
Robert Bruce – The Secrets of Manifestation and Healing


Format File: [8 FLVs], Think for a minute… think about how your life would be DIFFERENT if you were a MASTER of this moment…

Robert Bruce – The Secrets of Manifestation and Healing

Robert Bruce - The Secrets of Manifestation and Healing

If You’re Ready To Start Attacking, And Preventing Physical Disease RIGHT NOW, This Might Just Be The Most Important Letter You’ll Ever Read…
Dear Friend,

I would like to admit something to you.

And I do mean that I want to “admit” something… because I kept this a secret for many years of my life… and I couldn’t bring myself to admit it to ANYONE.

I have an automatic, deep, gut level FEAR that energy work doesn’t work.

This fear didn’t come from “failure” from doing energy work.

It’s not because my energy body won’t heal when I apply healing techniques.

In fact, one of the reasons I found it so hard to admit this problem to anyone was the simple fact that I COULDN’T EXPLAIN IT.

I can remember a time in my life where I’d see photos of the human energy body, and want to work on my own chakras and kundalini… and it felt as if there was a foot-thick wall of glass between me and my energy centers. It was as if there was a MENTAL BARRIER preventing me from stimulating and activating my energy body.

At one point in my life, I started to wonder if I was CRAZY.

I could be sitting there, reading instructions right out of a visualization guide… and be READY TO DO IT… but when I “started” to do the exercise, I felt absolutely nothing. At which point I’d be so frustrated that I would quit.

I guess it just seemed so DAMN STRANGE… I thought other spiritual practitioners would think that I was mentally disturbed if I talked about it.

Who ever heard of someone feeling like they couldn’t even successfully work on their own energy body?

Well, if you’re reading this right now, then I’m guessing that you know EXACTLY what I’m talking about here.

And the REASON you know is because you have had a SIMILAR experience.

At least there are TWO of us that are crazy. That’s comforting, huh?

The “Moment Of Truth”
As you already know, I spent a few years of my life REALLY educating myself… working on this problem… and figuring out how to overcome it.

The more time I’ve spent working on this particular “energy work” problem, the more I’ve come to realize an important insight:

This moment… the moment when you go to work on your energy body… and you consider it… what you believe RIGHT THEN … is actually a “Moment Of Truth.”

It’s a Moment Of Truth in terms of WHO YOU ARE.

This moment tells a story.

It tells the story of how well you understand yourself… how well you understand your energy body… how well you understand the “healing process”…

It also largely impacts and even DETERMINES THE OUTCOMES of the potential health and wellness you’re going to have with both your physical and energy body.

So much is condensed into these very short moments in your life. And so much is impacted by these moments.

If you really have this particular “moment” mastered, it has a massive impact on your overall life.

Think for a minute… think about how your life would be DIFFERENT if you were a MASTER of this moment…

How would you FEEL? What would be different about your ability to control your emotions?

How would you ACT? What would be different about the way you’d behave… and what would be different about how other people PERCEIVED you?

How would your success with your spiritual evolution be different? And how would that affect other areas of your life?

The bottom line is that if you invest the time and effort to master this “Moment Of Truth,” it will change your life. It MUST change your life.

“The Most Dangerous Mistakes
People Make When It Comes To
Manifestation And Healing”
I have spent literally YEARS learning how to overcome my own fear and self-doubt… and learning how to work on my energy body in different situations. I have also spent YEARS teaching other healers how to overcome THEIR fear and self-doubt… and teaching them how to successfully control their mental intent, stimulate and energize their chakras, and cause healing in their energy centers.

I would like to “boil down” the top mistakes that healers make when it comes to manifesting health and wellness… and then I’d like to teach you STEP BY STEP how to overcome ALL of these mistakes… and create MASSIVE success for yourself with manifestation.

Here are the biggest mistakes when it comes to energy body health:

MISTAKE #1: Not Knowing How To Deal
With Fear And Self-Doubt
We are ALL afraid.

That’s right. ALL of us are afraid.

In life, we all have fears… and it’s up to each of us as individuals to either choose to overcome those fears… or choose to let those fears run our lives.

For most of us spiritual practitioners, we experience intense fear self-doubt and when it comes to facing energy problems and trauma we don’t understand.

Here’s the part that’s a “pain in the ass”: When you’re experiencing fear and self-doubt, it feels like you’re the ONLY ONE IN THE WORLD who has EVER felt this way.

The feeling can be SO intense, that it seems IMPOSSIBLE that anyone else could POSSIBLY have a “case” as bad as you. Know what I mean?

I laugh when I think about it, actually.

I have spent many, many hours in situations… confused and frustrated by a problem in my life, or in my client’s energy body, but just not being able to do anything about it.

Then, later… after it’s all over… I think BACK to the situation… and shake my head because I just couldn’t figure out how to overcome my own FEAR… and just DEAL WITH IT.

The desperation that resulted from these situations was intense. It was embarrassing. It was DEMORALIZING. It sucked.

As a healer, one of the worst feelings you can have is that something is making you feel INCOMPETENT. And this was one of those situations for me.

I’m kind of hard-headed sometimes. Maybe I like punishment more than others… or maybe I just like to beat my head against the wall longer than most.

In any event… I didn’t give up.

Even though I was going through this experience over and over… of handling healing cases I wanted to solve… feeling fear and apprehension… not being able to find an effective solution… then thinking about it for hours (or days) after it happened… I just wouldn’t let go.

I became determined to “crack the code” on this one.

Well, one of the big “ah ha!” moments I had was the SIMPLE act of learning that I WASN’T ALONE.

Just like it takes some “nerve” to be a healer in the first place, it ALSO takes nerve to ADMIT when you’re having challenges in life.

And one of the things I learned about my “fear of manifestation and healing” was that instead of being “abnormal,” I was actually TYPICAL.

Imagine that.

Here I was thinking that I was energetically retarded… and then I find out that MOST healers have this same issue… and it’s just as intense for THEM as it is FOR ME!

Misery loves company… as they say. I guess that just LEARNING I wasn’t alone was enough to really encourage me.

But then I learned something even MORE important while I was learning how to overcome my own fears: I learned that MANY OTHER HEALERS had figured out how to OVERCOME this “fear and self-doubt issue”… which led me to my next “ah ha!” moment:

If they can do it, then so can I.

And I’ll tell you something right now: SO CAN YOU. And if you’re open-minded and willing to do a little work on your part, then I’d like to show YOU how to do it…

MISTAKE #2: Expecting The Worst
I have spent a lot of years reading Psychology and Holistic Healing books… and listening to audio programs… and going to seminars…

I’ve also spent a tremendous amount of time “testing out” the ideas that I’ve learned in these various books and programs.

As a result of all this “trying stuff out,” I’ve come to the realization that EXPECTATIONS play a very important part in RESULTS in life.

People who always expect bad things to happen… wind up having a lot of bad things happen to them.

People who only expect good things… wind up having a lot of good things happen.

Is this Voodoo? Am I talking about freaky New Age ideas that have no basis in reality of any kind?


I’ve never tried Voodoo, by the way… but if you have, and it works, let me know. I’m always looking for new ideas that WORK!

OK, back to the point…

I believe that the REASON why expectations are so powerful has to do with the part of your mind that psychologists refer to as the “unconscious mind.” Some call it the “subconscious mind.”

This is the part of your mind that’s “always on”… but it’s working “behind the scenes.”

Have you ever been walking along… or driving… and you sensed danger out of the corner of your eye… and before you knew it, you INSTANTLY responded to avoid the danger?

Things like this happen to us all the time… but we don’t really THINK about what’s happening in moments like these.

The reality is that when we go through an experience like this, there are “miracles” happening inside of us.

In an instant, before we have time to “think” about what’s happening, our entire mind and body have “taken over” and moved us out of the way of harm.

If you take just one aspect of one of these situations, the PHYSICAL MOVEMENTS, and examine it… you’ll find that more is going on than “meets the eye.”

In order for your mind to perceive the danger, realize that it IS danger, figure out how to respond, then get the body to actually MOVE in away that gets you out of the path of danger… requires a MASSIVE amount of “computing power.”

Fortunately for you, all of the “computations” are being done outside of your “conscious” awareness.

But WHERE is it all being done? How is it that you “know” what to do… and you even DO it… before you “realize” what’s going on?

It’s all being done in this part of your mind that I’m talking about. It’s all happening on the UNCONSCIOUS level.

Now, think about THIS for a minute:

Most practitioners who have problems manifesting and healing have one peculiar thing in common: They are all EXPECTING negative outcomes from the approach.

And they also have a SECOND thing in common: They don’t CONSCIOUSLY REALIZE that all of their expectations are negative.

If you take time to ask, or you stop to think about how it happens for YOU, I think you’ll realize that when you think about healing yourself, your UNCONSCIOUS mind starts to INSTANTLY think about all the NEGATIVE things that might happen.

In fact, for most healers, this “negative expectation program” literally TAKES OVER… and they CAN’T EVEN IMAGINE a positive outcome.

This “negative expectation” thing is kind of a bitch, by the way.

It’s painful… and it’s not easy to change…

UNLESS, that is… you know HOW.

You’ve learned one of the most important pieces of the puzzle for changing: AWARENESS.

Now that you KNOW about it, you can start to AFFECT IT…

Now you need to learn some specific techniques to REVERSE this thinking… and begin to expect POSITIVE things to happen when you do energy work…

MISTAKE #3: Having The WRONG Environment
Another important thing I learned about healing the energy body is actually something pretty OBVIOUS, when you think about it:

The energy body is under attack… one way or another… CONSTANTLY.

The energy body is affected powerfully in a hundred different ways every day.

Sometimes it’s a co-worker who sits at the desk next to yours who complains too often…

Sometimes it’s the person who takes your order at the coffee shop that gives you unnecessary attitude…

Sometimes it’s a random email from a colleague who is angry about something you didn’t even do…

Sometimes it’s a friend who keeps pushing their problems on you…

And the more this happens (both subtly and not so subtly), the more the energy body gets beaten up and drained of it’s vital energy supply. It literally bleeds.

Most people don’t realize that their everyday interactions are HURTING them. They don’t realize that the things they’re involved in are full of NEGATIVITY… and it making it so that’s almost IMPOSSIBLE for them to ever be healthy.

You’ve probably heard me say that “Only Positive People Get Healthy!”

It’s true, by the way.

Let me ask you a couple of questions:

1) Would you rather be healthy or ill?

2) So which environment do you need: positive or negative?

Right, the POSITIVE environment.

And humans have such a sophisticated energy body, that it picks up on even the smallest negativity. This is both a good thing AND a bad thing.

If the environment you are in on a normal basis is NEGATIVE, then it really doesn’t MATTER if you’ve learned to overcome your fear of problems or self-doubt … because you’re not going to get HEALTHY ANYWAY.

You can train for ten years and become the fastest runner in the world… but if you start off the race running in the WRONG DIRECTION, it’s going to be pretty hard to WIN.

So remember: When you are working on healing yourself, keep yourself in only POSITIVE environments.

There are a lot of specific ways to put yourself in “happy places”, and I’ll tell you some of them right now…


MISTAKE #4: Seeking Outside Help, Not Inside
If I could go around the world, and take ALL of the situations that happened today where a spiritual practitioner is trying to improve the health of their energy body… and then summarize and “condense” them into ONE “scene,” it would have an easy-to-recognize theme…

It would be a person who is afraid and doubtful… who is trying to find OUTSIDE help and assistance, rather than going INSIDE themselves for the answer.

For most people, they have it in their mind that they need to get what governments call “authorized assistance.”

They think that the most important thing is that they go to “doctors” and take prescribed “pharmaceuticals”.

Here’s what it looks like to an effective healer…

It’s like a practitioner is walking up with a big sign on his forehead that reads: “I want to have health and wellness … and therefore I need to follow conventional wisdom and get either surgery or pharmaceuticals.”

And guess what?


It never works.

Well, let me correct myself…

You will never win the lottery.

You MIGHT actually win the lottery… but you probably won’t.

And you MIGHT get healthy using pills and scalpels…

But you probably won’t.

I think I’ve made my point.

Using the “surgery and pills” strategy is a loser. It does not trigger energy body health. It never will. (It actively hurts the energy body, actually)

HEALTH is triggered by a TOTALLY DIFFERENT treatment.

It’s created by a practitioner who knows how to TRIGGER the healing process in their own body… not by the person who HOPES it will happen if they fill themselves up with expensive synthetic chemicals.


You’re energy body will reject the artificial crap, and shut it down faster than you can say “McDonald’s”.

MISTAKE #5: Thinking You Need To Be “New Age”
Answer this question:

When you’re in the bookstore looking through the New Age section (if you even still do it anymore), and you spot an interesting looking book… what’s the first thing you do?

As you know, it can be TORTURE to try to get anything worthwhile out of these New Age books.

This torture, of course, is SELF-INFLICTED.

And there’s a common “theme” at the root of this “self torture.”

This theme is that when we read a kooky New Age book, we tend to think, “Maybe I need to dress up in a funny robe, sit in lotus posture all day, and chant in ancient Sanskrit.”

Why do we do this?

Because we DON’T want to be mundane or SECULAR.

So we look at spirituality… try to be “New Age”… maybe try to start using “self-help” quotes in our everyday conversation to pep people up.

Here’s the problem:

Putting on this contrived fictional persona REMOVES YOU from your real core personality.

And that makes it harder for you make PROGRESS energetically.

The irony is that in our desire and attempt to be SPIRITUAL… we wind up going further away from our own authentic spirituality…

And to REAL SPIRITUAL practitioners, it comes across in EXACTLY THE WRONG WAY.

The “New Age, Eastern, funny robes” mentality communicates that you’re NOT genuinely spiritual…

And you just become one more “link” in the “kooky New Age chain”.


So what’s the solution?

The solution is to LEARN what to do when working on your authentic spirituality. Learn how the REAL practitioners do it… so you can get an UNDERSTANDING of what actually WORKS.

Only after you’ve learned from several experts… and then used their methods in the REAL WORLD… should you try to be “creative and original.”

MISTAKE #6: Not Having An Arsenal
Of Techniques “At The Ready”
You may have noticed that the mistakes I’ve been talking about have little or nothing to do with “techniques” and “affirmations.”

Why is this?

It’s pretty simple, really…

If you have all these other issues handled, then good “techniques” and other techniques are like GUNPOWDER. They’re INCREDIBLY powerful.

If you DON’T have these other issues handled, the best techniques in the world can’t help you.

So, STEP ONE is to get these other issues handled.

Step TWO is to then learn the very best energy healing and revitalization techniques… so you have “proven systems” for remedying and curing energy illness of ANY kind..

Until now, there’s been nowhere to go for the solutions to ANY of these problems.

Now there’s a place where you can learn to overcome and CONQUER all of these different problems… PLUS get an intensive training on all of the best step-by-step techniques and “quick solutions” for every possible situation…

Now YOU Can Learn To Heal…
And Never Worry About
“Visualization” Ever Again…
If you’re ready to finally kiss your energy illness and negativity goodbye – and give yourself the priceless skill of being able to cure any energy ailment in any body… revitalize natural energy body processes INSTANTLY… and leave yourself feeling supercharged… WITHOUT any visualization techniques… I have some exciting news for you…

I’ve put together an entire, one-of-a-kind program on “Manifestation And Healing”… and it’s going to turn your world around.

This program is NOT designed to simply educate you on the ins and outs of the energy body… and it’s NOT just going to give you a few great affirmations and techniques…

What this program IS designed to do is completely IMPLANT the skill of curing energy illness into your spiritual practice, routine, and lifestyle… and make it a PERMANENT part of you.

We start with the INNER game…

In the beginning, I’ll show you WHY spiritual practitioners have such a hard time understanding illness… why your self-doubt kicks in when you think about using “energy healing” for physical problems… why your brain is trained to create excuses NOT to use “alternative methods”… and why you can’t ever think of the right think to do to cause actual healing…

We’ll tackle each one of these problems HEAD ON… and permanently eliminate each one of them from your system… one by one.

From there… we move on to the TACTICS…

Did you know that one simple posture change in your body language when you’re meditating will TRIPLE the chances of your energy body rejuvenating?

You’ll learn this in the program (in only 30 seconds, in fact…) along with DOZENS of other little tricks that – when applied – practically FORCE your body to respond positively to you…

I’ll also show you how to stand out from every other spiritual practitioner that has ever tried healing energy work… even if you DON’T have some “amazing” psychic ability… and how to read the energy body’s signals FAST so you know when it’s REACTING to your techniques… the exact time you SHOULD implement a technique… and when you shouldn’t waste your time.

And that’s just the beginning…

From there… we move on to the WORDS.

In this program you’re going to learn literally loads of KILLER, word-for-word affirmations for connecting to your Higher Self…

You’ll learn ways to manifest healing and desires in EVERY situation… from your own bedroom to the local yoga center… and of course… easy ways to work on your own friends, family, students, and clients… people who need help, and people who usually wouldn’t ever use energy work NO MATTER WHAT.

I’m also going to share with you some of my “universal” techniques that work in practically ANY situation. I’m talking about my “secret weapons” that I’ve never shared anywhere else… for a selfish reason:

They are just TOO GOOD… and I wanted to keep them for myself!

But what the heck… I’m going to share them with you here (so long as you promise not to use them in or around the city of Los Angeles… I’m only half joking here!)

I’m also going to show you what to say NEXT.

The cure is only the beginning… and it’s important that you know how to transition into an wellness lifestyle smoothly… have yourself EXCITED about turning a new leaf in your life… and looking forward to dropping other plans to do more energy work!

All of this is covered in the program… and a whole lot more.

Here are just a few of the other things you’ll learn:

The one word to say in your affirmations for healing that DOUBLES your chances of being successful
How to INSTANTLY have a different affect on you energy body than any other healer ever has… so you’re energy body learns to react to your INTENT faster…
The 10 things that PREVENT you from successful healing – broken down and explained (I had to deal with each one of these 10 things personally… if you’re having problems doing energy work I GUARANTEE one of them is on this list… AND that I can show you a quick and easy way to ELIMINATE IT.)
A surefire way to completely eliminate that sinking feeling you get when you have an energy problem you can’t solve (Use this one “in the field” to get yourself back on track FAST.)
A lesson from early humanity that will help you completely destroy your fears of failure for GOOD
The real “genetic” reasons almost all practitioners are clueless about energy work (When you know what they are, it is almost too easy to dispel this ignorance FOR EVER.)
How to completely reprogram your subconscious and turn yourself into a “machine” that manifests healing in any body… anytime… in ANY situation… without even thinking about it
Why healing TOO MANY clients is a bad thing… and how to double your chances of success by picking and choosing
A reliable, never-fail way to remove “stuck” energy from the aura
A fun and easy exercise that increases your ability to feel your energy tenfold in just 7 days…
The single attitude that works best when approaching meditation (I’ll also show you how to install it in your personality. This alone can TRIPLE your chances of getting a positive healing response.)
A silly way to “play” with your energy that makes your meditation fun and exciting, rather than “routine”.
An awesome way to stimulate your chakras that gets them healing your body FOR you
The specific steps “naturals” take when recharging their chakras… and why they almost NEVER fail (I’ll show you how to use their natural “success formula” and energize your chakras in a way you’ve NEVER felt before…)
The “universal signal” ALL Higher Selves give off when they are ready to communicate to their Lower Selves (a surefire way to know when it’s “ON”)
The special signal nearly all chakras give you that tells you exactly when they are in overdrive and kicked into the “next gear”.
The exact specific locations of your chakras and where to begin targeting your healing “laser beam”
How to identify the places in your body where energy blockages are clogging up the natural flow of energy… and ways to immediately remove the congestion
As easy way to amp up the activity of your chakras and kundalini… so you develop your latent psychic abilities organically
The Higher Self Explained – Exactly what it is… what it’s responsibilities are… and how to connect with it FAST… and what to do once you’re in communication…)
How to negate self-doubt and irrational fear of success… and how to use them to IGNITE confidence in your techniques
The truth behind addictions like alcohol, cigarettes, and food (the sad thing is that most psychologists have NO IDEA that this truth even EXISTS… and if you don’t know it, then you can’t end addiction completely.)
12 BIG No NO’s that KILL any healing instantly (even “naturals” make one of these mistakes every once in a while… so listen up)
Why using feelings rather than imagination actually has a far more powerful impact on your energy work (When you hear this you’re going to be relieved and EXCITED… because you’ll know how to heal yourself and awaken your energy body with ZERO visualization skills on your part…)
An excellent technique to use while sitting in your car at a red light, or hanging out in a waiting room that gives you the BOOST you need to finish off the day
Get immediately download Robert Bruce – The Secrets of Manifestation and Healing

The World’s BEST Reveals His
Secret Affirmations, And Field-Tested
Techniques For Transforming
The Energy Body…
To ensure that my techniques are the most effective in the world… I’ve tested them all on real live clients… this program has literally been 35 years in the making.

You’ll get to “look over my shoulder” as I lead an entire audience of professional healers and psychics at Edgar Cayce’s institute (the Association for Research and Enlightenment) through live healing exercises.

You’ll also hear stories from my “vault” of precious learning experiences from my 1000s of healing cases… and I’ll practically HAND YOU all of the secrets I’ve worked so hard to discover…

What you learn from this progam will shave YEARS off of your learning curve… so listen up…

Here are a few of the other awesome secrets you’ll learn from this:

Why some energy bodies RESIST a specific technique, while others respond to it (Here’s how to get around this, and make all energy bodies respond)
The 5 secrets of successfully using affirmations and incantations that go AGAINST common sense – discovered in an astral projection I had
A surefire sign that you should NOT do a particular technique (Most healers miss this and fail every time)
How to tell if an energy center needs to be “revived”… and you can be the one to provide the “CPR” energetically
Specific questions to ask your Higher Self when you get connected to it… and also petition it to guide you to success
How to create a powerful impact on your energy centers and TRIGGER the unveiling of your Third Eye clairvoyance
We all know that New Agers want to be psychic… but real psychics don’t want to be New Agers… what they really want to be is a scientific spiritual practitioner. Here’s how to leverage modern science to make sense of ancient wisdom
Why the best way to avoid energy body illness is to stop doing VISUALIZATION. Here’s a magical concept that opens the doors to having prolonged full body energy ECSTASY lasting for days at a time…
How to meet other spiritual practitioners that are “natural” psychics
How to use your close friends as your “practice” clients and make them have such a good time they’ll want you to “practice” on them again and again
A step-by-step method to have your energy body attract bright positive energy toward you… creating a “snowball” effect that will literally FORCE your energy centers to clean themselves and heal their illness, because they simply CANNOT handle all the positive energy! (This is one of the “hidden secrets” of yogic masters – and how they make it look so easy…)
The Higher Self Agreement – How a “true psychic” sets up a lifelong relationship with their Oversoul…
The 5 things you should NEVER say when doing affirmations… that almost all students THINK will work
“The Spinal Bounce” – Begin arousing your kundalini by following this one tip (I’m even nervous about sharing this one)
How to increase the effectiveness of your techniques by positioning your physical body in the right posture
A simple but powerful exercise you can do that INSTANTLY arouses your energy centers and
Why doing affirmations and incantations verbally out loud increases the efficacy by a factor of 10
How to use mind over matter, and kill destructive addictions simply by doing these “thought” experiments
What you must do differently when targeting specific chakras, rather than your whole body
A LIVE DEMO of how to successfully do NEW Energy Ways techniques that generate HEALING (Watch as my audience of skilled psychics and doctors practice feeling their way to better health, one body part at a time)
The 90/10 Rule – How to get the “biggest bang” from your energy exercises without going overboard
The deadly mistake that prevents some healers from EVER succeeding with manifestation (luckily it can be changed fairly easily… IF you know what it is…)
How to easily thwart the efforts of a person who is trying to intrude on your “happy place”
The 3 reasons why a failure to do energy work is pre-programmed inside of the human brain… and how to dissect and DEFEAT each of them one by one
A simple energy movement that will GUARANTEE you go into deep trance for easier energy work (This one is PURE GENIUS… and you’ll use it in every meditation you do from now on)
How to make the techniques you learn a part of your true self… and be the genuine spiritual practitioner that MAGNETICALLY attracts positive energy
A simple exercise that increases the speed of your learning (Practitioners who know this are able to master the art of energy center healing in DAYS not YEARS… and now you will, too…)
A mistake 9 out of 10 “newbies” make that actually hurts their energy body
A proven method to build an impenetrable mental shield for yourself… so even the harshest negativity slides off your back (I got this from a psychiatrist… so he knows his stuff. This piece of knowledge ALONE is worth the price of the program…)
A “recipe-like” way to build your self-esteem while you are learning… so you become stronger and stronger as you get better and better
A psychological trick that gives you the ability to completely eliminate anxiety and stress from your life
The single biggest thing that holds people back from REALLY succeeding in life
A simple exercise that will allow you to SKIP THROUGH the frustration of learning how to approach do energy work and start seeing yourself as a master of your health and wellness TODAY
How to create a powerful sense of fulfillment in yourself that powers you towards achieving your goals
How to finally get off of your ass and start living life in the best and most fulfilling way possible
How to identify and CRUSH the big excuses you are making for yourself with your personal health and in life and become your PERFECT self
How to use your surroundings to create impenetrable “health zones” in which you can do your energy work
A totally comfortable and natural way to stimulate and energize your chakras (Mark my words – meditation will become your “home away from home” after you hear this one and just how well it works…)
As you can see… I left no stone unturned.

This program will give you ALL of the tools… but more importantly… by going through this intensive training, you’ll gain the ACTUAL SKILLS you need to use them successfully.

But don’t get me wrong… this program is NOT for everybody…

How Can You Know If
This Program Is For You?
The bottom line is that there are 3 types of practitioners that will benefit from this program:

Spiritual people who have a hard time doing energy work… have never done meditation “right” or understood it properly… and want a shortcut to success that will give them this skill without having to spend YEARS learning it on their own
Healers who are already ok at energy work… can handle healing in some or most situations… but aren’t always getting positive responses, and don’t always solve the problem or cure the energy illness, because they aren’t turning on the natural healing mechanism POWERFULLY enough
Practitioners who are already GOOD at energy work, who simply want to load their arsenal with a TON of killer affirmations, new ideas, and advanced techniques (such as approaching specific energy problems, how to stimulate chakra development & awaken latent psychic abilities, etc…)
Of course for students in groups #2 and #3 it’s a no brainer… but what about people in group #1?

If you’re a practitioner who has struggled with meditation and energy work, there is a very good chance that this program contains exactly what you need to master this skill quickly and easily…

But just to be SURE… here’s what I want you to do:

I want you take a moment right now and ask yourself WHY you can’t naturally and comfortably do energy work healing.


Is it because:

…you don’t know what to expect when you actually do it?

…you care what other people think or might think?

…you don’t want to fail?

…you don’t know what to do or believe… or don’t believe what you do will “work”?

…you think it’s “dangerous” to consciously direct the natural healing force inside your energy body?

…because you have a poor self-image, low self-esteem, and little or no self-confidence?

…or do you make each situation too important… and feel that if you failed it would mean something bad about YOU as a person?

Or is it because you can’t control the fear that stops you? You want to, it’s logical… but in the moment, something takes over, and you can’t control it?

If you answered “yes” to one or more of these questions, then I have some good news for you…

We are going to battle and CONQUER every single one of these problems in the program.

I came up with this list based on MY OWN personal experience – these are the problems that I had when I was trying to get this down.

Since then… I’ve had to conquer each one of them for myself… and now, I’d like to show YOU how to do the same… without going through all of the pain, frustration, and rejection that I had to deal with… and especially without taking months or even years to do it.

Point blank: This program will BRAINWASH you. The tools and exercises you learn from my guests and I are going to rid your mind of the fears that are holding you back, and unlock the confidence and power that you KNOW is inside of you.

Why This Program Is
Very Different From
Everything Else Out There…
Let’s face it… “techniques” are easy to find.

Of course… you’ll have to dig for several years to find lines as good as the ones you’ll hear in this program… but that’s not the point.

What I want to make clear to you is this:

The techniques by themselves are NOT ENOUGH.

I don’t care if you have the best technique in the world… if you don’t have “the rest,” chances are it WILL NOT work for you. And even if it does, it won’t be nearly as effective.

If you’ve ever learned what you thought was a fantastic meditation… only to have it DO NOTHING when you actually tried it out… then you know what I mean.

But… when you DO have a mastery of the REAL things that make a healing session go well… it almost doesn’t matter WHAT you’re technique is.

Almost ANYTHING will work. I’m serious.

And here’s the best part … when you have the knowledge of what REALLY makes a manifestation go well… AND a great “technique” to boot… you become practically UNSTOPPABLE.

Energy problems that have resisted a dozen techniques in a row respond to YOU, and are CURED by you instantly…

Very painful energy trauma is so shocked to finally be tackled by a healer who is truly competent that it literally VANISHES within minutes of you applying your intent… no additional effort or “hoping” required…

This program is different because it teaches you the“other stuff”… the stuff that is MORE IMPORTANT than the actual techniques themselves… in addition to teaching you techniques that are so good they could almost “stand alone” in the hands of a fresh beginner.

Put all of this together, and it almost feels like cheating.

Here are the things you will learn in this program that you simply CANNOT find anywhere else… and the reasons why this program is completely different than anything else that has ever been done before:

1. A Total Mental Reprogramming
Of course all tactics are USELESS without the balls to actually approach an energy problem… and through the use of simple exercises and demonstrations, we are going to smash through each one of the things that are holding you back from manifesting the wellness want.

We are going to turn you into a FEARLESS HEALING MACHINE.

From the moment you finish the program, you’ll feel new surges of confidence throughout your body. You’ll wonder what happened to the fear and nervousness you used to feel when you would see a problem in your health life… because those feelings simply WON’T be there. Instead… the site of an energy blockage will bring a smile to your face… because you’ll know EXACTLY what to think and do… and you won’t even surprise yourself when you work on it with total confidence and ZERO hesitation… make it disappear… and finish your meditation with a cleaner, revitalized energy body. And you’ll do this again and again and again. It’s now a part of your life. And it FEELS GOOD.

2. Actual LIVE Presentations – So You Can SEE And HEAR How It’s Done…
Most practitioners never realize that HOW you think about health and wellness is more important than the THOUGHTS you have…

This is the first ever AUDIO/VIDEO program dedicated to NEW Energy Ways healing… and in it, you’ll learn how to use your mental intent to trigger your energy body’s natural healing “switches” – the triggers that FORCE your energy body to promote physical wellness.

Nearly all “naturals” do this instinctively… but most “regular” practitioners never even THINK that it would make a difference. Guess what… it does. And you’ll learn this the very first time you go through the program… and start using this simple trick the same day to make your body feel HEALTHIER for you.

3. How To Use NEW Energy Ways To SUPERCHARGE Your Chakras And Energy Centers
Another crucial aspect of manifestation and healing is your CHAKRAS.

The energy body is about TEN TIMES better at picking up emotions and sensations than the physical body… and if your energy even hints at illness or sickness… your energy energy body will begin reacting to it before you even consciously realize its there.

In this program, you’ll learn how to tweak your chakras and energy centers so your energy body automatically kills negativity… and builds an impenetrable resistance to harmful vibes.

When you have this down, your work is half done. In this program, you’ll learn how…

4. How To Handle EVERY Energy Illness
In this program, you’re going to learn how mentally manifest healing ANYWHERE.

But… the things you do to successfully handle healing in one setting are often FAR different than you would do in the next.

You’re going to learn how to petition your Higher Self to provide special energetic intervention in your health, or your clients.

You’ll also learn what you MUST do differently when using your own affirmations.

You’re going to learn what you must do differently when you’re facing a severe chemical addiction to a drug, like alcohol, or something less destructive, like cigarettes.

By the time you are finished going through the material, you are going to have a COMPLETE set of skills. The world will be your playground… you’ll know how to analyze every situation with the skill of an orchestra maestro… and do exactly the right thing, every time.

5. How To Master These Skills FAST
But perhaps the most amazing thing is just how fast you will get this skill down.

NONE of the practitioners I know are “naturals” when it comes to using NEW Energy Ways… myself included.

We had to learn this stuff the HARD WAY.

We’ve already made all of the mistakes… and figured out what works.

Because of this, we can show YOU how to master this skill in the fastest amount of time humanly possible.

I actually think you’ll be AMAZED at just how easy it is, once you know what you’re doing. I’m really excited to share this stuff with you… because I KNOW it’s going to change your life…

You’ll Also Get A FREE Live
“Interviews With Spiritual Gurus”
Video Just For Trying This Program…
As a very special one-time bonus, I’d also like to give you a FREE interview from my Interviews With Spiritual Gurus monthly interview program.

Here’s how it works: Order now, and I’ll throw in a FREE full-length track of my Interview Series as a bonus for just trying this program.

I’m so sure you’re going to love this interview that I’m even going to just let you have it in hopes you’ll choose to join the membership afterward.

If you get this awesome interview and you DON’T love it and get IMMEDIATE success with the material you learn, then don’t sign-up. In other words, you get to keep your bonus for free either way… even if you don’t ever subscribe later.

This bonus is worth 67 bucks alone, and it’s yours free just for trying this program – but this special free-interview offer is only available with your purchase right now.

[To read more about my Interview Series, click . For your convenience, this will open a new tab in your browser]

Watch This Entire Program Online RIGHT NOW, And Immediately Learn How To Transform Your Health And Wellness

Over 8 full hours of professional training of me PERSONALLY teaching you everything I’ve described above
High resolution videos delivered to you “on demand” for your immediate viewing online
A full length FREE video from my Interviews With Spiritual Gurus monthly interview series

2 of my never-before-released books, including “Healing With The Heart” (in both text and audio book format), and “Secret Book Of Poetry”
You’ll get the interview and books free, just for trying this program
What’s the price for an amazing program like this? Well, even though it will probably save you thousands (or tens of thousands) of dollars and save you YEARS of time and frustration, your investment is only one easy payment of $197. This affordable plan includes immediate access to my program, so you can get started right away. And it comes with my better-than-money-back “I’ll take all the risk” Guarantee…

This offer includes FREE UPDATES FOR LIFE as I continuously update and improve my techniques for manifestation and healing the energy body.

Don’t Decide Now… Try My “Manifestation And Healing” Program Risk-Free For 30 Days…
I know this program is going to change your spiritual life forever.

I know that it’s going to help you transform your personal health and wellness.

And I’m so convinced of that fact that I’d like to let you try this program RISK FREE. That’s right, if you watch it and don’t love it – return it and I give you back all of your money.

No questions asked, no hassles.

Every single dime.

Here’s what I’m going to do for you:

You can watch my “Manifestation And Healing” program on your computer starting right now.

Use the materials all you want for up to 30 days. If you like it, keep it. You’ll be billed automatically.

If you decide it’s not for you – for ANY REASON – simply let me know within 30 days of your purchase. I’ll remove your access to the videos and refund all your money immediately. No questions asked.

Can it get any better?

Of course it can…

I also realize that a serious investment like this might stretch your current budget a little bit. So I’d like to sweeten this deal and truly make it “an offer you’d be crazy to refuse”.

If you order right now, I’ll spread your payments out so they’re MONTHLY. You’ll make your first payment immediately, and then be charged in equal monthly installments over the next four months. It’s that easy.

I could not POSSIBLY make it any more easy or low risk for you.

When you click below, you’ll be taken to a secure order page where you can order your program (just use a valid credit or debit card for your order).

I truly want to help you optimize your health and wellness. I get emails every day from practitioners who are using these materials to improve their success with manifesting health, and I want to help you too.

Click the button here now, to place your order:

Credit and Debit Orders Only

It’s no secret that being able to manifest and heal successfully is a CRUCIAL skill.

Without it, you’ll be forced to settle for what life gives you – in the form of lucky injury recoveries and western medicine’s “pharmaceutical” approach… but to me those are totally inadequate and even dangerous.

But when you have the ability to literally manifest your desires and promote instant healing in the energy body (and thus physical)… things feel VERY different…

From the very first day you get this program, your view of the world is going to CHANGE COMPLETELY.

Simply doing a meditation will become an adventure… you’ll know that you can completely clean up and energize your entire energy body… and become psychic.

It feels a whole lot better than doing random meditation, second-guessing yourself… and kicking yourself for not taking action.

So now YOU have a decision to make.

Are you going to take what life hands in you when it comes to healing?

Are you going to make the same choice that the LOSERS make… and leave your health and well-being up to LUCK?

Get immediately download Robert Bruce – The Secrets of Manifestation and Healing

Or are you going to take the bull by the horns… learn how to manifest what you want… and CREATE YOUR OWN DESTINY?

Are you going to play to WIN in the wellness game… and in the game of life?

I certainly hope so. But it’ s up to YOU to prove it to yourself.

Click on the button above, and order this program now.

It’s time for you to start winning this game… and I want to help you do it.

Let’s make it happen!

Click that button, and order now.

And I’ll talk to you again soon.

Your Friend,


Robert Bruce

P.S. This program will give you the ability to smoothly and easily manifest the quality of life you want… anytime and anywhere… and you will get it down in DAYS, not months or years. This is a skill that 99% of humans will NEVER have… and once you acquire it, your health and wellness will be at your command, while others settle for a conventional (sickening) lifestyle. By getting this down, you are literally cheating the odds… because you will no longer have to settle for what life happens to throw out you when it comes to your personal energy and vitality. Years from now, you’ll look back on this as THE START OF IT ALL… and I’m excited for you. Congratulations on making the decision to be the very best.

P.P.S. If you have any questions about this program, just go to my .

Watch And Listen To A Live Sample
Of This Program…
Click here to order now:

Credit and Debit Orders Only

Read What Others Have To Say…
(These have been edited and names changed to initials for privacy)

“I relaxed into a comfortable posture, quieted my mind, and entered my healing meditation like Robert teaches. Within minutes I started feeling a wonderfully exciting feeling coursing through my energy body. I could literally feel the healing happening. Your materials helped me to do this.”

– R., Ottawa, Canada

“This is the most in depth material anywhere in regards to manifestation and the Higher Self. This program is not just for beginners, either, it can help you not matter what your stage. Personally I have achieved 4 times my usual success with healing in the last year due to Robert’s program.”

– T., LA

“I’ve tried a lot of healing classes in the past, but since training with Robert, I’ve really improved the results I get with my clients. If they learn about this stuff, I’ll probably go out of business, because they won’t need my services. That’s a good problem to have as a healer!”

– N., LA

“I would highly recommend the Manifestation And Healing program because it gives you step by step instructions on how to conquer the fear that a lot of practitioners have about this. I am now a lot more comfortable about doing healing energy work on clients. I have noticed that now my customers come back noticeably more often!”

– J., Orange Co, CA

“Someone would be a fool if they are out in the spiritual world, not to start out with Robert Bruce. I do energy meditation now with A LOT more than I used to. My new problem was what to do after I sat down and closed my eyes. The Manifestation And Healing trained me to successfully recharge my entire energy body.”

– M., La Jolla , CA

“This seminar taught me a lot about how the energy body works. Before this seminar, working on my energy was a very difficult thing for me. I’ve gotten to the point now where I can deal with it. I just discovered Robert Bruce recently and I think he is like a “school of wizardy” for manifestation, you just don’t learn this kind of stuff anywhere else. Every since I started using Robert’s stuff, it’s been like turning on a light switch with my spirituality… I really get it now.”

– J., San Francisco , CA

“My chakras are still reeling with happy excitement after doing just my first exercise. I can’t imagine what bliss I’ll feel after doing this for a full hour!”

– S., Los Angeles, CA

“If you never master how to heal yourself, you’re never going to experience lasting wellness. It’s that simple. Thanks to Robert Bruce, I’ve had a beautiful, clean energy body and physical body for a year now. My previous holistic healer has no idea how I went from my old poor condition to having a bright sparkling aura so quickly. That is how powerful this stuff is!”

– W. , LA

“I can now recharge and rejuvenate my energy body and chakras whenever I want to, no matter where I am. That is something I could never have dreamed of before. I sucked at meditation before this program and since I have experienced a drastic improvement.”

– K. , LA

“I am the biggest “doubting Thomas” you’ll ever meet. I’m notorious for being a skeptic. But I confess that after trying Robert’s Manifestation And Healing program I am seeing and feeling noticeable changes in my personal and professional life. I’m happier, more outgoing… I’m just proud to be alive now. It’s all about energy work.”

– S., Boston

“As soon as I learned the healing and energy work techniques I started picking up on immediate results in my own personal health. I’ve regained feelings in certain areas of my body that I thought I’d lost a long time ago. It’s as if the NEW Energy Ways techniques re-awaken all the life force in your entire energy body.”

– M.K., Miami

“I was never really good at meditation and energy healing techniques, but it’s amazing how that’s all change since studying Robert’s work. I look forward to my private meditation time, and I can’t wait to get home from work, eat dinner, and settle into my energy work routine. I’m addicted to making progress with this now.”

– J., Century City , CA

“I am not as intimidated by other spiritual practitioners, because I have the magic key to long-lasting health and wellness. I’ve learned to go for my goals, and manifest my desires. My colleagues in the workplace can’t get over the fact that I’ve got all sorts of fresh ideas and enthusiasm for success all of a sudden.”

Here’s What You’ll Get in Robert Bruce – The Secrets of Manifestation and Healing

Robert Bruce - The Secrets of Manifestation and Healing

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