute audio in play and mp3 download plus word for word PDF transcripts

For the full description of each interview click here

6) Mr. X Reveals The Secrets of Whole Brain Power Coaching

– 21 minute audio in play and mp3 download plus word for word PDF transcripts

For the full description of each interview click here

7) For Months, I’ve Been Sleeping In Two Hour Naps And Now After Only 8 Days, I’m Sleeping Through The Night

– 36 minute audio in play and mp3 download plus word for word PDF transcripts

For the full description of each interview click here

8) How I Raised My HDL Levels From 48 to 91 Bouncing A Golf Ball Off of a Hammer

– 16 minute audio in play and mp3 download plus word for word PDF transcripts

For the full description of each interview click here

9) He Gained Phenomenal Improvements In His Sporting Excellence

– 25 minute audio in play and mp3 download plus word for word PDF transcripts

For the full description of each interview click here

10) Against All Odds . . . The Chuck Mellick Story

– 20 minute audio in play and mp3 download plus word for word PDF transcripts

For the full description of each interview click here

11) Double Your Salary Using the Methodologies Of Greater Focus and Communication Skills

– 21 minute audio in play and mp3 download plus word for word PDF transcripts

For the full description of each interview click here

12) How I Became More Attractive To Women

– 13 minute audio in play and mp3 download plus word for word PDF transcripts

For the full description of each interview click here

13) Professional Golfer Shoots a Record Low 57 After Only Five Days on The Whole Brain Power Program

– 31 minute audio in play and mp3 download plus word for word PDF transcripts

For the full description of each interview click here

14) I’m Now Hitting The Golf Ball 30 Yards Further

– 20 minute audio in play and mp3 download plus word for word PDF transcripts

For the full description of each interview click here

15) My Life Was Particularly Hard and Whole Brain Power Coaching Has Turned That Around

– 21 minute audio in play and mp3 download plus word for word PDF transcripts

For the full description of each interview click here

16) Improvement With Short Term Memory

– 21 minute audio in play and mp3 download plus word for word PDF transcripts

For the full description of each interview click here

17) Orange County California Fireman Loses Weight While Being Resigned To Laying On The Couch Most of The Day

– 25 minute audio in play and mp3 download plus word for word PDF transcripts

For the full description of each interview click here

18) How To Be The Only One At The Senior Park Without A Walker, Oxygen Tank, Or Pills

– 29 minute audio in play and mp3 download plus word for word PDF transcripts

For the full description of each interview click here

19. My Dad Thought I Was On Drugs When I Asked If I Could Make Him Breakfast, But I Was Just Happy From All The Whole Brain Power Stuff I Was Doing

– 24 minute audio in play and mp3 download plus word for word PDF transcripts

For the full description of each interview click here

20. Is Whole Brain Power Really So Amazing It’s Being Taught In College?

An Update With WBP-Star-Student Diego

– 8 minute audio in play and mp3 download plus word for word PDF transcripts

For the full description of each interview click here

21. Pat Venditte Sr. Interview

– 13 minute audio in play and mp3 download plus word for word PDF transcripts

For the full description of each interview click here

22. How This Man Put On Weight Using Just The Power Of Your Brain… (No Protein Shakes Necessary)

– 12 minute audio in play and mp3 download plus word for word PDF transcripts

For the full description of each interview click here

23. How To Put Your Hand-Eye Coordination On Autopilot – Lock In On The Ball And Make Save After Save… Without Thinking About It: An Update With WBP Student Doug At Week 9

– 41 minute audio in play and mp3 download plus word for word PDF transcripts

For the full description of each interview click here

24) Is It Really Possible To Hit Longer, Harder Golf Drives… Without Killing Your Back?

– 12 minute audio in play and mp3 download plus word for word PDF transcripts

For the full description of each interview click here

25. Can Whole Brain Power Help This Blind Athlete Improve More Than Just Physically?

– 30 minute audio in play and mp3 download plus word for word PDF transcripts

For the full description of each interview click here

26. Were You Meant To Be Ambidextrous?

– 42 minute audio in play and mp3 download plus word for word PDF transcripts

For the full description of each interview click here

27. Can Whole Brain Power Really Help End Anxiety Attacks… Without Drugs?

– 29 minute audio in play and mp3 download plus word for word PDF transcripts

For the full description of each interview click here

28. “I Felt Like I Could Run Forever”

– 18 minute audio in play and mp3 download plus word for word PDF transcripts

For the full description of each interview click here

29. “Little Hinges Swing Big Doors” Matt Furey Interview
On Using Whole Brain Power In His Coaching Practice

– 84 minute audio in play and mp3 download plus word for word PDF transcripts

For the full description of each interview click here

30. Is H.I.B.T (High Intensity Brain Training) Really The Only Workout You Need?

– 8 minute audio in play and mp3 download plus word for word PDF transcripts

For the full description of each interview click here

31. Did Whole Brain Power Really Help This Guy Become A Computer Programmer?

– 21 minute audio in play and mp3 download plus word for word PDF transcripts

For the full description of each interview click here

32. Can Unleashing The Power Of Your Whole Brain Really Work Better Than Steroids?

– 16 minute audio in play and mp3 download plus word for word PDF transcripts

For the full description of each interview click here

33. Can Whole Brain Power Really Help You Dominate Any Sport… As An Ambidextrous Athlete? An Interview With EJ Udo-Udoma

– 59 minute audio in play and mp3 download plus word for word PDF transcripts

For the full description of each interview click here

34. Listen in as Coach Michael J. Lavery Exposes Michael Senoff’s Poor Memory

– 78 minute audio in play and mp3 download plus word for word PDF transcripts

For the full description of each interview click here

35. Leonardo Da Vinci Cursive Writing Worksheets

Leonardo Da Vinci was the world’s foremost mirror writer, and his creativity and imagination was superior to his contemporaries.

For the full description of each worksheet click here


If you want a Better Memory * Higher Mood Elevation * A Deeper Sleep * Greater Confidence In Social Situations* Super-Powered Attention * Razor Sharp Focus * Greater Functional Strength * Better Language & Verbal Communication * Spatial Reasoning * Problem Solving * Fluid Intelligence * Less Stress * Faster Reaction Time and Greater Control and Steadiness In Your Hands, you need to investigate Whole Brain Power.

This is a special offer and you simply cannot get this package anywhere else and at such an unheard of low $67.

You’re going to love what this information can do for you.

I’ve never been as excited about a product more than Michael J. Lavery’s Whole Brain Power Coaching.

Before I decided to share this system, I became a client first. I’ve done my homework on Michael J. Coach Lavery. I’ve interviewed over 25 of his clients and listened to their testimony.

I’ve never been involved with something that has more potential for improving the lives of my subscribers more than this.

It’s simple, it’s easy and it’s working for me.

And now, I want to share more about it in this totally unique package.

Won’t you join us today?

Let’s make today your best day ever!


Click the Yellow Buy Now Button Below

note: It may take a second or two for the order window to open up. Be patient

I Repeat — $67 is all you pay. There is nothing more to buy and no monthly fees of any kind.

The second I get your Whole Brain Power Coaching Interview Series and your Whole Brain Power Workbook and Progress Journal order, PayPal will re-direct you to a page with a yellow button that when clicked will take you to your download page.

The page will be there when you are ready to use it. Don’t feel like you have to download everything because it will go away. It won’t. This will be your page posted in a username and password protected area for you when you need it. Order now, study and download when ready.

See the image below and click on that button to access your downloads. I’ll also send you the links and page to the PayPal e-mail address you used when you placed your order by e-mail.

If you have any questions at all, feel free to text of call me at 858-692-9461. click here to order


Michael Senoff

Here’s Your Detailed Interview Descriptions & Exactly What You Get

You’ll be able to immediately download your Whole Brain Power Book and the Whole Brain Power Workbook and Progress Journal. You’ll have immediate access to play and download the audio interviews. You can also print out and read the PDF transcripts on your home or office computer, iphone, ipad, kindle or nook. Here is a listing of the interviews you’ll get with your order today.

1) Whole Brain Power: The Fountain of Youth for the Mind and Body

If you want to supercharge your mental circuits to boost your memory, beat stress, sharpen your thinking, lift your mood, sleep better and much more, this revolutionary book is for you. Michael J. Lavery’s theories about how large and small motor-skill development of both right and left hands is directly linked to development in the left and right hemispheres of the brain is revolutionizing our understanding of how best to train the brain.

The application of his theories and training methodologies are universal, including benefits for athletes seeking to supercharge their performance, for Baby Boomers wanting to reverse the aging process, and for retirees looking to rejuvenate their memory powers and regain an active lifestyle.

Learn how Whole Brain Power All-Star practitioners from the ages of fifteen to ninety-one have transformed their brains and bodies through Michael’s simple ambidextrous skill training, penmanship drills, and memory drills.

Get ready to become part of the revolution in whole brain development in the 21st century.

– 304 page Book in PDF format


Foreword By Dr. Craig McQueen

Introduction The Whole Brain Power™ Paradigm

Chapter 1 – The Michael J. Coach Lavery Story

Chapter 2 – The Blueprint for the Brain

Chapter 3 – Penmanship: Sharpen the Pen to Sharpen the Mind

Chapter 4 – Memory: Grow the Memory Grow the Brain

Chapter 5 – Ambidexterity And Whole Brain Power™

Chapter 6 – System Killers: Violent Video Games and Television

Chapter 7 – Case Studies: Whole Brain Power in Practice

Chapter 8 – Nutrition

Conclusion Perfecting Whole Brain Power™

Appendix Resources and References

Index Key Word Reference

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2) Whole Brain Power: Workbook & Progress Journal

The Whole Brain Power Workbook & Progress Journal is the companion piece to the book Whole Brain Power: The Fountain of Youth for the Mind and Body. This Workbook is the ideal training guide for practicing Whole Brain Power over the first 90-days of training.

It provides the critical information from the book in the three main training regimens, penmanship, memory and ambidexterity, but equally important, it provides daily training assignments, practice routines and skill tests.

This daily approach to guiding the Whole Brain Power practitioner to higher and higher levels of skill development and brain power is an essential tool to successfully master Whole Brain Power.

– 252 page book in PDF format


Introduction – The Whole Brain Power™ Paradigm

Unit 1 – Penmanship: Sharpen the Pen to Sharpen the Mind

Unit 2 – Memory: Grow the Memory Grow the Brain

Unit 3 – Ambidexterity: And Whole Brain Power™

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3) “The Best 100 Days Of My Life”

Meet Nathan Thompson. Nathan is age 26. He meets Michael J. Lavery while on an afternoon visit to Laguna Beach, California. Seeing Lavery demonstrate his ability to do his mirror writing Nathan Thompson becomes captivated about learning the methods of Whole Brain Power Coaching. Nathan Thompson is challenged by Lavery on certain short term memory tasks which he initially fails.

As Lavery now has infiltrated the psyche of Nathan Thompson, he asks for Lavery’s number and for personal coaching. Within 110 days of consulting with Lavery and reading the Whole Brain Power book and doing all the exercises recommended in the Whole Brain Power Workbook and Progress Journal, Nathan Thompson has a metamorphosis of his brain and his body.

Much of these changes had to do with life choices to move away from the excessive video game playing and mindless television watching. Since participating in the Whole Brain Power Coaching, Thompson’s short term memory skills have also seen a major increase.

Now 3 months later, people are starting to ask Nathan Thompson, “How have you changed your body without going into the gym?” You’ll hear in this interview how Nathan Thompson has experienced the most motivating, most inspired period of his life, all because of changing the chemistry of his brain and body.

Read about steroidogenesis and hear it from the testimonial of a young man who now has people absolutely perplexed as to how he increased his muscle density and the striations of his muscles without even going into the gym. It happened just by following the techniques of memory enhancement, two handed penmanship skills and doing the ambidexterity with the hammer drill training.

Nathan has been an All Star Whole Brain Power practitioner and his communication skills have improved tremendously. His writing skills and his use of his working vocabulary is extremely impressive.

This was certainly enhanced by his relentless practice of his penmanship training. Today Nathan’s penmanship skills are exquisite and his mirror writing left handed amazes family and friends. Get ready to be blown away by this exciting interview with Nathan Thompson.

– 31 minute audio, 20 page transcript

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4) Interview With Dean Brittenham World’s Foremost Ambidexterity Trainer

Dean Brittenham is considered one of the foremost pioneers in the outside of the box training of the athletes. He has always emphasized flexibility, speed and ambidexterity training with more emphasis on functional strength.

Dean has always been a believer in the concept of being a Whole Brain thinker. The Whole Brain thinker according to Dean Brittenham dominates on any sporting arena. He mentions the likes of Larry Bird, Magic Johnson, Michael Jordan, Peyton Manning, Drew Brees and Steve Nash as being Whole Brain thinkers as well as many other athletes that get in the “Zone.”

Lavery has had the good fortune of personally meeting Dean Brittenham and sharing concepts about ambidexterity and how to train athletes. Dean Brittenham’s concepts of juggling and multi-tasking the brain have been successfully used by some of the top athletes in the world including the Williams’ sisters and Jim Curran, who became number one in the world after using the methodologies that Brittenham taught to him.

Brittenham appreciates the information that Lavery has now been able to disseminate in this book Whole Brain Power and the Whole Brain Power workbook, and now Brittenham is using some of the concepts of the mirror image writing and the ambidexterity feats that Lavery also promotes such as the hammer drill training.

Dean Brittenham is a man that is ahead of the curve in terms of the fact that he has been into this concept of ambidextrous training for nearly forty years, and has worked with some of the best sports teams in the world including the New England Patriots, The U.S. Olympic Bobsled team, The Chicago Cubs, The Baltimore Orioles, Stanford University Women’s Tennis, Notre Dame, University of Illinois and some fantastic baseball players that are currently major league stars. Have your speakers turned up and press the white play button below to start the interview. Now let’s get going.

– 48 minute audio, 24 page transcript

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5) Did Whole Brain Power Really Help This Guy Win A $20,000 Chess Tournament?

Even though Vaughan has known Michael Lavery for about 19 years, he didn’t really think too much about Whole Brain Power until a learning disability caused him to drop out of high school. He decided to give the brain exercises a try, and was immediately glad he did. He was able to get his diploma, go to college, and get back into all the extracurricular activities he used to love – chess, tennis, music, tae kwon do – and at a whole new masterful level.

But, he was really impressed with Whole Brain Power after winning $20,000 in a chess tournament. And now he’s just set a new world record running a mile in 8:30 while bouncing a golf ball on to two alternating rubber mallets.

And Vaughan will be the first to tell you, it was the Whole Bran Power Coaching brain exercises that were the reasons he was able to concentrate on both the big picture and the finer details at the same time during the competition, giving him a huge advantage over his opponents.

And in this audio interview, you’ll hear Vaughan’s story about how he used Whole Brain Power Coaching to rewire and strengthen his brain and transform his life and how you can do it too.

You’ll Also Hear…

Exactly what it feels like to train your non-dominant side of the brain (it’ll be a struggle at first), and the key phrases to keep in mind when you’re going through it that will help

* The one piece of advice that Michael Lavery told Vaughan that he says was what really helped him turn his life around

* The three brain exercises Vaughan does that got him to where he’s at today, how long he spends doing hammer drills and “powers of two” a day, and a quick peek at his whole routine

* The only brain science you need to know to make brain training work for you

* The brain exercises that helped Vaughan’s tennis game (he says he used to get frustrated because he couldn’t get the ball to go where he wanted — now it’s almost as if the game has slowed down for him)

* The real reason Vaughan become a Whole Brain Power coach – what that means and how he’s doing it

Vaughan says the biggest difference he sees with Whole Brain Power is his quality of life. He now knows he can choose how he interprets things.

He has a lot less anxiety, a lot more focus, and he’s just enjoying life more. And in this audio interview, you’ll hear all about it.

– 51 minute audio, 24 page transcript

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6) Mr. X Reveals The Secrets of Whole Brain Power Coaching

Here’s an interview with another Whole Brain Power practitioner we’ll call Mr. X. He’s a high powered business executive who has requested his identity not be revealed for business reasons.

Today, we’ll call him Mr. X. He is 53 years of age and is an avid tennis player.

Mr. X first comes in contact with Brain Coach Michael J. Lavery after reading an article on the front page of the Orange County Register. Mr. X He hires Lavery to help him in areas of need in regards to his problems with sleep deprivation and “fogginess” in his thinking.

Within one week of receiving coaching from Lavery, Mr. X experiences a reversal of his deficiencies in cognitive functions and his sleep problems.

His energy levels increase and his short term and working memory processing abilities improve significantly. Listen intently during this interview as Mr. X rattles off some of the memory drills taught by coach Lavery.

This Whole Brain Power practitioner does all of the tenets of the program exactly as designed by Lavery and he achieves news heights with his tennis game.

People constantly remark about how much he has improved in a relatively short amount of time. Mr. X senses the mood elevation and overall functional strength increases from the Whole Brain Power Coaching hammer drill training.

The remarkable advancements of his hand to eye to brain coordination and in an ambidextrous manner totally support the theory that the brain has tremendous capacity to rewire itself and at any age.

He takes the hammer drill training to new heights and he currently trains with a many as 11 different models and sizes of hammers. You will be inspired by this story. Have your speakers turned up and press the white play button below to start the interview. Now let’s get going.

– 21 minute audio, 13 page transcript

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7) For Months, I’ve Been Sleeping In Two Hour Naps And Now After Only 8 Days, I’m Sleeping Through The Night

Listen in an interview session with practitioner John Collins and Whole Brain Power author Michael J. Lavery. Collins is already experiencing the best sleep in recent years from following the advice of coach Lavery and practicing the tenets in the Whole Brain Power program. In one weeks time he has shed 5 pounds of fat from making only one change in his diet. You can hear the enthusiasm about the transformations being experienced by John and the journey is just beginning.

– 36 minute audio, 54 page transcript

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8) How I Raised My HDL Levels From 48 to 91 Bouncing A Golf Ball Off of a Hammer

Brad Dugdale is currently age 53. He is a husband, and father of two sons, a business man, and avid golfer. He decided to invest in the Whole Brain Power Coaching methodology with Michael Lavery

On the recommendation of a golfing pal, Brad hired Lavery to coach him via telephone calls and emails. Having Lavery’s coaching and the Whole Brain Power Workbook and Progress Journal as his guidelines, Lavery takes Dugdale from a position of being able to hit the golf ball approximately 270 yards, to hitting golf balls up to 320. Not only has his distance with all of his clubs increased but his overall accuracy at hitting the ball improves as well.

Brad now experiences something that he hasn’t in fifteen to twenty years, and that is he’s hitting the golf ball in two strokes onto long par fives. As Dugdale’s friends watch him strike the ball thirty to forty yards further than they’re currently hitting it. They’re all joking, “You must have hit another sprinkler head.” But Dugdale knows the truth.

He has increased his muscle density in both his forearms. His shoulders and back muscles are stronger as well. He’s increased his grip strength with both hands too. He’s significantly improved his hand/eye coordination. He spends up to one hour per day for at least four months doing the hammer drill training and then, he gets the surprise of his life.

After having his blood work done every year for over ten years, his doctor scratches his head and says, “Brad, what’s going on here?” As he’s referring to the HDL levels that are now spiked up to thirty-seven percent from previous readings. For those that are unaware of HDL levels, most often times, HDL levels will have totally leveled off and actually are going into a slight decline year after year.

Having this information, Dugdale increases his Whole Brain Power Coaching, and spikes his HDLs, which originally started out at approximately 48 to now a reading of 91. The doctor now claims to him, “No drug in the world can actually spike your HDLs almost one hundred percent.”

Having this information, Dugdale now contacts friends and family, and starts to spread the word about Lavery’s Whole Brain Power Coaching and how it actually changed his body and his brain. HDL levels are associated with mental acuity and memory enhancement.

Consequently now Brad feels that he has made the greatest investment he ever could have in his golf game and his overall health all due to the assimilation of the Whole Brain Power methodologies and their daily practice. You will be inspired by this story. Have your speakers turned up and press the white play button below to start the interview. Now let’s get going.

– 16 minute audio, 12 page transcript

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9) He Gained Phenomenal Improvements In His Sporting Excellence

Rolly White, current age 64 became a Whole Brain Power practitioner in the year 2006. Essentially he has been exposed to these concepts for six years now. He dedicated himself to doing the WBP program after witnessing his pupil (Michael J. Lavery) shoot under par. It was after watching the transformation of Lavery from not being able to shoot 110 to posting a score of 65 that Rolly decided to learn the secrets of The Whole Brain Power Coaching methodology. At that point he does the program exactly as designed by Lavery.

White is a businessman and also an avid athlete with tennis and golf as his main interests. He starts to play ambidextrously at these sports and does all three tenants of Whole Brain Power. Interestingly enough, he improves his handicap, which was approximately a 14, and brings it down to a seven. During his most intense WBP Coaching he is actually playing in the low 70s in rounds of golf. The changes that he sees in his body are short of miraculous in terms of greater muscle density, healing of his tendons and ligaments and rotator cuff problem from following advice given by Lavery.

Also, White spikes his hormone levels significantly while on a hormone replacement program. The doctors have to actually take him off hormone replacement because he spikes it too high that they can’t understand how he did it by only taking normal dosages of the identical hormone replacements. At this point in his training Rolly realizes that this could possibly be the steroidogenesis that Lavery talks about at work.

Rolly experienced a phenomenal improvement in his sporting excellence, hitting softballs in a 55 and over soft ball league over the fence by up to fifty feet where as no one in the league was even hitting it out of the park. He even began to compete and win tennis contests ambidextrously against his opponents.

White also experienced up to thirty to forty yards increase in his driving capacity on the golf course, and he improved his ball striking accuracy as well. His overall game improved significantly while doing Whole Brain Power Coaching. White is now rededicating himself to going back on the Whole Brain Power Coaching program. His incredible memory of being able to do two to the 100th power is in a class by itself.

His ability to remember information at business meetings improved dramatically as well. His overall mental acuity and physical prowess improved significantly while doing the Whole Brain Power program. He was so inspired that he had his dad who is in his nineties do the program as well as his nephew and nieces. This story can be read about in the Whole Brain Power Workbook and Progress Journal and listened to in the interview below. Now lets get going.

– 25 minute audio, 16 page transcript

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10) Against All Odds . . . The Chuck Mellick Story

Chuck Mellick is currently 41. He’s a husband and father of two children and a successful businessman. Chuck is also an avid baseball player. Chuck resurrects his baseball dreams seventeen years after giving up the game. But this time, he decides to activate ambidexterity in his pitching prowess. Originally a natural right handed pitcher, Chuck begins to train to throw left handed. Tapping into his mix handed nature and having the natural ability to write with his left hand, Chuck begins an incredible journey and pitch ambidextrously at the professional level.

Lavery discovers Chuck Mellick’s pitching prowess on YouTube, and the two correspond via phone and through email. Chuck decides to have Lavery coach him to accelerate the Whole Brain Power Coaching Methodology. Chuck immediately goes on Whole Brain Power Coaching methods designed by Lavery. Chuck becomes a stellar all-star of doing all of the tenets prescribed. These include the two handed penmanship with mirror image left-handed, juggling two pound metal balls while reciting powers of two up to the 60th, being able to code the alphabet where A is one and also where Z is one and Y is two and from the end to the middle and the middle and out. Chuck undergoes a radical metamorphosis of his motor skills as well.

At the time Chuck begins the Whole Brain Power journey, he’s pitching baseballs approximately 85 miles an hour. Within two years of training, he develops the ability to throw a baseball in excess of ninety two miles an hour right-handed, and now his left-handed fastball is approach eighty miles an hour – He is a man on a mission to become the first person in history to throw a baseball more than ninety miles an hour from both sides.

Chuck believes that he’s still getting better against all odds concerning his age. Even having performed at a major league baseball camp, he impressed the baseball camp supervisor. This scout shook his head in disbelief after seeing a man at thirty-nine, throwing the ball past baseball hitters that were being drafted to play major league baseball.

Chuck Mellick has been interviewed by major newspapers, by radio and was going to be a featured story on a television show until they realized that he actually physically grew taller, had his feet and his hand size and hat size increase as well. Chuck Mellick was demonstrating what natural endogenously produced steroids actually do to the body.

The “system” could not understand that Mellick’s growth spurt was by natural means. Read about the Chuck Mellick story in the Whole Brain Power in the case studies section. You can come to the understanding of the methods of steroidogenesis and how it was experienced by a man in his late 30’s and early 40’s.

Mellick is still on a quest to become a fabulous ambidextrously coordinated pitcher and the first man in history to throw 90 miles per hour with each arm.

– 20 minute audio, 14 page transcript

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11) Double Your Salary Using the Methodologies Of Greater Focus and Communication Skills

Adam Gockle, entrepreneur, music producer, at current he’s 33. Adam Gocol meets Michael Lavery approximately two years ago, and decides to go on the Whole Brain Power Coaching program. Gockle has always been very disciplined about his personal development in terms of his ability to stay focused with training in the gym and keeping physically fit. He’s also been very disciplines about his reading and his accumulation of knowledge from books on self-improvement.

When he discovers the program of Michael Lavery, he’s intrigued about being personally coached by Lavery. Gockle undergoes a metamorphosis of his body. Within thirty days, people start asking him as he’s working out in the gym, “Are you doing steroids?” His muscle density and the striations of his muscles throughout his whole body change significantly doing the Whole Brain Power tenants exactly as designed by Lavery.

He does the handwriting daily, the hammer drills up to an hour a day with all the hammers recommended. He does the ambidexterity training in his tennis game and throwing footballs. He does the memorization drills and is now able to do two to fortieth power as he’s able to also recite the first 200 digits of Pi. These are exercises that Gockle does on a regular basis improves his ability to articulate his speech especially in light of the fact that he, at the time, was a sales manager and the top sales producer with a company that was dealing with debt solutions.

His ability to speak clearly and output complete sentences on a regular basis was absolutely noticed by all his colleagues, and in fact, many of the colleagues that worked with Gockle and his company decided to have Lavery also work with them because Gockle’s performance increased significantly, nearly doubling his salary on commission sales using the methodologies of greater focus and communication skills.

Get immediately download Michad J. Lavery – Whole Brain Power Coaching

Gockle experiences steroidal genesis to the point where he knows that something happened, and he can’t understand after having worked in a gym for years how he has radical manifestation of increased muscle mass and great muscle density and great striations in his muscle tissue, all from just taking Whole Brain Power and utilizing it and experiencing the results within a very short period of time.

Gockle continues to do the Whole Brain Power Coaching, and his interview is extremely inspiring. Have your speakers turned up and press the white play button below to start the interview. Now let’s get going.

– 21 minute audio, 15 page transcript

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12) How I Became More Attractive To Women

Michael Glauser is currently age twenty. He is a student at Irvine Valley College in Irvine, California. He meets Michael J. Lavery at a local driving range and is impressed by Lavery’s ability to hit his irons and his driver with accuracy and length. As a consequence of Michael Glauser having a conventional golf swing, Lavery starts to work with Glauser on this concept of ambidexterity and its importance in being able to have control for both hemispheres of the brain to guide the body in terms of the actions of the legs and the arms and the hands.

Glauser goes on Whole Brain Power Coaching with the hammer drills and the handwriting and some of the memory exercises recommended by Lavery. Glauser goes from swinging a golf club at 95 miles an hour with his driver, up to 115 miles an hour with his driver in less than thirty days. Any golfer knows that this is an incredible feat considering the fact that a young man increases his club-head speed up to twenty miles an hour in less than thirty days.

There’s no program on the market that actually get these consistent results better than Michael’s Whole Brain Power Coaching as Michael Glauser attests. He actually experiences changes in his body in which he literally changes his body mass index and cuts excess fat off his abdomen. The striations in his muscles become very pronounced as well as the density in his muscle tissue.

He then starts hitting the golf ball up to thirty-five yards further than he’s ever hit it in his life, and golfers are now taking notice. Glauser has a fantastic ability to swing a golf club, and now using the Whole Brain Power Coaching methodologies. Combined with Lavery’s understanding of the mechanics of the golf swing, Glauser is bringing his game to heights that he’s never experienced before.

One of the added benefits that Whole Brain Power Coaching has done for Michael is to spur on creativity. Since the coaching started Micahel has taken up playing guitar, and improved upon his ability to sing and write original songs.

Have your speakers turned up and press the white play button below to start the interview. Now let’s get going.

– 13 minute audio, 11 page transcript

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13) Professional Golfer Shoots a Record Low 57 After Only Five Days on The Whole Brain Power Program

Robert Twine age 34, is a professional golfer and he met Michael J. Lavery in the fall of 2011 at a driving range in Southern California. This is a great interview about the transformations that Twine experiences immediately with some of the secrets that Lavery shares with him about his Whole Brain Power Coaching Methodology. Robert first learns about the new way to think about his swing that he immediately puts into action. You’ll hear how the experts at the Cleveland Golf Company in Huntington Beach California are amazed about his Robert’s instant improvements with his increased distance and ball flight dynamics with all of his clubs.

Robert learns some of the Whole Brain Power Coaching methods developed by Lavery that can help any athlete achieve clarity in thinking and superior focus in sports. Within 5 days of intense Coaching with Lavery’s Whole Brain Power Coaching, Twine shoots a record low round at Mesa Linda Golf Course in Costa Mesa California. On this par 70 golf course Robert shoots 13 under par, including 9 birdies and two eagles with no bogies. His friends and playing partners are in disbelief at this perfect round of golf. With a Google search one can read about Twine’s fantastic feat.

From this point Robert heads back to Costa Rica to play on the South American Tour. He really gets into the Whole Brain Power Coaching and begins to master the hammer drill training. He is totally convinced of the effectiveness of the daily hammer training and sees great strength increases as well as greater muscle density. His ability to really crush the golf ball begins to be witnessed by his playing partners and other aspiring professionals as well. With greater length and accuracy with all of his clubs and better touch around the greens Twine senses that low scoring rounds can become a common occurrence for him in tournament play..

At the present Robert is training to play mini tour events in Florida and then he plans to return to South America and maintain his standing in the top 50 of the money list. Robert’s story will encourage you and will give you a look into the Whole Brain Power Coaching Methodology through the eyes of a professional athlete.

Have your speakers turned up and press the white play button below to start the interview. Now let’s get going. Now let’s get going.

– 31 minute audio, 18 page transcript

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14) I’m Now Hitting The Golf Ball 30 Yards Further

Hugh Mobley is currently age 44. He first became aware of the tenants of Whole Brain Power Coaching and the unusual skills of founder Michael J. Lavery from a business associate and golfing buddy. Mobley met Lavery in person at a local driving range in Southern California. After watching Lavery strike the golf ball with an unusually short backswing and hit the golf ball with awesome compression and control, Mobley and Lavery struck up a conversation. The two men soon become friends.

Mobley was previously playing professional golf on the South American Tour over 11 years ago. He had a six year break from the game of golf. He is knowledgeable of all of the different aspects of golf training and swing methodologies. However, the unusual angle that Whole Brain Power methods offered was so intriguing that he decided to go on the Whole Brain Power Coaching Program and hire Lavery as his personal coach.

Mobley now claims that he’s hitting the ball at least 20 yards further with his driver than he was previous to the coaching. His forearms have increased their bone and muscle density and his grip strength has increased significantly. He has noticed changes in his upper body too. Even though he’s only playing golf once a week and spending minimal time at a driving range or practice facility, Mobley is consistently shooting at par golf or better.

Hugh now claims that he is experiencing the best ball striking of his entire career, and at the present, there are no weaknesses with any clubs in his bag. That is a great story for any golfer to hear. This is a true saga about a man that has actually cut down his practice time and his playing time on the links and actually improved at his game. The tenets of Whole Brain Power Coaching and doing the hammer drills up to two hours a day have now increased his golfing proficiency better than the training that he was doing when he was a professional player.

Mobley claims he’s experiencing the Steroidogenesis factor and an overall mood elevation. He’s increased his energy levels and his short term memory and focus have been significantly elevated by doing the Whole Brain Power tenants. These include the practice of the dual handed handwriting, the memory exercises and the hammer drills. Combined with ambidextrous golf training the end results have been a significant increase in his performance on the golf course. Get ready to listen to an amazing interview supporting the wonderful benefits of Whole Brain Power Coaching.

– 20 minute audio, 13 page transcript

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15) My Life Was Particularly Hard and Whole Brain Power Coaching Has Turned That Around

Mark Langdon is currently age 57 and has been doing Whole Brain Power Coaching for approximately eighty days. He has had tremendous improvements in many aspects of his working memory processing, his focus, his mood elevation, and his muscle density. His overall hand to eye coordination is now significantly enhanced.

He is doing all the tenants of Whole Brain Power Coaching exactly as designed in the Whole Brain Power Workbook and Progress Journal. He is also receiving individual coaching from Michael J. Lavery and his ability now to articulate his thoughts with grammatically correct English is quite impressive. Mark has grown his working vocabulary significantly as part of the intensive memory training and penmanship drills.

Mark experienced the death of his father due to Alzheimer’s disease and he is now very much concerned about experiencing short term memory loss in his life. This is one of the reasons that he’s taken up Whole Brain Power with such enthusiasm. He is now convinced that if he continues to stay the course of the Whole Brain Power training that he will never succumb to mild cognitive impairment which is now known to be a precursor to developing full blown Alzheimer’s disease.

Mark also is an accomplished jazz musician, and now is reaching levels with his musicianship that he’s never experienced before all due to the fact that his hands are now much improved in motor skills doing the handwriting and the hammer drills exercises bilaterally. He has also experienced a total reversal to crippling eczema problems on his hands and fingers which are now seemingly to be healed completely.

Mark is considering also becoming a Whole Brain Power coach and he is now spreading the word of the benefits of the Whole Brain Power Coaching Methodology to everyone he comes in contact with in his daily activities.

– 21 minute audio, 12 page transcript

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16) Improvement With Short Term Memory

Tim Schramm is currently age 39 and has been working on the Whole Brain Power program for nearly 4 months. He initially bought the Whole Brain Power Workbook and Progress Journal to begin the training.

However, he wanted some of the inside secrets of the brain training program and thus decided to hire Michael J. Lavery to do personal consulting to help him with his overall cognitive functions.

Tim experienced a near fatal snowboarding injury over a year ago that cause nerve damage on his left side, especially his left leg.

As part of Tim’s recovery he has been working relentless on improving the muscle tone in his body and is now starting to experience the greater muscle density factor of doing Whole Brain Power tenets.

Tim has seen improvements with his short term memory skills and is using the tenets of improved communication skills with his real estate business. He is seeing the changes in the dynamics of his family as well with greater interaction between his fiancée and his two children.

Tim also enjoys playing golf and recently played the best round of golf of career. Enjoy this inspiring interview about a man who is on a mission to improve all aspects of his life.

– 21 minute audio, 14 page transcript

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17) Orange County California Fireman Loses Weight While Being Resigned To Laying On The Couch Most of The Day

Meet new Whole Brain Power Coaching Student, Andrew Ricker. Andrew is age 29 and he is recovering from a serious knee injury sustained while working as a fireman in Orange County California. After a total reconstruction surgery to repair the right knee Andrew is laid up for a few months.

At this time he discovers the golfing skills of Michael J. Lavery on YouTube and immediately orders his Whole Brain Power Workbook and Progress Journal. Within a few days of doing the recommended tenets of the program he sees the potential and he contacts Lavery for personal consulting.

Andrew does every aspect of the coaching to the letter and he then senses amazing things beginning to happen to his brain and body. This is happening way faster than Ricker ever expects. When Lavery explains the transformations that Andrew will manifest he is in disbelief. But within 10 days Ricker begins to experience the development of his creative right hemisphere.

He begins to master the handwriting and the mirror image Da Vinci style penmanship too. His commitment to the memory exercises and the hammer drills begins to burn lots of calories to the point where he loses weight while being resigned to laying on the couch most of the day. This is proof enough to Andrew that the exercises that he is actively stressing his brain with are burning glucose as though he was running around a track or exercising in the gym..

Ricker begins to putt left handed and chip golf balls left handed at the advice of Lavery and he immediately discovers things about the golfing mechanics that he never was aware of as a pure right handed player. At this time in the Whole Brain Power coaching Andrew starts to feel that his dream of becoming a scratch golfer could become a reality.

Listen to this inspiring interview and revisit the Ricker Story after he has completed his first 90 days of the WBP method.

– 25 minute audio, 16 page transcript

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18) How To Be The Only One At The Senior Park Without A Walker, Oxygen Tank, Or Pills

Walking around his senior park every day, Mike Hayden has seen it all – mostly oxygen tanks, walkers, and slow moving people popping expensive medication. And although the way you grow old is certainly a choice, Mike says he’s pretty sure his peers don’t know there’s an alternative.

Most people have a whole mindset of what they should expect as they grow older – and it’s usually one of disability and dependence. So they prepare themselves for that, and do nothing to prevent it. But Mike is living proof that it doesn’t have to be that way. Mike has been doing the Whole Brain Power program, and at 74, he feels great, has forearms like Popeye, only pops vitamins, and just wowed his doctor at his last physical.

And in this audio, you’ll hear exactly how he’s doing it.

You’ll Also Hear . . .

• The one best way to give yourself “instant energy” without medication or Red Bull
• The secret benefits of juggling – and the simple $5 way you can alter tennis balls so you’re not chasing them around as you learn
• How to take your Whole Brain Power routine to the next level with these simple ambidextrous writing tricks
• All about the unique combination Mike uses of “original awareness stories” and “pegs” that had him memorizing pi out to 60 digits – and all 50 states – with ease
• A “real-life” look into how to get back into the swing of handwriting after years and years of using a computer
• The 4 main ingredients Mike uses in his nutritious (and delicious) shakes that gives him all the “get-up-and-go” he needs to start his amazing morning routine
• Three incredibly easy modifications you can make to your hammer drills – including where to do them, what hammer to progress to, and an alternative to counting repetitions all the time

Mike says it’s disheartening to see people who’ve put their lives and trust in the hands of doctors, only to be prescribed medication after medication instead of a healthy alternative. They end up thinking slowly, talking slowly, moving slowly, and pretty much having total atrophy of body and mind. Getting old doesn’t have to be a drag, but you do need to take matters into your own hands. And in this audio, you’ll hear what you can do to come back to life no matter how old you are.

– 29 minute audio, 19 page transcript

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19. My Dad Thought I Was On Drugs When I Asked If I Could Make Him Breakfast, But I Was Just Happy From All The Whole Brain Power Stuff I Was Doing

Diego Irigoyen is a 21 year old male who discovers the Whole Brain Power program through a group meeting with founder Michael J. Lavery. It is the rapt attention of Diego’s two young friends that gets him interested in becoming a WBP practitioner. Initially, Diego was not interested in seeing the performance that Lavery was demonstrating to his friends as they visited Laguna Beach Ca. However, when returning nearly one hour later and witnessing that his two friends were intently caught up in conversation with Lavery, Diego knew that he had to investigate WBP. As the discussion continued Diego became fascinated with the information that Lavery was putting forth regarding the concepts of Steroidogenesis and how the tenets of WBP could be accomplished by any one that committed time to the exercises.

Diego took the advice of Lavery to heart and he went on his personal adventure to tap into his brain’s potential and as his testimonial with Michael Senoff reveals there have been major changes in his life since undergoing the WBP program. You will hear that he experiences great elevations in his mood as well as his motivation to do creative endeavors.

His coordination with the hammer drills amazes many and he experiences great increases in his functional strength. He changes his nutritional habits as well and he claims that physically that he has never felt better. His penmanship improves dramatically with each hand and he enjoys the mirror writing that he does on a daily basis.

Diego expresses his belief that his artistic skills have be enhanced significantly and that his 3.8 GPA is the best that it has ever been scholastically speaking. With personal consulting with Lavery he is taking WBP to new heights. Enjoy this candid interview and be inspired by this young man’s journey.

-24 minute audio, 18 page transcript

Download immediately Michad J. Lavery – Whole Brain Power Coaching now

20. Is Whole Brain Power Really So Amazing It’s Being Taught In College?

An Update With WBP-Star-Student Diego

When we first met Whole Brain Power student Diego about two years ago, he was just coming off of academic probation with a GPA of 1.9. He credits Whole Brain Power with turning his life around.

He now has a GPA of 3.0 and is determined to spread the word about the program to anyone at his university who might also be struggling academically.

But he’s not just talking about it. He was awarded a grant from his college that allows him to teach Whole Brain Power at the university level. And in this audio, you’ll hear all the steps he took to make that a reality – and the amazing success stories that have happened because of it.

You’ll Also Hear…

* All about the class Diego teaches – how it meets the university’s academic qualifications, how he got the grant, what he teaches, how many people are in his class, and where he hopes it’s all headed

* How a 60-year-old student of Diego’s mastered the hammer drills after being sure he would never be able to do it – and the surprising energy he feels because of it (he no longer has to wait for his kids or grandkids to help him with his DIY projects anymore)

* The unusual “savant-like” way one of Diego’s students memorized 100 digits of pi in 15 minutes

* The science behind how the WBP penmanship and memorization drills help to keep the hippocampus healthy

* Exactly why it’s so important to be conscious of the language you use in everyday conversation – and the “lazy” words you’ll want to avoid in order to master this skill

* Do hammer drills really release a natural kind of IGF-1? Diego is convinced they do – here’s why

* A quick update on Diego’s brother, Andrees, and the physical transformation he’s experienced while on Whole Brain Power. Diego says Andrees seems taller, broader, and definitely a lot stronger – wait’ll you hear the story that shows just how strong his brother is now

Diego says Whole Brain Power has contributed to every aspect of his life since he started on it two years ago. He’s more motivated, is involved more in his own life, knows what direction he wants to go in, and is excited for his future.

And in this audio, you’ll hear all about it, along with the incredible ways he’s “paying it forward” to others at his university.

– 8 minute audio, 20 page transcript

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21. Pat Venditte Sr. Interview

Listen to this insightful interview with Pat Venditte Sr, the architect of the ambidextrous pitching movement. For the record, Pat Venditte Jr is currently the only professional ambidextrous pitcher in the world. This 2012 season Venditte is pitching for the New York Yankees AAA affiliate. Literally, Pat Jr. is one step away from pitching on the biggest sport stage in the baseball world with that one being Yankee Stadium. It is interesting to speculate what will happen when ambidextrous Pat Venditte becomes a household name.

Professional baseball instituted the Pat Venditte rule relating to how an ambidextrous pitcher addresses a switch hitter. It stipulates the manner in how he can switch pitch only one time per an at bat on the hitter. Also, the pitcher must declare first in this situation as to which arm he is to pitch with to the batter.

This is a very inspiring story about a father who has this vision of teaching his son Pat Venditte Jr. to develop ambidexterity in the sport of baseball as a switch pitcher. Pat Sr. convinces his wife to encourage their son Pat to eat and write with both hands. They also trained their son to place kick and punt a football with each leg. Essentially Pat and Jan Venditte had the vision to home school their son and they even went to the great lengths to install a pitching and hitting cage next to their home in Omaha, Nebraska. The Vendittes also encouraged their son to play music with the violin and the trumpet to expand his brain training potential.

Pat Sr. tells it from his perspective in regards to the advantage that an ambidextrous pitcher has in baseball. He also touches on the health issues that happen when a person practices ambidexterity and he really gives testimonial to the pioneering work on Whole Brain Power by Michael J. Lavery. Pat Sr. now gets regular inquiries from parents around the United States on how best train an ambidextrous baseball pitcher. Often times Pat Sr. recommends that these folks contact Lavery and study up on the Whole Brain Power program and how it helps accelerate the learning curve to enable an athlete to become very ambidextrous.

– 13 minute audio, 10 page transcript

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22. How This Man Put On Weight Using Just The Power Of Your Brain… (No Protein Shakes Necessary)

Nolan wants to be a pro golfer, so he decided about a month ago to go on Whole Brain Power to help him do that. He immediately noticed a difference in his game – his chipping is now phenomenal, his fundamentals are improving and so is his ball striking. But one of the most amazing parts has been his sudden ability to gain weight.

Nolan has always been very tall and thin and says the only other time in his life he’s been able to put on weight was when he was pumping iron and taking major supplements. Unfortunately, though, it was only “fake weight,” and he immediately lost it again when he gave up his routine. But not anymore. According to Nolan, he’s gained about 10 lbs on Whole Brain Power – without weights, supplements, or really even trying. And in this interview, you’ll hear all about his story.

You’ll Also Hear…

• All about Nolan’s “pyramid system” for doing his hammer drills – how he works his way up and down the pyramid, how long it usually takes him, and why he does it
• The one best strategy Michael Lavery thinks will improve Nolan’s golf game the fastest
• A quick description of the science behind graphology (the study of handwriting) and why it plays such a huge role with the central nervous system and the mind
• The unusual (but totally effective) way Nolan fires his brain up every morning
• The one most important thing Nolan says you have to give up in order for the program to work for you

The brain seems to be key to finding and unleashing optimal health – both physically and mentally. And it usually doesn’t take long for that to happen. In addition to his amazing weight gain, Nolan says he also feels like he has more calmness, confidence and power over his life and his golf game. And in this quick audio, you’ll hear how you can start experiencing that too.

– 12 minute audio, 12 page transcript

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23. How To Put Your Hand-Eye Coordination On Autopilot – Lock In On The Ball And Make Save After Save… Without Thinking About It: An Update With WBP Student Doug At Week 9

When Doug started Whole Brain Power nine weeks ago, he almost immediately felt life-changing results. His mood was better, he had more energy, and he says he just felt like he was in his thirties again. But in this audio, you’ll hear how he’s doing now that he’s had a chance to really get into the program.

According to Doug, something is happening with his brain when he does his hammer drills now. It’s become soothing and calming, and he says he can do hundreds without missing because his brain makes save after save, and he never has to think about it. It’s made him quicker, stronger and he says he can just “lock in on the ball” when he’s playing tennis or racquetball now to make what he calls “laser shots” – shots that whip by his opponents with the kind of precision and power he never had before. And in this audio, you’ll hear how he’s doing it.

You’ll Also Hear…

• All about the “hot potato” hammer drill workout Doug uses to make his eye muscles (and grip strength) stronger so he can zero in on the ball – exactly how he weights his hammers, where he tries to land the ball, how he moves his arms, and how long he works out for
• The biggest — and maybe most common – reason people struggle with the memory drills, and an easy trick for getting around it just by adding a little fun to what you’re memorizing • How to train your muscles to be fat-burning machines – and burn up to 1500 calories in one workout
• The secret to accomplishing goals you can learn from tennis that applies to all areas of life
• Exactly what Doug does to make more “splat” shots in racquetball — (the kind of shots that make a “splat” sound and require tremendous head speed and power)
• The secondary benefits Doug’s experiencing on Whole Brain Power – better eyesight, a stronger throwing arm, improved precision, etc.

According to Doug, the more you stick with Whole Brain Power, the more addicting and transforming it becomes because the results seem to get better and better. You just have to allow yourself to get good at it first.
And in this audio, you’ll hear the amazing place Doug is today with his Whole Brain Power journey and exactly what he did to get there.

41 minute audio, 26 page transcript

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24) Is It Really Possible To Hit Longer, Harder Golf Drives… Without Killing Your Back?

Alan hopes to make it on the PGA tour someday. So he’s decided to go on Whole Brain Power to improve his golf game, but wasn’t sure he’d be able to do some of the brain exercises like memorizing the alphabet backwards or the states in alphabetical order. Three days into it, and he was not only able to meet those challenges – but he says his brain seems like it’s moving at 100 mph (and asking for more).

But the most surprising part happened when Alan went out on the driving range after being on Whole Brain Power for just one day. By tweaking his stance just a little, he was able to practice with every club in his bag, got better results – and finally went home without feeling like he needed a ton of pain relievers for his back. And in this audio, you’ll hear how he did it.

You’ll Also Hear…

• The “no-sweat, no-brainer” way to write your journal entries – so you’re not only giving yourself topics to practice your handwriting with but also touching base with both your body and your mind in the process

• Exactly why hitting a golf ball with a steel hammer improves golf swings – and the best ways to do it

• The one simple change Alan says you should make if you play a sport and want to develop your forearms and your body

• Why it’s so important to set your goals to a level you’re really hoping to achieve (regardless of what others might consider “realistic”) – and examples of how to do it

• Exactly what Alan changed about his swing that allowed him to compress the ball more… without twisting his back

Alan says he doesn’t want to be sitting in his rocking chair one day wondering what his life would’ve been like if he’d only pursued his golfing dreams.

And he’s well on his way to making those dreams a reality. Although he’s only been doing Whole Brain Power for a few days, he says he can already tell how his life is changing. And in this audio, you’ll hear all about it.

– 12 minute audio, 11 page transcript

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25. Can Whole Brain Power Help This Blind Athlete Improve More Than Just Physically?

Tanner Gers lost his eyesight in a car accident at the age of 21 when a tree went through his windshield and impaled his face. It was a traumatic head injury that also cost him his sense of smell and some hearing too.

He admits he went through a depression after the accident, thinking his life was over and that he’d have to live with his parents for the rest of his life. He says he was paralyzed by anxiety.

Eight years later, and he’s a Paralympic star, running track and field (the 100-and-200 meter races along with the long jump) and he also travels the country as a motivational speaker. He recently came across Whole Brain Power while surfing the net, and says he was intrigued by the program but wasn’t sure he’d be able to do all the tenets.

By making a few minor adjustments, Tanner has successfully been on WBP for three weeks now and says he’s already experiencing an amazing improvement in most areas of his life – including his motivational speaking, patience, and even his personality.

And in this audio, you’ll hear his inspirational story.

You’ll Also Hear…

• An almost sneaky trick Tanner uses when he gets stuck during a memorization drill that not only jogs his memory, but also helps him break a new threshold every time

• The biggest (and probably most significant) difference Tanner is experiencing in just the three weeks he’s been on WBP… that his wife noticed and appreciated first

• The science behind why Tanner feels hungry all the time, is eating up to 10 eggs a day, but never gains weight

• The unique “squatting” exercise Tanner does that incorporates his memorization drills into his physical routine for a quick-and-easy, mind-body kick

• How Tanner uses Whole Brain Power to help him remember key points in his speeches (which is especially important because he works strictly off of memory and not Braille)

• The one piece of advice Tanner has for any athlete who says he doesn’t have time for Whole Brain Power

• A “real-life” story of how Tanner used Whole Brain Power to stay calm in a stressful situation, control his emotions, and let his charisma stand out – and the amazing result that came of it

Tanner says everyone can live up to their full potential. You just have to put your skepticism and disbeliefs aside in order to allow for great things to happen. And in this audio, you’ll hear the amazing story of how Tanner does that every day.

– 30 minute audio, 18 page transcript

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26. Were You Meant To Be Ambidextrous?

Even in this day and age, people are encouraged to use only their right hand. It’s usually the easiest and most comfortable, and because things are made to accommodate that hand – from scissors to golf clubs – it just makes sense to do things that way. But what would happen if you started using your left hand more?

Meet Douglas. Douglas is a tennis coach in his 50s, but just recently started doing ambidextrous exercises and says it feels like he’s finally “healing his brain.” His coordination is better. His mood is enhanced, and he feels stronger and more energetic.

As it turns out, Douglas believes he may actually have been born left-handed but only taught to use his right hand, and in this audio you’ll hear his amazing story – along with how he plans to incorporate Michael Lavery’s Whole Brain Power exercises into his routine to heal his brain even more.

You’ll Also Hear…
• The truth about antidepressants and their effect on the body – and how to use the exercises in Whole Brain Power to heal your brain after years and years of abusive side effects

• Exactly how Douglas used ambidextrous exercises to improve his coordination and finally have a “natural serve” that he doesn’t have to think about every time

• A little known way to improve your tennis strokes any time – even in the bitter cold of winter

• The weird (but effective) exercise Douglas does that he says is better than P90X!

• The one thing you can do when you first learn a sport that will make your swings, strokes, and serves effortlessly perfect – every time

• How to use the theory that “the hands grow the brain” to become faster, quicker happier – and on top of your game

Douglas always assumed ambidexterity was a gift some people had and some people didn’t. But after doing ambidextrous exercises, he now knows it’s an acquired skill that can be learned and developed. He already feels like he’s changing. He no longer gets depressed, and says he feels like he’s in his early thirties again. And in this audio, you’ll hear how he did it and how he plans to develop this feeling of “completeness” even more on Whole Brain Power.

– 42 minute audio, 26 page transcript

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27. Can Whole Brain Power Really Help End Anxiety Attacks… Without Drugs?

The first time Marcus got an anxiety attack, he wasn’t sure what was going on – his chest was pounding, his head began to spin, everything around him suddenly got blurry, and he collapsed. This happened time and time again. He knew he had to do something, but as a gym owner and bodybuilder, he was against using “drugs” to cure anything. Still, he made the decision to go on medication because he was desperate. He couldn’t keep “freaking out” anymore.

Then he happened to meet Michael Lavery one day while at the beach. He immediately went on Whole Brain Power and was amazed at the results he was getting in his forearms and grip strength. But something else was happening too. He started to feel different – like finally everything in his brain was clicking and flowing right. His days started to slow down and he felt in control of his thoughts and his brain. So he made the decision to wean himself off the anxiety meds. And in this audio, you’ll hear the amazing story of his transformation.

You’ll Also Hear…

• The spiraling effect anxiety can have on a person – along with some clear and straight-forward advice for anyone experiencing it

• How Marcus easily integrates the Whole Brain Power vocabulary, memory, and writing drills into his daily routine – so he’s able to do WBP all day long – without it consuming all of his time

• Two “frustration-free” tips to remember before you try the reverse mirror writing drill for the first time

• From more energy to more hair – why you won’t believe the changes Marcus has been experiencing since starting Whole Brain Power!

• The very first thing he tells his friends to do before they even think about starting the program

• The simple two-minute exercise Marcus does whenever he feels anxious to regain focus, take back control of his brain, and quickly end his anxiety

According to Marcus, anyone can go through physical training – he does it all the time. But it wasn’t until he started incorporating his mind into his routine that he says made all the difference. He finally feels like everything is coming into place in his life. And in this audio, you’ll hear how he’s doing it.

– 29 minute audio, 18 page transcript

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28. “I Felt Like I Could Run Forever”

Andreas first learned about Whole Brain Power Coaching after watching his brother Diego use it to beat his bouts of mild depression. Then he decided to take the program seriously when he had the chance to join a soccer academy after deciding he wanted to play professional soccer. Andreas knew he had to step up his game and give it his all. Now he’s improved his energy, muscle density, ball control, kicking style, and ambition.

Pretty much everyone at the soccer academy is noticing, but when a teacher saw Andreas in action, she ordered six copies of the Whole Brain Power Coaching program to introduce to students at the school. And when you hear this interview, you’ll understand why.

You’ll Also Hear…

• A quick update on how Andrea’s brother, Diego is doing – and how Whole Brain Power may be contributing to his college success

• How Andrea’s endurance and strength went up after only a few weeks. He said “ I felt like I could run forever”

• The one piece of advice Andreas says to keep in mind while you’re going through the humbling experience of the mysterious finger drills

• Andreas’s firsthand experience of how his confidence levels shot through the roof, and how long it took to feel the difference “realistic”) – and examples of how to do it

• Why Andreas decided to give up violent video games for good, and exactly how he’s doing it

Andreas is an articulate speaker, and you probably won’t be believe he’s only 18 years old when you hear him in the interview, but that’s what practicing the tenets of Whole Brain Power Coaching can do for you. You can get to that place too, no matter how old you are. And in this audio you’ll hear how to get started.

– 18 minute audio, 13 page transcript

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29. “Little Hinges Swing Big Doors” Matt Furey Interview
On Using Whole Brain Power In His Coaching Practice

Matt Furey doesn’t just coach business principles. He incorporates elements of Psycho Cybernetics, deep breathing, and even Qigong to help his clients achieve their highest goals in all areas of their lives.

And now, he’s teamed up with brain training expert, Michael J. Lavery to add Whole Brain Power into his mix.

Here’s why. . . Matt says in order to get the most out of life you have to constantly be challenging your brain to learn new things. But you can’t do that by staying inside the comfortable framework you’ve built for yourself.

The idea is to step outside that box and get your brain to light up with the kind of enthusiasm and joy you see in children.

That’s why when Matt has a client that doesn’t seem to be able to picture goals in a way that electrifies their mind, he tells them to grab a hammer, a golf ball, and a journal.

Their brain is in a compromised state, and it needs the rejuvenating power of Whole Brain Power. And in this interview with Matt, you’ll hear his amazing story along with how this all works.

You’ll Also Learn…

The real reason it’s so important to unplug yourself from the drug called “TV,” why that’s harder than it sounds, and the amazing results that can happen if you do

The hard science behind the tenets of Whole Brain Power and how something as simple as focusing on more than one thing at a time hits the savant areas of the brain

Exactly how Matt used 3 x 5 cards to gain an advantage over the other athletes in his college (Hint: it’s about focusing on a goal continually during the day – here’s how to make that concept work for you)

Insider secrets of what it’s like to train under famed coach Dan Gable. Matt did it in college and says it changed his life – here’s why

· The number one rule you must follow when setting goals – so that you’re planning things out with a “timeframe in reverse”

· The “pure magic” of the little book Matt bought in 1987 called “Psycho Cybernetics,” why he decided to buy the company 18 years later, and why you might want to incorporate it into your life too

· Matt says you can have everything you want in life if you understand three things – here’s what they are and how to make them work for you

· The one most-important training routine the average guy can do every day that starts to clear the cobwebs from the brain and get you back in shape fast

· Matt’s “top 3 influencers” of his life and why he put Michael Lavery on that list

Matt says when he first started doing Whole Brain Power he noticed a mild euphoria right away, and thought, “How is this producing such joy, enthusiasm, and energy?

I haven’t done anything except write in a journal, memorize the 50 states, and bounce a golf ball around.”

But, he realized it’s because neurogenesis was taking place – new neurons were being created in the brain.

And once you start healing the brain, the results carry into everything you do. In this audio, you’ll hear all about it.

The brain is the final frontier that science is just starting to scratch the surface of. Its abilities can be amazing, and they don’t have to decrease with age.

The fact is, you’ll never know what your brain is capable of until you let it show you. And in this audio, you’ll hear how to do that – in as little as 30 minutes per day.

– 84 minute audio, 30 page transcript

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30. Is H.I.B.T (High Intensity Brain Training) Really The Only Workout You Need?

Steven used to feel stuck. At 6-ft tall and 150 lbs, he wanted to bulk up but couldn’t. He also wanted to be faster on the basketball court and maybe jump a little higher.

But he just wasn’t seeing the results he needed – even after working out six days a week lifting weights, doing TRX, etc. His whole life changed, though, when he met Michael Lavery at Laguna Beach one day and decided to give Whole Brain Power a try.

Two months later and he says he’s stopped doing any other workout. Whole Brain Power is all he needs.

He’s gained 10 lbs of solid muscle in the first 45 days. He’s finally able to dunk again, and everybody is surprised by how happy (and articulate) he’s become.
And in this audio, you’ll hear exactly what he did to get there.

You’ll Also Hear . . .

* A quick look at Steven’s WBP workout – what kind of drills he does, how he incorporates writing exercises and memorization techniques into his daily routine along with the amazing goal he’s set for himself

* The simplest way to integrate WBP into your whole schedule – without having to carry a hammer around with you

* The biggest transformation Steven’s friends have noticed about him – and what he’s inspired his parents to do

* The amazing changes happening to Steven that’s got him convinced he’s experiencing steroidogenesis.

Steven says before Whole Brain Power, he would only talk as much as he needed to in order to get through a conversation.

Now, he looks for opportunities to talk to people, and he’s finding more people are looking to talk to him too. And in this audio, you’ll hear all about his amazing transformation – and how it can happen for you too.

– 8 minute audio, 16 page transcript

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31. Did Whole Brain Power Really Help This Guy Become A Computer Programmer?

John bought Michael Lavery’s Whole Brain Power book after he and some friends were goofing off one day, randomly trying to hit a golf ball off the head of a hammer. No one could do it and they went online to see if anyone could. John was amazed when he saw Michael’s videos.

He ordered the book immediately, but wasn’t really sold on any part of the training except the hammer drills. That is, until he decided to change careers to computer programming.

John knew he needed math skills for computer programming, but admits he’s always been pretty bad at math. Knowing that the WBP system is designed to give you a mental edge, he decided to put the entire program into action to see how it could help him with his programming, and he’s never looked back. He says it gives him the clarity and focus he needs to get through complex programs, sort through mountains of data and grasp all the necessary concepts.

And in this audio, you’ll hear his story and the other amazing benefits he’s been experiencing while on Whole Brain Power.

You’ll Also Hear…

* A quick look at the difference between what John was experiencing when he was only doing the hammer drills (about 30% of the work in the WBP system) vs. what he’s been experiencing now that he’s bumped it up to 100%

* The one quick way John uses the WBP system to recharge when he’s stuck on a computer program at work

* John’s advice for non-dominant mirror writing: To him, this is the hardest part for his brain to want to do – here’s how he gets past it

* The one biggest change John’s noticed in himself

* The reason John decided to step up his training to include being coached personally by Michael Lavery, what that coaching is like, and what he’s getting from it

John says the tenets of the WBP system, like bouncing the golf ball off a hammer or memorizing the powers of two, are more than just fun tricks. They’re tools that have allowed him to stretch his mind and grasp new information while staying focused during long hours of coding.

He says he’s constantly being asked how he broke into this profitable field without a degree, and now he directs anyone interested to Michael Lavery’s Whole Brain Power book. And in this audio, you’ll hear why.

– 20 minute audio, 11 page transcript

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32. Can Unleashing The Power Of Your Whole Brain Really Work Better Than Steroids?

Although Frank has only been doing Michael Lavery’s Whole Brain Power exercises for a short time, he can’t believe the amazing transformation he’s already experiencing.

He says he feels “juiced” and “buzzing” all the time. His core is stronger. His mind is sharper.

His entire body is working at a level he never thought possible, and he says even his basketball games feel like they’re slowing down because his brain is moving that much faster.

According to Michael, Frank is in the process of metamorphosizing. He’s making his brain younger and stronger, essentially turning the “juices” on by doing workouts that exercise both sides of his brain.

And in this audio, you’ll hear the amazing results Frank’s experiencing and how you can experience them all too.

You’ll Also Hear…

• A “real-life” example of how forcing yourself to talk in complete sentences is one of the best workouts you can give your brain – but as you’ll hear in the audio, it’s actually harder than you probably think

• Why it’s so important to practice “active stress” exercises every day to flood blood into both hemispheres of your brain – and how to do them

• How to wake up the dormant levels of creativity in your mind – and access those untapped reservoirs of imagination whenever you need them

• A little-known brain secret you can learn from the ancient Greeks – and why most people aren’t doing this anymore

• A quick and easy homework assignment that will improve your hand-eye coordination – and make your dominant hand’s abilities sky rocket almost instantly

• The science behind “brain aging” along with some exercises that will make it young again

Frank is a personal trainer who says he’s never felt the sense of “completeness” in his mind and body like he does now.

That’s because he’s not using his “left brain” or his “right brain” anymore.

He’s learned how to unleash the power of his whole brain. And in this audio, you’ll hear how you can tap into that amazing power too.

– 16 minute audio, 30 page transcript

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33. Can Whole Brain Power Really Help You Dominate Any Sport… As An Ambidextrous Athlete? An Interview With EJ Udo-Udoma

People say switch-hitters are just born that way, but EJ didn’t believe them. When he was 15 years old, he knew he wanted to be an ambidextrous athlete.

He could see the advantage and domination that switch-handed athletes had over their competition, changing sides and directions to meet any situation. So he set out to become one.

Six years later and he’s already got an impressive resume under his belt – he won a Harlem Globetrotter competition, has been working as a sports model in Nike and Adidas commercials, and was the youngest member of the USA Men’s Senior Handball Team.

And in this interview with him, you’ll hear how this 21-year-old used Whole Brain Power to help him achieve all of these ambidextrous athletic goals, the amazing journey that got him there, and what he’s up to next.

You’ll Also Hear . . .

* The competitive edge ambidextrous players have in any sport –

* 99% of all athletes are only competitive on one side of their bodies, here’s how WBP can help you dominate right away

* A sneak peek at EJ’s workouts, diet, and the tenets of WBP he still gets a “feeling of Zen” from after he does them

* The turning point for EJ when he went from “all-around athlete” (who drifted from one sport to the next, never really picking one to excel at) to having focus, determination, and drive – and how Whole Brain Power helped him get there

* The amazing story of how EJ won the Harlem Globetrotter competition – the disappointment that followed and the doors that competition eventually opened for him

* A quick look at the sports modeling world – what it pays, what it entails, and how being ambidextrous might have given EJ an advantage

EJ says, when it comes to Whole Brain Power, the sky’s the limit. While there’s no “magic fix” in life, WBP definitely gives you the foundation and psychological boost to unlock your potential.

He says – just give it a try, and you’ll soon see there are amazing things you can accomplish in life once you put your mind to it. And in this interview, you’ll hear how.

– 59 minute audio, NN page transcript

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34. Listen in as Coach Michael J. Lavery Exposes Michael Senoff’s Poor Memory

If you’re like most people, you probably think a lot of your problems are just naturally occurring because you’re getting older.

Insomnia, tip of the tongue memory problems, foggy brain syndrome and concentration issues – they happen as we age, right? The truth is, they don’t have to.

According to the founder of Whole Brain Power Coaching, Michael J. Lavery, activating the right side of your brain will get your brain to think faster. It will give you clarity and focus, will help you quickly recover from injuries, give you more strength, improve your golf swing, help you remember names and where you put your car keys – and much, much more.

And in this audio interview, you’ll hear all about the amazing things that can happen, and the simple exercises that will get your there.

You’ll Also Learn …

• An almost unknown way you can use your hands to actually grow your brain

• The science behind the brain Whole Brain Power Coaching – what happens as we age and how Michael’s program works to counteract that

• The one brain trick you’ll want to teach your kids as soon as you’re done with this audio

• The real truth about Alzheimer’s – and the simple exercises that may help you prevent it

• Exactly what you need to know about “passive stress” – why it’s so critically important to balance it with “active stress,” and how to do that

• The little known way Home Depot can help you think faster

• The scary side of computer keyboards and using the word “okay” – Believe it or not, seemingly harmless things could be “dumbing down” your brain

• The surprising reason London Cabby Drivers have some of the strongest brains around, and how you can get one too

The brain is the final frontier that science is just starting to scratch the surface of. Its abilities can be amazing, and they don’t have to decrease with age. The fact is, you’ll never know what your brain is capable of until you let it show you. And in this audio, you’ll hear how to do that – in as little as 30 minutes per day.

– 78 minute audio, 45 page transcript

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35. Whole Brain Power Coaching Worksheets

Leonardo Da Vinci Cursive Worksheets

Leonardo Da Vinci was the world’s foremost mirror writer, and his creativity and imagination was superior to his contemporaries. Michael J. Lavery has students that are doing the mirror writing that come and say, “I can’t even believe what I was writing. I held it up to a mirror and I was shocked at what my left hand was actually outputting,” because the left hand’s connected to the right brain.

When you’re writing from right to left, you’re actually making the brain see the opposite direction. So you’re stimulating a lot of parts of your brain that normally do not have activity.

That’s why we’ve included the Da Vinci Worksheets as your first of three fabulous prizes.

Once you start output beautiful cursive handwriting, both right-handed or in left-handed mirror image, creative ideas will start flowing from your brain. I’m willing to bet you’ll be blown away by what you actually put on the paper when you write this way.

These worksheets are designed to get you writing like Da Vinci in no time by integrate your “hands” with your mind.

Remember, The Hands Grow The Brain. Use these worksheets with pen and paper to accelerate your WBP Coaching progress.

1. Cursive Right Hand Forward Worksheet
2. Cursive Left Hand Mirror Worksheet
3. ABC to 123 Coding Worksheet
4. 5 Syllable Word List
5. States
6. Powers of 2
7. Pi
8. Important Names
9. Remembering Lyrics
10. Important Phone Numbers

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I Repeat — $67 is all you pay. There is nothing more to buy and no monthly fees of any kind.

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The page will be there when you are ready to use it. Don’t feel like you have to download everything because it will go away. It won’t. This will be your page posted in a username and password protected area for you when you need it. Order now, study and download when ready.

See the image below and click on that button to access your downloads. I’ll also send you the links and page to the PayPal e-mail address you used when you placed your order by e-mail.

If you have any questions at all, feel free to text of call me at 858-692-9461.

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You’re going to love what we’ve put together for you.

Get ready for your best days ever!

Michael J. Lavery

Michael Senoff

PS. If you want to enjoy a Better Memory * Higher Mood Elevation * A Deeper Night’s Sleep * Bolder Confidence In Social Situations and Groups * Super-Powered Attention * Razor Sharp Focus * Greater Strength * Better Language & Verbal Communication * Less Stress * Faster Reaction Time In Athletics and Greater Control and Steadiness In Your Hands, you need to consider this groundbreaking information below.

This is a special introductory offer and you simply cannot get this package anywhere else and for a low $67.

You’re going to love what this information can do for you. I’ve never been as excited about a product more than Michael J. Lavery’s Whole Brain Power Coaching.

Before I decided to share this system, I became a client first. I’ve done my homework on Michael J. Lavery. I’ve interviewed his clients. And you’ll soon hear about their tremendous results.

I’ve never been involved with something that has more potential for improving the lives of ordinary people more than this. It’s simple, it’s easy and it’s working for me.

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Michael J. Lavery is a pioneer in the field of applied neuroscience and brain function. He has over 25 years experience in research in the plasticity of the human brain and how overall whole brain power potential can be harnessed. Coach Lavery has been featured on the front cover of the Orange County Register and has been twice interviewed by The BBC radio program.

Michael has appeared on the David Letterman Show, and made ESPN Sport’s Center Top Ten Plays of the Day. He also has been featured in prominent newspaper and magazine articles about his pioneering ambidexterity skills in the sports of tennis and golf.

Coach Lavery also holds eight hand to eye coordination world records from Universal Records Data Base. He is an internationally renowned brain coach and trainer to athletes from all walks of life including former major league baseball star, Brady Anderson, the strength conditioning coach of Baltimore Orioles. Pat Venditte Jr., professional baseball pitcher for the Seattle Mariners, Billy McKinney chairman of PGA Teachers Association of So. California, Bryson DeChambeau, PGA tour rookie and winner of NCAA and United States Amateur Championship in same year. Only one of 5 players in golfing history and Matt Furry, Zen Master of the Internet® and NCAA II national champ and many more.

Michael J. Lavery was one of the first men to describe direct relationships to brain growth in the central nervous system and how it relates to across the board ambidexterity training, memory enhancement and dual handed fine motor controls of penmanship skills.

This breakthrough is now being connected to the theory that the hands actually grow the brain and that this growth is due in major part to the myelination process. This in turn now changes the brain and body chemistry resulting in increased muscle mass and muscle density.

Lavery’s clients report major strides and improvements in endeavors such as improved academic performance, golf, tennis, baseball, playing musical instruments, communications skills and enhanced short term memory processing,

Other benefits include mood elevation, greater capacity to focus, enhanced sleep, less stress, faster reaction time in sports and greater control and steadiness in the hands, Michael is a proud father of four boys and currently practices in Laguna Beach California.

Let’s make today your best day ever! Click here to order

Published: May 9, 2008 3:00 a.m.
By TOM BERG / The Orange County Register

Brain Growth Guru Started With a Hammer And a Golf Ball

A jock-turned-brain-student mixes mental and physical feats to boost brain power. Can it slow aging?

His journey started with a weak backhand.

In the 1980s, Lavery was a strong open-tournament tennis player (a 5.5 in tennis rankings), but opponents could exploit his backhand. After losing a 1988 tournament, he said: “Scrap the backhand. I’m going to learn a left-handed forehand.”

For three years he had mixed success.

“I was the only person that would play with him,” says John Rushing, a tournament tennis player who figures he’s played Lavery more than 1,000 times in his life.

Rushing saw flashes of brilliance but still dominated – until 1991.

Says Lavery, “I was stalled with my left-handed motor skills. So I decided to write left-handed – every single day.”

Three months later, it happened. He began serving left-handed aces. Hitting left-handed winners. Crushing opponents. Not only did his left-handed game improve, his right-handed game went through the roof.

“The flood gate opened,” says Rushing. “It was like the birth of a new player. He’d beat me, 6-0, 6-0, 6-0, 6-1, 6-0.”

Lavery says opposite-hand writing – particularly mirror writing, which is a truer ambidextrous method and one used by Leonardo da Vinci – is the cornerstone to rewiring the brain.

“That’s when everything started changing – and accelerating,” he says.

That led to his next discovery: If the technique worked in tennis, would it work in a sport he didn’t play?

Everyone said no. So he took up left-handed golf.


It was golf that turned Lavery into the Hammer Man.

At age 43, he knew he’d never hit a golf ball as often as those who’d played all their lives.

So he mimicked Tiger Woods in his famous Nike commercial by learning to bounce a golf ball on the face of his sand wedge – hundreds of times a day.

One day he tried it with a hammer. He got so good that the Stanley Tool Co. filmed his official record of 3,194 consecutive hammer hits, which one day in 2005 made ESPN’s “Top 10 Plays of the Day.” That led to an appearance on The Late Show with David Letterman.

One hammer led to two – one in each hand. Which led to bouncing golf balls off the ball of a ball-peen hammer (394 times). Which led to sledge hammers.

His forearms – and his reputation – grew. In four years of playing ambidextrous golf, he was shooting par. The combination of ambidextrous motor skills, memory drills and penmanship drills changed him physically and mentally.

The man who taught him to golf stood in disbelief.

“There’s no way someone your age, shooting 110, could become a scratch (par) golfer in four years,” Rolly White told Lavery. “Can you teach me?”

The real question was this: Was Lavery a freak of nature or had he stumbled upon a system anyone could learn?


White began bouncing a balloon off two 4-pound sledge hammers. Now he’s bouncing a tennis ball off 8-pound sledge hammers.

He began memorizing the alphabet backward. Now he can tell you that 2 to the 60th power is 1,152,921,504,606,846,976.

He began a journal of right-handed penmanship. Now he’s writing left-handed mirror image.

“I’m 60,” says the mortgage consultant and Chairman of Board of AutoRealty Products. “My tennis is better than it was in my 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s. My golf is the best it’s ever been. My memory – I don’t even have to look at my notes from a month ago. I’ll never quit this.”

Lavery says his program unleashes the underused half of the brain in a way that improves not only athletic performance, but brain performance.

This puts him at the forefront of a spiraling brain-health industry that includes books, supplements, websites and software.

Sales of fit-brain software grew from $100 million in 2005 to $225 million in 2007, says Alvaro Fernandez, CEO and co-founder of Sharp Brains Web site, based in San Francisco.

He predicts it will hit $2 billion by 2015.

Some of this growth is feeding on people’s fears of Alzheimer’s disease, he says, but much is based on new research that shows our brains our more plastic than once thought. In other words, they can improve with exercise, just like the body.

Case in point is Lavery’s star student, chess champion Vaughan Heussenstamm, 23, of Irvine, who writes with either hand, plays tennis and guitar with either hand, surfs and snowboards with either foot in front. And while juggling he can recite the power of 2 up to the 64th power and 3 up to the 31st power.

“I’m not just trying to win a chess game,” he says. “I’m building a life. And my life is getting pretty miraculous.”

Thanks to Laguna Beach street painter who can leverage lift a 16-pound sledgehammer and lower it – with one hand – to his nose. A man who can place a pen in each hand and simultaneously write in opposite directions. Who can run wind sprints while bouncing a golf ball off a hammer – and recite Shakespeare while doing it.

No magic pills, no cure-alls, but Michael Lavery seems to be onto something.

Engage in a conversation with Michael Lavery and you’re liable to hear terms that don’t often pop up when golf is the subject: homunculus theory, Leonardo Da Vinci, cerebral cortex, graphology.

Pretty high-falutin’ stuff when you consider that Lavery’s immediate goal is breaking the world record for the longest distance traveled while bouncing a golf ball off a hammer.

But Lavery’s skill with a golf ball and club — he can hit a ball more than 350 yards from the left and right side and can also execute an array of trick shots, such as driving the ball with an upside down 3-wood — is more than a novelty. He’s convinced that he’s found a better way to learn, practice and play the game through his 20-year study of hand-eye coordination.

“When I picked up golf three years ago, I told people that I was going to shoot par,” said Lavery, a 46-year-old Laguna Beach resident. “They said I was nuts since I’d picked up the game relatively late in life. But I’m well on my way.”

Lavery, a painter, taught himself to be ambidextrous through emulating something the great Da Vinci was proficient in: simultaneously writing with both hands. This skill enables Lavery to serve a tennis ball at more than 100 mph with both hands and to generate phenomenal distance in golf with an amazingly short backswing.

“Because I have back problems, I can’t get a shoulder turn like a lot of golfers, so I’ve learned to lift my left leg up as high as a baseball pitcher and get more than 370 yards off my drive, and hit it consistently straight,” he said. “It’s not the way most people swing, and no one would ever teach that. But it works for me.”

The secret?

“I’ve achieved a hand-eye coordination through training for 20 years that allows me to do things with a golf ball that most people think are impossible,” said Lavery, who spent a couple of years in the Toronto Blue Jays organization and was also an accomplished amateur in tennis and hockey.

“First I just started bouncing golf balls off the wedge like Tiger, then I started using the putter face,” Lavery said. “But I did it 500 times in a row and I thought that’s kind of boring. Being an artist, I deal with hammers and I’m constantly building frames and such. So, I started fooling around with bouncing the ball off the head of a hammer. I did it 20 times and thought, ‘that’s pretty good.’ Then I started thinking, ‘why not 100?’”

Lavery soon created a golf club that uses the head of a hammer welded to a 46-inch shaft. With his enhanced hand-eye coordination, Lavery can hit a ball 300 yards with a clubhead that has a surface area of less than an inch.

“When I use a regulation club it’s like there’s a toaster on the clubhead, so I’m able to really whack it,” he said.

And really bounce it.

“I can bounce the balls running, climbing up stairs, doing just about anything,” said Lavery, who is talking to the Stanley Tool Company about trying to set the world record at its Connecticut headquarters. He plans to walk a mile while bouncing a ball off the head of a hammer.

Lavery, who has immersed himself in reading about theories on how the right and left halves of the brain communicate and process information, believes that athletic performance can be enhanced by adopting those theories.

“There has been a lot of research over the last 40 years about how the brain works, and they’re discovering that different portions of the brain are used in different areas of athletics,” Lavery said, citing putting as a right-brain activity (more spatial, intuitive and creative than the more logical, analytical left-brain).

It stands to reason, Lavery said, that someone who isn’t good at putting can improve by increasing the use of the right side of their brain. One way to do that is to force the right side of the brain to involve itself more in activities such as handwriting.

“I’ve studied the way the brain works out of curiosity and because I’m an artist and I’m wondering what you can do as an artist to enhance your creativity,” Lavery said. “I’d always played around with handwriting with both hands. I can write backwards with my left hand at the same time as writing with my right, and you can’t tell the difference. I think that’s trained my brain to do things that it otherwise wouldn’t have learned. And I think that’s why I have the ability to bounce a golf ball off a hammer, or serve a tennis ball with both hands. It’s a degree of coordination and spatial influence I wouldn’t have otherwise. Basically, I’ve taught my brain how to multitask, which helps my short-term memory, and I think that’s helped me pick up the game of golf as quickly as I have.”

Lavery would love to parlay his eccentric gift into a full-time job by getting sponsors who see the entertainment and educational value in a trick-shot artist who can talk as well as perform.

“I know what I’m talking about and I make these demonstrations fun,” Lavery said. “People really trip out when they see these incredible things I do. I think I’d be great for a charity golf tournament, because I can tee up a ball 4 inches off the ground, knock it 350 yards with a club with a hammer for a head and then talk about why it’s possible.”


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The second I get your Whole Brain Power Coaching Interview Series and your Whole Brain Power Workbook and Progress Journal order, PayPal will re-direct you to a page with a yellow button that when clicked will take you to your download page.

The page will be there when you are ready to use it. Don’t feel like you have to download everything because it will go away. It won’t. This will be your page posted in a username and password protected area for you when you need it. Order now, study and download when ready.

See the image below and click on that button to access your downloads. I’ll also send you the links and page to the PayPal e-mail address you used when you placed your order by e-mail.

If you have any questions at all, feel free to text of call me at 858-692-9461. click here to order

You’re going to love what we’ve put together for you.

Get ready for your best days ever!

Michael J. Lavery

Michael Senoff

PS. If you want to enjoy a Better Memory * Higher Mood Elevation * A Deeper Night’s Sleep * Bolder Confidence In Social Situations and Groups * Super-Powered Attention * Razor Sharp Focus * Greater Strength * Better Language & Verbal Communication * Less Stress * Faster Reaction Time In Athletics and Greater Control and Steadiness In Your Hands, you need to consider this groundbreaking information below.

This is a special introductory offer and you simply cannot get this package anywhere else and for a low $67.

You’re going to love what this information can do for you. I’ve never been as excited about a product more than Michael J. Lavery’s Whole Brain Power Coaching.

Before I decided to share this system, I became a client first. I’ve done my homework on Michael J. Lavery. I’ve interviewed his clients. And you’ll soon hear about their tremendous results in this letter below.

Michael J. Lavery is my brain coach and I’ve been actively integrating the Whole Brain Power methodologies into my life for the last ninety days.

The changes I’m personally experiencing are incredible. I want to share more with you in this totally unique package. Won’t you join me today?

I’ve never been involved with something that has more potential for improving the lives of ordinary people more than this. It’s simple, it’s easy and it’s working for me.

Here’s What You’ll Get in Whole Brain Power Coaching

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Course Requirement: Michad J. Lavery – Whole Brain Power Coaching
Real Value: $997
One time cost: USD92

Frequently Asked Questions For “Michad J. Lavery – Whole Brain Power Coaching”

How to make payment for “Michad J. Lavery – Whole Brain Power Coaching” ?

  • Please add to cart on this page and go to checkout page. You can also add as many other products as you like and make a one-time payment.
  • We accept several type of Stripe payments such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, Google Pay, Apple Pay and JCB, payments from customers worldwide. Paypal & Bitcoin please contact us.
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  • All card numbers are encrypted at rest with AES-256 and transmitting card numbers runs in a separate hosting environment, and doesn’t share or save any info.

How can we deliver you the course?

How long do I have access to the course?

How to download “Michad J. Lavery – Whole Brain Power Coaching” ?

  • Enjoy “Michad J. Lavery – Whole Brain Power Coaching” in your account page.
  • Download only one file at a time. Sometimes doing all of the files at once will lead to them all freezing.
  • Also, please do not attempt to download to a mobile device. These should be saved to a computer and then synced to devices such as phones and tablets.
  • You can also learn online instead of downloading, but we encourage you to download for better results and viewing quality during your learn. Lastly, download times are much quicker in the mornings, before noon, Pacific time. during download make sure your device is not sleeping off screen.

What is the refund policy “Michad J. Lavery – Whole Brain Power Coaching”?

  • We’ll Bear The Risk, You’ll Take The Results…
  • Within 30 days of purchased |Michad J. Lavery – Whole Brain Power Coaching  |, if you don’t get anything out of the program, or if your order has any problem, or maybe for some reason, you just don’t like the way it is. Please contact us and we will do our best to assist. Thank you for your understanding.

Have More Questions?

Our support staff is the best by far! please do not hesitate to contact us at email: [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help!

You want to get “Michad J. Lavery – Whole Brain Power Coaching” now right?!!!


Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $92.00.

Get Michad J. Lavery – Whole Brain Power Coaching immediately when you secure your purchase by clicking on the order button on this page Michael has appeared on the David Letterman Show, and made ESPN Sport’s Center Top Ten Plays of the Day. He also has been featured in prominent newspaper and magazine articles about his pioneering ambidexterity skills in the sports of tennis and golf. File Size: 709.6 MB...

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