Perry Belcher F.I.B.S. Offer Creation Masterclass, Why copywriting and offer creation are the most valuable skills on earth… The 6-layer “Hacksaw” editing system that makes your copy flow fast and grab the readers’ throats, even if you SUCK as a writer.
While other writers and friends like the late Clayton Makepeace, John Carlton, Dan Kennedy and the late Gary Halbert are and were true masters, I am a hack.
That’s the big secret here: Even if you’re NOT a genius, you can still perform like one.
That’s what successful hacks like me know, and that’s what we do that you likely don’t.
I take what I’ve learned about human behavior and psychology, do a little 3-step research on the product and the market, and then I simply fill in the blanks as easy as 1-2-3.
Seriously, millions of dollars from that one simple skill.
If copy has been a huge challenge for you, know this: It’s not your fault.
There is so much B.S. information out there, so many outdated books and so many crooked, scammy providers… you never had a chance.
… and people like me who DO have winning systems would likely NEVER share them with you.
Now, I was right where you are now, and here’s what I did about it…
You’ll also get to use my curated trigger word and phrase guide (you’ll use this a lot)…
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