
Neale Donald Walsch – Living From Your Soul


Neale Donald Walsch – Living From Your Soul

Neale Donald Walsch – Living From Your Soul

Imagine what your life will be like when you can live every moment of it as your truest self . . .

Confident in your abilities . . .

Happy and content . . .

Creative and brave.

Everything will make sense and you’ll know exactly what to do, no matter what challenge you have to face.

You’ll feel a deep sense of belonging and connection with the world and the people around you.

And good things will just seem to happen in your life, without you having to strive or struggle . . .

Almost as if the Universe is looking out for you, nudging opportunities in your direction.

You’ve probably experienced moments in your life when you felt that clear and certain and blessed, but if you’re like most people, those moments never last very long, and you can’t simply make them happen.

And it can be devastating to feel that deep connection and centeredness in those isolated moments, only to lose it time and time again and have no idea how to get it back.

But I want you to realize that this is something nearly everyone experiences—not because we’re weak or unworthy, but because we were never taught how to stay connected to that truest part of ourselves, how to live from our souls.

Well, I want you to know that I’ve created a simple, 3-step process that will help you discover the true agenda of your soul and show you how to move through your life in a state of effortless, authentic purpose and joy—and not just once in a while, but in every moment you live.

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Why is it so difficult to live as your truest self?

With the state our world is in right now, many people feel uncertain about their lives and where they’re headed.

And to make matters worse, many are also less and less able to connect to that deeper part of themselves . . .

It can often seem as if you’re just going through the motions, doing whatever you have to do to get through the day.

Do you ever feel . . .

  • Misunderstood or unappreciated by your co-workers, family or friends?
  • A longing to find the right relationship or a deeper level of intimacy with your current partner, but something always seems to keep it out of reach?
  • Unable to fully be yourself in your job because your co-workers don’t share your values or vision?
  • That your gifts and talents are under-expressed or still hidden inside you?
  • Disengaged from life, with a chronic low-grade depression regardless of what you do to try to lift your spirits?
  • That you aren’t experiencing a rich spiritual life, in spite of having invested in many years of personal and spiritual growth?
  • Alone even when you’re with others or participating in community activities, despite trying to connect with people?
  • A longing to “run away” from your life, move to a different town and “start over,” without all the baggage and difficult memories?

You’re not the only one who feels that way

Billions of people since the dawn of civilization have felt the same frustrations about life you’re feeling right now.

And the reason is simple: we’ve all been trying to solve the wrong problems and focusing too much of our attention on things that will never make us feel happy and fulfilled.

We’ve been trying to get the better job, the better partner, the better lifestyle, the better town, all of it . . . without realizing that those things in and of themselves simply don’t matter when it comes to creating a life that is the full expression of your truest self.

When you live as that expression, every aspect of your life will naturally come to reflect what you most care about and are drawn to, in wonderfully fulfilling ways.

And when you align your day-to-day actions with your soul, life will provide you with everything you could possibly want . . . and, even more importantly, everything you need.

What if you could go through each day with that calm confidence, clear about what to do in every situation that arises?

For instance, what if you could go to your job as your truest self?

How different would it be if your confidence and skill were unshakeable and you could talk to your co-workers freely from your heart and your soul, without being afraid in any way or needing to play any of the usual social games?

Imagine going to the store or to an event and being able to be that authentic when you interact with people you’ve never met before.

Or spending time with friends or family as your most open and genuine self.

Even just walking alone through the park in that state of centeredness and calm.

When you’re living as your truest self, you’ll be able to . . .

  • Accept yourself and your circumstances fully and feel “in harmony” no matter what you’re doing from moment to moment
  • Walk through your everyday life with a much deeper sense of your place on the planet and the meaning of your existence
  • Attain a more profound understanding of who you really are
  • Relax, knowing that life will always work out the way it should
  • Feel confident about speaking your Truth as you know it
  • Live with an attitude of contentment instead of struggle
  • Connect with your soul in such a way that your whole life will become a creative expression of your truest self

You’ll also infect everyone who comes near you with a sudden sense of joy and aliveness.

And when they want to know the secret of how you got to be the way you are . . . you’ll be able to share it with them.

Living in this way is a truly wonderful and magical thing, and I should know, because that’s how my life is and has been ever since I discovered this extraordinary secret for myself.

And as soon as you know how to use it, that same simple secret will help you discover the agenda of your soul and completely transform your life until it becomes the extraordinary and rewarding adventure it was meant to be . . . every single day.

I hope you’ll decide to join me so I can show you how to live from your soul.


Living From Your Soul:
A 9-Week Journey to Create a Life
That Expresses Your Truest Self

with Neale Donald Walsch

In this 9-Week Interactive Online Course, Neale will take you on a deep journey through his powerful 3-step process that will allow you to transform your life and start living from your soul every single day.

Here are brief outlines of each of the three steps:

Step 1: Awaken To Your Soul

First, you will awaken to the metaphysical and conceptual truth about the nature of your soul. Before you can live from the agenda of the soul, you need to have a clear understanding of how the soul works in harmony with your mind and body to create your Divine experience of Life.

Step 2: Connect With Your Soul

Next, you’ll learn how to connect with your soul through everyday exercises and tools, that, with practice, will strengthen the “muscles” of your soul. You’ll immediately eliminate life’s complexity when you run everything through the agenda of the soul.

Step 3: Live From The Agenda Of Your Soul

And finally, you’ll learn how to maintain that “aha!” sensation of connection and fulfillment so you can live from your soul most (if not all) of the time, not just in those fleeting moments that come from intention and focus, or from out of the blue.

With this 3-step process, you’ll learn how to end the cycle of struggle and longing that comes from simply attending to the unquenchable desires of your body and mind, and discover instead how you can live each and every moment from the agenda of your soul.

Nothing about your external circumstances can prevent you from enjoying the wonderful, life-changing benefits of becoming your truest self.

Once you learn how to follow these three powerful steps, you will experience deep levels of fearlessness, happiness, and inner peace like never before. 

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Original price was: $397.00.Current price is: $62.00.

Get Neale Donald Walsch – Living From Your Soul immediately when you secure your purchase by clicking on the order button on this page Everything will make sense and you’ll know exactly what to do, no matter what challenge you have to face. You’ll feel a deep sense of belonging and connection with the world and the people around you. And good things will just seem to happen in your life, without you having to strive or struggle . . ....

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