
Ricky Mataka & Mike Balmaceda – Simple Wifi Profits


Ricky Mataka & Mike Balmaceda – Simple Wifi Profits

Ricky Mataka & Mike Balmaceda - Simple Wifi Profits

Meet Two ANTI-GURUS Who Teamed Up & Went From
$0 To Over $6,700,000.00 Using This EXACT System
In a family full of doctors, accountants, and lawyers, Andrew Wright was seen as “the underachiever” from the start.
Chris started from nothing, quickly grew to $200/day, then $600/day, and then
…in just his second week, Chris made $2,000.00 for 7 days straight.
By the third week, he made $8,000.00 a day… all profit.

Since then, together they’ve made over $6.7 MILLION:
Their record in a SINGLE DAY is $127,677.37
Here’s The 4-Step Process That Makes This Work
#1 Find A Problem People Have
They found that the #1 problem people have is weight loss! In 2016, more than 1.9 billion adults were overweight and in 2016 over 13% of the world’s adult population was obese. This is the #1 problem they focus on. By helping these people solve this problem, you can earn a substantial side-income.
#2 Find A Product That Solves It
There are tons of experts out there already that are helping tens of thousands of people solve their weight-loss problem right now – all you need to do is find them! You can share their product with the people that need it and earn a commission.

(You don’t need to create your own product yourself – they’ve done 99% of the work for you!)
#3 Tell People About It Who Need It
Facebook has 2.45 BILLION monthly users, making up a ⅓ of the entire world’s population. It’s the perfect place to tell people with this weight loss problem, about the solution (the product). You can do this through easy targeting with ads. Using simple, intelligent ads, you can share the product you found with the people that need it. When people buy that product, you earn a commission.
#4 Make Sales & Profit
Once your ads are on and sales are flowing in, you pretty much get paid weekly. You can turn up your ad spend, show it to MORE people, and keep it going to make more money and scale your business. There’s hardly any maintenance involved, and once you know exactly who to target it just gets easier.
James Y:
Chirs & Andrew’s Star Student
From $0 to $70,000.00 Paychecks!
A Fraction Of Those Earnings?

Pay off your mortgage faster
​Help with the kid’s college fees
​Go on a vacation or two
​Take up a new hobby
​Buy a new car
​Make the house renovations
​Treat your partner/kids/friends
​Have a bigger retirement pot


Don’t need a lot of experience
​Don’t need technical skills
​Don’t need a special background/high IQ
​Don’t need to travel or leave your home
​Don’t need an existing business
​Don’t need a lot of money
​Don’t need to work hours a day
​​Don’t need to have clients/audience

Don’t need to talk to anyone
​Don’t need to sell your family / friends
​Don’t need your own physical/digital product
​Don’t need special connections or permission
​Don’t need to quit your existing job
​Don’t have to spend years doing this to see results

Introducing Simple WiFi Profits
The Last Affiliate Marketing Empire Course You Will Ever Need
Simple WiFi Profits is a training course by Chris & Andrew that will show you exactly how to copy their simple 4-step process… so you can start to live the life you dream of and deserve.

This system is not available anywhere else, but right here on this page.

Chris and Andrew are going to share the exact ads, products, and system they use in their own businesses, so you can duplicate this system for yourself.

Offer Expires In…
 YES! I Want To Join Simple WiFi Profits Now! Get Started For As Low As $577 – Take Action Now
Questions? Email: [email protected]
Here’s Their Goal:
To Help You Make $10,000.00/month OR More…
In your spare time!
Jonathon L. Started At Zero, Now He’s Earning $10,000.00/month:
Matt Y. Makes $300/Day As An Extra
Easy Side-Income
Marissa A. Was A Struggling Personal Trainer… Now She’s Earning $2,400.00/day:
Chirs K. Earns $5,000.00 A Day Now:
Remember James??
Here’s What You Get When You Sign Up For Simple WiFi Profits Today
The 8 Pillar Approach To Building Your Success:
PILLAR 1: Our Simple WiFi Profits System
Unlimited Access to Simple WiFi Profits Step-By-Step Training (& All Updates)
Value: $20,000.00
They’ll show you, A-Z, how to setup and automate every part of this system from the best products, to the best ads, and how to scale quickly to $10,000.00/month. All the information is current, updated, and working right now.
This isn’t theory. All the accounts you need are included, free, and ready to go.
PILLAR 2: Done-For-You Best Products
The Best Money-Making Products Right Now
Value: $2,997.00
To give you the best possible start, Andrew and Chris will hand you the exact products that are currently making them money TODAY or have made them money in the last 30 days.

Most of these are private and not available to the public.
You will be able to have them up and running in under 5-minutes, without any wasted money or time testing.
PILLAR 3: Done-For-You Ad Swipe File
Copy, Paste, & Earn
Value: $3,997.00
Now that you’ve got the products, it’s time to craft the ads! Chris and Andrew have even got that covered. They’re going to give you the exact ad text, images, and everything to copy and paste into your own campaigns.

These campaigns have made them and their students’ hundreds of thousands of dollars…
… And are proven to get the most clicks, most attention, and most sales for you.
PILLAR 4: Done-For-You Ad Targeting
Step-By-Step Intelligent Ad Targeting For Beginners!
Value: $1,497.00
Get the exact, step-by-step, click-by-click, intelligent Ad targeting formulas that can help you grow this business to $10,000.00/month and beyond, easily. These unique formulas are backed by a huge 95% success rate…
… And have proven that anyone can easily scale from making $100/day to up to $20,000.00/day!
PILLAR 5: 24/7/ 365 Day VIP Support Concierge
Including Chris, Andrew, and Their Expert Coaches
Value: $1,497.00
You can contact the support desk at any time with any questions, help, or set-up assistance you need. On the weekends, on a public holiday, it doesn’t matter – your success is their priority. These aren’t just people who are trained to give you a monotonous, scripted response.
The support comes directly from Chris and Andrew and the people who are earning already through this very process!
PILLAR 6: Monthly WiFi Bosses Coaching
Live Group Coaching Call with Chris, Andrew & Their Top Earners
Value: $1,297.00
On top of the 1:1 support, you’ll also get invaluable, live monthly group coaching, too! It’s a chance to join Chris, Andrew, and their successful students sharing the newest and greatest strategies that are working right now.

On top of that, you’ll be able to:

Get inspired by the successes other students are having
​Ask Chris and Andrew your own questions
​Screenshare with Chris and Andrew LIVE so they can see into your business and help you earn faster
​They can even take over your screen if you need help or extra guidance
​Plus, go-through click by click and set up things for you

This alone would cost $10,000.00+ for an hour of their time, but you get it every month for free!
PILLAR 7: WiFi Bosses Will “Call” You
Get A “Call” From Chris And Andrew With New, Cutting Edge Updates & Action Items
Value: $1,497.00
No one else in the industry is willing to do this…. But, Chris and Andrew believe it’s important to be on the cutting edge of any breakthroughs that happen week to week, day to day, in the industry.  So, every other Wednesday, they’ll “call” your phone with an update, action item, or even a student success story…
… To motivate you and help you earn MORE every week with this “SWP” system.
PILLAR 8: Private Mentorship Group
Lead By Mentors Chris, Andrew & $20,000.00 Coaching Students
Value: $2,497.00
Sometimes, you need that extra bit of top-level support to get you over the line – and Chris and Andrew know that!

That’s why on top of the step by step training, the products, the ads, the targeting, the VIP support, monthly coaching call, and that call every other Wednesday…

… You’ll ALSO get free access to their private mentorship group!!
It’s a chance to scale faster and see success sooner – take it!
Join Today
You’re Getting All This:

Unlimited Access to Simple WiFi Profits – Worth $20,000.00
​Done-For-You Products: The Best Ones We Use – Worth $2,997.00
​Done-For-You Ads: Our Exact Ad Text & Images – Worth $3,997.00
​Step-By-Step Intelligent Ad Targeting – Worth $1,497.00
​24/7/365 VIP Support Concierge Service – Worth $1,497.00
​Monthly Coaching Call With Chris & Andrew – Worth $1,297.00
​Chris & Andrew Will “Call” You 2X Monthly – Worth $1,497.00
​Private Mentorship Group With $20k Students – Worth $2,497.00

Get Started With This System
At the lowest price it’s ever been offered!
Offer Expires In…
 YES! I Want To Join Simple WiFi Profits Now! Get Started For As Low As $577 – Take Action Now
Questions? Email: [email protected]
What About The Bonuses??
If You Sign Up TODAY,
You’ll Also Get These Special Bonuses:
Just Added!!! Value: $497.00
Ricky: How I Did 26K Fans & 12K Clicks In 10 Days
** Brand New Ads Manager **
Brand New Fan Page You See It All!
Imagine building your fan page from scratch to 26,000 fans in less then 10 days and sending over 12,000 clicks to your affiliate offer!! $$$$$$

You get this as a Ricky Special Bonus if you get Simple Wifi Profits!!
BONUS 1: Copy Our Done-For-You $1,220,680 Campaign
Value: $4,997.00
There’s one campaign that they’re going to hand to you, which means even if you made 1/200th of it’s $1.2m fire power, you’d be able to pay for Simple Wifi Profits several times over with change to spare.

You’re going to get the EXACT product, special pages, ad text, ad images, and targeting Chris and Andrew used in that campaign as soon as you sign-up.

That means, in 30-minutes, you’ll have one of the most successful campaigns to come out of their system, inside of your own business, able to earn you sales daily.
BONUS 2: Done-For-You Outsourcing: We’ll Train VAs FOR You!
Value: $4,997.00
They’ll train virtual assistants and employees to run this business for you with their proprietary training system so you can work less while earning MORE!

You still need to put in time and effort in the beginning, but having fully trained VA’s waiting in the wings means that you won’t have to for very long.
BONUS 3: Instant Access To Our VIP Commission Club
Value: $997.00
GET Ricky Mataka & Mike Balmaceda – Simple Wifi Profits

Get an exclusive “SWP Student Only” 15% commission increase on already done-for-you products!

Having the success that Chris and Andrew do comes with some serious connections, and you get to cash in on them…

When you join SWP, they’ll negotiate an enormous 15% commission bump on your behalf.

That means you’ll automatically make 15% MORE for every sale than you would have without their support.

For example, when you make $200,000.00 in commissions, automatically, you get an extra $30,000.00 for free automatically added into your account (that’s an entire salary!)

In a few cases, they can even get you 30% extra in commissions… but that’s for SWP member’s eyes only!
BONUS 4: High Ticket Commissions: $1,000.00 Upgrade

GET Ricky Mataka & Mike Balmaceda – Simple Wifi Profits download

Chris and Andrew will show you a secret strategy you can implement to begin earning $1,000.00 for EVERY SALE you make, which is 20x the normal!

You’ll get all the ads, targeting, and everything they’re using to make this strategy work right now.

They made me promise not to reveal any more because this is a top secret strategy, and they don’t want it falling into the wrong hands.

But, as soon as you’ve signed up for the training, ALL will be revealed.
Plus, For The Next 15 10 People
Who Sign-Up Today ONLY…
FAST ACTION BONUS: Chris & Andrew Will PAY For Your First Few Ads With This System…
… SO YOU CAN Snowball Your Earnings!
Chris & Andrew will give you a voucher that will help you pay for your first few ads. This means that you don’t need to go into the program with ANY budget whatsoever, AND you’re as good as guaranteed to get off to a flying start!

It is a lot of money for them to put on the line…

… and that’s why this very special bonus is limited to just the next 15 people who take action and sign-up today.
Offer Expires In…
 YES! I Want To Join Simple WiFi Profits Now! Get Started For As Low As $577 – Take Action Now
You’re Protected Under
Their Zero-Risk, Fort-Knox-Strong,
45-Day Success Guarantee ️
Their Fort-Knox-Strong 45 Day Success Guarantee gives you the chance to put Simple WiFi Profits to work and experience success with the program – or they’ll coach you until you do!

If you STILL can’t make it work… here’s what they’ll do. They believe that if they can’t make you money with this system, then they don’t deserve any of yours in the first place.

So, they’ll give you a FULL refund on the spot.

How good does that sound?

To sweeten the deal even more…
When you make $10,000.00 in sales, Chris and Andrew will give you your entire course investment back!
That Means That
You’re Now Getting All This:

Unlimited Access to Simple WiFi Profits – Worth $20,000.00
​Done-For-You Products: The Best Ones We Use – Worth $2,997.00
​Done-For-You Ads: Our Exact Ad Text & Images – Worth $3,997.00
​Step-By-Step Intelligent Ad Targeting – Worth $1,497.00
​24/7/365 VIP Support Concierge Service – Worth $1,497.00
​Monthly Coaching Call With Chris & Andrew – Worth $1,297.00
​Chris & Andrew Will “Call” You 2X Monthly – Worth $1,497.00
​Private Mentorship Group With $20k Students – Worth $2,497.00

​Zero-Risk: Fort-Knox 45 Day Success Guarantee – PRICELESS
​EXTRA Deal Sweetener: $10,000.00 Challenge – Worth $1,497

​BONUS #1: Done-For-You $1.2M Campaign – Worth $997.00

BONUS #2: Done-For-You Outsourcing – Worth $1,297.00

​BONUS #3: VIP Commission Club Access – Worth $997.00

​BONUS #4: High Ticket $1,000 Commissions – Worth $2,997.00


Offer Expires In…
 YES! I Want To Join Simple WiFi Profits Now! Get Started For As Low As $577 – Take Action Now
Click Here To Get Simple Wifi Profits
Questions? Email: [email protected]
For A Short Time, You Can Get
EVERYTHING At The Lowest Price
It’s Ever Been Offered
On This Page And This Page Only!
You Can Invest In Simple WiFi Profits
For Just $1497.00
(Or 3 Easy Payments Of $577!)
That works out as just $4/day to get an entire system and support network that puts everything in your favor to transform your life.

$4/day is less than a coffee at Starbucks.

So, are you ready to sacrifice a coffee for a life-changing system just like these guys did?
Offer Expires In…
 YES! I Want To Join Simple WiFi Profits Now! Get Started For As Low As $577 – Take Action Now
Get All 8 Pillars + 5 Bonuses At The Lowest Price This Has Ever Been Offered!
Click Here To Get Simple Wifi Profits
Here’s Why
You Need To Act
Right NOW
#1: There Are Only 30 Available Spots
Ricky Extended All Spots Till EXPIRE!!

Chris and Andrew originally capped this offer @ 30 spots. After negotiation I was able to extend offer and all bonuses while page
is still active!

#2: LIMITED Bonuses

There are only 15 spots for the fast-action bonus, AND they can’t promise all the other bonuses will be around for much longer either. These bonuses are designed to accelerate and elevate this new business to a new level and are worth A LOT to you in the long run. So, you don’t want to miss out on them!

#3: The Training Is Starting In A Few Days

Chris and Andrew are kicking off the next critical piece of training in just a few days. They need people in, ready, and raring to go by then. If you don’t take action today, you won’t just risk having to play catch up… you could risk missing out ALTOGETHER for who knows how long!

#4: This Business Model Is Brand NEW

Only a handful of people have had access to Chris and Andrew’s system. It is one of those crazy rare opportunities that’s proven to work and is capable of earning HUGE profits. But, for now at least, hardly ANYONE knows about it.

Usually, the people that have first access to a system early on are the ones that benefit the most.

You can be one of those people.

That’s why, if this feels like the right fit for you, we’d recommend enrolling now.

You’ll get a great deal, secure every bonus, and have enough time to prepare yourself for a truly life-changing chapter you’ll want to tell your family & friends  about.
Offer Expires In…
 YES! I Want To Join Simple WiFi Profits Now! Get Started For As Low As $577 – Take Action Now
Get All 8 Pillars + 5 Bonuses At The Lowest Price This Has Ever Been Offered!
Click Here To Get Simple Wifi Profits
These People Were Facing
The Exact Same Decision That You Are Now…
FINAL Round-Up Of Everything
You’re Going To Get By Joining
Simple WiFi Profits
Within The Next Couple Of Minutes:


Here’s What You’ll Get in Simple Wifi Profits

Screen Recording 2020-11-25 at PM


– Download Sample files “Ricky Mataka & Mike Balmaceda – Simple Wifi Profits”

Course Requirement: Ricky Mataka & Mike Balmaceda – Simple Wifi Profits
Real Value: $1497.0000
One time cost: USD142.0000

Frequently Asked Questions For “Ricky Mataka & Mike Balmaceda – Simple Wifi Profits”

How to make payment for “Ricky Mataka & Mike Balmaceda – Simple Wifi Profits” ?

  • Please add to cart on this page and go to checkout page. You can also add as many other products as you like and make a one-time payment.
  • We accept several type of Stripe payments such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, Google Pay, Apple Pay and JCB, payments from customers worldwide. Paypal & Bitcoin please contact us.
  • We strongly recommend our customers to make a payment through StripePaypal . Because it is a safest and super security for you as well as for us.

Is it safe?

  • 100% Secure Checkout Privacy Policy
  • Encryption of sensitive data and communication.
  • All card numbers are encrypted at rest with AES-256 and transmitting card numbers runs in a separate hosting environment, and doesn’t share or save any info.

How can we deliver you the course?

How long do I have access to the course?

How to download “Ricky Mataka & Mike Balmaceda – Simple Wifi Profits” ?

  • Enjoy “Ricky Mataka & Mike Balmaceda – Simple Wifi Profits” in your account page.
  • Download only one file at a time. Sometimes doing all of the files at once will lead to them all freezing.
  • Also, please do not attempt to download to a mobile device. These should be saved to a computer and then synced to devices such as phones and tablets.
  • You can also learn online instead of downloading, but we encourage you to download for better results and viewing quality during your learn. Lastly, download times are much quicker in the mornings, before noon, Pacific time. during download make sure your device is not sleeping off screen.

What is the refund policy “Ricky Mataka & Mike Balmaceda – Simple Wifi Profits”?

  • We’ll Bear The Risk, You’ll Take The Results…
  • Within 30 days of purchased |Ricky Mataka & Mike Balmaceda – Simple Wifi Profits  |, if you don’t get anything out of the program, or if your order has any problem, or maybe for some reason, you just don’t like the way it is. Please contact us and we will do our best to assist. Thank you for your understanding.

Have More Questions?

Our support staff is the best by far! please do not hesitate to contact us at email: [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help!

You want to get “Ricky Mataka & Mike Balmaceda – Simple Wifi Profits” now right?!!!


Original price was: $1,497.00.Current price is: $89.00.

Get Ricky Mataka & Mike Balmaceda - Simple Wifi Profits immediately when you secure your purchase by clicking on the order button on this page You'll get all the ads, targeting, and everything they're using to make this strategy work right now. They made me promise not to reveal any more because this is a top secret strategy, and they don't want it falling into the wrong hands....

Purchase this product now and earn 89 Points!
10 Points = $1