ss your Wound Care Certification Exam…The First Time!
If you’re looking to take your practice to the next level, improve your earning potential and employment opportunities by adding credentials like CWCN, CWS or WCC to your name, then you came to the right place…
This cutting-edge online course will not only give you the knowledge you need to pass your certification exam the first time, but also the tools and techniques you need to improve your patient outcomes.
Wound, ostomy and continence expert Kim Saunders, MSN/ED, RN, CWON®, CFCN, will guide you step-by-step through video segments containing picture examples of wound types, case scenarios and practice test questions to give you everything you need to pass your certification exam:
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Skin and Wound Assessment
Dressing and Treatment Options
Wound Care in Special Populations
Mechanical Injuries & Top Down Damage
Prevention of Pressure Injuries & Therapeutic Surfaces
Lower Extremity Wounds
Complications & Special Considerations
Plus, gain the knowledge you need to carry through into your practice. Don’t spend thousands of dollars on a certification prep course when you can register today for only $99.99 and get everything you need from the comfort of your own home. Your satisfaction is guaranteed so you have nothing to lose!
The Certification Exam Prep Course Includes:
Immediate Online Access to Video Sessions providing a comprehensive review of wound care
Wound Care Course Manual (PDF format)
Additional Study Tools including NSN access for additional audio seminars and articles to complement course videos and reinforce key areas of study
Online Practice Test to assess your readiness to sit for the actual exam
Online CE Test Access – complete the entire course and earn up to 9.6 CE contact hours
Collaboration with other online students to help with problem solving and to keep you motivated
Unlimited Access to all videos and materials online, plus you can download all resources to own forever
Here’s what you will learn in this comprehensive online course:
Wound Care Certification: Exam Prep Course
This unique presentation includes pictures of wound types and case scenarios that will make this information “stick” in your memory. You will learn about the latest wound assessment principles along with strategies for proper assessment in various clinical settings. Understand how to differentiate etiology, complications and symptoms of wound stagnation by clinical presentation. Gain the ability to critically analyze multiple treatment options for each type of wound presentation. You’ll also get valuable test-taking strategies and tips that are certain to aid in your quest for success on the wound care certification exam!
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Module 1
Quick Review of Skin Anatomy & Physiology
Changes Related to Micronutrient Deficiencies
Key Terminology with Related Photos
Phases of Wound Healing
Module 2
Assessment of the Patient with a Wound
Measuring & Documenting
Principles of Wound Management
Comprehensive Care Planning
Patient & Caregiver Education Principles
Module 3
Nutrition Assessment
Principles of Topical Therapy
Managing wound related pain
Module 4
Wound Cleansing
Dressing Selection
Summary of wound products
Module 5
Wound Debridement Guidelines
Wound Infection
Refractory Wounds
Module 6
Special Populations:
Spinal Cord Injuries
Module 7
Moisture Associated Skin Damage (MASD)
Incontinence Associated Dermatitis (IAD)
Intertriginous Dermatitis (ITD)
Medical Adhesive Related Skin Injury (MARSI)
Module 8
Pressure and Shearing
Prevention Strategies & Therapeutic Surfaces
Venous Insufficiency, Venous Ulcers & Lymphedema
Module 9
Lower Extremity Arterial Disease
Lower Extremity Neuropathic Disease
Differential Assessment of Lower Extremity Ulcers
Module 10
Foot & Nail Care
Wounds Caused by Infectious Process
Oncology Related Skin & Wound Care
Thermal Wounds
Traumatic & Surgical Wounds
Palliative Wounds
Fistula & Percutaneous Tube Management
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Learn more about the speakers:
Kim Saunders, MSN/ED, RN, CWON®, CFCN, is a co-owner of WOC Consulting, LLC. Kim has 19 years as a wound, ostomy, and continence expert in home health, acute care, hospice, and outpatient settings. Kim consults for patients related to wounds, ostomy, and incontinence-associated dermatitis. Her experience includes healthcare system-projects related to bed, stretcher, and wheelchair surfaces as well as system processes for skin and wound issues.
The combination of business owner, leadership, role creation, and bedside consultation brings a unique approach to her workshops. Her wound care experience goes beyond the patient and includes cost-efficient processes and reimbursement expertise.
Kim is an active member of the Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society™, and the Advanced Wound Care Society. She is an experienced speaker, presenting fun, fast-paced programs on a variety of wound care topics.
Learning that Fits YOUR Schedule:
Get started on materials instantly. View any of the video modules online at your convenience. You will have unlimited access to the videos online, and you can download everything for future reference! Plus, use the CE21 Mobile™ app to access the course content on-the-go, wherever and whenever you want on your mobile devices.
Interact and collaborate with other professionals in the online community through chat boards and online forums. Participants love sharing ideas, asking questions and networking with peers!
Complete your CE tests online at the completion of each module, with instant access to your CE certificates – earn up to 9.6 CE hours.
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Course Requirement: Kim Saunders – Wound Care Certification
Real Value: $99.0000
One time cost: USD29.0000
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