
Real Vision – The Real Investing Course


Becoming a better investor is a lifelong journey. And not an easy one. You have to learn from the world’s best investors without blindly copying them.

Real Vision – The Real Investing Course

Real Vision - The Real Investing Course

Thousands of Hours of Insight — Delivered in Less Than 10
Become a better and more confident investor by learning from the best.

Becoming a better investor is a lifelong journey. And not an easy one. You have to learn from the world’s best investors without blindly copying them.

You have to apply textbook knowledge in the real world (always tricky). You have to avoid charlatans (increasingly tricky). You have to avoid information and data paralysis.


All this pain is why we developed The Real Investing Course.

It’s game-changing — delivering insights you won’t find anywhere else from dozens of professional investors.
It’s super-charged — distilling thousands of hours of knowledge and delivering it to you in less than 10.
It’s lock, stock and barrel — Real Vision acquired and built on the Lex van Dam Trading Academy, a blockbuster investing course based on the frameworks developed at one of the top London trading desks.

Oh, and forget about bland PowerPoint presentations by somebody in a shirt…

The Real Investing Course is filmed in an underground bunker, a cinema, and a bar, so you know it’s definitely not boring…
The Real Investing Course includes:

✓ 5 Modules & 31 Lessons

✓ The fundamentals of real world investing in 10 hours

✓ Transcripts, handbooks, takeaways, rabbit hole resources

✓ Professional investors as your guides

✓ Community access

✓ Real Vision PLUS membership

✓ Full access to upcoming Real Vision Academy courses

✓ …And zero B.S.
Access a Single Source of Learning That Brings It ALL Together
It won’t make you George Soros overnight. It will help you become a more successful, independent investor. Here’s how:

Once you start The Real Investing Course, we’ll immediately guide you through the course Manifesto, and a 9-minute guide on How To Navigate This Journey. Then it’s time to get started with course curriculum.
The Game of Investing
The Stuff That Drives Markets
The Art (& Science) of Charts
The Asset Class Universe
The Science (& Art) of Building a Portfolio
How You’ll Learn
The Game of Investing

It’s easy to think the Game of Investing is rigged, or that the markets (or their players) want to mess you up. Reality is that it’s about assessing inputs of information to generate money-making investments. Simple(!)

This 3-lesson module focuses on the broader game, some of its core rules, and some principles to help you navigate the playing field, the players, and the mistakes they make.

What You’ll Learn:

How to figure out your own investing style instead of relying on others
Why the idea of “Mr. Market” is B.S. (and so is the idea of an investing “holy grail”)
The actual first steps you need to take to conquer the inner game of investing
The 4 core market truths you need to put on a Post-It beside your computer
How to assess your ‘5 types of capital’ (not just your financial capital)
How to use context to rein in the wall of information we’re all bombarded with everyday
And more

At the End You Will:
Be an emotionally more self-aware investor… Learn (or confirm) your investing style… Curate your information diet wisely.
The Stuff That Drives Markets

Market drivers are a kind of Russian doll ecosystem, with a number of trends of various time horizons co-existing at any one point in time.

This 7-module lesson will give you a solid foundation in understanding co-existing (and seemingly conflicting) trends — because if the trends don’t make sense to you, you’ll feel in the dark with your portfolio…

What You’ll Learn:

The 3 broad categories of market drivers
How the hell you’re meant to integrate different categories of market drivers into one portfolio
Why you can get an edge by finding the trend inside the trend
The relationship between central banks and market drivers
How to juggle several time horizons at once
How to set and track market drivers yourself

At the End You Will:
Understand the ecosystem of market drivers… Know how to track market drivers yourself… Stress-test your portfolio with your new knowledge of market drivers.
The Art (& Science) of Charts

Like most tools in investing, charts need to be handled carefully and well if they are to help you stack the probabilities in your favor and manage risk well enough that you get to continue to play the game.

This 6-lesson module focuses on the value of charts as a tool in everyone’s framework.

What You’ll Learn:

Why charts are your “best friend and worst enemy all at once”
How to use charts to help you filter ideas and see a ton of information in one place
The classic mistakes investors make when using charts
Exactly why charts are not predictors of the future
How to identify a trend, key support, resistance levels, and more
Some common chart patterns including pennants, head-and-shoulders, flags, and triangles
And more

At the End You Will:
Understand common chart patterns… Know the “gotchas” of relying too much on charts… Be ready to use charts as a tool to inform your investing decisions.
The Asset Class Universe

The core asset class universe is made up of equities, fixed income, commodities, currencies, and digital assets.

This 7-lesson module focuses on getting to know that universe (and most importantly, how the ‘planets’ in the universe interact).

What You’ll Learn:

How to identify the common drivers behind asset price performance
A top-down framework to understand and manage the asset class universe
Why bonds are less intimidating than they may appear at first
How to get to know the relationships between equities, fixed income, commodities, currencies, and digital assets
How to apply asset class fundamentals to your own investing
And more

At the End You Will:
Understand the different players in the asset class universe… Know the relationships between all the players… Feel comfortable building hypotheses based on these relationships.
The Science (& Art) of Building a Portfolio

By now, you’ll have a solid foundation in charts, investing psychology, asset classes, and market drivers.

This 6-lesson module covers the entire process of portfolio management — from expressing a single trade idea to building a robust portfolio suitable to your needs.

What You’ll Learn:

The golden rules of risk management
The tricky game of understanding correlations in your own portfolio
How to think about and manage liquidity risk, volatility, and leverage
Why risk management and portfolio construction are perhaps the most important part of the whole investment process
How to approach portfolio construction based on your individual circumstances
And more

At the End You Will:
Feel more confident constructing and managing your own portfolio… Be able to apply the ‘rules’ of risk management… Be able to tailor your portfolio construction based on you instead of applying a general structure and hoping for the best.
How You’ll Learn:

The course is designed to develop your approach to investing. Even if you have been doing it for years, it will force you to go back and stress test your process, something any investor and trader should do.

Here’s the approach to each module:

First, we cover the core ideas and concepts for each module in the Basics
Then we review these ideas and concepts in laidback Discussions with Roger Hirst, Jamie McDonald and James Helliwell. Here, you’ll learn different nuances from 3 pros who each look at markets differently
Next, we unlock the insights from the Real Vision archives and learn From the Pros, including Raoul Pal, Chris Cole, Lyn Alden, Mark Ritchie II, and Pierre Andurand
Then, Roger pulls it altogether in action-focused Workshops, which feature practical activities, actionable strategies, and various investing scenarios – all the real world stuff.


A module handbook, plus extra resources
Chatting with fellow Academy members on Real Vision

Learn from the Best Professional Investors in the World
By the pros. For the people.

You know that saying — “If you think it’s expensive to hire a professional, wait until you hire an amateur”?

Same deal with investing. If you choose a crappy course from a so-called “guru” you’re in for an expensive time.

With The Real Investing Course, you’ll learn from the best professional investors in the world. Meet your hosts on this journey…
Roger Hirst

Global macro master and explainer.

Currently Managing Editor at Real Vision Creative Studios
Formerly in equity derivative sales specializing in macro opportunities
“When I see Roger, I click.” — Matthew T.

Maggie Lake

Incisive journalist and story-teller extraordinaire.

Currently Senior Editor and Host at Real Vision
Former business anchor and correspondent at CNN International
“We need more Maggie. Repeat, we need more Maggie.” – Julian C.

Jamie McDonald

Multi-hyphenate presenter, writer, and financial teacher.

Currently Presenter at Real Vision
Former portfolio manager at Point 72 Management and elsewhere
“Excellent! So well explained, Jamie. Keep bringing these.” – Victor F.

James Helliwell

A skin-in-the-game pro who practices what he teaches.

Currently Macro Analyst at Real Vision Creative Studios
Former CIO managing multi-asset portfolios
Previously worked with Lex van Dam at the LvD Trading Academy
“His love of the investing game is so clear.” – Dan S.

And Featuring…

The Real Investing Course distills valuable takeaways from thousands of hours of Real Vision interviews that are otherwise lost in the archives. Okay — maybe not exactly lost, but we dug deep for the gems so you don’t have to.

Along the way, you’ll meet:
Pierre Andurand
Lyn Alden
Peter Brandt
Mike Green
Eric Basmajian
Alex Gurevich
Mark Ritchie II
Jeff Dorman
Jason Buck
Jared Dillian
Jason Shapiro
Harris Kupperman
Raoul Pal
Moritz Seibert
Denise Shull
Dmitry Balyasny
Dan McMurtrie
Chris Cole
Cem Karsan
Brent Johnson
Brent Donnelly
Learn How YOU Want (And What You Need)
For the speed-readers, here are the words beta-testers kept using to describe The Real Investing Course…

This is not the type of course that fires a ton of jargon at you at breakneck speed. Or the type of course that fires academic terminology at you without grounding it in the real world.

The Real Investing Course unlocks the value of ‘regular’ Real Vision content by finally putting the full picture together. After all, finding valuable content is half the battle in today’s information bull market.

What do a bar, an underground bunker, and a cinema have to do with investing education? They’re filming locations for The Real Investing Course. Not a classroom in sight…

There is no other course in the world that brings together insights from so many professional investors with skin in the game.

You’ll be discussing everything from the building blocks to how core principles work in reality, united with a community of investors (that’s you) to accelerate your learning together.

Who doesn’t love the idea of getting thousands of hours worth of knowledge delivered in under 10?
The Early Results Are In
A brand new course with feedback? That’s the power of beta-testing with a crowd.

Before bringing The Real Investing Course to the world, we beta-tested it with first a few hundred, and then a few thousand people.

The advice we got from them has already helped us make the course even better (we want your advice when you join, too). And the feedback has been phenomenal…

Love the 3 discussing in the pub. Loads of alpha there. I need some time to digest it all but great stuff. I was relying on input from others before because I didn’t think I was capable of making my own decisions but after this I’ll be taking charge of my own trades.

— Paul W.

Wow – I am 3 quarters through and I feel like Neo in The Matrix when, after receiving a huge download of data he sits up and announces to the world – “I know Kung Fu!” Fantastic.

— Gary W.

Early impressions – bloody amazing!!! I am extremely excited.

— Tej D.

Many things I have seen before are generally trying to make you like the individual who is teaching. If you follow this and make your own thesis, trading strategy you really should become quite independent.

— TheEmotionlessRobot

In the time it takes you to read a single book you can listen to and even engage 10 super pros to absorb their decades of experience. One hour watching RV has the potential to change your life. One hour of cable financial media you spent half of it watching commercials and the other half barely dipping below the substance of the headline.


There’s really a great range of top investors here who provide fantastic advice.

— Paul

Exactly the kind of high-quality, grounded, and honest market education that brought me to RV in the 1st place.

— TheRealMojo

I am like 1/3 my way through the course, taking my time going through the resource, and I must say wow. Thank you RV team for providing real value. Eager to continue the course, keep learning, and apply what I am learning.

— FightClub

I really enjoyed it, the delivery style is very RV and makes this generally dry content easily consumable. It really is a course on how to think about markets and start building a framework for investing…

— Bexley
Save on The Real Investing Course
We’ve brought the cost down to hundreds for a course that “should” cost thousands.

Here’s the deal with The Real Investing Course — it’s designed to be immediately useful to you, even if you’re completely new to investing (or you’re more experienced)… Even if you’re sitting on the investing sidelines right now… and even if you don’t have much free time.

It’s the result of combing thousands of hours of Real Vision footage, spending thousands of hours on developing and filming the course, and using a course that costs thousands of dollars — Lex Van Dam’s Million Dollar Traders Course — as our underlying structure.

Of course, charging several thousand dollars wouldn’t exactly be in line with our mission to democratize financial education.

So you’re not invited to join The Real Investing Course for several thousand dollars…
Join today for $599 and you’ll get access to:

The Real Investing Course:
A game-changing course that will immediately help you become a more successful investor.
The Real Vision Academy:
Access to every single expert-led course we release as part of the Academy in the coming year, focused on different approaches and trading strategies.
Real Vision Plus Membership:
Daily interviews with investing pros, where you will see what you learn in The Real Investing Course play out in the real world.

And we’ll immediately send you to:

The Real Investing Course Manifesto:
A behind-the-scenes, no-holds-barred look at why we’re doing this and what we hope it does for you.
How to Navigate This Journey:
In less than 9 minutes, you’ll learn how to get the most out of The Real Investing Course, so you can get started quickly.

Get Started Right Now
Know What’s Under the Hood Before You Join
Because despite the last couple of years in markets, numbers still matter.

The blood, sweat, tears and beers that went into this are not exactly quantifiable. But what’s under the hood is…

10 → The hours of video that made the final cut

1,000s → The hours of Real Vision interviews we curated this course from (approx…!)

70 → The number of additional resources curated for you to go deeper

4,999 → What the course would have cost you before now

1,000s → Number of people-hours, filming, editing, location set-up and more

Only 1 → Harley

Full Disclosure: We cannot promise Harley (bottom-left with the paws) now understands the yield curve.
Academy Roadmap
Continuous Learning…

Launching a full investing course distilling the best of Real Vision and led by the pros should be enough for one day, right?

Not quite…

The Real Investing Course is part of The Real Vision Academy — the future of learning at Real Vision. Yes, The Real Investing Course is our absolute must-watch on investing fundamentals…

But on our roadmap is a series of courses from the pros you love seeing on Real Vision. We’ll be focusing on different types of approaches, frameworks, trading strategies and styles… and creating places and moments for the community to come together to help each other, too.

What does that mean if you get The Real Investing Course today?

It means you’ll also get immediate access to Technical Trading with Dave Floyd and Trading Strategy with Peter Brandt.

It’s all wrapped up in your Real Vision Plus membership.

Yep. This is one of the most important developments in Real Vision history.

So, are you in?
Yep, I’m In
July 26

The Real Investing Course
July 26

Technical Trading with Dave Floyd
July 26

Trading Strategy with Peter Brandt
October 2022

DeMark Indicators with Tom DeMark
Coming Soon

Trading Options with Imran Lakha
Lots more to come…
Frequently Asked Questions
A quick test to see if The Real Investing Course is for you (we’re not saying it’s for everyone)
How much does it cost (money-wise)?
How much does it cost (time-wise)?
What if I have feedback?
What if I’m into crypto only?
About Real Vision

Real Vision is a finance and education streaming service you can watch basically anywhere (mobile, desktop, tablet, smart TV).

Real Vision doesn’t have a single editorial view. We bring on the most diverse set of minds on all topics filtered through the lens of markets.

The result?

300,000+ Real Vision members get a competitive edge like no other on the planet…

Here’s What You’ll Get in Real Vision – The Real Investing Course

– Download Sample files “Real Vision – The Real Investing Course”

Course Requirement: Real Vision – The Real Investing Course
Real Value: $599
One-time cost: USD 131

Frequently Asked Questions For “Real Vision – The Real Investing Course”

How to make payment for “Real Vision – The Real Investing Course”?

  • Please add to the cart on this page and go to the checkout page. You can also add as many other products as you like and make a one-time payment.
  • We accept several types of Stripe payments such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, Google Pay, Apple Pay, and JCB, payments from customers worldwide. Paypal & Bitcoin please contact us.
  • We strongly recommend our customers make a payment through Stripe & Paypal. Because it is the safest and super secure for you as well as for us.

Is it safe?

  • 100% Secure Checkout Privacy Policy
  • Encryption of sensitive data and communication.
  • All card numbers are encrypted at rest with AES-256 and transmitting card numbers runs in a separate hosting environment, and doesn’t share or save any info.

How can we deliver the course?

How long do I have access to the course?

  •  How does lifetime access download?
  • After enrolling, you have unlimited download to this “Real Vision – The Real Investing Course”  for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own.

How to download “Real Vision – The Real Investing Course”?

  • Enjoy “Real Vision – The Real Investing Course” on your account page.
  • Download only one file at a time. Sometimes doing all of the files at once will lead to them all freezing.
  • Also, please do not attempt to download to a mobile device. These should be saved to a computer and then synced to devices such as phones and tablets.
  • You can also learn online instead of downloading, but we encourage you to download for better results and to view quality during your learning. Lastly, download times are much quicker in the mornings, before noon, Pacific time. during download make sure your device is not sleeping off the screen.

What is the refund policy “Real Vision – The Real Investing Course”?

  • We’ll Bear The Risk, You’ll Take The Results…
  • Within 30 days of purchasing “Real Vision – The Real Investing Course”, if you don’t get anything out of the program, or if your order has any problem, or maybe for some reason, you just don’t like the way it is. Please contact us and we will do our best to assist. Thank you for your understanding.

Have More Questions?

Our support staff is the best by far! please do not hesitate to contact us at email: [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help!

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Original price was: $599.00.Current price is: $131.00.

Get Real Vision - The Real Investing Course, Access to every single expert-led course we release as part of the Academy in the coming year, focused on different approaches and trading strategies.

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