
Mike Shreeve – Weekend Workshop Bundle and Upsell

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Mike Shreeve – Weekend Workshop Bundle and Upsell

Mike Shreeve - Weekend Workshop Bundle and Upsell

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Before You Access The Weekend Workshop, Please Watch This Short Video In Its Entirety:
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ONLY ON THIS PAGE: Copy & Deploy The Exact Process I Use to…
Grow Any Business Faster in
The NEXT 30 Days
Than Most Businesses Grow All Year
Dear Friend,
When Mel Robbins approached me for help turning her (now) New York Times Bestseller The 5 Second Rule into a digital course business…
When SUCCESS Magazine asked me to turn their long ignored email list into an 8-figure/year revenue stream…
When I worked with Tony Robbins, Peter Diamandis, Darren Hardy, the John Wooden Family, and Jim Rohn International to plan 7-figure launches…
And when ANY of the 700+ clients I’ve helped scale their coaching, information, or services businesses approach me to ask…
“…what should we do next to make this happen?”
I walk them through the process you’ll discover on this page.
What I’d like to give you on this page is an over-the-shoulder look at the process I follow to maximize growth and productivity month after month and year after year for myself and my clients.
I perform this process yearly myself.
And it’s the very first process I like to follow when one of my private clients asks me:
“Mike, what should we do next to turn this idea into reality?”
“Mike, what should I change about my business to help it grow faster?”
I would not recommend launching a new offer or making a shift in marketing or processes without following this process first, because…
This System Can Show You Exactly What to Focus On to Create the Biggest Outcomes for Your Business
I know it works because every time I’ve implemented it for one of my businesses, revenue has doubled.
I’ve walked through this system one-on-one with over 100+ of my private clients, and I’ve seen the impact, clarity, and direction it’s provided over and over again.
It can turbo charge the productivity of entrepreneurs, leaders, and teams.
And it allows you to narrow focus to the inputs that result in the greatest impacts for your business and those you serve.
I call it…
The Rapid Scaling System
I Use to Maximize Growth and Revenue for Any Business, Service, or Launch
To make this easy to implement on your own, I’ve worked my methodology into a simple, repeatable system I call the Rapid Scaling System.
This system takes just a few minutes per day for 14-30 days to apply.
If you’re really motivated, you can power through it in a weekend.
When complete, it gives you a better understanding of the goals, methods, strategies and more that can help your business prosper and stay productive for the next 12 months.
You’ll Find Immediate Opportunities for Growth, Increased Productivity, and Profit.
The results of this growth planning system are immediate.
But you’ll also develop a greater understanding of the long-term path that can lead you to a cycle of perpetual growth.
When you follow this system, you’ll develop a better understanding of…
If a business model needs to be changed or tweaked (and if so, how?)…
What goals need to be accomplished in the next 12 months to double or triple revenue (and what goals can be abandoned or just serve as time wasters)…
The best way to acquire new customers or clients (and what type of messaging or marketing strategy is likely to perform the best)…
​​What inputs result in the greatest outcomes for a business (and how you can create MORE of these inputs)…
​​Who should a business really serve? (because it’s often NOT the customers or clients you think you’re serving)…
​What needs to be systemized and who needs to be added to the team to maximize results (or, perhaps, how do team roles need to shift?)…
​​​What products or programs should be offered in the next 6-12 months (and how will you get people to them?)…
​​Are there some marketing efforts that are not worth doing any more? (and which marketing efforts are actually the most profitable?)…
And much, much more…
This Rapid Scaling System is a process that I personally follow every single year at the end of Q4 and every time I consider making a major shift in my business. I think every entrepreneur should do the same.
The core of this system is a perpetual growth assessment.
It’s a planning process that allows for reflection on what’s worked, what hasn’t, and what’s likely to work that leads to a cycle of perpetual growth.
It can give you a hierarchy of problems and solutions that guide a business into the future with less chaos and greater consistency.
And it also gives immediate feedback on the efforts that are likely to generate the greatest profits in the short term.
This is why…
“You Shouldn’t Launch Anything New Without Answering These Questions First”
The Rapid Scaling System you’re about to discover is delivered as a series of questions. I call these questions a perpetual growth assessment.
These questions can help you better understand:
How to plan offers, products, and launches…
What marketing efforts to focus on (and which to abandon)…
How to accurately predict profits (and why predictions often fail)…
​The customer generating strategy best suited to your business…
​The most important goals for your business…
​Personal goals and team goals…
​What efforts you should focus on (and which to eliminate)…
​And more…
…as you create a plan for perpetual growth in your business.
You’ll be able to watch as I conduct an over-the-shoulder analysis of a business using this system.
And then, you’ll follow a minutes-per-day exercise for just 14-30 days that will allow you to have a clear game plan for immediate and long-term growth.
This is NOT just a process for planning profit or building a marketing campaign, although it can be used as a foundation for both.
It goes much deeper.
If you follow this process yourself, you’ll spend between 14-28 days…
Figuring out exactly what to fix next or where to go next, not just in the immediate future, but for the next 12 months.
Identifying and analyzing weaknesses in your business, marketing strategy, profit plan, team, partnerships, and much more so that you can remove the roadblocks preventing maximum growth.
Eliminating “Snap Judgement Overwhelm” from your business so that you can finally end the start-stop cycle of strategy, message, offer, or goal shifting and consistently grow your business with less chaos and more predictability.
​​Developing a better understanding of who you serve the best, how to serve them, and the ideal path to attracting more clients or customers who need your help the most.
​Finding hidden profit leaks and additional revenue generators that you’ll be able to immediately tap into to double or even triple revenue (the methods you’re about to discover have doubled the revenue of my businesses every time they’ve been applied).
​Setting fewer goals so that you can achieve more without having to add additional tasks to your workload (I’ll show you how to narrow your focus and select the goals that actually matter so you can leave the projects that end up only wasting time behind).
​Building a productivity system for your business that will allow you to double, triple, or even quadruple your personal output and the output of your team (or those you’re about to hire).
​Equipping your business with better systems so that you can begin to step aside from your business, take a break, and watch it grow without you.
​And much, much more!
This is the same process that I’ve used to help 8-figure CEOs make better decisions before launching new offers or shifting marketing strategies.
This is the same process I’ve used to analyze, plan, and help predict the systems, strategies, and methods needed to build 7-figure businesses from the ground up.
And this is the same process I use to better understand exactly what I need to do next in my businesses. Now is your chance to…
Get The Same System I’ve Used to Help 7 and 8-Figure Entrepreneurs Determine
“What should I do next?”
So That Your Business Can Be More Productive, Peaceful, and Profitable
The most valuable asset in your business is an idea that can change peoples lives for the better. The second most valuable asset in your business is knowing “what should I do next.”
That’s the answer you’ll get on this page.
Answering this question is how I’m able to double or triple revenues in just 30 days.
Answering this question is how I’m able to help my clients determine the fastest ways to scale their businesses, which efforts they should focus on, and how they should approach their marketing efforts.
And answering this question is how I’m able to better understand exactly what’s required to keep any business from getting lost in endless decision fatigue or overwhelm.
Even if you’re not about to launch a new offer today or make a dramatic shift in your business, you’ll want to follow this process so you can better understand…
“Why Projections Don’t Turn into Reality” – Ready to see why performance projections don’t hold for your business? If you ever set KPIs, hit them, but the end result ends up not being what you expected, this workshop is for you.
Prediction vs. Planning – Take a deep dive into the difference between the two. This is an important distinction, because more entrepreneurs have a tendency to over-predict that can result in under-planning.
My 14-Day “Income by Design” Framework – Follow this exercise to design the next path forward in your business. This can actually take as little as 2 or 3 hours over the next week, but I prefer to spread it out over 14 days (takes just a few minutes per day).
​​Avoiding “Task Overwhelm” Before You Crash – Airplanes often crash because the pilots are so busy running checklists that they forget to fly the plane. Let me show you how to avoid the same in your business.
​Do You Know the “Order of Consequences” in Your Business? – If you don’t, it might be time to look into the chain reaction that results in either chaos or consistency by completing the exercises included in this workshop.
​​How to Set Fewer Goals and Achieve More – This simple activity will unlock increased productivity simply because of how much time it can free up in a business (not just for yourself, but for a team as well).
​If It’s Time to Reach Who You’re Not Serving Yet – I’ll actually show you how I unlocked one of the most valuable market segments for my business by answering a few quick questions about my clients that I’d never considered before.
Accidental Foundations for Success – If some of your success was by “accident” and not by design, would you want to know about it? You’ll want to know about these accidental successes so you can repeat them over and over.
​​What Will ACTUALLY Increase Productivity – And the truth about 80/20 that few in the marketing space talk about when they show you their “systems” or explain how their “passive” business works.
​Of Course, There’s Much More inside of the Rapid Scaling System, but ultimately, you’ll have a better understanding of what to do next in your business right now and the path you’ll be able to follow for predictable growth over the next 12 months.
All you’ll need to do is sit down for a weekend (or just a few minutes per day for 15-30 days (that’s my preferred method)…
…and complete the perpetual growth assessment I’ll walk you through in this over-the-shoulder workshop training.
Right now, you can get all of this for just $95 when you add the Rapid Scaling System to your order on this page.
To add the Rapid Scaling System to your order, simply click “Yes! Add to My Order” below.
And don’t worry, you’ll be protected by my 100% money back guarantee that is good for one full year. You’ll have 365 days to try and implement the Rapid Scaling System, and if you’re not thrilled with how much more productive and focused your business becomes, you can get your money back.
You risk nothing! Add the Rapid Scaling System to your order and you’re protected by my 1-year money-back guarantee!
FREE Bonus:
The $10k per Hour Workshop
Discover How to Add This $10,000/Hr Task to Your Business Today and Immediately Begin to Scale Faster
One key mistake that holds a lot of businesses back is focusing time, effort, and resources on little things that have just a little impact on outcomes…
…instead of focusing the same time, effort, and resources on big things that have a big impact on outcomes.
Ready to discover the “big things” you should be focusing on? In fact, are you ready for me to hand you exactly what I’d focus on in order to grow a business from $100k/year to 7-figures/year (or from 7-figures a year to 8-figures)?
In this workshop, I’ll hand you a blueprint for a $10,000 per hour task that you can add to your business starting today. Spend just a few hours working on this task and you’ll be able to immediately start growing your business.
One of the most important lessons you’ll discover in this workshop is what you can change if your business is doing less than $1 million per year in revenue so you can…
Begin to Scale
Help more people
Work yourself out of your business
​​Give yourself a raise
​Increase your fees
​Or just increase profit in general
No matter what change you’re looking to make in your business: The outcomes you’re looking for are NOT going to be the result of sales, marketing, or operations changes.
Instead, it’s going to be the time you spend on $10,000/hr tasks like the one I’ll give you during this workshop.

Here’s What You’ll Get in Mike Shreeve – Weekend Workshop Bundle and Upsell

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Course Requirement: Mike Shreeve – Weekend Workshop Bundle and Upsell
Real Value: $95.0000
One time cost: USD35.0000

Frequently Asked Questions For “Mike Shreeve – Weekend Workshop Bundle and Upsell

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How to download “Mike Shreeve – Weekend Workshop Bundle and Upsell” ?

  • Enjoy “Mike Shreeve – Weekend Workshop Bundle and Upsell in your account page.
  • Download only one file at a time. Sometimes doing all of the files at once will lead to them all freezing.
  • Also, please do not attempt to download to a mobile device. These should be saved to a computer and then synced to devices such as phones and tablets.
  • You can also learn online instead of downloading, but we encourage you to download for better results and viewing quality during your learn. Lastly, download times are much quicker in the mornings, before noon, Pacific time. during download make sure your device is not sleeping off screen.

What is the refund policy “Mike Shreeve – Weekend Workshop Bundle and Upsell

  • Within 30 days of purchased |Mike Shreeve – Weekend Workshop Bundle and Upsell |, if you don’t get anything out of the program, or if your order has any problem, or maybe for some reason, you just don’t like the way it is. Please contact us and we will do our best to assist. Thank you for your understanding.

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Our support staff is the best by far! please do not hesitate to contact us at email: [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help!

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Original price was: $95.00.Current price is: $35.00.

Get Mike Shreeve - Weekend Workshop Bundle and Upsell immediately when you secure your purchase by clicking on the order button on this page No matter what change you’re looking to make in your business: The outcomes you’re looking for are NOT going to be the result of sales, marketing, or operations changes. Instead, it’s going to be the time you spend on $10,000/hr tasks like the one I’ll give you during this workshop. You linked all the topics in a logical and structured manner.

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