
Mark Cunningham – The Power of Erotic Hypnosis

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Mark Cunningham – The Power of Erotic Hypnosis

Mark Cunningham - The Power of Erotic Hypnosis

Is it immoral to make women feel this good?

Discover How To Make Yourself The Ultimate Source Of Pleasure For A Woman!

Renegade Hypnotist reveals his secrets on how to give any woman endless waves of intoxicating full-body pleasure, using just a few simple hypnotic words.

Dear Friend,

​Have you ever secretly wondered if you are “good enough” in bed?

​Fact is, almost every guy has at some point in his life worried about being able to satisfy a woman.

​But it doesn’t have to be that way, because with what you are about to discover you’ll never worry about that again. And any woman you choose, will think she’s the luckiest woman on earth!

Renegade Hypnotist, Mark Cunningham

And you won’t worry about other guys anymore either, because when you are the ultimate source of a woman’s pleasure, she forgets they exist.

​My name is Mark Cunningham. I’m a hypnotist.

​A very unconventional hypnotist. Most of my hypnosis clients were housewives who wanted to drop 20 pounds so they would look good in a bathing suit again.

​But trying to get women to stop eating candy, cake, and chocolate long enough to hit their weight target — is like trying to get a politician to stop taking campaign donations.

​Why do women eat chocolate? It makes them feel good.

​So I developed a technique called Conditioning With Pleasure. To make them feel better by NOT eating the chocolate.

​And when I would hypnotize women and say “imagine a time you felt pleasure”, oddly enough she wouldn’t be thinking about chocolate, she would instantly start thinking about SEX.

​How do I know? I asked. And because I have deep rapport with my clients… they told me. (Frankly you’d be shocked at just how kinky your average housewife can be)

​And in case you were wondering… I was getting spectacular results with these clients! Referrals came flooding in and women were lining up to see me months in advance.

If I was able to get these kind of responses in the therapy room with women I barely knew… what would this be like with a woman you are dating?

​I found out… once they get a taste of this kind of pleasure… they don’t take no for an answer!

​Your biggest problem is how to end it, because they become addicted to how you make them feel! (But don’t worry, I’ve developed a technique to deal with that too.)

​I’m now showing this to guys (and couples). They are learning how to do it, they are having amazing success and you can too.

Erotic Hypnosis gives you Direct Access to the ‘Pleasure Circuits’ in her mind.

So you might be thinking… “Why the hell would I want to learn hypnosis???”

It’s a fair question.

​Here’s 3 reasons:

​1. Pleasure begins and ends in the mind

​If you want to give a woman incredible pleasure, you need to go to the source. Scientists mapping the brain have discovered the existence and location of the ‘pleasure circuit’.

And it gets better. Nuerologists have recently discovered something truly amazing. Something that explains how using Erotic Hypnosis you can give a woman Orgasm on Command:
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The research on this continues to grow, but one thing should be clear… every nerve in a woman’s body connects to her mind. So if you want to light up her body with pleasure… start with her mind.

​2. Hypnosis is designed for the mind.

​Hypnosis is a simple set of tools specifically for accessing the mind. And in particular the subconscious mind, which is where emotions, feelings and sensations are. Ecstasy, desire, and pleasure all happen in the subconscious.

Because of this, Hypnosis gives you the easiest and most direct access to the pleasure centers in the brain.

Hypnosis works with vivid imagery and sensation, which is why you can give a woman virtually unlimited pleasure and enhance her orgasms in ways she’s never even imagined.

3. Women are fascinated by hypnosis

​Ask any hypnotist and they’ll tell you between 80% – 95% of their clients are women.

​Ok sure, that’s therapy. So what about women in general?

​Think about this… Why do women find Dracula the vampire so sexy? Because Dracula has hypnotic powers!

​As of today, There are 1,364 Romance Novels on about vampires. This plays into one of the most common fantasy themes you’ll find in women’s romance novels. That of “I couldn’t help myself” which women find very erotic.

​Which is why when you learn to use hypnosis to give them powerful feelings of pleasure and ecstasy… They find it EXTREMELY HOT

​And frankly if I had a dollar for every time I’ve told a woman I was a hypnotist and she said “can you do me?”… I’d be a rich man.

“The Power of Erotic Hypnosis”

​Here’s what you’ll get…

These 7 modules give you all the tools you need to make yourself the ultimate source of pleasure for a woman.

​Module 1: Pleasure Begins In The Mind

This sets the foundation for everything you’ll do in this course, you’ll discover:

The truth about trance. (and why you won’t do anything you’ll regret while in hypnosis )
How LOVE is a powerful trance state and ORGASM is a mental phenomena .
You can even be in trance while having sex!
How you can create powerful emotional states like ecstasy, bliss, desire, and pleasure with your lover.
How to use trance to give women new and different kinds of orgasms!

Module 2: How To Hypnotize Women

This module shows you how quick & easy it is to hypnotize a woman. You’ll discover:

The many gateways into trance. (And the easiest one that works with everybody )
Why women love to go into trance. (And how to get them excited to try it)
The Foolproof Hypnotic Trance technique demonstrated with Jessica
Step-by-step breakdown of the Foolproof Hypnotic Trance technique
Simple, effective tips to hypnotize like a Pro!

Module 3: Give Her Waves of Pleasure

Giving women waves of pleasure is an essential part of being a Renegade Hypnotist. You’ll discover:

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How to give powerful, positive suggestions for her to feel pleasure!
How a simple touch can double her pleasure.
How to use pleasure as a reward to increase her sexual responsiveness.
How to read her non- verbal signals. (You’ll know what she’s feeling and how she’s responding… to you)
The only two type of suggestions you need and a simple test to know which ones to use.

Module 4: Fast Effective Trance

The lazy hypnotists method for when you are hypnotizing the same woman over and over. You’ll discover:

How to take her back into trance… FAST! (under 10 seconds)
The simple trick that guarantees you’ll always know what to say when doing hypnosis .
How to easily emerge her from trance so she feels FANTASTIC!
Why each time she goes into trance, it feels so good, when you offer it again she’ll be on it like a fly on butter!
How to make her feel feminine, sexy, & beautiful in less than 20 seconds .

Module 5: How To Be Primal Masculine & Erotic

How to embrace your natural primal and sexual desires and make them a normal part of who you are in this modern world. You’ll discover:

How to stop committing “Thought Crimes” that hold you back and make you feel crappy. (This one secret is worth the price of the program!)
The shortcut to becoming relaxed, happy & confident.
The infamous ‘ Essence of BIG Dickness’ experiment!
What it means for a man to be EROTIC (and what women find erotic in a man)
How to be comfortable with power & influence!

Module 6: Playing With Sensation

This is where the fun really starts. This is the skill that once mastered leads to things like nipple-gasms, kiss-gasms and Orgasm on Command.You’ll discover:

How sensation begins and ends in the mind (And how to use this to your advantage)
How to CREATE sensation. CHANGE sensation, MOVE sensation, and AMPLIFY sensations!
How to get different parts of her to feel “turned on” (including parts she never imagined )
How the lightest touch anywhere becomes insanely intense pleasure.

Module 7: Making Fantasy Real

It’s easier to accept new behaviors inside of trance and try them on. She gets to find out she enjoys them before doing it for real.You’ll discover:

Inside their minds, most women are kinky as all hell, but it’s bottled up. (And how you can let it out)
How to use Erotic Hypnosis to open up and embrace new sexual experiences
How to create wild (yet safe) fantasies for a woman in trance.
What to do if you don’t get the ideal response from her
How to utilize a buffet of hypnotic phenomena to make her fantasies seem real. (She’ll be amazed and excited)

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Get Mark Cunningham - The Power of Erotic Hypnosis immediately when you secure your purchase by clicking on the order button on this page ​If you want to give a woman incredible pleasure, you need to go to the source. Scientists mapping the brain Format File: [41 MP3s, 6 PDFs] File size: 336.85 MB...

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