The Ultimate Email Marketing Certification for the Modern Marketer
Become a Certified Email Marketing Master
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6 Hours
Follow along with these email marketing masters as they show you how to skyrocket your subscribers, drive up deliverability, increase your open rates, and craft high-converting copy so you can create an ATM-like asset that will pay you for years to come.
“Email Is Dead”…
It’s just one of those pesky perpetuations that continues to go around.
Kinda like hanging upside down will make you taller. (Don’t ask.)
With every new channel or regulation, that drum begins to beat again.
To relieve your suspense….it just ain’t true.
Do you know how I know?
I could go on and on citing different sources and throwing facts and figures at you (which I’ll do in a minute) but the truth is much more obvious than that.
Let me ask you one simple question…
Did you check your email today?
I bet I know the answer, so I’ll ask you a more appropriate question.
How many times have you checked your email today?
Heck, I’ll even do you one better… How did you find yourself on this page?
Yes, there are a number of ways you could have landed here, but the chances are you landed on this page because of an email.
Do you know how I know? Because we track it.
Check this out…
The screenshot above is of a report showing sales units by channel for a promotion we ran recently.
Email was responsible for 84% of sales.
Here’s another…
This is a similar recent report showing the revenue by channel across a handful of promotions. Email was responsible for 65% of the money that came in.
The fact of the matter is…
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Email Is Still The Backbone of This Business.
Hands Down There Is No Other Marketing Channel That Provides More Sales Volume, Velocity, or ROI Than Email.
And just so that isn’t passed off as opinion, here are a few of those smart-kid stats I mentioned earlier:
OptinMonster reports, when compared to the “Big 3” of social media (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter), email’s average open rate is 22.86% with a click-through rate of 3.71%, whereas social media’s engagement rate comes in at 0.58%.
Not to mention, of the 4 billion active users above the age of 15, 99% of us check our email EVERYDAY and some of us as many as 20 times a day. (that’s crazy). *
So with all those eyeballs, it’s no wonder why email drives anywhere between $36 – $44 in revenue for every dollar spent (convert that to a percentage and it’ll make your head spin).
That means, on average, email marketing comes in at a jaw-dropping 36 – 44x ROI, which makes it by far the most profitable sales channel available. (Compare that to 1.5x ROI on Facebook.)*
(image provided by
Well then the obvious question is…
“If that’s the case Ryan, then where is all my dang moolah?!“
Well, it would be a lie to say that email marketing hasn’t gotten hard. Like real hard.
Building a list has become much more expensive.
…Regulations have increased.
…Deliverability is complicated.
…Inboxes have never been more crowded and,
…Prospect’s trust has never been harder to earn.
It’s not a surprise there is a lot of confusion, fear, and frustration these days.
CPLs are up, open rates are down, and promotional folders are like fly paper made out of gorilla glue dipped in honey.
Marketers report their lists are lifeless, they can’t convert customers, and, of course, “email is dead.”
Well, we can promise you from the hundreds of thousands of dollars in our own internal email-driven revenue each month, as well as the millions a month made collectively by the instructors of this course…that is simply not true.
In fact, right now, as you’re reading this, it’s our opinion that …
Whether Your List Size Has Stalled, Your Open Rates Have Fallen Through The Floor, or Your Copy Just Doesn’t Convert Like It Used To…
You Can Still Build an ‘ATM’-like Asset That Spits Out Sales With The Push Of A Button…
…And Your List Will Love You & Look Forward To Your Emails.
That’s why we gathered some of the world’s top mailers and had them create the ultimate email marketing manual for 2022.
This certification is designed to give you the knowledge, skills, and confidence to strategically use email marketing to grow your business.
Once you have this updated email manual, you will have:
Complete confidence in a comprehensive email strategy that will provide repeatable & reliable revenue for you or your company
Fully written emails and ready-to-send campaigns that will drive dollars into your business almost immediately
Swipe files & fill-in-the-blank templates for everything from landing pages to lead magnets to emails and campaigns so you are ready to hit ‘send’ as soon as your finished
Total optimism about the future of email (and your ability to leverage it) to hit your goals and connect with your customers
This Newest Certification Covers Every Aspect of the Email Marketing Journey
…But, Most Importantly, This Is An ACTIVE Course
The Email Marketing Mastery certification provides a concrete, step-by-step process for developing and executing successful email marketing campaigns from some of the most successful email marketers in the world right now.
This comprehensive 10-module program covers everything you need to know to create successful email marketing campaigns that achieve your goals.
From strategic planning and list building, to tactical execution and measurement, you’ll learn everything you need to create an email strategy that engages and converts.
You’ll learn how to create engaging content, measure your results, and troubleshoot any problems along the way.
In addition to the comprehensive modules, you’ll also receive a workbook packed with notes, tools, templates, and worksheets so you can put what you’ve learned into action.
Using these tools to their full advantage means walking away with emails completed, copywriting integrated, and reports in place to measure success.
You will have a repeatable & reliable process to continue to grow email as a successful marketing channel.
This course is perfect for anyone who wants to increase their email marketing skills and improve their results.
Top-To-Bottom Insight…
Turn Your New Skill Into Sales
Learn the methods, the metrics, and the lingo, and get insider secrets from the world’s best marketers
Master the core functions of marketing, and turn those skills in new opportunities and additional revenue
Proven Strategies & Playbooks…
That We Train Our Own Team With
Let’s face it—You’re busy and time is scarce. Our Certification courses are created to deliver proven, actionable tactics and strategies without the added fluff.
We originally built these foundational courses to train our own team members, but in the spirit of “open sourcing” our business (which is what DigitalMarketer is all about) we’ve made these certifications available to the world.
World-Class Instructors…
Hand-Selected Faculty Experts
Get step-by-step instruction from digital marketing masters and business owners who do this stuff every day, and know what just works!
Tested, proven strategies developed by the best in the industry, including an ever-growing faculty of subject matter experts like…
Ryan Deiss, Co-Founder & CEO of DigitalMarketer
Richard Lindner, Co-Founder & President of DigitalMarketer
Russ Henneberry, Content Marketing Expert & author of Digital Marketing for Dummies
Pam Foster, Learning Chief at AWAI (American Writers & Artists, Inc.)
Molly Pittman, Digital Marketing Strategist and author of Click Happy
Ezra Firestone, Co-Founder & CEO of BOOM by Cindy Joseph
Plus Justin Rondeau, Mike Rhodes, Tom Breeze, Suzi Nelson, and MORE!
Verified, Resume-Worthy Achievements…
To Share With The World
Earn your marketing certifications from world’s largest digital credential network
Receive your Credential Badge & signed Certification from DigitalMarketer upon completion of each course
Print your certificates to show off in your office, and showcase your badges on your website, as well as LinkedIn and other social media profiles
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Course Requirement: Richard Lindner – Email Marketing Mastery
Real Value: $497
One time cost: USD 62
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