Step 1 – they know they need to do it!
But Step 1 is hard…
So they don’t do it, even though they know they need to!
Instead, they move onto Step 2 – because Step 2 is easier, more exciting, and they think. “Well, when I get Step 2 done, I’ll return to Step 1.” Which they don’t. Because Step 1 is harder than Step 3…
So they move onto Step 3 instead, while applying the same logic.
“When I’m done with Step 3, I’ll go back to Step 1…”
Which by now, you understand what happens next and, of course, the destruction of this cycle. They never make it back to Step 1, and soon, time catches up with them and demands to be paid…
Step 2, Step 3 and Step 4, have no value without Step 1.
So, how do you fix this?
You don’t allow them to proceed to Step 2, until they have mastered Step 1.

0:26 – The Asset You Are Missing: Establishes Authority, Validates Concepts, Creates Demand
1:34 – $36,000 Challenge: Not to Mention, The 8-12 Month Holding Pattern
2:06 – The $3K Knock-Off: The Dangers Of Traveling This Path. Hint: “Plastic Surgery in Tijuana,” Cheap But Advised Against
4:55 – Establishing An “Entire Ecosystem:” How To Get Your Audience To Hangout With Your Content, So It Becomes “Their Path” To Desired Result
6:19 – Sitcom-Based Content vs. Feature Film: How Hollywood’s Concept Destroys Personal Audiences
9:43 – Walter White vs. Simon Sinek Case Study: Difference Between Audience Addiction & Appreciating Knowledge
12:53 – Book Types, Finding Your Format: Insiders Look At Two Different Kinds Of Books
15:17 – How To Reverse Engineer The Creation: Books To Control OPN: Own Personal Narrative
16:50 – CrossFit® WODs vs. IOD: (Impact Of The Day): The Secret Of 15-Minutes Of Death & Forced Initial Transformation
18:39 – Greg Glassman vs. Ryan Fletcher: The Fundamental Connection Between Developing Athletes & Storytellers
23:49 – 90-Day Transformation: The Science of 1% Daily Improvement Across Mind, Body, Business, Relationships
26:23 – Hero Worship vs. True Community: Students Are Leaders. Leaders Are Students. Everyone Is The Teacher
30:48 – In The Trenches, The Fight To Achieve: Accountability vs. Teammates. Inspiration & Discipline Come From Within
32:09 – How Communities Crowdsource Challenges: The Secret Of 50X Better Solutions In Less Time Becomes The Norm
33:22 – Eyes Opened, Power Of Sitcom-Based Content: How Anyone Can Choose To Walk This Path To Create OPN-Based Assets

My good friend Patrick Bove, one helluva copywriter at Stansberry Research, tagged me in a post the other day. He was addressing the question he gets several times per week.
Which is:
“What’s the fastest way to get good at copywriting?”
Keep in mind, people ask that same question about everything:
— “What’s the fastest way to lose 20 lbs?”
— “What the fastest way to be good content creator?”
— “What’s the best way to turn $100 into $2million?”
He answered:
“Each time – my answer is the same: There are no shortcuts. It takes years for even the most promising junior to become dangerous. I’ve met ONE exception to the rule… Ryan Fletcher. And I don’t expect to find another like him anytime soon.”
Back when I was a copywriter at Agora, where I met Patrick, I was often asked the same question. Some version of “What’s your secret?” Like “How did you get so good so fast?” In other words, “I want to be as good as you, but I’m not… So what am I missing?”
Each time – like Patrick – my answer was the same: “I have more binders than you.”
That’s it.
That’s my secret. I read more books. I studied more packages. I collected more templates. I organized more of that research into a binder system, so that I could actually use it – not just collect it…
“I have more binders than you.”
But really, it comes down to something simpler. Commitment. When I make a commitment, I’m committed. I wasn’t “interested” in becoming a good copywriter, as Patrick pointed out. I was committed to it. That commitment then mapped to my behaviors.
“I have more binders than you” is simply the visual demonstration of that commitment.
People ask me, “How in the hell did you build ImpactClub®?” Same answer. I was committed to building it. I wasn’t “interested” in building it. I was committed, and every day I strive to get just 1% more built…
ImpactClub® isn’t built. It’s barely in it’s infancy.
It’s a child. It’s a baby.
When we’re donating $100million per quarter, $400Million annually, then I’ll consider it built. Right now, at just $170K per quarter, and $660K annually – that’s just a good start.
But it ain’t built!
Which gets to the difference: “Committed vs. Interested.”
People who are interested, see an outcome and just want it. Whereas, the person who is committed, imagines an outcome that is far bigger than he can see, then commits to getting a just 1% closer each day.
Now apply this to “The Journey” of becoming your very best self. Assuming there was NO Compounding, 1% daily improvement would equal a 365% better you at the end of one calendar year.
But Compounding does exist, so in reality, that’s a 37X better you.
3700% growth… Everyone is interested in that.
1% growth… Only the Committed are interested in that.
Which is why only the Committed eventually experience 3700% growth. It takes a disciplined and dedicated person to purposely strive for 1% improvement every day.
“I have more binders than you”… compiled one page a time.
Thankfully, the people I surround myself with – from employees to my team of freelancers, to my clients and members, and co-founders within ImpactClub®, are just those kind of people.
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Committed, not just interested…
Because interested people, frankly, just annoy me.

Some people think I’m bullshitting them when I say,” 90-Days to a new business.” But I am not, it’s rooted in my own experiences. First in real estate. Then in AMS, and soon in ImpactClub®…
My good friend Chris Brisson and I, had a phone call yesterday.
We talked content-strategy.
Not distribution.
Not scale.
Not impact.
Because without that in-place first, the other three don’t matter. In fact, the other three are the major reason #1 never happens, because distribution is sexy. Impact is sexy. Designing a business “religion” is not.
It’s just hard.
Chris is the founder of Salesmsg and CallLoop.
He’s built a good tech product. It solves a real problem. But now comes the time to build a community around that business. Except, not direct. Because nobody gives two shits about a messaging solution.
To believe in the power of content, you have to study the power of content.
Not just any content.
The right content. There are case studies.
Take Groove, for example, they are a helpdesk software for small businesses app.
Not exactly sexy.
They have big time competitors.
If they tried to sell their product direct, they would have failed. Because head-on they can’t compete with Intercom, Zendesk, FreshDesk, etc. Those companies are too well-funded, too well-known.
But groove was smart. They built a community around their journey.
“Journey” = Sitcom-based content.
Sitcom-based content = Character-driven
Character-driven = Audience
Audience = Like, Know, Trust
Like, Know, Trust = Business & Revenue
Look at this graph:
Where do you think their Content-strategy launched?
And in that 3-month period, the 90-days from March 2014 to June 2014, the business tripled. This, understand, did not happen by accident. They were not lucky or fortunate. They were deliberate and strategic.
But their Journey is not unique.
Recognize the name Alex Blumberg? If you listen to the Startup podcast, I thought you might. Because he launched GimletMedia, now a podcast titan, by publishing his journey to raise funds.
Everyone told him no.
Until, all of a sudden, thousands of people were following his Journey. Then everyone and their mother wanted to invest, including billionaire venture capitalist Chris Saca, who now appears on Shark Tank.
Nothing really changed. Except, everything changed.
The moment his content strategy was correct, and started to build an audience, demand for him grew.
Go back and listen to Season 1
I could show you case study, after case study, including my own.
Back in 2014, as I was re-tooling my content strategy, and trying to figure out what I wanted my business to look like, I stopped selling or offering any products or services. I was basically closed.
As a result, my income had fallen to less than $2,000 per month.
Was I worried? Yes, a little.
But I also knew, as soon as I launched the new Content Strategy, backed by the proper message and media, my business would, just like Groove did, just like Startup did, gain traction.
That was in September of 2014.
When my book launched.
When I started publishing Broken Industry.
And when I got behind the mic, to create what is now a “cult classic” in the podcast.
By December 2014,
In just 90 days…
The business was doing $25K month.
By the next month, in January of 2015, the business was doing $60K/month.
Consider these two messages, both sent to me by P/SS members:
Hi Ryan, I am unable to renew the program starting in July 2018. I was so excited when I was excepted into the program and thought I would be able to perform. My full time job, other demands and fears did not allow that to happen. I am hoping in the future, I will have another opportunity to join again. I did not utilize all the aids, assistance, resources and other members help, you designed for my success. Thank you for the opportunity, I am inspired by all that you do and continue to do. I truly see the big picture, but for me, I realize that being a one man show, is difficult, you need a team of people. I also wanted to do so many things, but ended up not accomplishing a lot. It would have been better to focus on one thing, master that and then move on. These are my lessons learned. High Regards.
Now, here’s Bob Grand, who responded to that person above, as she posted in the public community:
You sent this to the group. I totally get where you are at. My best advice for you outside this program is solely focus on your sitcom based newsletter and when it starts producing get back in the program. I’ve been in 2 years. I’ve barely made it past the newsletter but I can say last year with no other marketing, the newsletter and building relationships from it has grossed me over 250k in commissions. It’s made it hard to do anything other than that because of the extreme success it has had. You can drop everything else in your business but don’t drop that!
Robert Grand, keep in mind, does not have a team.
He has one assistant.
And… he works 50-hours per week, as a full-time Fire Captain in the Fire Dept.
So what is the difference?
Bob focused on honing his Content-Strategy. (just as I taught him)
The other – did not.
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And that is the commonality that I see again and again. A personal audience gives you such an incredible advantage. But without the proper Content-Strategy, it’s impossible to build a personal audience.
People say it’s hard…
Too hard…
They don’t have enough time…
“It takes a team…”
In reality, they just make excuses because they NEVER focused on the first Quadrant!
Which is:
This is, by the way, the reason I killed the P/SS Program. Because the P/SS program gave people access to everything, across all 4 quadrants.
1 – Content
2 – Distribution
3 – Scale
4 – Impact
In the end, members became too scattered. They wouldn’t focus on what I told them they needed to focus on – first, second, third, then fourth. Inevitably, they spread themselves too thin. Became overwhelmed.
Then did nothing.
This led to massive frustration on their part.
Which led to massive time loss.
And, as an Entrepreneur, you pay in either time or money, but few businesses can afford to pay with both.
This led to cancellations like this: (that I received yesterday)
Hi Ryan – For the past year I have read some of your posts, attended some of the weekly chats, and once in a great while actually tried to start. You were 100% right this is/was the hardest program. I don’t have what it takes to implement your program. I love the program and will absolutely recommend to anyone that I think would benefit. I just am too busy to focus on building the hub/spoke business model. What do I need to do to leave the group? Thank you very much for being a huge part of my self discovery. While I will no longer be a member. I am a better person for being around the the group. I appreciate you and your team more than I can say in a email. Best,
Keep in mind, the idea “that he’s too busy” is non-sense!
And I’m sick of these bullshit messages.
“I believe in it…”
“I will absolutely recommend it…”
“I hope to re-join…”
“I appreciate you and your team more than I can say in an email…”
“I am inspired by all that you do…”
Guess what?
I don’t give a shit about any of that. Because if you have to retreat, even of you appreciate all that the program has done for you, having become a better person and learned massive amounts.
A retreat is still a retreat.
And anyone who retreats, rarely ever wins!
And, if they don’t master Quadrant #1 – CONTENT – then reaching and sustaining success in quadrant four will be impossible. Thus, ImpactClub® will fail to live up to its fullest potential, thus:
Legacies aren’t built.
Communities aren’t stregnthened.
And the uninspired aren’t inspired.
This is why I killed the P/SS Program
This is why I launched the 90-Day Immersion into Quadrant #1 – CONTENT
Because that is the Foundation!
In this new format, there will be immense focus on Step-by-step.
So, in a way – the 90-Day Immersion – IS A FORM OF FORCED SUCCESS!
Because I am done with your excuses!
I would rather have people cancel the program and say: “I hated the program.”
“I hate you.”
“And I didn’t believe in any part of it.”
Becuase it absolutely kills me to see people stop fighting for something they say they believe in and would passionately recommend to others. Having, became a better person. Having, learned massive amounts.
So, in a way – the 90-Day Immersion – IS A FORM OF FORCED RESULTS
I know why people fail.
PS: The first 90-Day Immersion will take place from Jan 21st to April 21st. With, at the 30-day mark, a 3-day Live Event in Orlando on Feb 21st – 24th. Yes, you will have a new business in 90 days.
(By the end of the week, the remaining spots will be opened up, when I release the details and order form).
The investment is $3K – All-inclusive (including, food, drink, lodging @ Live Event)
At the end, when you look back, that $3K, you are going to thank me for taking it. Because it will give you a foundation that you can pass on to your kids, that no $50K college education, tuition, etc. could ever provide.
I hope you hear the passion in my words.
B/c I’m done fucking around.

Read more:
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Here’s What You’ll Get in 90 Day Immersion Sitcom Marketing
Ryan Fletcher – 90 Day Immersion Sitcom Marketing proof