
Stone River Elearning – iOS 12 and Swift 4 Crash Course


This course is designed like an in-person coding bootcamp to give you the most amount of content…

File Size: 31.2 GB.

Stone River Elearning – iOS 12 and Swift 4 Crash Course

Stone River Elearning - iOS 12 and Swift 4 Crash Course

Course Description

This course is designed like an in-person coding bootcamp to give you the most amount of content and help with the least amount of cost.


Here are some of the things you’ll be able to do after taking this course:

  • Submit apps to the app store
  • Understand programming & basic algorithms
  • Work fluently with Swift 4 & iOS 12
  • Apply to jr iOS development jobs
  • Work as an iOS contractor

If you are absolutely new to programming you should start at the beginning of the course and go to the end.

I’ve designed this course to take you down a guided learning path. Lectures are not broken out by specific topics. You build apps and then learn a ton of principles within those apps. So don’t skip around!

If you already know Swift then you can skip the Swift section since the changes in Swift between iOS 11 and 12 are minor.

If you’ve never programmed before, make sure you DO take the Swift lessons. We’ll teach you core foundational principles so you can build complex apps.


What will you learn in this course:

  • Full understanding of Xcode 10 and all it has to offer
  • Learn how to program for IOS 12 to create your own apps
  • Create fully featured games
  • Be able to support all devices and screen sizes
  • Full explanation of all objects and functions within IOS 12 development
  • Develop in Swift 4.2
  • Earn revenue from your apps
  • Start a new career


What are the prerequisites for this course?

  • You will need a Apple Mac computer or laptop
  • You will need the developer software Xcode 10


Check out the detailed breakdown of what’s inside the course

Getting Started with iOS 12
5 Lectures
  • play iconCourse overview07:49
  • play iconMUST WATCH Installing Xcode & understanding Xcode versions04:17
  • play iconHow to get Xcode in dark theme mode01:38
  • play iconBuilding your very first iOS app08:22
  • play iconBuilding the Hustle App: Graphics, UI, and Sound21:18
Introduction to Programming & Swift 4 Basics
13 Lectures
  • play iconVariables, operators, & how computers work16:30
  • play iconStrings in Swift 415:06
  • play iconNumbers in Swift 419:38
  • play iconFunctions in Swift 422:25
  • play iconBooleans & conditional logic in Swift 420:43
  • play iconConstants & logical operators in Swift 409:33
  • play iconArrays in Swift 412:51
  • play iconLoops in Swift 418:45
  • play iconDictionaries in Swift 418:29
  • play iconObject oriented programming in Swift 411:49
  • play iconInheritance in Swift 408:04
  • play iconPolymorphism in Swift 408:07
  • play iconOptionals in Swift 420:10
Git & Version Control
9 Lectures
  • play iconGit & Version Control: The fun way10:49
  • play iconTerminal Basics – Changing directories05:49
  • play iconTerminal Basics – Copying & renaming files08:38
  • play iconTerminal Basics – Creating directories & files04:11
  • play iconTerminal Basics – Deleting files & directories05:43
  • play iconGit Basics16:58
  • play iconSetting up Github04:18
  • play iconWorking with Local & Remote Repositories10:55
  • play iconHandling Git Merge Conflicts16:33
Swoosh App- Intro to Interface Builder & Auto Layout in Xcode 10
10 Lectures
  • play iconSwoosh – Creating the welcome screen24:57
  • play iconSwoosh – Working with frames15:39
  • play iconSwoosh – Intro to auto layout (support multiple screen sizes)26:21
  • play iconSwoosh – Working with stack views26:15
  • play iconSwoosh – Intro to segues (changing screens)09:17
  • play iconSwoosh – Refactoring in Xcode 909:22
  • play iconSwoosh – Debugging setValue forUndefinedKey03:24
  • play iconSwoosh – Programmatic segues08:38
  • play iconSwoosh – IBActions (handling events) & data models15:56
  • play iconSwoosh – Passing data between view controllers11:25
Profile App- Digging Deeper With Auto Layout
2 Lectures
  • play iconAuto Layout for iPhones21:52
  • play iconAuto Layout for iPads & size classes19:38
Window Shopper App- Your First Fully Functional iOS 12 App
5 Lectures
  • play iconCreating custom text fields17:20
  • play iconInput accessory view and IBDesignable14:46
  • play iconCreating simple unit tests16:17
  • play iconWriting logic for calculations12:45
  • play iconCustom drawing in iOS 12 with drawRect12:05
Computers & Code- Crash Course in Computer Science for Beginners
10 Lectures
  • play iconHow Computers Work12:22
  • play iconUnderstanding Binary09:26
  • play iconHeap vs. Stack08:41
  • play iconIOS Binary App – Building UI _ UX20:04
  • play iconIOS Binary App – Creating BinaryDecimal Class20:30
  • play iconIOS Binary App – Finishing Up10:11
  • play iconIOS Binary App – Challenge01:38
  • play iconHow Code Works09:44
  • play iconVariables & Storage Capacity06:16
  • play iconUnderstanding Hexadecimal05:52
Coder Swag App- Tables & Data in iOS 12
5 Lectures
  • play iconProject creation & IBOutlets22:13
  • play iconTableviews, delegate, and data source32:58
  • play iconCollection views (grid layouts)12:16
  • play iconWorking with data models13:19
  • play iconDisplaying data in collection view cells19:42
Intro to Model View Controller
8 Lectures
  • play iconMVC in Theory05:59
  • play iconCreating Xcode Project03:10
  • play iconSetting Up Project Groups for MVC _ Examining ViewController Controller Layer05:15
  • play iconCreating AppleProduct Model Layer06:40
  • play iconCreating CustomPrettyView View Layer08:20
  • play iconConnecting View to Controller11:40
  • play iconSecuring Model Layer04:08
  • play iconChallenge – MVC01:33
XYZ App – Working with iOS Accelerometer
11 Lectures
  • play iconXYZ – Intro to App01:49
  • play iconXYZ – Creating Project05:12
  • play iconXYZ – CoreMotion and CMMotionManager Explained03:08
  • play iconXYZ – Receiving Accelerometer Updates07:18
  • play iconXYZ – Handling Accelerometer Data09:33
  • play iconListy – Intro to App01:12
  • play iconListy – Building UI06:16
  • play iconListy – Creating ParallaxCell Subclass06:07
  • play iconListy – Configuring ImageArray and Populating UITableView07:54
  • play iconListy – Writing Parallax Function to Apply to UIImageView06:41
  • play iconListy – Accelerometer Challenge00:47
Splitter App- Working With UISplitViewController
6 Lectures
  • play iconSplitter: Intro to App02:34
  • play iconSplitter: Creating Project & Dummy Data10:54
  • play iconSplitter: Setting Up MasterVC06:39
  • play iconSplitter: Building Image Presentation VC09:09
  • play iconSplitter: Passing Images To ImagePresentationVC19:20
  • play iconSplitter: Challenge03:37
Slack App- Creating a Slack App & Working With APIs
32 Lectures
  • play iconSmack: Intro to Chat App03:13
  • play iconSmack: Project Setup25:25
  • play iconSWReveal19:50
  • play iconChannelVC UI24:27
  • play iconLoginVC UI22:07
  • play iconCreateAccountVC UI18:24
  • play iconWebrequests and APIs08:31
  • play iconHosting API19:35
  • play iconLocal Hosting API17:49
  • play iconCreating a web request in Xcode27:52
  • play iconRegistering a User15:24
  • play iconLogging in a user19:52
  • play iconCreating a User25:51
  • play iconAvatar Picker Part 118:42
  • play iconAvatar Picker Part 219:52
  • play iconGenerate a Avatar BG Color25:59
  • play iconLoggedIn Interface22:49
  • play iconProfile View25:12
  • play iconLogging in users23:01
  • play iconGetting channels18:50
  • play iconChannels TableView13:16
  • play iconAdd Channel VC19:02
  • play iconSockets and Channels25:49
  • play iconRefining Login Flow18:48
  • play iconFetching Messages19:39
  • play iconSending first message16:50
  • play iconDisplaying chat messages17:34
  • play iconSockets and Messages18:16
  • play iconTyping Users21:08
  • play iconUnread Channels17:45
  • play iconWhere to go from here07:14
  • play iconI’m Back!07:23
Pixel City App- Mastering Maps in iOS 12
16 Lectures
  • play iconIntro to App: Pixel City01:23
  • play iconCreating Xcode Project: Pixel City04:04
  • play iconInstalling Alamofire & AlamofireImage CocoaPods06:49
  • play iconBuilding MapVC UI14:35
  • play iconRequesting Location Services17:41
  • play iconDrop Custom Pins on MapView14:48
  • play iconSetting a Custom Map Annotation Color04:13
  • play iconAnimating Photos View19:23
  • play iconAdding UILabel for Pull Up View16:31
  • play iconGetting API Key from Flickr13:45
  • play iconUsing Alamofire to Download URLS20:37
  • play iconUsing Alamofire to Download Image16:02
  • play iconSetting Up UICollectionView09:51
  • play iconPresenting PopVC When UICollectionViewCell is Tapped15:45
  • play iconAdding 3D Touch Peek & Pop to UICollectionView14:25
  • play iconChallenge01:55
Goal Post App- Data Persistence in iOS 12 With Core Data
16 Lectures
  • play iconGoalPost: Intro to App02:18
  • play iconGoalPost: Creating Xcode Project03:20
  • play iconBuilding GoalsVC13:20
  • play iconBuilding GoalCell13:41
  • play iconWhat is Core Data?05:38
  • play iconCreating goal core data entity & attributes07:47
  • play iconDisplaying static GoalCells in UITableView09:51
  • play iconBuilding CreateGoalVC14:51
  • play iconCreating a UIViewController extension10:27
  • play iconCreating a UIView & UIButton extension18:10
  • play iconBuilding FinishGoalVC & passing data18:48
  • play iconSaving goal data to persistent store12:18
  • play iconFixing dismissal of FinishGoalVC06:20
  • play iconFetching data from persistent store15:53
  • play iconRemoving objects from persistent store10:55
  • play iconSetting goal progress for UITableViewCell14:35
Treads App- Data Persistence With Realm
21 Lectures
  • play iconIntro to Realm and Treads App04:12
  • play iconSwift 4 update03:19
  • play iconInitial project setup20:21
  • play iconCreate the run log UI18:59
  • play iconLast storyboard UI23:49
  • play iconMap view setup20:26
  • play iconCreate custom slider switch24:23
  • play iconTrack Location16:46
  • play iconConverting meters to miles07:55
  • play iconConvert seconds to readable string13:36
  • play iconCalculate Average Pace09:26
  • play iconPause, Resume Functionality13:24
  • play iconFirst Realm Model18:37
  • play iconWrite & Fetch18:35
  • play iconDisplay Run History21:44
  • play iconLast Run View18:44
  • play iconCreate a Locations List for poly-line overlay14:22
  • play iconRealm Configuration12:20
  • play iconGet the poly-line rendering on the map view16:31
  • play iconCenter Map on poly-line or user location23:22
  • play iconFetch Realm Object by ID06:01
Breakpoint App- Building a Full Stack App With Firebase
27 Lectures
  • play iconBreakpoint: Intro to App03:01
  • play iconBreakpoint: Creating Xcode project04:46
  • play iconCreating Firebase project10:19
  • play iconSetting up DataService10:13
  • play iconBuilding AuthVC & LoginVC in interface builder18:05
  • play iconCreating InsetTextField & ShadowView Subclasses18:02
  • play iconSetting up AuthService12:41
  • play iconPresenting LoginVC from AppDelegate16:08
  • play iconBuilding FeedVC and GroupsVC in interface builder15:58
  • play iconBuilding MeVC and adding to UITabBarController09:27
  • play iconCreating CreatePostVC & uploading posts to firebase19:54
  • play iconCreating UIView extension for binding views to keyboard14:28
  • play iconBuilding FeedCell09:18
  • play iconWriting the Message Model and Getting All Feed Messages from Firebase20:40
  • play iconConverting UIDs into Emails and Reversing the Order of a TableView19:55
  • play iconCreating CreateGroupVC and Connecting @IBOutlets-Actions14:41
  • play iconCreating UserCell15:18
  • play iconSearching for Email Accounts to Add to Group18:22
  • play iconAdding Users to Group with didSelectRowAt indexPath20:14
  • play iconCreating Groups and Pushing Them to Firebase15:11
  • play iconCreating GroupCell09:13
  • play iconCreating Group Model and Getting All Groups from Firebase18:31
  • play iconBuilding GroupFeedVC17:39
  • play iconInitializing Group Data for a Group and Presenting on GroupFeedVC15:35
  • play iconDownloading All Message for a Group and Animating Upon New Message23:40
  • play iconCreating a UIViewController Extension for Presenting GroupFeedVC07:11
  • play iconChallenge01:33
RNDM App- Using the NEW Firebase Cloud Firestore
33 Lectures
  • play iconIntro to Firestore00:50
  • play iconFirestore Project Setup11:37
  • play iconWhat is Firestore05:52
  • play iconAddThoughtVC UI Setup17:14
  • play iconMaking your first database entry!24:30
  • play iconMainVC UI Setup23:59
  • play iconFetching data from Firestore15:08
  • play iconSorting and Filtering20:21
  • play iconUpdating individual documents15:11
  • play iconIntro to Firestore Authentication00:43
  • play iconLogin Flow UI Setup19:31
  • play iconFirestore: Create User15:00
  • play iconFirestore: Login User13:47
  • play iconFirestore: CommentsVC UI Set up17:00
  • play iconFirestore: CommentClass and TableView08:59
  • play iconFirestore Transactions19:50
  • play iconFirestore: Displaying comments13:14
  • play iconFirestore: Security Rules12:40
  • play iconIntro to Firestore Security Rules00:33
  • play iconSecurity rules: Project setup12:01
  • play iconSecurity rules: Implementing protocols16:10
  • play iconDeleting a comment11:51
  • play iconUpdating comments14:35
  • play iconComments Advanced Security Rules10:40
  • play iconDeleting a thought14:51
  • play iconThought security rules10:23
  • play iconWhere to go from here02:51
  • play iconSocial Logins01:17
  • play iconProject Setup08:16
  • play iconGoogle Login Part 109:28
  • play iconGoogle Login Part 214:26
  • play iconFacebook Login21:38
  • play iconTwitter Login15:21
FoodZilla App- Mastering iOS In-App Purchases
25 Lectures
  • play iconIAP’s: Creating Xcode Project05:16
  • play iconIAP’s: Creating App on iTunes Connect04:09
  • play iconIAP’s: Setting Up Consumable IAP Tier07:51
  • play iconIAP’s: Building StorefrontVC12:30
  • play iconIAP’s: Building DetailVC09:42
  • play iconIAP’s: Configuring UICollectionView14:59
  • play iconIAP’s: Passing values to DetailVC11:24
  • play iconIAP’s: Create IAPService Singleton16:35
  • play iconConsumables: Making consumable purchases20:03
  • play iconConsumables: Sending purchase notifications16:53
  • play iconNon-Consumables: Non-Consumable IAP Tier03:13
  • play iconNon-Consumables: Making Non-Consumable Purchases19:32
  • play iconRestoring In-App Purchases11:18
  • play iconIntro to Subscriptions03:07
  • play iconSubscriptions: Exploring the starter project03:57
  • play iconSubscriptions: How To Set Up App in iTunes Connect05:40
  • play iconSetting up auto-renewing subscription tier (iTunes Connect)10:52
  • play iconBuying an auto-renewing subscription15:17
  • play iconSaving to UserDefaults & Handling Failure & Deferral19:03
  • play iconPreventing Theft_Fraud with iTunes Receipt Validation18:55
  • play iconSaving Expiration Date to UserDefaults _ Checking For Active Subscription19:25
  • play iconChecking for valid/active subscription & handling Expiration – Part 120:12
  • play iconHecking for valid/active subscription & handling Expiration – Part 214:05
  • play iconTroubleshooting subscription issues12:41
  • play iconSubscriptions : Challenge02:02
Touchy Feely App- Working With iOS Touch ID and Face ID
10 Lectures
  • play iconSecureNotes : Intro to app01:33
  • play iconCreating Xcode Project02:14
  • play iconBuilding NoteVC06:57
  • play iconCreating Note Model, LockStatus Enum, & Dummy Data06:23
  • play iconBuilding NoteCell & Subclass14:59
  • play iconBuilding NoteDetailVC04:34
  • play iconPassing Note Data to NoteDetailVC08:20
  • play iconWriting helper functions & updating NoteCell Subclass04:33
  • play iconAuthenticating with Touch ID / Face ID & updating information18:23
  • play iconSecureNotes: Challenge01:26
Scribe App- Working With iOS Speech Recognition
4 Lectures
  • play iconScribe: Project intro & setting up the UI11:55
  • play iconScribe: Button design and loading animation08:29
  • play iconScribe: Adding logic to our speech button10:09
  • play iconScribe: Finishing the app15:55
Working With iMessege And Sticker Packs for iOS 12
9 Lectures
  • play iconIntro to App – Sticker Packs01:47
  • play iconIntro to Sticker Packs03:04
  • play iconCreating Sticker Pack Project in Xcode03:03
  • play iconSticker Art Resources _ Websites08:49
  • play iconAdding Static Stickers _ Testing03:13
  • play iconAdding APNG & GIF Stickers _ Testing09:44
  • play iconCreating iMessage App Icons05:55
  • play iconCreating Static Stickers with Sketch 312:49
  • play iconCreating Animated Stickers from Sprite Sheet08:24
Shortcut App- Working With 3D Touch on iOS
5 Lectures
  • play iconIntro to App – Quick Action01:19
  • play iconSetting up the UI11:11
  • play iconCreating the Quick Action15:00
  • play iconHandle the Quick Action15:19
  • play iconQuick Actions with TabBar07:01
LegDay App- Working With iOS SiriKit
9 Lectures
  • play iconIntro to SiriKit00:45
  • play iconIntro to App – LEGDAY01:40
  • play iconIntroduction to SiriKit03:09
  • play iconBuilding WorkoutVC _ Wiring Up02:03
  • play iconEnabling Siri Access _ Requesting Permissions05:59
  • play iconCreating a SiriKit Intents App Extension _ Configuring For Workout19:26
  • play iconConfiguring Results in AppDelegate with DataService04:06
  • play iconHandling _ Presenting SiriKit Results in WorkoutVC13:23
  • play iconChallenge – LEGDAY01:23
Screenie App- Using ReplayKit in iOS
8 Lectures
  • play iconIntro to ReplayKit00:55
  • play iconIntro to App – Screenie02:21
  • play iconBuilding UI09:15
  • play iconCreating RPScreen Recorder instance03:51
  • play iconConfiguring UISegmentedControl to switch images06:35
  • play iconStarting a screen recording11:04
  • play iconStopping, editing, & saving a screen recording12:34
  • play iconScreenie: Challenge01:15
RampUp App- Intro to ARKit
11 Lectures
  • play iconRampUp – Intro to ARKit App01:59
  • play iconRampUp – Resources & important ARKit info03:34
  • play iconRampUp – Project creation10:45
  • play iconRampUp – SceneKit, 3D models & materials10:49
  • play iconRampUp – Ramp picker popover13:33
  • play iconRampUp – 3D models in SceneKit for popover17:21
  • play iconRampUp: 3D models in SceneKit for popover – Part 211:23
  • play iconRampUp – Detecting taps on 3D objects16:50
  • play iconRampUp – Placing ramps in ARKit23:21
  • play iconRampUp – Moving objects in 3D space in augmented reality19:23
  • play iconARKit – where to go next03:24
Vision App- iOS CoreML Basics
10 Lectures
  • play iconCoreML – Intro to app01:33
  • play iconWhat is machine learning07:31
  • play iconCreating Xcode project03:05
  • play iconBuilding UI & custom view subclasses17:19
  • play iconAVFoundation & AVCaptureSession to use the camera17:43
  • play iconTap gestures to take snapshot on item10:57
  • play iconDownloading CoreML models20:52
  • play iconCore ML Xcode 9 Beta 4 Update – Fix Preview Photo Crash02:26
  • play iconAdding UI controls for flash control07:04
  • play iconTraining your app to speak what it sees17:47
Animal App- Using iOS 12 New CoreML Models
6 Lectures
  • play iconIntro to App – AnimalClassifier01:07
  • play iconDIY Core ML Model with Create ML08:02
  • play iconBuilding & Connecting User Interface10:34
  • play iconSetup Camera_Photo Selection12:46
  • play iconCreate & Process Classification Request15:25
  • play iconUpdate Labels with Classifications12:59
Advanced Swift 4
9 Lectures
  • play iconEnumerations in Swift 419:23
  • play iconExtensions in Swift 4 part 115:01
  • play iconExtensions in Swift 4 part 220:11
  • play iconProtocols & delegates in Swift 4 part 112:43
  • play iconProtocols & delegates in Swift 4 part 217:10
  • play iconProtocols & delegates in Swift 4 part 316:08
  • play iconProtocols & delegates in Swift 4 part 415:44
  • play iconProtocols & delegates in Swift 4 part 517:41
  • play iconSwift transformations19:40
Advanced- Data Structures & Algorithms In Swift 4
4 Lectures
  • play iconThe stack data structure in Swift 412:31
  • play iconThe heap data structure in Swift 4 Part 120:49
  • play iconThe heap data structure in Swift 4 Part 213:32
  • play iconThe tree data structure in Swift 418:50
Advanced Swift 4 Design Patterns- Protocol Oriented Programming
4 Lectures
  • play iconIntro to protocol oriented programming10:49
  • play iconWriting your first protocols20:07
  • play iconCreating protocol extensions14:35
  • play iconGenerics and protocols13:18
Advanced Swift 4 Design Patterns- Reactive Programming With RxSwift
40 Lectures
  • play iconRxSwift01:41
  • play iconIntro to RxSwift05:08
  • play iconWhat is Rx? Why Rx?10:46
  • play iconHow To Install RxSwift into an Xcode Playground04:00
  • play iconCreating and Subscribing to Observables09:17
  • play iconObservables – Disposing06:42
  • play iconChallenge_ Observables01:58
  • play iconPublish Subject06:13
  • play iconBehavior Subject07:29
  • play iconReplay Subject08:50
  • play iconVariables05:53
  • play iconChallenge – Subjects03:59
  • play iconTransformations – .map11:18
  • play iconTransformations – .flatMap10:12
  • play iconTransformations: .zip07:45
  • play iconChallenge – Transformations03:10
  • play iconIntro to App – Namer02:09
  • play iconCreating Xcode Project _ Installing RxSwift & RxCocoa06:46
  • play iconBuilding Namer UI _ Connecting @IBOutlets05:03
  • play iconUsing RxCocoa to Observe _ Subscribe to UITextField Data12:06
  • play iconAdding Rx Capabilities to Submit Button10:37
  • play iconPassing Values Between UIViewController Instances Using RxSwift21:28
  • play iconIntro to Versi App02:56
  • play iconCreating Xcode Project03:02
  • play iconInstalling CocoaPods06:16
  • play iconSetting Up UITabBarController _ Adding Project Assets06:48
  • play iconBuilding TrendingFeedVC14:09
  • play iconBuilding Custom View Subclasses13:04
  • play iconBuilding Repo Model Layer11:10
  • play iconBuilding TrendingRepoCell Subclass _ Loading Dummy Data21:32
  • play iconCreating DownloadService Singleton21:46
  • play iconDownloading Trending Repos Data14:46
  • play iconDownloading Additional Required Repo Data19:51
  • play iconFixing Broken DownloadService Functions12:18
  • play iconFilling TrendingFeedVC with Real API Data19:17
  • play iconBuilding SearchVC02:59
  • play iconBuilding SearchCell11:09
  • play iconSetting Up SearchVC the RxSwift Way22:44
  • play iconUsing RxSwift To Drive UITableView with Search Results05:53
  • play iconLoading Github Files in SFSafariViewController08:58
Advanced- Unit Testing in iOS 12
10 Lectures
  • play iconWhat is Unit Testing?04:31
  • play iconWhat makes a good unit test?02:23
  • play iconUnit testing in Swift09:52
  • play iconTesting Data Models (Part 1)17:56
  • play iconTesting Data Models (Part 2)11:21
  • play iconTesting features & functions15:01
  • play iconTesting asynchronous code16:58
  • play iconTesting endpoints & mock data16:04
  • play iconTesting performance & benchmarking09:36
  • play iconTesting & MVVM04:59
Advanced- UI Testing in iOS 12
10 Lectures
  • play iconWhat is UI Testing02:02
  • play iconUI Testing best practices04:25
  • play iconUI testing in Swift – Basic example12:33
  • play iconTesting Navigation09:58
  • play iconTesting views & alerts13:20
  • play iconResetting & verifying app state07:10
  • play iconTesting bug fixes08:22
  • play iconTesting data in text fields09:42
  • play iconTesting UI after an asynchronous call14:34
  • play iconDownloadable resources

Instructor Details

Stone River eLearning

Stone River eLearning

At Stone River eLearning, technology is all we teach. If you’re interested in IT, programming, development or design – we have it covered.

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Original price was: $449.00.Current price is: $59.00.

This course is designed like an in-person coding bootcamp to give you the most amount of content... File Size: 31.2 GB.

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