The Arcturian Thunder Transmissions (ATT) are a series of 4
forty-five minute energy transmissions
meant to build in your system an indomitable will.
The impetus for creating this series of transmissions was the idea
that if the spiritual world, your guides, and higher self tasked you
with a spiritual mission to perform on this Earth,
would you have the will and capacity to get it done.
What energy structure and consciousness would need to be in place
in your system to carry out such a mission?
The answer to that aspiration gave rise to this series of transmissions.
The ATT transmissions are facilitated by Divine Consciousness through the Arcturians
in the particular form of the Arcturian Thunder Dragon.
The end goal is to have the capacity to do whatever you set your mind on doing.
From the energetic point of view, the transmissions will place an
Arcturian Thunder Ball, a large gray spherical stone,
in your belly center or Lower Dan Tien in Chinese Medicine.
The Belly Center is the center for willing or doing.
Replicas of this Arcturian Thunder Ball will also energetically be woven
into your Heart Center (Feeling),
the Throat Center (Creating),
the Head Center (Thinking),
and the First Chakra Above the Head (Super-astral connections),
and the Thunder Chakra (located beneath the root chakra).
This allows for an integrated approach to strengthening your Divine Will
in relationship to all the other energy centers so that they act in a coordinated whole.
Get immediately download Gene Ang – Arcturian Thunder Transmissions – Building an Indomitable Will You can either sit in meditation or lie down for each transmission. Just play the mp3 and allow the frequencies, energies, and consciousness to work on your system. There is also embedded on each track a meditation sequence that you can follow for a more dynamic and involved approach to using the transmissions. The meditation sequence precedes in the following manner: 1) above the head 2) the head center 3) the throat center 4) the heart center 5) the belly center (emphasis here) 6) the head center 7) the Thunder Chakra 8) either first, second, or third chakra below the body depending on the transmission and 9) first chakra above the head (the Arcturian Diamond). Each transmission can be done one day at a time for the first cycle with at least 24 hours of integration time or more between transmissions. More time can be taken before moving on to the next transmission if you like. After the 4 transmissions are completed you can revisit the entire cycle again at your own pace for a deepening of the energetic movements and imprints. Each time you do the cycle again you are deepening the spiral of the effects. |
Description of Each Arcturian Thunder Transmission
1) Horizontal Negative Green-
This vibration is known as spiritual carrier wave which carries vibrations though space. It is also associated with Shakti energy, Kundalini energy, and the vibration found in spiritual transmissions.
2) Violet–
This vibration amplifies other vibrations and colors. It is involved in etheric revitalization and transmutation and promotes higher awareness and consciousness. Furthermore, this vibration gives spiritual strength and increases the effects of meditation. This color is associated with Archangel Raphael.
3) Ultraviolet-
This vibration creates a resonance with the Astral plane and Higher Spiritual Planes. It is connected with the spiritual powers of the Sun and the atmosphere of the angels. Also, this vibration assists in the flow of spiritual information in the body and and energy field.
4) Infra-Red–
This vibration is associated with the Warmth Ether which is related to the first stage of movement in manifesting from the astral plane to the physical plane.
5) Red–
This vibration is associated with strengthening, stimulating, activating, vitalizing, warming, and expanding. It is a further manifestation of the Warmth Ether as the astral plane more deeply manifests into the physical plane. This vibration is also associated with Archangel Michael.
In addition in transmission #2 there is a Yellow vibration quality.
The yellow vibration is associated with illuminating emotional issues through thinking. This vibration also stimulates mental activity, learning, comprehension, and the intellect. The yellow vibration is associated with connecting to the Sun Forces and the Solar Logos (Christos). Yellow connects with the Earth element and square shapes (symbolic of the physical dimension).
The following people can benefit from these transmissions:
1) Anyone seeking to increase their capacity to carry out their intentions, goals, and projects. There is no requirement to have done any previous Arcturian Healing Method Transmissions or have taken the Arcturian Healing Method classes.
2) People in business, academics, competitive work environments, professionals, athletes, martial artists,
and students looking to get an internal edge and develop their inner power.
3) Spiritual aspirants who want to supercharge their will to have it resonate with the Divine Will.
4) People looking to sustain a difficult but necessary relationship as well as those needing to end a
harmful relationship.
5) People looking to fill their lives with joy, zest, and vibrancy.
Get immediately download Gene Ang – Arcturian Thunder Transmissions – Building an Indomitable Will
Plus a 30 minute recording of Gene on the importance of the Arcturian Thunder Transmissions in the context of building your subtle bodies through transmissions and meditation. |
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