
Rintu Basu – Trancey Coaching

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Rintu Basu Trancey Coaching

Rintu Basu Trancey Coaching, Have prospects beating a path to your door desperate to throw money at you to work with them.


Rintu Basu – Trancey Coaching

Rintu Basu – Trancey Coaching

“Anyone else want to know hypnotic insider tips to turn your prospects, customers and clients into raging fans that trumpet your cause and demand to pay you top price for your expertise?..

Your advice should be heeded as if it were your livelihood.

From the Desk:
Rintu Basu
International Best-Selling Author
The Black Book on Persuasion Skills
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Since 1995, my coaching, training, and implementation of coaching programs in large organizations has been my passion. I have helped thousands upon thousands of therapists, hypnotherapists and NLPers counsellors as well as consultants, trainers, trainers, and other therapists grow and develop their businesses. These are some of the common problems I encounter:
  • “I can’t charge what I am worth”
  • “They don’t respect my expertise”
  • “It’s a struggle finding new clients / customers”
  • “I’m always being compared to others in the market”
  • “Why do they pay me if they won’t implement my suggestions?”
  • “I keep doing endless rounds of free sessions and still no one buys”
Some of these may be something you’ve experienced. I know that I have. But I’ve also been very lucky. My experience is in pragmatic and hardnosed environments. Very early on I discovered that I have a flair and a passion for hypnotic language and psychological persuasion skills. I was thrust into situations where I had to charge serious money whatever I thought I was actually worth. I can help you accelerate your growth as a coach, consultant or trainer, NLP therapist and counsellor, or hypnotist. There are many systems and methods that will help you.
Free taster sessions don’t work. In fact in the extreme you could have prospects queuing to pay you money to be assessed for your programmes.
 Have prospects beating a path to your door desperate to throw money at you to work with them.
 Rapidly alter your approach to solving the problem.
 Your reputation for producing unnatural, powerful results will grow. My client base tripled after a phobia customer. “accidentally” He was able then to restore his sight.
 Been seen as The only expert Expert in the subject.
 You can keep people in trance-induced trances for as long as you need until they are completely receptive to the change work.
To keep my hands in the business and work with interesting people, a small coaching practice is what I have. To help clients set up their business, I work with therapists as well as coaches, consultants, and even hypnotists. I have held off publishing this course as I was planning on a much larger release about how to set up a successful online coaching business. Now my focus has changed and I’m moving in a different direction. I won’t be creating a larger product anytime soon. The valuable content I have accumulated is too important not to share. I get asked lots of common questions by people about growing or starting a change work style business. Although I could only offer a few superficial responses, I can provide lots of information about everything from client management to belief and behavior changing models and selling tips. I decided to combine it all by performing secret demonstrations of trancework and anchoring using metaphors.

Trancey Coaching Conversations

What is the purpose and function of this course?

This course will allow to distill 20 years worth of coaching experience. It will also cover some fun hypnotic phrases I have created that can be used in coaching, counselling or hypnotherapy. This course contains many of my frames, covert intros, and presentations that are used with clients and prospects. It’s not enough to just sell the client the course. I want them to have a positive experience and achieve the results they want once they have signed up. In any field where you are reliant on your client to make changes you are always up against the fact that the best work you can do is limited by what the client does. For me that means that at the point of purchase I want to make sure that the client is motivated, cleared out their baggage and any negative beliefs and already along the path of getting far more than they expected. My version of the sales process directly influences the work they do. This course focuses on preframes for attracting clients that will benefit greatly. It will provide preframes to help clients make positive changes and value your services enough that they are willing to pay higher prices.

*️⃣ Who is it for?

You are a worker for a Consultant, coach, or hypnotist. This course is designed for you if your goal is to increase your trance usage in your business.
If you work with groups and people, you can make a difference. This material will help guide you in forming conversations that allow clients change quickly and efficiently. This material is available here. Demonstrations and use of covert trance inducements and spatial anchoring are active. This course will teach you how to work with groups. In short if you do any client change work then this course will have content you can use to sell the client, stack them full of useful beliefs to preframe their work with you and idea on how to make the changes so quickly and completely that they may not even notice that it has happened. If you are a sales professional This package contains lots of useful content that can be used immediately. This course will help you solve difficult problems in sales. If you are a Student of persuasion Students are shown all the techniques, tools, and trance inductions I use. This is a rare look under the hood so you can not just learn the content but also how it is applied to an audience.

*️⃣ Here’s what this course isn’t about

It won’t teach you your expertise. To become a coach, counselor, coach, consultant or counsellor, you must be a coach or counselor.
It will not give you super powers to cover up incompetence, lack of skills or experience.
Whilst you could use these ideas to lie, cheat and bamboozle your clients and customers the overall strategies within this course rely on a long term relationship that treats the people that want your services with respect.
While some of this material seems to be magical in the way it can convert people with vague interests into zealotlike fans, it’s not a magic bullet.
This course is easy to follow. But that is not to say that you don’t need to apply effort. These skills and ideas will lead to ten times as many clients. You will need to work hard.

Summary of Content

The video contains over three hours worth of video and eight counselors, therapists, and coaches. There are also consultants with a wide range of experience in NLP and trance coaching. These students are my own students. All components of the system can be seen in person “classic” Models, concepts and ideas that I share with prospects or clients. These are both shown using the non-spatial anchors. My coaching strategy starts before the sale. It often involves the change work that occurs before the client has an opportunity to express themselves.

Video One

You’ll see me perform a variety covert trance techniques including preframing the audience, setting up spatial anchors, and performing a few inductions. After you’ve seen all three videos, you’ll be able to go back and deconstruct the real story. Here’s a sample of the course and the deconstruction that one of my advanced students did.
We also:
  • Let me tell how I accidentally became a world-renowned Coach, and how you can do the same thing but more purposefully.
  • Trance can be used as a tool to disassemble trance and to show clients how emotions can be connected to actions that push or pull clients forward.
  • Discuss the model that will make you stand out and allow you to charge more than your peers. This is the exact strategy I use to make thousands from sales meetings.
  • To quickly change your clients, you can use my entire coaching formula.

Video Two

We will take a look at preframes, and then show you several examples that I use every day when working with clients. Preframes are:
  • Certain beliefs can be altered or installed.
  • Don’t be afraid to have faith
  • Positive thinking is different from changing your mind.
  • Find the perfect client

Video Three

This video is what ties everything together. It includes:
  • Being an authority in your field can increase your ability to charge more and raise your profile.
  • A sales strategy to help trainers, coaches and consultants.
  • How to convince people not to try free taster sessions but to pay
  • One technique that will make you a super hero for clients is coaching.
I also show and deconstruct my favorite trance induces, such as conscious and subconscious integration, setting up timelines using special anchors, and setting these up for future use.

Here’s What You’ll Get in Rintu Basu – Trancey Coaching

Rintu Basu - Trancey Coaching

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Course Requirement Rintu Basu – Trancey Coaching
Real Value $ 97
One-time cost: USD 26

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  • We’ll Bear The Risk, You’ll Take The Results…
  • Within 30 days of purchasing “Rintu Basu – Trancey Coaching“, if you don’t get anything out of the program, or if your order has any problem, or maybe for some reason, you just don’t like the way it is. We are here to help. Thank you for your understanding.

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Original price was: $97.00.Current price is: $26.00.

This course is available for immediate delivery! You can put people through covert trance-induced inductions repeatedly until they are completely compliant when you do the change work. File Size: 1.89GB Format File: 9 MP4-8 MP3 2 PDF

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