Welcome to this life changing course! First of all: I see you! I recognize your bravery from having had your heart torn to shreds and now looking for ways to make that beautiful heart a single piece again. I get it because I went through it too! You feel you will never trust anyone again and you seek out cues for potential threats: word salads, black and white thinking, love bombing signs, potential devaluation, control and coercion signs, giveaways of manipulative behavior and so forth. If you are really invested in your healing, you have started to really document yourself on the topic of “narcissists”, often weeping while you research every time you find a resonance with your personal story. By now, you will probably have come to the crude realization that everyone in your life is a narcissist and spend a lot of time identifying narcissists in your day to day scenarios. And within this awful isolation from realizing the harder truths, you find you may never love again altogether.
Here’s the good news! They won’t change, but you will! And this will change the entire dynamic of relating in the cycle of: persecutor, victim and savior. It will change it because you will be emotionally free, stop fearing narcissists and become an integrated and empowered FULL Warrior once again, who is able to discern and release triggers at will. You see, once we step out of the realms of labelling “angels and demons” and claim our shadow aspects, we stop projecting persecutors on the outside. This course is NOT for the faint hearted, it is brutal in shifting from victim to survivor. It has tons of emotional validation and also radical ownership which provides a full transformation. Note: if you are in the middle of the PTSD phase, experiencing high emotional distress and living with an abuser, please seek safety, support and contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline # 1-800-799-7233, 24/7. What you need the most right now is protection, care and nurture and maybe you can come back at a later time and do this course, when you want to understand what happened and how to break it at the core.
I took it beyond the limits in my final experience because I wanted to get to the bottom of it, to the truth and the breakthrough, in other words I went to where it was really scary and I confronted it time and time again because I wanted to be whole again, no matter the cost. I wanted to get to the core both as a narcissistic abuse survivor and as a holistic practitioner and now I’d like to share with you all the pearls of wisdom I gathered from the pits and darkened alleys of the abuse cycle. These will provide a full return to WARRIOR status, with the discernment of the SAGE. If you are ready to shatter for once and for all the pattern of abuse in your life, enter this 360 degree approach to the abuse wound, that tailors both the conscious and unconscious mind in processing severe trauma coming from abusive dynamics. In it, you will find 18 mind blowing, raw, relatable and informative video lectures on abuse, trauma, emotional wounds and self-healing one back to wholeness and the full expression of who you are. NOTE: No one will grade you and you don’t have to hand it in, but please get a notebook or laptop and complete the homework listed under downloadable resources at the end of each lecture, it will help you take everything you learned here to your life and gain new awareness into who you will become after this.
Join me on this curated collection of lessons of 15+ years of exploring and undergoing Narcissistic Abuse. From validating the victim stage to future pacing into the survival status with the tools of understanding and honoring our own coping and emotions, this course will teach you to break the bondage of abuse. I took the long road to heal because I really wanted to understand the how and the why, but you don’t have to…
My goal is to empower people to be fully cognizant and aware, and reconnect with their intuition which will help them make the best decisions for themselves at each given moment. This course will awaken triggers, but we got to feel it to heal it. However, you will also stop fearing narcissists because I will give you in-depth information of their weaknesses. Fear is a powerful construct and can really make us continue to project the demons we fear on the outside. This course is about facing that fear and experiencing emotional coherence and transcendence, knowing that one day we will finally look back and have a good laugh at how real the human experience felt, when it was just another expression of our creative selves. Enter with caution, push through the uncomfortable parts (if they don’t make sense right now because of the pain you are in, do it anyway), because they will at a later stage and you’ll be glad you had a template for those new realizations. The final gift of this course is retrieving courage, because sometimes it takes bravery to truly be happy!
Get through it at your own pace and get your Warriorhood Certificate in the end…
Much love and see you on the other side!
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Course Requirement: Udemy – Laura Piquero – Narcissistic Abuse: Shadow Work, Healing and Rebirth
Real Value: $44.36
One-time cost: USD 15
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