
Troy Dean – Agency Mavericks – The Paid Discovery Method

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Troy Dean Agency Mavericks The Paid Discovery Method

Troy Dean Agency Mavericks The Paid Discovery Method, They’re getting a full road map that points them in the exact direction to their goals.

Troy Dean – Agency Mavericks – The Paid Discovery Method

Troy Dean - Agency Mavericks - The Paid Discovery Method

The New Method to Land High-Paying Clients Faster
Discover this Secret Framework that Puts an End To Free Discovery Calls, Slashes Price Resistance, & Gives You The Skills, Knowledge & Confidence to Finally Charge What You Are Worth!
Would you like to know how to stop.
  • Dead-End discovery calls
  • Prospects can price-shop
  • Unpredictable yo-yo revenue months.

Even if your agency is smaller and makes less than $20K per monthly

Well if so you’re definitely iYou have come to the right place.

In The Next Ten Minutes, I’ll Show You How Dozens Of Agency Owners, just like yours, are finally closing premium priced packages with conversion rates up to 85%.

…The best part is that I’m so confident in this system, if you don’t double your investment, I’ll happily refund you.

And this is perfect for you if…

✅ Escape from the feast-Famine revenue cycles that are inevitably associated with relying upon referrals, chasing dead prospects and random acts in marketing.

✅ You want results fast & don’t want to wait around for months before something finally happens.

✅ You’re fed up with disrespectful prospects ghosting, scope creeping and forcing you to charge criminally low prices to win their business.

✅ You need an easy way to get rid of a tire that is not yours-Get paid to speak with serious customers and earn kickers by making discovery calls.

✅ You want to give your family the freedom to work where, whenever, and with whomever you like.

How is it possible?
Let me explain.
If you’re like most agency owners…

You have a good chance that your days are filled by an overwhelming amount of to-do list.

All the weight is on you.

There’s monumental projects to organise.

You have to keep clients satisfied.

You must deliver exceptional work.

Let alone find time to scale your agency so it’s not just you doing everything.

The trouble is…

Most would agree that these days, it’s getting harder to scale and lockdown prospects who are serious about doing business.


Well since the pandemic there’s been a surge of new & inferior competitors stealing business with criminally low prices.

Many of the great agency owners that once prospered are starting to feel the results.

And if you’re like most agency owners I speak to…
There’s one major challenge that’s causing lots of headaches.

It’s prospects who are notorious for price shopping you on lengthy, dead-End discovery calls

Perhaps you can relate to this?

Think back to the last discovery call you made where you thought it was in the bag.

Perhaps you get along really well.

They loved your ideas.

And they were enthusiastic when they asked for a proposal.

You’ll never hear from them again. They’ve ghosted you and you’re unsure why.

And while it’s not personal…

It’s interrupted your day. It’s interrupted your momentum.

And it’s easy for your confidence to take a hit after a streak of these.
How would you like to end all of this frustration?

How would you like to learn how to systematically, predictably and profitably close up to 85% of your discovery calls…

You get paid for your discovery call.

You can also have the confidence to recommend premium packages starting at $5000, $10,000 or $30,000

✅ You can learn a new sales system without spending hours.

✅ Without sounding pushy.

✅ Without playing the ‘numbers game’ You can make countless discovery phone calls to mildly-interested prospects.

So what’s the solution?

Well it’s a cutting edge system we’ve tested and refined with our Mavericks Club members.

We are now launching our general list for first time.

It’s an entirely new way to get clients happy to pay premium rates…

You will also be set up for months of hard work.

It’s called the Paid Discovery Method PDM is short for Product Design Management.

And it’s helped people like…

Adam Silverman

Ever since the pandemic he experienced a surge of new prospects getting on initial discovery calls…

Only to feel fierce resistance towards high-priced projects.

Using the PDM – he’s now closing clients at an 85% conversion rate on $10,000+ packages.
“I close about 85% of the clients that go through our Track Builder (paid discovery).”
Adam Silverman
Adam SilvermanMuletown, USA

Not only that…

Rather than going in blind into a client relationship…

The PDM allows you to potentially avoid NIGHTMARE opportunities by getting paid.

Like Jillian Brandon.
“I decided at the end of the meeting that they were not a good fit and I didn’t want to work with him. But I had been paid not to waste my time.”
Jillian Brandon
Jillian BrandonManifest Web Design Australia

After closing her first PDM Call, she was thrilled to receive a salary to do what everyone else does. ‘strategy calls’.

The end of the Paid DiscoveryShe was able test the client’s relationship working together.

She delivered exceptional value.

And later decided this client wouldn’t be fun to work with.

She was paid to dodge a bullet, and both sides got what they wanted.
The PDM is a brand new discovery call framework which makes it a win-Every time, win for both sides.

This sounds almost too good for true.

Well that’s why you’re protected by our Double Your Investment guarantee.

You’ve got a full 365 days to test drive this new way of approaching discovery calls…

And in the unlikely event you don’t double your investment with this system…

You’ll get a prompt and courteous refund of every cent.

In any event…
Before I explain how it all works and exactly what you’re going to get when you enroll in the Paid Discovery Method.

It’s important I address an obvious concern you may be having…

“Well this all sounds great Troy…

But, how could anyone agree to pay $500.00 or more just for a discovery phone call??”

It’s a great question.

How do you sell a paid discovery when prospects are used to getting on – ‘Free strategy calls’?

That’s why I’ve made the SELLING of the PDM front and centre.

That way you’re not left with just theory.

You’ve actually got a step by step, word for word process on what to say to a prospect from initial contact to money in the bank.

And this isn’t just some new idea pulled out of thin air.

We’ve worked tirelessly with our Maverick Club members to perfect the script and the entire selling process of the PDM.

You’ll surprise yourself with the quality of clients you’ll attract after following our three step TPP framework – which I’ll explain in just a moment.

But first.

What does module 1 look to help you sell the product? Paid Discovery?

Module 1

The Ultimate Guide to Selling Paid Discovery Calls Superclass

From the first point you contact the bank to getting your money in the account. I will guide you step by step and word by word to help land your first (or any other) paid discovery call.

You’ll get my field tested scripts and a full video breakdown so you can start implementing on your next client opportunity.

Selling is the key to success. Paid Discovery calls without wasting your time on lengthy one hour calls…

Is with something called the Triage call, I’ll cover what this is in just a moment.

In the mean time, here’s what you’ll discover inside of module 1 to help you actually SELL the Paid Discovery.

From the first contact to the money in your bank account. All the scripts that you need to guide prospects towards your first (or subsequent dozen) paid discovery call.

How to say goodbye to the dead-End hour-Long discovery calls during your first meeting with prospects. To reduce your tire cost, use this quick, 15-minute triage call.-Kickers only accept high salaries-Value clients without affecting your day

The Use secret words and vocal techniques to connect with the right person, from triage to your first $500 paid Discovery Call. Use this magical transition to make the sale a forgone conclusion…without being pushy.

You might be asking yourself:

How do you go about converting leads into clients?

Well it’s the 3 part framework I mentioned just before.

You simply…
Triage. Plan. Prescribe.

This is a totally new way of closing leads and qualifying them.

As I explain the entire framework for you, I’ll also show you all the tools, scripts and assets you’ll get when you invest today.

And I’ll show you how it all makes sense to you and your agency.
Let’s quickly go over how the PDM actually works.

Step 1. Step 1.

This is how you put an ending to hours-Long discovery calls can interrupt your day.

It also stops you from being ghosted by clients that you thought you were. ‘in the bag’.

These are short, sharp calls that filter out all energy sucking leads quickly and leave you with only qualified prospects.

The best part is…

When done correctly…

These calls are no longer than 15 minutes and there’s no tedious proposal writing involved.

It’s a bridge to a low-risk offer of $500.00 that makes selling premium price packages much easier.

This is how Karl went from working till 11PM most work days…trying to pay the bills for his newborn on the way…
“I turned away like a minimum $25,000 project that I’d done discovery with and still had my biggest month focsed on projects in our niche.”
Karl Thew
Karl ThewStatic Shift New Zealand

Now he is enjoying his first $50,000.00 monthly, and he can say goodbye to working crazy hours and clocking off at 5:30 each day to spend quality time with his partner.

Now you might be wondering…

What is a Paid Discovery What does it look like to call?

Here’s what you’ll discover inside module 2.

Module 2

How to Prepare for A Paid Discovery & Look Like Pro…
Even If You’ve Never Run A Mini-Consult Before!

This is where the rubber meets the road. Make sure you pay close attention.

This small change can make a huge difference in your bottom line and save you hours in your sales process.

Because, frankly, it’s not something that many agencies are doing right now.

They’re all competing on price and they’re all giving away their ideas for free on their discovery calls.

This is where you flip the entire model upside down.

This is where prospects pay you for advice and ideas.

You will be able to execute the months of work they have given you.
It’s Step 2. Plan

So here’s how you’ll do it inside of module 2.

The 18 point checklist to ensure there’s absolutely no hiccups or hidden surprises on the Paid Discovery. This preparation checklist (page 4 of the Playbook) will help you avoid embarrassing situations.

How to seamlessly convert a verbal into a written ‘yes’ In a paid discovery and lock-Send this email to make a commitment. The The best thing about this step is that it takes away any awkward conversation to organize your recommendation follow-Up ‘pitch’ call (you’ll find this great tip on video 3).

These 48 stunning photos will make you look like a pro.-Page fill-In-The-Blanks presentation slides. These slides are great for helping you stay on track with your presentation.

The The ultimate workbook that will help you become an overnight rainmaker in your clients’ paid discovery. Don’t stress if you’re unsure how to prepare, this workbook has all the answers (you’ll be needing this on page 10 of the Playbook).

What to do when you are starting a mini-marathon?-Consult like the paid discovery. This script can be used to delegate bandwidth-consuming tasks, such as note-Giving) to your clients and keeps them in the zone. Perfect if you’re NOT a multi-tasker!

To secure 12 months of work for new clients, every agency owner must now do these things. Prospects will steal your ideas and move onto their competitors if you don’t take this crucial step (secrets on page 6 in the Facilitator Handbook).

Don’t let competitors get you down on price. Learn how to get paid to plan and prepare projects before the grunt work begins. This will help clients stay loyal for the long-term.

But Troy…Why Would Anyone Ever Pay $500 for A? Paid Discovery When They Can Get It From My Competitors For Free…?

I’m glad you asked!

We all know that people who invest pay attention.

And right now it pains me to see so many brilliant agency owners…

Who’ve spent tens of thousands of dollars and countless hours educating themselves to perfect their craft…

It is only natural for me to hear the exact same story over and again inside our company. Mavericks Club.

The agency owners thought they were giving a lot of ‘value’ on the call…

They felt that their strategy had impressed the prospect.

They write the proposal to fulfill their hopes.

Perhaps even telling their spouse there’s good news around the corner.

The Prospect disappears without a trace.

And six months later the stunned agency owner see’s THEIR IDEAS were robbed by the prospect.

The The entire strategy that they laid out during the discovery call is now available on this prospect’s website.

It’s deflating and incredibly frustrating.
The The good news is that this is the time to put it all behind you and start a new chapter in your company.

So let’s get into how a paid discovery actually works…

Why they’re so effective at preselling the client on much bigger projects in the future.

You will also receive all the tools necessary to help you gain the skills, knowledge, and confidence to achieve your goals with style.

Make no mistake…

We can all agree on the fact that top professionals get paid for their ability to THINK.

Accountants, lawyers, brain specialists…

They are all paid to develop a plan and then go off to do the gruntwork.

So why can’t you do the same?

And that’s the beautiful thing about the PDM system…

It positions you as a valuable strategist for your prospects.

It helps to build trust.

And best of all…

You get PAID for something everyone else gives you, like free samples to window shoppers who have no intent to move on.

Imagine the impact this could have on how you spend time qualifying leads.
Now don’t worry if the idea of being a strategist sounds a little scary.

We’ve laid it all out for you to lead a paid discovery session step by step.

This is how we’ll turn you into a trusted advisor for your attendees and position you as the suitable choice to carry out their success road map.

Module 3

How to Facilitate Your Initial Paid Discovery & Position Yourself As Your Client’s Lucky Rainmaker.

Module 3 focuses on running and facilitating the paid exploration that ultimately prepares you for future work.

And to make things easier and to make it obvious you’re a professional who knows what they’re doing.

We’ve given you the accompanying slides, client worksheets… even the exact ClickUp process we use…

So here’s how we’ll transform you into an overnight strategist inside Module 3.

3 Secrets to making a great first impression with heavy-Your first paid discovery session should include hitter clients. This will grab the attention of your new client and accelerate the crucial trust building window in the first five minutes. (See video).

How to tie a tee-So that clients can immediately see the value in working with you, pay your discovery. Follow this simple framework to explain the session’s schedule with crystal clear clarity (all explained in page 4 of Facilitator Handbook).

5 Project Profiling Questions that takes the guesswork out of spotting what your client really needs (while you look like a pro who knows what they’re doing).

After laying out this 12-month profit, you can convince future prospects to hire your immediately-plan. These steps should be taken. ‘magic moments’ Observe how prospects respond to the paid discovery process and then watch how they pay you to complete the plan (video 2).

Invisible client-red-flags they’ll never admit which expose their dangerous flaws to your agency. Use this to scan your next prospect, and you can avoid future train wrecks-wreck scenarios (you won’t want to miss this on page 9 of the Facilitator Handbook).

You can create stunning case studies the first time that you put your work under scrutiny after the paid discovery. Find out how to knock your projects off the park by identifying your clients hot-To-These avatar questions can be used to sell customers (discover the secrets at page 10 of the Facilitator Manual).

Redecorate your clients to ward off unwanted clients-You should be tapping your ideas and asking questions about every move. If you’ve ever had to battle with clients to green light something basic…this positioning strategy turns the tables in your favour (you’ll need this beauty on page 11).

Avoid the ‘yes-man trap’ You can’t be held responsible for the client’s bad ideas.

Guide your paid discovery attendees through this fill.-In-The-blank marketing plan.Even if you don’t consider yourself a grand strategist, these prompts make it look like you are! All information is on page 13 in the Facilitator Handbook.

How to position yourself as an indispensable marketing strategist that makes it clear to the client you’re their lucky rainmaker. If you regularly need to bow down to your competitors’ crap pricing…you won’t recognise your business in 6 months if you change this one thing (see this magic tip inside video 4).

Clients are unable to eliminate the client’s hold on Eliminate ‘revision-ransom’ Get paid on time. With these customer profile questions, you’ll deliver exactly what the client wants the first submission (save yourself months of misery on page 13 of the Facilitator Handbook).

Profitable and insane value for your clients will blow you away-problem solving skills. Learn how to identify weak marketing points.-Follow these customer journey questions to maximize your time investment and increase your upside potential. These make you look like a GENIUS (you won’t want to miss this on page 15 of the Facilitator Handbook).

How to spot hidden profit opportunities in your client’s business so you look like a marketing genius! This almost guarantees that the client will give you more money.-value work (you’ll surprise yourself how simple this is on video 5).

Now you might be thinking…
Well that’s all great.
But how do you charge one?-time $500 product going to…

Reduce my work hours

Scale your agency?

And make a significant impact in my bottom line?

This is where the fun begins.

This is how you pre-Sell the prospect on working for you and get them to ignore all other competitors that are cheaper and less reliable.
Step 3. Step 3.

The reason why the paid discovery works so well is because it’s a low risk, low cost investment with massive value to the client.

They’re getting a full road map that points them in the exact direction to their goals.

While you’re getting paid to dramatically demonstrate your talents and how you can solve their problems.

This is why it is a good thing for your health.

It establishes you as a trusted advisor and authority.

You’re planting seeds with what it’s like to work with you.

You’ve gotten them emotionally invested and excited for what the vision of their business looks like.

And best of all they’ve already trusted you to hand over a small amount of money for our advice.

It also makes it much easier to upsell big-ticket implementations.

Because they’ve seen you in action and feel comfortable that you’re the one to get it done.

That’s why people like Chijo Takeda….
“After recently selling my highest paid “discovery” session for $1,500, I locked in this client for $2,350/mo.”
Chijo Takeda
Chijo TakedaDog Paw Studio, USA

James Murgatroyd
“A small win but I sold my first website audit (new product) inspired by Johnny Flash and the podcast conversation on #theagencyhour a few weeks ago.”
James Murgatroyd
James MurgatroydHoller Digital, Canada

Are seeing fantastic conversion rates AFTER they’ve walked their clients through the PDM and laid a full road map for their future success.

And what’s better still.

Because you’ve laid out for them what each step in their scaling journey looks like…

It makes perfect sense for the client that they continue working together with you after your initial project.

As you can see…
Start with the Paid Discovery This is one of the most effective ways to persuade, connect and ultimately sell more prospects into premium-priced packages.

All the while creating future opportunities for your agency.

So how do you go about prescribing clients future work inside of your road map…

And then naturally transition into a one-sentence close?

We’ve laid it all out for you inside of…
Module 4

How to Get The Client Wants to Implement Your 12-Month Road Plan and Hire You To Do It!

Now here’s where module 4 gets really interesting.

Even if you don’t see yourself as a silver tongued sales person…

You can continue with module 4 by following the steps on your next Paid Discovery session…

Your client can see an exciting vision unfold before their eyes.

It makes the implementation upsell as simple as saying…
Would you like my help?
What are the steps to implement this?

Worst-case scenario, they say yes. You’ve been paid fairly for your time and you have a lead to follow up on in a few months time.

Best case scenario.

They say yes.

You continue to build relationships with them.

This client is a great customer for life.

They can turn into your best business generators & referrers.

So, how can we do this?

Here’s you’ll pull it off with style inside of module 4.

The 101 word email to get the client on board for your plan. Copy and paste this script to lockdown your client and hire them to do the work. (See page 17 of the Playbook for how easy it is).

Make it easy for clients to approve your ideas. Follow this simple guideline:-Page Executive Summary so the client feels you’ve over delivered and justify hiring you (this sets your close up to be dead-It is easy to find the Playbook on page 14.

Word-For-Word how to close your Paid Discovery Client into months of work in the future. This script is responsible for those crazy conversion rates you’ve seen today (get your hands on this nugget on page 17 of the Playbook).

What to never say if paid discovery clients want to back your ideas immediately and hire you (great sales transitions even for novice salespeople on page 20).

Easy checklists to follow so that you know how to maximise your work opportunities, while the client feels they’re getting outrageous value. (This page 21 checklist will win everyone!)

This simple step is so important!-By-step roadmap is the smartest way to upsell clients into premium priced packages…without fierce resistance, without balking on price and without getting ghosted (discover how on page 21).

Let’s go over the highlights

Now we’ve covered a lot here.

So just to recap what you’ll get when you invest in the PDM:

The Ultimate Guide to Selling Paid Discovery Calls Superclass From the first contact to money in bank I will guide you step by step and word by word to help land your first (or any other) paid discovery call. You’ll get my field tested scripts and a full video breakdown so you can start implementing on your next client opportunity.

The Running A: The Complete Blueprint Paid Discovery Session. This is your go-to guide-to manual to solidify yourself as a trusted advisor right from the word go…all the way to ‘would you like my help implementing this?’ Secure the big deal

Even if you’ve never run a mini-consulting session like a paid discovery before, this guide takes all the guesswork out of what to say and how to lead the call… so that by the end, they’re already pre-You will be sold on the idea of getting you to implement your ideas.

All The Accompanying Slides, Client Worksheets And Our Exact Clickup Process To Position You As A Trustworthy Professional Who Knows What They’re Doing. With these assets, you’ll stand miles apart from your competition by asserting yourself as a strategic thinker who demands respect. This is the perfect way to make a great first impression.-hitter clients.

How do you get instant access to this information and how can you implement it in your agency immediately?

Click the button below to proceed to our secure checkout. You’ll then immediately be sent an email welcoming you to a members area where you’ll find everything I’ve mentioned.

What’s the best way to invest?

We want to reward agency owners who have made the difficult decision to say goodbye.-This incredible course, available for $997, is the perfect way to end discovery.

We know that after just one paid discovery, you’ll already pay off your investment.

This is normally something that is reserved for our. Mavericks Club members who pay less than $25,000 USD per annum

However, because this is the first time we’ve given non Mavericks Club members exclusive access…

We want this system to be available to as many people possible at a reasonable cost.

Now don’t forget.

You’ve got a full 365 days to test drive this new way of approaching discovery calls.

I now understand it. I’m painting a very pleasant scenario right here.

However, hopefully seeing today’s success stories has gotten you inspired that it is achievable.

That you can put to rest-You can put an end to painful proposals and calls for discovery.

Remember, if you decide to move forward and invest today…

And you don’t double your investment after implementing this – you don’t pay a cent.

We’ve got your back!

This is your chance to start fresh and wipe the slate clean.

Click the button below to go through our secure checkout process, place your order and you’ll immediately be sent your login details.

We’re letting our non Mavericks Club members give this system a test drive at a fraction of what you’d normally pay to get it inside the Mavericks Club.

So now’s the time to make a decision.

Click the button below for our secure checkout process.

If you are ready to take action, I’m really excited for you.

This will completely change the game for you agency.

I can’t wait to turn you into our next case study.

I look forward to meeting you on the inside.

To get started, click the button below.

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This course is available and delivery within one day! The reason why the paid discovery works so well is because it’s a low risk, low cost investment with massive value to the client.

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