Talking in psychotherapy is important. And there are many quality tools that help you go beyond talk. Does your therapeutic tool kit include approaches that purposefully and directly influence the body, sensory experience, and consciousness itself?
Effective psychotherapy helps people regulate the flow of information and energy within themselves and between themselves and others. The goal is to develop flexible and adaptive strategies to create meaningful and joyful lives, sometimes in the face of challenges and trauma.
Discover an integrative framework that includes the latest in neuroscience, trauma-informed treatment, resource and resilience based approaches and energy psychology.
You’ll learn specific tools that will significantly increase your effectiveness and flexibility as a therapist. For instance, when your clients are immobilized by trauma or overwhelming affect, can you help them resolve the problem in a matter of minutes? After this workshop you will.
We will focus beyond DSM diagnoses to patterns of information and energy flow on multiple aspects of the body, mind, spirit and relationship. After this experiential training you will walk away with skills you can immediately use.
First, we will focus on building a framework that allows you to integrate all of the approaches learned. The ability to be able to move seamlessly between talking, body and energy approaches will be taught as well as linking each strategy to specific solvable treatment goals. Rapid approaches to affect regulation and emotional stabilization will be covered. Then we will focus on two practices that shift the flow of awareness; Dan Siegel’s Wheel of Awareness exercises and a self-contained treatment for processing traumatic memories without abreaction.
We will learn how to use emotional freedom techniques (EFT) and other energy psychology approaches. With over 60 studies published in refereed journals, these approaches are both evidenced-based and clinically flexible. And then we will spend time dedicated to putting it all together so that you can make these approaches your own. We will emphasize therapeutic presence, sharpening clinical acumen and intuition. We will apply all of these approaches to different contexts such as anxiety, panic attacks, and couples work.
Foundations of an Integrative Mind Body Tool Kit
Affect Regulation Strategies
Consciousness Focusing Approaches
Energy Psychology Methods
Integrating therapeutic presence & clinical acumen
Robert Schwarz, PsyD, DCEP has been a practicing psychologist for 29 years. He is a clinical member of AAMFT, an approved ASCH consultant in hypnosis; and he has been involved with Energy Psychology since 1995. He is diagnostically trained in Thought Field Therapy. He is a diplomat in Comprehensive Energy Psychology. He is the executive director of the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP) and was the chief architect of ACEP’s making it possible for psychologists to get CE credits for Energy Psychology training. Dr. Schwarz is the author of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: a clinician’s guide (1991); Tools for Transforming Trauma (2002), one of the first trauma books to describe Energy Psychology approaches, as well as We’re No Fun Anymore: Cultivating Joyful Marriages Through the Power of Play. He has organized the last 7 international conferences on Energy Psychology and taught workshops throughout the United States, Canada and Brazil.
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Robert Schwarz has an employment relationship with ACEP (Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology). He receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Non-financial: Robert Schwarz is a clinical member of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy.
Course Requirement: Robert Schwarz – The Mind-Body-Energy ToolKit: Clinical Approaches that Go Beyond Talk
Real Value: $399.99
One time cost: USD 79
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