Are you ready to learn how to love yourself?
Love Yourself: A 30-Day Home-Study Inner Bonding Experience with Dr. Margaret Paul, to self-heal anxiety, depression, guilt, shame, addictions and relationships.
“The Inner Bonding Course has been a great blessing; the key to healing. I’ve been searching for this for a lifetime. Investing all my resources to learn how to connect and love more. To develop spiritually and be of greater service to others. The blessings will be immeasurable. Thank you more than I can say.” —Joy
“I have become aware of just how much emotional maturity was missing in me. I now have the tools to examine what is going on inside, and what to do about it. I am THRILLED!” —David G.
“WOW this month has been life changing for me. I feel that Inner Bonding has the capacity to help empower everyone to heal their wounded self. This Love Yourself course with the inspiring Dr. Margaret Paul has to be the most healing and helpful thing I’ve ever taken part of. I was held in so much compassion and support as I suffered with severe PTSD because of my severe childhood abuse. Margaret has taught me so many techniques during this month to cope…and my PTSD is diminishing.” —Melissa Griffith
“I can hardly find the words to express how much I loved this course! It gave me the courage to stand and be fully present in the midst of feelings that before seemed impossible to bear. It gave me the tools to face my deepest fears and make some life-changing decisions for the love of myself. I woke up every day with great excitement, looking forward to opening the ‘Love Yourself’ email that never failed to fill me with embodied realizations. Supported by Margaret’s loving presence, this is the Ultimate Course that should be known and done by the whole world. I loved every single bit of it! ” —Anikó
“Your courses have been wonderful, and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking this path in your life to guide others towards the Truth and Freedom. You are spreading so much Light in this World! Love Yourself course has been the greatest blessing of my life, truly. I even called this year a turning point in my life. As strange as it may sound, I feel like newly born. Though I read many self-help books and did inner work (which all helped me to move forward), nothing really brought such a profound clarity, healing and inner peace that learning Inner Bonding does. I am forever grateful to have been guided to take this course. And I am beyond grateful to you for sharing the wisdom of your soul, Dr. Margaret. You can’t even imagine, how much you have changed my life. Many, many thanks. —Jurgita C.
“Being shown the way to living in love is all we want at our deepest level and the gift of your course leads us there. I have been seeking for someone to show me a clear path to wholeness my entire life. Thank you.” ~Markjd
“Inner Bonding should be required for all couples, and I’m certain it can save marriages. The Love Yourself course does what counseling often fails to do–and that is to arm each person with the tools they need to feel whole all by themselves first. Dr. Paul’s bedside manner is excellent during the course–both actively in the forum and during the weekly coaching calls. Even after years of personal-growth work, I found so much to learn. Thank you.” ~Jessica Stone
“I believe that this course, and your approach, integrates the spiritual, relational, developmental and emotional elements of wellbeing and blends them with neuroscience, somatic forms of therapy, psychological concepts, trauma and attachment theory, and cutting edge research on the micro biome/gut health – all with deep compassion and a loving openness – so important for us individually and for the planet. This combination is missing from many other types of personal growth work or therapy for depression, anxiety, trauma, or relationship difficulties….I discovered things about myself that I had not understood, and as my awareness of myself grew, it translated to being better able to support my clients. I am particularly struck by the time you spent with each and every person. Your responsiveness and genuine care and connection was a great gift. I cannot recommend your course highly enough.” ~F
Finally, a revolutionary way to heal…
Are you ready to learn how to love yourself and free yourself of fear, anxiety and depression, guilt, shame, addictions and relationship problems?
Are you ready to learn to connect with yourself and your personal source of spiritual guidance, so that you can connect with a partner?
Whether you are new to Inner Bonding or a seasoned practitioner of the Inner Bonding process, you will be amazed at how much you learn and heal in my 30-Day Intensive Inner Bonding program.
“This is a fabulous class! In my 30 year career as a therapist who’s done many trainings, and many years in my own therapy, this is the first class I’ve done that actually teaches a method for the process of loving oneself. Margaret’s interaction with us on the private online forum and coaching call was very supportive and helpful. The course incorporates the most current somatic and neurobiology material. I’m so happy I followed my guidance to take this course. It’s been transformative, and I can now continue to work with the process on my own.”—Andrea
“…a truly awesome course! I feel like I’ve learned something so valuable that I will be using for the rest of my life. …I’m so grateful —Liz
“Thank you for a truly phenomenal course. This has been by far the best thing I have done for myself in all my many years of soul work….You can seek therapy for years at $100 a session or do a course with you that personally took me much further for a fraction of the cost….I’m glad I found you!” —Karen
“This course was revolutionary for me. After years of self help books, self help courses, therapy, searching, meditating, pilgrimage, you name it…..FINALLY I found Inner Bonding as a method to come home to me in a powerful and authentic loving way.” ~Maree
“I’ve worked very hard for almost 20 years…by going to therapy and in other ways…However, I’ve still not been able to shake something off where I’ve felt never good enough. This model and process has created a significant shift in me in a very genuine and palpable way already. I can’t believe it and am so grateful.” ~Leah, Australia
“Traditional psychotherapy could take years before it gives you the direct help you receive here from the first day.” ~R. Hutchinson, M.A.
“From all other courses and trainings, this one is a diamond and I advise it to everyone…taking it was certainly one of the best things I could ever do for myself.” ~Olga
If you have already taken this course, please refer your friends to it. They do not have to know anything about Inner Bonding to greatly benefit from this course.
Click Here to read more testimonials from previous courses.
Life-Changing, Self-Transformational…
(Photo by Frank McKenna)
In this course – which will take only about 15-20 minutes a day – you’re going to learn how to love yourself, rather than continue to reject and abandon yourself, which is the underlying cause of most anxiety, depression, guilt, shame, addictions and relationship problems.
People learn in different ways. Some people learn by seeing, some by hearing, and some by reading, and some in all of these ways. You will have an opportunity to learn in all of these ways, because here is what you will be receiving in this course:
Each day, for 30 days, you will be receiving an email from me that contains an article and an action step for you to take that day. Each simple action step, which you will be able to easily integrate into your day, will gradually lead you through the Inner Bonding process.
A number of times each week you will receive a 5-10 minute video or a 3-5 minute visualization that will support you in your healing process. I’ve created these videos and visualizations just for this course.
There will be a special forum that I’ve created just for this group. In this forum of compassionate and caring people, you will be able to share your experience and receive help from each other and from me.
In the forum you can ask your questions, and once a week we will have a live coaching call, where I will be answering your questions and helping you with your healing process.
Get immediately download Margaret Paul – Inner Bonding – Love Yourself
If you can’t make the call at that time, don’t worry! I will be answering your questions that you asked in the forum and you will be receiving a recording of the coaching call.
“I really loved the course! It was incredible! The pace was perfect…I loved the fact that there were videos, conference calls, emails, a forum – everything! The depth of sharing was great as well, adding differing perspectives at each step along the way….it was AMAZING! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!!!!!” ~Danielle
“This course is definitely changing my life! At 57, with a lifetime of involvement in the human potential movement, all types of therapy, self-help,12-Step and Eastern philosophies under my belt, IB was the missing key I needed to access all this knowledge. ~Ann F.
“I absolutely loved this course….I think the one-month course with you was more helpful than the 10 years of therapy I’ve had. It’s really, honestly, been life changing. Thanks for such an amazing and empowering program.” ~S. Bross
“Thank you so much for this exceptional course….it has changed my life….it’s the ‘how to’ manual that for me brings about the healing I’ve wanted for years, in more fully loving myself.” ~Deb
“I started feeling much better from day 1 of the course, as I never felt in my life….So I think I’ve ended my 18 years research and found the right path for me…. thank you for your precious work; I really think it can make a difference in this world.~F.Z.
“I got SO MUCH out of your Inner Bonding course! Your teachings are so amazing, insightful, and filled with compassion; they continue to improve my life daily, and I am so very grateful. The forum and the coaching calls provided so much insight; I could not recommend this course more highly.” ~Nancy
“I am a long-time Inner Bonder and I loved this course….this course crystalized the 6 steps of inner bonding for me in a way that I have not experienced or grasped before….Margaret answers each and every question from participants. And most of all, you get to share the experience with others. If you are frustrated or have a sense that you could be getting more out of your Inner Bonding practice, I highly recommend this course!” ~Kim
Get immediately download Margaret Paul – Inner Bonding – Love Yourself
“Even though I have been a member of IB for almost a year and half, I continued to learn so much more….I highly recommend this course to new members as well as to long time members.” ~Mark DeNovellis
“This course was phenomenal. I have done inner child work before and I can tell the expertise you have in this system and how your system is uniquely transformational on many levels. This was life changing. I thank you for all the work you’ve done on yourself in order to bring this to us!” ~Karen C
Our Guarantee
We will refund the cost of the course minus the cost of PayPal if you cancel within one week after the start of the course.
Watch the 1 hour Intro Video, which is included with the program
Take the free Inner Bonding course
Space is limited, so don’t delay in learning how to love yourself, which is giving yourself one of the best gifts you can give to yourself.
“I loved the course because it was daily, easy to follow, practical and I trust the process. I loved that you were so available! Which is so rare. Everyone should do your work because it covers everything & you made it affordable for everyone to join. OUTSTANDING!!!!” ~Deb M.
“Margaret has such a soothing and reassuring voice, I could listen to her all day! It was so nice to have all of the support in the forum when I asked questions.” —Sarah
“LOVED IT. Incredibly effective. Of all the therapeutic and spiritual practices I have explored, Inner Bonding is the most effective because it provided me a simple and direct, but also profoundly effective process for accessing love, respect and trust for myself.” ~Amber DuPuy
“I have enjoyed this course very much and have benefitted greatly….I feel your practice gets to the root cause of the anxiety we bring upon ourselves from our wounded self. This is the best work I have come across so far since I began this journey a few years ago. This online course and the coaching calls were more effective than in-person sessions I had in the past. My experience has been that many coaches in this field talk about being/getting happy, but were lacking in the way to get there.” ~Diane B.
(Photo by Boris Smokrovic)
Walk with me
People who go to therapy spend an average of $100/session for an average of two years, spending at least a total of $2400, and many pay much more. As you can see from the testimonials, this course is, as one person said, “like spending decades in therapy.” I have kept the cost low so that many can learn to love themselves and bring more love into the world, but the value of it is way beyond the cost of the program.
Come walk with me through this powerful self-healing course. I look forward to getting to know you!
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Course Requirement: Margaret Paul – Inner Bonding – Love Yourself
Real Value: $199.0000
One time cost: USD42.0000
Our support staff is the best by far! please do not hesitate to contact us at email: and we’ll be happy to help!
You want to get “Margaret Paul – Inner Bonding – Love Yourself” now right?!!!