I want to admit something to you… something that I’d kept secret for many years of my life, and I couldn’t bring myself to admit it to anyone…
It’s that I have an automatic, very deep, gut-level fear of approaching women.
Now, this fear didn’t come from “rejection” from women.
And it wasn’t because I approached a woman and had something bad happen.
In fact, one of the reasons I found it so hard to admit this problem to anyone was the simple fact that I couldn’t explain it.
I can remember a time in my life where I’d see a woman that I wanted to meet… and it felt as if there was a foot-thick wall of glass between me and her. It was as if there was a physical barrier preventing me from walking over and talking to her.
At one point in my life, I started to wonder if I was crazy.
Who ever heard of someone feeling like something was physically stopping them from simply walking up and talking to another person?
Well, if you’re reading this right now, then I’m guessing that you know exactly what I’m talking about here. And the reason that you know is because you probably have similar experience with…
Listen… I have spent literally years making mistakes as I worked to learn how to overcome my own fear and approach women in different situations.
Then I spent MORE YEARS teaching other men how to overcome their fears and shyness… and teaching them how to successfully approach women, start conversations, and create attraction with women.
Which is why – right here, right now – I would like to boil down the top mistakes that men make when it comes to approaching women… and then I’d like to teach you step by step how to overcome all of these mistakes to create massive success for yourself with women.
First up… here come those mistakes…
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MISTAKE #1: Not Knowing How To Deal With Fear And Shyness
In life, we all have fears… and it’s up to each of us as individuals to either choose to overcome those fears, or choose to let those fears run our lives.
For most of us guys, we experience intense fear and shyness when it comes to approaching women we don’t know. And one of the things I learned about my fear of approaching women was that instead of being abnormal, I was actually typical. And so are you.
MISTAKE #2: Expecting The Worst
If you stop to think about it, I think you’ll realize that when you think about approaching a woman, your unconscious mind starts to instantly think about all the negative things that might happen.
In fact, for most guys, this negative expectation program literally takes over… and they can’t even imagine a positive outcome. I’m going to show you another way…
MISTAKE #3: Making The Wrong First Impression
Attractive women are approached constantly. And the more she’s approached (both subtly and not so subtly), the more she develops a powerful radar system that alerts her to a man’s intentions.
Most men don’t realize that their lame attempts to get a woman’s attention are hurting them. They don’t realize that the things they’re doing are actually giving her a negative impression… and making it so that it’s almost impossible for her to be attracted. But it doesn’t have to be this way for you.
MISTAKE #4: Seeking Her Approval Or Acceptance
In MOST of the situations where a man approaches a woman that he is interested in, he acts nervous and shy… like he’s trying to get the woman to like him and accept him.
But for regular guys like you and me, attraction is triggered by a totally different message. It’s created by a man who knows how to trigger attraction when he approaches… instead of letting his Inner Wuss come leaking out. I’m going to show you how.
MISTAKE #5: Thinking You Need To Be “Original And Creative”
When we see a woman that we’d like to meet, we tend to think to ourselves, “I need to come up with something original and creative to say to her.” So we look at her… try to notice something about her… maybe try to come up with some kind of original compliment… or creative humor.
Here’s the problem: like I said, that attractive woman has men looking at her all day… Everyday. And they’re all thinking the same thing. The solution is to learn what to say when you start a conversation with women. Learn how the pros do it… so you can get an understanding of what actually works. I’m going show you what they do…
MISTAKE #6: Not Having An Arsenal Of Techniques “At The Ready”
You may have noticed that the mistakes I’ve been talking about have little or nothing to do with pick up lines and techniques. It’s because, if you DON’T have these other issues handled, the best techniques in the world can’t help you.
So: Step ONE is to get these other issues handled first. Step TWO is to then learn the very best opening lines and other techniques… so you have proven systems for approaching women and starting conversations in ANY situation. And I want to give them to you.
All of these Mistakes in mind, it’s time for The Solution…
If you’re ready to kiss your fears of walking up to women goodbye — and give yourself the priceless skill of being able to approach any woman in any situation… spark her attraction for you instantly (and even leave with her wanting you!) then I have some exciting news for you…
I’ve put together an entire, one-of-a-kind program on Approaching Women And Starting Conversations… and it’s going to turn your world around.
…implant the skill of approaching women into your game, mind, and personality…
This program is not designed to simply educate you on the ins and outs of approaching women… and it’s not just going to give you a few great lines and techniques…
This program will help to implant the skill of approaching women into your game, mind, and personality… and make it a permanent part of who you are.
I’ll show you why men have such a hard time approaching women… why your adrenaline starts pumping when you see an attractive woman you want to meet… why your brain is trained to create excuses not to approach… and why you can’t ever think of the right thing to say “when it counts”…
I’ll also show you how to stand out from every other man that has ever walked up to her… even if you don’t have something original to say…
… and how to read a woman’s signals fast so you know when she wants you to approach… the exact time when you should approach… and when you shouldn’t waste your time.
And that’s just the beginning…
To ensure that this program was the very best in the world… I brought in some of the WORLD’S BEST to help me out…
You’ll hear from a psychiatrist who will show you how to rid yourself of the negative beliefs that are sabotaging your success… as well as two wing women — ladies who introduce men to women for a living — who will spill the beans on how you can use other women to meet the ones you want.
You’ll also hear from several guys who have over 1000 approaches under their belts… and they’ll practically hand you all of the secrets they’ve worked so hard to discover…
Here’s just some of what else you’ll learn:
And a whole lot more – as you can see, we’re going to leave no stone unturned.
This program will give you all of the tools… but more importantly… by going through this intensive training, you’ll gain the actual skills you need to use them successfully.
I want to help you get this part of your life handled, and I don’t want anything to stand in your way… including your financial situation. So I’ve decided to price this program (for now…) at only 5 easy monthly payments of $57.00.
PLUS it comes with my better-than-money-back guarantee…
Watch my Approaching Women starting right now on your computer, smartphone, or other portable device RISK FREE for 30 days. If for any reason you’re not happy, simply let me know before the 30 days are up, and I’ll give you a full refund!
So… are you going to play to win in the dating game and the game of life? Or are you just going to sit on the sidelines, watching it happen?
It’s all up to you…
I’ll talk to you again soon.
Your Friend,
Read more: http://archive.is/jo6b4
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