NLP In Hypnosis For Amazing Results

Dear Reader,
I have a confession to make: I’m considered something of a “black sheep” to many people in the established main-stream hypnosis community.
I’m often accused of being unconventional, even controversial, by my detractors.
But on the other hand I’m also praised as being trail-blazing and dynamic by people who realize there is nothing to gain by staying “stuck in the past”.
However pretty much everyone agrees that I’m:
Totally Unafraid To Teach The
TRUTH About The Advanced Psychological Triggers Of
Subconscious Hypnotic Change
And I have the track record to prove that.
But this has made me enemies.
Powerful enemies.
Especially within the cosy world of the hypnotherapy associations.

See the “hypnosis police” within some of those associations don’t believe ordinary people like you and me should have access to the most powerful “mind change tools” without proper licensed medical training and accreditation.
Obviously I don’t agree.
And I must admit to taking some joy annoying the “hypnosis police” by developing and bringing out ever more powerful hypnosis training programs for people (like you and me) who want the best-of-the-best in subconscious change techniques.
But I don’t want just anyone getting their hands on this material.
And that is doubly true for a very powerful set of tools revealed in my program: Discover How To Really Use NLP In Hypnosis For Amazing Results –which shows you the RIGHT WAY to combine NLP with hypnosis for a powerful hypnotic change cocktail like no other.
In fact…
I Have 3 Conditions You Must Agree By If You Want A Copy Of My ‘NLP in Hypnosis‘ Program:

CONDITION 1: You must agree not to go squealing to the hypnotherapy establishment complaining that you’ve spent a fortune getting medical hypnosis certifications that didn’t even touch on some of the techniques revealed in this program and how to combine them with hypnosis.

CONDITION 2: You must agree NOT to share or in any way disseminate the techniques in this program with any “power drunk” third party.
CONDITION 3: You must agree to use the advanced techniques revealed only for good, life-affirming purposes (and never to deceive an innocent person).
If you can agree to those conditions, and you would like to know more about the special program: Discover How To Really Use NLP In Hypnosis For Amazing Results here are some of the secrets it contains:

Part 1: Fundamentals Of NLP And The Secret Connection
With Hypnosis
In this first session, I’ll cover the essentials of NLP and what makes it such an effective way to create change…
…PLUS the debt owed to hypnosis by NLP for many of its most effective strategies.
Here’s just some of what you’ll discover…
- Myths and the reality of NLP, where it came from and the secret link to hypnosis that NLP “experts” like to hide
- The secrets of the unconscious mind and how all learning and behaviour change takes place
- Few people know about the “Birdwhistell Study”. Yet it contains the key to increasing the power of your words by an incredible 14 times. I reveal how you can take advantage of this rare knowledge
- The Universal Modelling Process that explains how the human mind makes sense of the world and creates “reality” (and how you can transform that reality to your will)
- Deletion, Distortion and Generalization…the primary tools we use to “shape” reality
- The 8 core beliefs (“Presuppositions”) of NLP that used wisely will give you more choice and freedom in your life
- 3 “Perceptual Positions” (or “Points
of View”) and how to switch between them
to create breakthroughs and positive change
- Understanding “chunking” and the best way to get your message understood by someone
- You’ve probably heard the saying “The eyes are the window of the soul”. Here’s the amazing science behind that and how you can read someone like an open book
- Strategies are the internal “programs” that drive every action that a person takes. Here’s how to understand strategies and apply them to fix problems
- 9 rules to create useful and easy to use strategies
- How to discover a person’s strategy in 5 easy steps
- The “Golden Rules” that gives you the power to quickly and easily connect with people so they like and trust you almost
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- How to get someone to follow your lead without them having any idea of what’s happening
- How to create an instant connection with just a seemingly normal conversation
- Simple ways to convince someone that you completely understand them so they instantly like and trust you
- Introducing BMIRs…how subtle physical actions give you clues to inner thoughts and feelings…and the mistakes to avoid in reading these clues
- Outcomes and goals are the key to getting results…but they must be used wisely. Here are the secrets you need to know
- P-A-C-E formula for success and excellence. You’ve probably seen this in other forms but this is the original
- A very popular story about the power of setting goals…that’s actually a myth! Discover the real story…and why the lesson still applies
- The formula for goal setting that virtually guarantees a successful result every time
- 7 conditions to make sure a goal is worthwhile and avoid needless frustration and wasted time
- The single biggest problem with goal setting that most so-called “experts” ignore…and how to overcome this obstacle
And that’s just the beginning. Next…
Part 2: The Language Of NLP And The Hidden Code
Of Hypnotic Influence
Language is at the heart of NLP. That’s because language is also central to the way we communicate with ourselves…and so create the reality we live in.
Using language with elegance and sophistication is one of the hallmarks of NLP…
…and a big benefit to you as a hypnotist.
You’ll discover…
- Introducing “Presuppositions”, the
hidden assumptions behind everything
that’s said. Used smartly, they can stack
the deck in your favour
- 11 types of Presuppositions and how to use them to get results…plus errors to avoid
- The famous NLP “Meta Model” and how to use it to help people make astonishing breakthroughs
- Warning! Avoid this easy to make mistake when using the Meta Model or you’ll ruin any chance of success
- 2 simple questions that when used correctly will give you most of the power of the Meta Model
- The Milton Model – the distilled genius of legendary hypnotist Milton Erickson you can use to be a powerful and persuasive communicator
- The special language of hypnosis and why it’s SO important to ANY NLP manoeuvre you undertake
- How to quickly and easily master the Milton Model to put people under your control and have them willingly follow instructions
- How to naturally introduce hypnosis into all your NLP techniques and magnify the power
- If you can remember these 4 simple words of power, you can use the Milton
Model in almost any situation to be more
persuasive and effective
And that’s even without…
Part 3: Reframing, Anchoring And Submodalities – Powerful Tools For Transformation
In this next section we get to what NLP is perhaps best known for…the techniques that can deliver quite astonishing cases of transformation.
Here’s what’s revealed in this session…
- “Frames”. What they are, why they’re important and how you can use them to exert control in any situation
- Changing a Frame is called “Reframing” and when you do this you can dissolve obstacles and objections with ease
- The 2 kinds of reframes and how to use them to best effect
- “Anchors” are a powerful way to allow people to make dramatic shifts quickly easily and without having to think about it. Here’s how an obscure Russian scientist stumbled across the secret
- NLP’s Dirty Little Secret…Anchoring DOESN’T WORK unless you add THIS key insight from hypnosis (do this and they work like magic almost every time!)
- The correct way to create an anchor. With this skill you can move people into positive states or get them to take action with a simple gesture
- Warning! 4 conditions that must be present to ensure success with your anchors. Don’t ignore these or you’ll end up wasting time and energy
- The foolproof 6 step formula to create anchors quickly and easily…PLUS how to use covert hypnosis to make your anchors even more powerful than before!
- How to multiply the impact and effectiveness of your anchors…and even secretly create anchors so that people act on your command without question
- “Submodalities” are the way to vary the impact of the 5 primary senses. They’re what makes the difference between watching a movie on a small black and white TV and watching it on a GIANT IMAX screen
- The little known strategy that’s the key to unlocking the power of submodalities to transform problems
- A simple guide to submodalities and how to use them the right way to get results
- Make your submodalities work STICK…it can ONLY be done with this special hypnotic trick!
- 6 steps to uncover a person’s “hot buttons” so you can easily amplify positive aspects and literally “shut off” problems
- How to “Map across” with submodalities and make amazing positive changes with surprising ease. This is one of the secrets of the master practitioners
- The secret to becoming a “Time Lord” and using the power of timelines to manipulate time and create new and better futures for people
And next there’s…
Part 4: How To Combine NLP Techniques And Strategies With The Power Of Hypnosis
In this final session, you’re in for a treat.
This is where everything comes together to combine the strengths of NLP and hypnosis into a new and more powerful way to help people.
- How to blend NLP with hypnosis to really unlock the power of the NLP techniques
- 9 rules for creating powerful, lasting change with NLP techniques and strategies
- Why NLP techniques without covert hypnosis will usually FAIL!!
- How to remove destructive behaviours quickly and easily with the 9 step strategy to collapse negative anchors
- The best way to resolve complex or deeply rooted problems
- The “Change Personal History” technique to free someone from the chains of the past
- How to “Re-imprint” with another way to create a better future by transforming past problems
- Get into “The Circle Of Excellence” and feel energized and fantastic anytime you wish (ahead of an important meeting, a competition or any special event)
- Power techniques (“Swish”, “Fast Phobia Cures” and “V-K Dissociation”) where you crank up the dials on sight, sound and feelings to squash phobias and wipe away psychic trauma
- Discover the MOST POWERFUL NLP Technique of all time… and how it’s USELESS unless you really know hypnosis!!
- An astonishing way that anyone can acquire new skills and abilities fast in 8 easy steps
- Advanced Timeline Techniques to reshape the past and literally create the future that you want
- Discover the powerful NLP techniques that work BETTER in a formal hypnotic trance (and how to use your hypnosis skills to create dazzlingly effective combinations)
As well as the main 4 part training, you also get the 186 page special companion PDF manual – a real treasure trove for you to use as a resource and reference again and again.
Plus this in-depth manual has a highly detailed table of contents so you can ‘zero in’ on any area whenever you want to.
And that’s not all. Because you also get…
TWO Special BONUS Hypnotic Inductions
To Make You An Expert In NLP
Simply by listening to the audio sessions, you’ll be absorbing the knowledge, secrets and skills of an expert NLP practitioner.
Every single moment you are listening, the advanced information is being “force-fed” into your subconscious mind.
Without consciously realising it, simply by listening to this in depth material you will become a better and more compelling hypnotist when you use your new knowledge of NLP.
And to accelerate and reinforce this automatic learning process even more, with the “Discover How To Really Use NLP In Hypnosis For Amazing Results” program you also get TWO special bonus inductions to use yourself.
That’s right. These bonus inductions are special hypnosis sessions to help you absorb and apply the information.
Here’s The Next Step To Combining The Power Of NLP And Hypnosis For Amazing Results
I mentioned at the beginning of this letter that by combining the strengths of NLP with your skills as a hypnotist, you can become more effective, influential and persuasive.
All of this is available to you with the “Discover How To Really Use NLP In Hypnosis For Amazing Results”.
Remember that you get…
- 9 Hours 52 Minutes of Advanced Training; PLUS
- A 186 page companion PDF manual. This comprehensive reference is a treasure chest of tips, techniques and strategies that you’ll be able to use again and again; PLUS
- TWO exclusive BONUS hypnotic inductions specially designed to help you master using NLP in Hypnosis and literally program your mind for success automatically
All of this, and the added hypnotic power and influence, is available to you now for just $497 3 simple monthly installments of only $59.
When you think about it, that’s a very modest investment for something that could bring you enormous benefit.
It’s easy to get my advanced program for yourself, simply click on the following link…
And, you can order in complete confidence because…
Here’s My 100% No B.S. Guarantee

Here’s what to do:
Get the exciting main training, the extra TWO bonus inductions and the 186 page PDF manual that make up the “Discover How To Really Use NLP In Hypnosis For Amazing Results” Program.
Listen to the program as many times as you like. As I’ve explained, simply by listening to the training you will automatically be mastering the skills of an expert NLP practitioner.
Put your new skills into practice and see for yourself how much more dynamic, transformative and influential you can be and how your hypnosis skills soar to new heights.
In the unlikely event that you are not thrilled and delighted with your new skills and power, simply let us know and you will receive a prompt and courteous refund in full.
And you have a full 60 days to make your decision.
I think you’ll agree, I can’t be much fairer than that.
It’s Now Your Choice…
In this letter…
- You’ve discovered how knowledge of NLP – the insights into the human mind, the techniques and strategies – will make you a better hypnotist
- You’ve also seen how this special program prepared for you by Igor helps you master the skills of NLP quickly and easily and shows you how to combine them with hypnosis for amazing results
- You’ve discovered how easy it is to try this program for yourself without risking a cent
Now, it’s up to you.
You can either carry on at your current level of skill, perhaps slowly improving.
Or you can take advantage of this proven program and quickly take your powers to a new and higher level of effectiveness.
It’s easy to GET INSTANT ACCESS to “Discover How To Really Use NLP In Hypnosis For Amazing Results”.
Simply click on the “Add To Cart” link in the box below…

Give Me INSTANT ACCESS To The “Discover How To Really Use NLP In Hypnosis For Amazing Results” Program! I’m both ready and eager to have get my hands on this advanced hypnosis and NLP information..
I understand that:
- You will give me Instant Access to the entire program (some of Igor’s most powerful secrets) with 9 Hours 52 Minutes of Training + TWO Special Inductions + 186 Page PDF Manual
- I will be able to access everything on my mobile, tablet or computer via the private members area. I can download or stream the training whenever I want.
- My investment is just
$497 3 simple monthly installments of only $59.
- I have 60 full days with a 100% guarantee to try out this course. If I’m not completely happy during these 60 days, I can simply ask for a 100% refund.
Get immediately download NLP In Hypnosis For Amazing Results
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– Download Sample files “NLP In Hypnosis For Amazing Results”
Course Requirement: NLP In Hypnosis For Amazing Results
Real Value: $497.0000
One time cost: USD77.0000
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