Taking you behind the scenes on the most efficient and effective way drop shippers scale to hundreds of thousands per month in sales.
Soulja & Franky – The Blackhat Course

Whats included?
Inside Blackhat you will be introduced to content unavailable on traditional media. Get an inside look on what it really takes to make millions in todays age of drop shipping. Glitches, methods & systems to optimize and scale quickly no matter your existing experience. Over 16 combined years of knowledge in E-com condensed into an experience unviewable anywhere else.

Scaling Strategy
Never before seen scaling strategies that consistently make us 50k+ per day dropshipping in 2022.
Real Case Studies
An in depth look behind the scenes with proof of sales & reverse engineering psychology for some of our most successful projects.
Lander Templates
The best landing page templates & landing tutorials unreleased online publicly.
Breaking Platforms
Unlock the full potential of every advertising platform with our in depth tricks, all showcased inside.
Sneak peek
A glimpse of what’s to be seen inside
An in depth breakdown start-to-finish on our 1.6m month (5m total brand revenue during writing this over 6 months). We teach you about the apps/methods/advertising networks we utilized to make this all possible. In depth, full comprehensive guide, sans bullshit.
Selling in Germany with trending American products has been a strategy used by the top drop shippers for awhile. We take you through the start to finish process on how to accomplish this with ease. Full transparency tutorial on Klarna/German selling setup.
If you’ve never scaled to $100,000 in sales the number can seem highly unrealistic. With our easy to follow guide/cheat sheet we can take just about any store and teach you media buying tactics and strategies to drastically reduce your cost per acquisitions and get you closer than you’ve ever been to that figure.
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